Puslinch Fall Fair

October 12th 1899.


The Puslinch fall fair, which was held on Friday, was the best in the history of the show.  The weather was splendid and the township and the city were well represented.  The proceedings were enlivened by the Silver Creek Band of Guelph, which played a number of choice selections.


Puslinch is noted for its large root crop and the display was the finest ever shown there.  In turnips there were 18 entries in one class and 15 in another, 12 entries in carrots and 16 in mangolds.  The latter were of a great size.  Two of them were weighed and one tipped the scales at 38 pounds and another at 36 pounds.  The samples of grain were all very fine with the exception of the peas, which were hardly up to the average.



from the Galt Evening Reporter newspaper