Gold Mine in Gravel Pit”
Hamilton Officials So Describe Guelph Property
May Run a Special Line if Purchase
Goes Through
Hamilton, July 23rd, 1913.---If
the property of Angus McPherson, who owns a big farm just outside of Guelph,
contained a gold mine, it could hardly be more valuable or desirable than it
is at the present time, with a gravel pit on it, as far as the civic fathers
of Hamilton are concerned. The city of
today faces a serious shortage of gravel of all kinds, and is scouring the
country on all sides for suitable pits and quarries. Mayor Allan and the controllers made an
inspection of Angus McPherson’s Guelph
property the other day, and on their return decided that it was a regular
“gold mine”. Whether or not Mr.
McPherson’s price will be low enough is the question. There is talk of $30,000 for the land, but
the city will not likely go for that figure.
If Hamilton
does acquire the property, a staff would be stationed there and would sleep
in the present residence of the owner.
It is also likely that some means of transportation would be secured
other than teams, as that ultimately would be too costly. There is the probability of a small
electric line for this purpose alone.
The city officials believe a project of this kind would pay if run
right through to Guelph,
providing, of course, that the land were bought.