Great Celebration Held at Aberfoyle Wednesday June 4th 1913. Games in Afternoon and Concert at Night Filled Out Splendid
Time The
Aberfoyle Amusement Club held a grand outdoor celebration on Tuesday
afternoon at the Aberfoyle Exhibition grounds, and in the evening, in the
town hall. The attendance on both
occasions was splendid, in the evening many being unable to gain admission to
the hall. The
sports commenced in the afternoon with a baseball tournament, with The
supper table was the next centre of attraction and over 500 sat down to partake
of the good things there. The booths
on the grounds were gaily decorated and did a good business. In
the evening, the concert in the town hall proved to be a splendid success,
and the following assisted: Mr. Albert Kaiser at the piano, Mr. Henry, Mr.
Robert McCrae, Mr. Stickney, Mr. R. O’Connor, and Mr. G. Harris, who played
about eight instruments. Little Babe |
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