The Jubilee Women’s Institute







Preston Official at Glen Christie for Organization

Will be called “Jubilee” Branch

May 30th 1947.


Mrs. A. R. Matthews, District President of the South Waterloo Women’s Institute was in Glen Christie on Wednesday afternoon for the purpose of organizing a Women’s Institute branch there.  An enthusiastic group of ladies from Glen Christie and the surrounding country met in the Sunday School Hall.  Mrs. Matthews dealt with the constitution of the institute and spoke of the great opportunity for educational, cultural, and social services that such an organization could render in the community.  Twenty-seven ladies joined at this meeting, thus becoming charter members.  A full slate of officers was voted in and accepted.  The first Wednesday of each month was chosen for their regular meeting.


After some discussion, it was decided to call the new branch, the “Jubilee Branch of the Women’s Institute”, in commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the founding of the first Women’s Institute.  The society was founded in 1897, in Stoney Creek, Ontario, by the late Adelaide Hoodless.  It has been truly said that Adelaide Hoodless, founder of the institute, would never have dreamed that her work could have spread so far or been of such importance.  There are branches all over Canada, in England, and in other parts of the Commonwealth.


After the business of the meeting was concluded, a social time and light lunch was enjoyed by all.






Glen Christie Women’s Institute

 Holds Meeting with 20 Present

July 11th 1947.


The July meeting of the Jubilee Women’s Institute was held at the home of Mrs. Lorne Burrows.  There were 20 members present and two visitors.  Mrs. H. Mollison, the President, was in charge, and the meeting opened with the “Women’s Institute Ode” and “The Lord’s Prayer”.  The minutes of the last meeting were read by the Secretary-Treasurer, Mrs. E. Frank.  A letter of congratulations from the Mill Creek Women’s Institute was received.  During the business period, plans were made to hold a picnic on August 6th at the home of Mrs. E. Kerr.  Committees in charge were Mrs. N. Postle and Mrs. A. Bagg for adult entertainment, and Mrs. W. Olesen and Mrs. H. Mollison for children’s entertainment.  Mrs. E. Hinds, Convener on Citizenship, was in charge of the program.  The meeting closed by singing “God Save the King”.  A vote of thanks to the hostess was made by Mrs. J. McIntosh.  Lunch was served by the committee in charge.






Jubilee Women’s Institute Picnic at Glen Christie

August 11th 1947.


Mrs. E. J. Kerr was hostess to the Jubilee Women’s Institute meeting and picnic on the lawn of the general store at Glen Christie on Wednesday afternoon.  There was a good attendance and the ladies and children enjoyed a full program of contests and races.


The meeting opened with “The Lord’s Prayer” and a short business discussion followed.  Delegates were appointed to attend the area convention at Guelph on September 4th and 5th.  Letters of congratulations for the new Jubilee Institute were received from the Galt and Puslinch Lake Institutes, and an invitation to join the Preston Institute for the September meeting was received and accepted.


The rest of the afternoon was spent in races and contests, with Mrs. W. Olesen and Mrs. L. E. Burton in charge.

Prune guessing contest:

Mrs. N. Postle, M. Tavascia, Mrs. Fraresso, Helen Frank.

Girls’ race, 8-10 years:

M. Tavascio.

Girls’ race, 6 -8 years:

Erma Tavascio.

Girls’ race, under 6 years:

Jackie Krueger.

Girls’ race, 10 years & over:

Helen Olesen.

Boys’ race, under 6 years:

Dino Fraresso.

Boys’ race, over 6 years:

John Strycker.

Wheelbarrow race:

Helen Olesen & Bruno Fraresso.

Bean bag throwing contest:

Mrs. E. Prong.

Shoe kicking contest:

Mrs. H. Mollison.

Junior peanut scramble:

Sheila Harmer, Dino Fraresso.

Senior Peanut scramble:

Helen Olesen.

Clothes pin contest:

Mrs. F. Fraresso.

Lucky spot:

Helen Frank, Mrs. H. Strycker.

Husband calling contest:

Mrs. Archie Bagg, Miss Hilda Bagg.

Ladies’ race:

Mrs. H. Mollison, Mrs. Arthur Bagg, Mrs. B. Schwandt.

Egg race:

Mrs. R. Fraresso, Mrs. A. Krueger, Mrs. Arthur Bagg.

Ladies’ hopping race:

Mrs. H. Mollison, Mrs. L. Fraresso, Mrs. L. E. Burton.

Girls’ race:

Helen Frank, Patsy Downs, Doreen Mollison.

Boys’ race:

S. Scapinello.

Girls’ backward race:

Janet Krueger, Marguerite Schwartz, Sheila Harmer.


A delicious picnic lunch was served.





Jubilee Women’s Institute

September 15th 1947.


The members of the Jubilee Women’s Institute were the guests of the Preston Women’s Institute at their meeting on Wednesday afternoon, held in the Salvation Army Hall, Preston.  There was a good attendance.  President, Mrs. K. Jefkins, presided, and the meeting opened with the institute ode and the Lord’s Prayer.  Following the business period, Mrs. H. Mollison took the chair and Miss M. Habermehl favoured with an organ selection.  Mrs. E. Hinds gave a recitation, followed by a second organ selection by Miss Habermehl.  Mrs. A. Mosser gave an interesting report of the area convention, held in Guelph.  Mrs. Don Struthers gave a short talk on “Home Economics”.  The meeting closed by singing “God Save the King”.  A lunch was served by the ladies of the Preston Institute and a social time was enjoyed.






Jubilee Women’s Institute

October 11th 1947.


The October meeting of the Jubilee Women’s Institute was held at the home of Mrs. Lorne Downs on Wednesday afternoon, with a good attendance.  Mrs. H. Mollison presided.  The meeting opened with the recitation, in unison, of the institute ode and “The Lord’s Prayer”.  The roll call was answered by “something to be thankful for”.


  Mrs. Earl Frank read the Secretary-Treasurer’s report of last meeting, and a message of congratulations was received from the New Hamburg Institute.  Mrs. Arthur Bagg was appointed Assistant Secretary-Treasurer, while Mrs. Olesen and Mrs. H. Strycker were appointed to look after arrangements for an evening program of travel film to be shown in the Sunday School during October or November. 


Following the business session, an interesting program was provided, with Mrs. A. Krueger as convenor of home economics.  Mrs. H. Mollison gave a demonstration on the making of fancy sandwiches.  Mrs. A. Krueger read a paper on “Fine Homes”.  Mrs. Arthur Bagg conducted a food quiz and Mrs. Olesen a quiz on household questions.


Community singing was enjoyed, ending with the National Anthem.  Lunch was served by the committee in charge and a social time enjoyed.  Mrs. E. Kerr moved a vote of thanks to the hostess.






The Jubilee Women’s Institute

November 7th 1947.


The November meeting of the Jubilee Women’s Institute was held at the home of Mrs. Howard Strycker, on Wednesday afternoon, with an attendance of 19 ladies.  Mrs. Harry Mollison presided and the meeting opened with the institute ode and “The Lord’s Prayer”, recited in unison.  The roll call was answered by showing off an old relic, and some interesting and ancient relics were shown.  Mrs. Arthur Bagg gave the Secretary’s and the Treasurer’s reports.  During the business period, it was decided to hold the December meeting on the 10th of the month, as both a Christmas party and potluck supper.  Plans were made for the entertainment to be held at the Glen Christie Sunday School on Friday evening, November 14th.  Mr. Braucht, of Guelph, will show some colour travel films and local talent will take part in the program.  Plans for the bazaar, to be held in conjunction with the entertainment, were made, and Mrs. Arthur Bagg was named convenor.  Mrs. L. Downs gave a report on the convention at Guelph.


Historical research was the topic and Miss Hilda Bagg gave an interesting and instructive talk on the Grand River dam.  A sing-song was enjoyed and the meeting closed with the National Anthem.  Light refreshments were served by the committee in charge.  Mrs. E. J. Kerr moved a vote of thanks to the hostess.






The Jubilee Women’s Institute

December 16th 1947.


A Christmas party was enjoyed by the ladies of the Jubilee Women’s Institute on Wednesday afternoon at the Glen Christie Sunday School.  A short program, including an amusing skit by Mrs. W. Olesen, Mrs. L. Downs, and Mrs. E. Hinds, provided entertainment.  There was carol singing with Mrs. H. Mollison at the piano, recitations by Elaine Mollison and Donna Frey, and a contest was held.  A Christmas gift exchange was conducted by Mrs. H. Mollison, assisted by Mrs. H. Strycker.  The children received Christmas stockings.  A potluck supper was served in the basement with the table centred with flowers and candles.  Mrs. A. R. Mathews and Mrs. A. Mosser, of Preston, were guests of the party and gave brief messages of congratulations and inspection.


The executive of the institute met at the home of Mrs. J. Berner on Monday afternoon to plan the program for the remainder of the year.  Mrs. R. Frey will be the hostess for the January meeting.






The Jubilee Women’s Institute

January 10th 1948.


Mrs. Roy Frey was the hostess for the Jubilee Women’s Institute for the January meeting on Wednesday afternoon.  Mrs. H. Mollison presided and there was attendance of 15 and five visitors.  The meeting opened by singing “The Ode” and repeating “The Lord’s Prayer” in unison.  The roll call was answered with a New Year’s resolution.  Assistant Secretary-Treasurer, Mrs. Arthur Bagg, read the report of the last meeting, and a short business discussion followed.  An interesting talk on “Social Work as a Profession” was given by Mrs. W. Olesen.  Mrs. H. Mollison gave a humorous reading, “Ma’s New Year Resolutions”.  A sing-song was enjoyed and the meeting closed wit “God Save the King”.  Mrs. A. Krueger moved a vote of thanks to the hostess and lunch was served by the committee in charge.






The Jubilee Women’s Institute

February 7th 1948.


Mrs. William Olesen was hostess to the Jubilee Women’s Institute for the February meeting on Wednesday afternoon, with 20 members present.  Mrs. H. Strycker presided in the absence of the president.  The meeting opened by singing “The Women’s Institute Ode” and reciting “The Lord’s Prayer” in unison.  The roll call was answered with a Valentine’s Day verse.  Mrs. E. Frank gave the Secretary-Treasurer’s report, and a business discussion followed, during which, it was decided to donate $10 to “The Canadian Appeal for Children”.  Two quilts are to be made for the Red Cross in the near future, and donations of used clothing, to be collected at the next meeting, will be sent overseas.  Plans to conduct a lunch counter at the sale at Howard Strycker’s on February 19th were made, with Mrs. F. Tschanz, Mrs. Archie Bagg, Mrs. L. Downs, and Mrs. C. Merrill as a committee in charge.  The program was in the charge of the publicity convenor, Mrs. A. Krueger, who read a paper on the “National Health Program”, and current events.  Mrs. L. Burton and Mrs. R. Frey conducted a mock radio quiz and Mrs. H. Strycker gave a short demonstration on sewing helps.  The meeting closed with Mrs. E. Kerr thanking the hostess and a delicious lunch was served by the committee in charge.






The Jubilee Women’s Institute

March 18th 1948.


Techni-colour films, “The Royal Visit to South Africa”, “Handicrafts in the Maritimes”, “Atomic Research at Chalk River”, and a short comedy, “Stanley Takes a Trip” were shown by Eben Cressman at the meeting of the Jubilee Women’s Institute, held at the home of Mrs. R. Braun, on Wednesday evening.  “Agriculture and Canadian Industry” was the topic, with Mrs. Archie Bagg as convener.  There were 17 members present and five visitors.  Mrs. H. Mollison presided.  Mrs. E. Frank gave the Secretary-Treasurer’s report and a collection was taken, to be donated to the Adelaide Hoodless Scholarship Fund.  Miss Marjorie Habermehl favoured with several piano selections.  Lunch was served by the hostess and the committee in charge.  Mrs. L. Downs moved a vote of thanks to the hostess.






The Jubilee Women’s Institute

June 9th 1948.



The June meeting of the Jubilee Women’s Institute was held at the home of Mrs. Leonard Burton, with an attendance of 14 members and six visitors.  Vice-President, Mrs. R. Downs, presided and the meeting opened with the singing of “The Women’s Institute Ode” and the recitation of “The Lord’s Prayer” in unison.  Mrs. H. Mollison gave the Secretary-Treasurer’s report.  Mrs. J. Berner was appointed assistant flower convener. 


Following the business session, “Agriculture” was the topic, with Mrs. Archie Bagg and Mrs. W. Olesen as conveners.  Mrs. Scott, of Hespeler, gave several readings, which were much enjoyed.  Mrs. Frank Tschanz read a paper on “Soil Conservation”.  A sing-song followed and refreshments were served by the committee in charge.  Mrs. E. Hinds moved a vote of thanks to the hostess.





The Jubilee Women’s Institute

July 10th 1948.


The July meeting of the Jubilee Women’s Institute was held at the home of Mrs. Edward Hinds, with an attendance of 13 members and five visitors.   The meeting opened with the singing of the institute ode, followed by “The Lord’s Prayer”.  The roll call was answered by the singing of the first line of “an old favourite”.  Mrs. Lorne Downs acted as chairman, in the absence of Mrs. Noble Postle, for the business discussion. 


Mrs. Archie Bagg and Mrs. E. Hinds were appointed to pack the box for the British family that the institute had adopted.  Mrs. Allen, a visitor from England, gave some points on the food most needed by the British people.  It was decided to always have a box on hand at the meetings, to receive any voluntary donations for this purpose.  The August meeting is to be held at the home of Mrs. A. Krueger, in the form of a picnic.  Mrs. E. Franks and Mrs. L. Fraresso were appointed as a sports committee.  Mrs. Downs gave an interesting account of the district annual in Galt. 


The social part of the meeting was given to Mrs. Earl Frank, who conducted an interesting quiz.  A social half-hour was then enjoyed, over a delicious lunch served by the hostess and committee in charge.  Mrs. E. Kerr moved a hearty vote of thanks to the hostess and to all who took part.






Jubilee Women’s Institute

October 16th 1948.


The members of the Jubilee Women’s Institute were the guests of the Maple Grove Institute, at their meeting, held at the home of Mrs. W. Calder, on Tuesday afternoon, and an enjoyable afternoon was spent together.






Jubilee Women’s Institute

November 30h 1948.


The ladies of the Jubilee Women’s Institute are planning a display of antiques in conjunction with the bazaar and tea to be held at Kennaquhair Farm, the home of Mrs. Archie Bagg, on Wednesday afternoon, December 1st.  There should be many interesting items on display.






The Jubilee Women’s Institute News

January 15th 1949.


Quite a number of the members of the Jubilee Women’s Institute were guests of the Mill Creek Institute, at its meeting, held at the home of Mrs. T. D. Cowan, on Wednesday afternoon, and enjoyed an afternoon of fellowship.  Following the program and social half-hour, Mrs. L. Downs expressed the appreciation of our institute to the hostess.






The Jubilee Women’s Institute

February 17th 1949.


Mrs. E. J. Kerr was hostess at a quilting bee on Wednesday when members of the south branch of the Jubilee Women’s Institute made a quilt for the Red Cross.  Mrs. G. B. Howard has offered her home for a quilting for the same organization on Wednesday of this week.






Jubilee Women’s Institute

February 25th 1949.


Mrs. G. B. Howard was hostess at a quilting for the Red Cross at her home, by the ladies of the south branch of the Jubilee Women’s Institute, on Wednesday.  The north branch held a quilting at the home of Miss Olive Taylor on Thursday for the Red Cross.






The Jubilee Women’s Institute of Glen Christie

March 12th 1949.


There was an attendance of 19 members, four visitors, and eight children at the March meeting of the Jubilee Women’s Institute, held at the home of Mrs. Charles Merrill, on Wednesday afternoon, the meeting opening in the usual manner, with Mrs. R. N. Postle presiding.  The roll call was answered by naming a first aid remedy used in the home.


Mrs. Arthur Bagg gave the Secretary-Treasurer’s report and a business session followed, with the final plans being made for holding a family party on the evening of March 18th, at Vance’s School.  This is to include some very fine pictures to be shown and crokinole, bingo, and euchre to follow.  A donation of $10.00 to the Unitarian Service Committee of Canada was approved.  A very interesting paper, telling of the history of the Ellis family, was read by Mrs. L. E. Burton, dating back to 1776, when the present 94-year-old Alfred Ellis’ grandfather first settled in the district and an account of his dealings with the native Indians was certainly enjoyed by all.


Mrs. Archie Bagg read a paper on first aid remedies for common accidents.  The meeting closed by singing “God Save the King”.  Mrs. Kerr acted as courtesy convener and a dainty lunch was served by the committee in charge.






Jubilee Women’s Institute

April 13th 1949.


The April meeting of the Jubilee Women’s Institute was held at the Glen Christie Sunday School on Wednesday afternoon, Mrs. R. N. Postle presiding.  The meeting opened with the Women’s Institute Ode and “The Lord’s Prayer”, recited in unison, and the roll call was answered with a plant slip exchange.


Mrs. Arthur Bagg gave the Secretary-Treasurer’s report and a business session followed.  Owing to illness, many of the members were unable to attend and so the election of officers was postponed until the next meeting.  Mrs. L. Downs and Mrs. L. Burton were appointed to bring in a slate of officers and Mrs. H. Strycker is to look after the program.  The meeting closed with “God Save the King”.  Lunch was served by the committee in charge.






Jubilee Women’s Institute News

May 12th 1949.


Mrs. H. Strycker and Mrs. Arthur Bagg attended the F.W.I.O. convention, in Guelph, on Thursday.  Mrs. W. Olesen also attended, representing the Hespeler Women’s Institute.






The Jubilee Women’s Institute

July 15th 1949.


The Jubilee Women’s Institute held its regular monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. Elmer Prong, with an attendance of 19 members and four visitors.  The President, Mrs. H. Strycker, opened the meeting in the usual manner with the singing of the Women’s Institute Ode, followed by the group recitation of the Mary Stewart Collect.  A roll call was answered by giving a remembrance of school life.  The minutes and financial report were read and approved.  It was decided to leave Mrs. L. Downs in charge of the white material for dressings to be sent to the Cancer Society.  Mrs. E. Kerr was appointed to collect all box tops from the members, to be sent in as a means of raising money for the institute.


Plans were completed for the picnic to be held at Vance School on August 6th, and committees appointed were Lunch Committee – Mrs. C. Merrill and Mrs. E. Prong, and Sports Committee – Mrs. G. B. Howard and Mrs. A. Krueger.


Reports of the standing committees were given and Mrs. R. Frey read a paper on the qualities of a good institute member.  Mrs. S. Downs conducted a quiz on the first chapter from the book “Fifty Years of Achievement”.


Mrs. N. Postle introduced the guest speaker, Miss Dalfne, Superintendent of the Children’s Aid Society of Guelph.  Her talk was on the founding of the society, and also the duties and help given by the society.  Mrs. H. Strycker thanked the speaker and Mrs. F. Tschanz moved a vote of thanks to the hostess.






The Jubilee Women’s Institute

December 22nd 1949.


Mrs. J. H. Grimmer, of Ayr, President of the South Waterloo District of the Women’s Institute, was guest speaker at the Christmas party meeting of the Jubilee Women’s Institute, held at the Glen Christie Sunday School.  Mrs. H. Strycker presided and Mrs. Grimmer gave an interesting talk on Christmas customs.


There was a good attendance and the meeting opened by singing “The Ode” and several Christmas carols.  The roll call was answered with a gift for the Christmas cheer basket.  Mrs. Arthur Bagg read the minutes of the last meeting and Mrs. A. Krueger gave the treasurer’s report.  Mrs. E. Kerr gave a report of the Christmas gift parcel sent to an elderly lady in England.  Mrs. F. Tschanz gave a report on the sale of Christmas cards.  It was decided to purchase folding chairs, and a donation of $10 for the Hospital for Sick Children was sponsored.  Mrs. C. Cerson gave a recitation on the Christmas theme, Mrs. R. Frey gave a reading, and Mrs. J. Berner played a piano selection.  A gift for each of the sixteen pre-school children was given out and an exchange of gifts for our Pollyanna friends.


The meeting closed with more Christmas carols and the King.  A potluck supper was enjoyed by all.  Mrs. F. Tschanz acted as courtesy convenor.






Many Plans Made by Jubilee Women’s Institute

March 14th 1950.


Despite the stormy weather, a fair attendance enjoyed the hospitality of Mrs. C. Cerson, at her home at Glen Christie, for the March meeting of the Jubilee Women’s Institute.


With the President, Mrs. H. Strycker, presiding, the meeting opened in the usual manner.  The roll call was answered with suggestions for next year’s program.


Mrs. Arthur Bagg gave the Secretary-Treasurer’s report and a month of activities was planned.  The invitation of the Preston Women’s Institute to their frozen foods demonstration was accepted.  The quilts and quilting project, with Mrs. Olesen as convener, is soon to be held at the Glen Christie Sunday School.


A St. Patrick’s Day party, to be held at Vance’s School on March 17th, with a box social, was announced.


The trip through Schneider’s meat packing plant at Kitchener was cancelled owing to bad road conditions and is to be held on March 29th.


Clothing will be donated at the next meeting for the overseas box.


Mrs. Arthur Bagg and Mrs. G. Ingles offered to sew a donation of baby clothing to be purchased for the Guelph Children’s Aid Society.


Mrs. R. Frey was authorized to purchase 100 cups for the use of the institute.


Mrs. W. Becker was the lucky winner of the door prize donated by Mrs. C. Ellis.


“Home Economics and Health” was the topic of the program.  Mrs. W. Olesen read an interesting paper on “A Country Woman’s Day”.  Mrs. C. Ellis gave an amusing article on “Women’s Ways”.  A short sing-song concluded the meeting.  Tea was served by the committee in charge and a social time enjoyed.






The Jubilee Women’s Institute

April 22nd 1950.


The April meeting of the Jubilee Women’s Institute was held at the Glen Christie Sunday School and the election of officers for the coming year was held.


Mrs. W. Olesen conducted the election to appoint the following:


Past President:

Mrs. R. N. Postle.


Mrs. H. Strycker.

1st Vice-President:

Mrs. L. Burton.

2nd Vice-President

Mrs. C. Cerson.


Mrs. L. Downs.


Mrs. A. Kruegar.

District Director:

Mrs. J. Berner.

Branch Directors:

Mrs. F. Tschanz, Mrs. W. Becker, Mrs. Arthur Bagg.


A meeting of the executive will be held at the home of Mrs. Cerson on Monday evening to plan the year’s program and to appoint the standing committee.


The meeting opened with “The Ode” and “The Mary Stewart Collect”, with Mrs. H. Strycker presiding.  The roll call was answered with a plant slip exchange and naming our Pollyanna friend of the past year.  Mrs. Arthur Bagg gave the Secretary’s report and Mrs. A. Kruegar gave the Treasurer’s report, to show a year of pleasant and profitable activities.


Mrs. L. Downs gave a few interesting points of the rally on the new handbook by Mrs. Hayes, held in Galt recently.


A musical quiz, with Mrs. Cerson at the piano, was enjoyed.  Mrs. E. J. Kerr won the prize for the highest points.


The meeting closed by singing “The King” and tea was served by the committee in charge.






Jubilee Women’s Institute

May 29th 1950.


Mrs. J. Burton was hostess to the Jubilee Women’s Institute fro the May meeting.  There were 24 ladies and 12 children present.  Mrs. W. Olesen conducted the ceremony to install the newly elected officers for the coming year.


Mrs. H. Strycker presided and opened the meeting in the usual manner.  The roll call was answered by “naming a good quality of the lady on my left”.  Mrs. L. Downs gave the Secretary’s report and Mrs. A. Krueger, the Treasurer’s report.  Following the business session, the standing committee conveners gave reports.


Mrs. G. B. Howard was convener for the meeting program on “Home Economics and Health”.  Mrs. J. Elliott gave an interesting article on the health theme.  Mrs. A. Muller, of Guelph, gave a practical demonstration on making a homemade dress form.  Mrs. George Leslie, of Guelph, acted as the model.  This proved most interesting and useful.


A lively sing-song followed, with Mrs. C. Cerson at the piano.  The meeting concluded by singing “The King”.  Mrs. A. Hilborn acted as courtesy convener.  Owing to the district annual meeting being held on our regular meeting day, the June meeting will be held on Tuesday June 6th, at the home of Mrs. F. Tschanz.  Refreshments were served by the committee in charge.






Jubilee Women’s Institute

June 16th 1950.


Mrs. Frank Tschanz was hostess for the June meeting of the Jubilee Women’s Institute, which had a record attendance.  Mrs. H. Strycker opened the meeting with “The Women’s Institute Ode” and “The Mary Stewart Collect”.  The roll call was answered by “Who lived in my house?”, and brought to mind bygone days.


Mrs. L. Downs read the Secretary’s report and Mrs. A. Krueger, the Treasurer’s report.


The meeting voted a donation of $25.00 to the Manitoba Flood Relief Fund.  Fifteen members purchased Women’s Institute badges, and more will be ordered.  As a money-making project, a travelling basket will be passed along among members.


Mrs. R. Frey reported on the convention held at the O.A.C. last month, based on “Agriculture and Canadian Industries”.


Other standing committee reports were given.


It was decided to charter a bus to attend the August meeting at the home of Mrs. John Berner, in New Hamburg.


Several ladies reported receiving letters from their overseas Women’s Institute pen pals.


Mrs. E. Hinds then took charge of the meeting as Convener for Community Activities and Public Relations.  Mrs. F. Tschanz gave a demonstration on her home canner and explained its uses.


Mrs. L. Downs read an article on the unveiling of the Adelaide Hoodless portrait at Ottawa and a minute’s silence in her memory was observed.


 Mrs. Archie Bagg acted as Courtesy Convener and tea was served by the committee in charge.


Mrs. H. Strycker, Mrs. L. Downs, Mrs. F. Tschanz, and Mrs. J. Berner represented the Jubilee Women’s Institute at the district annual held at Hespeler United Church.  Mrs. J. Olesen was elected 2nd Vice-President of the South Waterloo District Women’s Institute.






The Jubilee Women’s Institute

September 26th 1950.


Family night was observed when the Jubilee Women’s Institute held its September meeting at Vances School.  “School Days” was the theme when many members and their husbands came dressed as school children.


Prizes were won by Miss Olive Taylor and Arthur Bagg for the most likely garb.  An old fashioned spelling match and geography match were part of the program, with Bev Howard as the genial but strict school master.


There was much merriment as pupils were called upon to take part in classes.  A school girl quartet was sung by Mrs. Olesen, Mrs. Downs, Mrs. Cerson, and Mrs. Hinds.  A duet was sung by Mrs. Arthur Bagg and Mrs. H. Strycker.  Roll call was answered by “a remembrance of school days”.


Mr. Hallman, a representative of the Co-operative Medical Services, explained the advantage of group hospital insurance.


Mrs. Strycker conducted a brief business period and the meeting closed by singing the “Women’s Institute Ode”.  Lunch was enjoyed by all.






Jubilee Women’s Institute Has Pie Social

November 9th 1950.


The Jubilee Women’s Institute held its November meeting in the evening to entertain their husbands with a pie social at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Bagg.


Vice-President Mrs. L. Burton presided.  Roll call was answered by naming a hobby.  Mrs. L. Downs gave the Secretary’s report and Mrs. A. Krueger, the financial statement.  Community singing was enjoyed, with Mrs. C. Cerson at the piano.


Leonard Burton introduced the guest speaker, Mr. Robertson, Inspector of Public Schools for North Waterloo.  Mr. Robertson gave an entertaining talk on schools and education, comparing the advances in agriculture over the past generations with the present system of education and the little red schoolhouse of yesteryear.  He also stressed the fact that there was a higher incidence of accidents for children on rural roads and highways than in cities.  He urged everyone to use the utmost care in driving when children are close by, as younger children weren’t always capable of recognizing danger.  Mr. Kerr thanked Mr. Robertson for his enjoyable address.


The men enjoyed a game of euchre while the institute members held a business session.  The Secretary read a letter of thanks from an elderly woman in England for a food parcel sent recently.  A donation of $5.00 for the Institute for the Blind was sponsored.  Mrs. H. Strycker and Mrs. L. Downs gave reports of the area convention, held recently at Stratford.  Mrs. Strycker and Mrs. Downs were the guests of Mrs. John Berner, at New Hamburg, when they attended the convention.


Final arrangements for the entertainment and bazaar, to be held at Glen Christie Sunday School on November 11th, were made.  Mrs. L. Houghton took charge of the tickets for the draw on a quilt made by institute members.


Refreshments were served at the close of the meeting.






Jubilee Women’s Institute

March 31st 1951.


Despite the stormy weather on Saturday, the auction sale at Mr. and Mrs. J. McIntosh’s farm sale of stock and implements attracted a large crowd.  Members of the Jubilee Women’s Institute sold coffee, hot dogs, and pie, to realize a tidy sum.






The Jubilee Women’s Institute

April 14th 1951.


An election of officers for the Jubilee Women’s Institute was held at the Glen Christie Sunday School, conducted by Mrs. W. Olesen.  Mrs. H. Strycker was elected to a third term as President.  Other officers elected were:


1st Vice-President:

Mrs. L. Downs.

2nd Vice-President:

Mrs. V. Rosenberger.


Mrs. L. Fraresso.


Mrs. A. Krueger.

District Director:

Mrs. J. Berner.

Branch Directors:

Mrs. C. Cerson, Mrs. R. Frey, Mrs. W. Brubacher.


Mrs. C. Cerson, Mrs. J. Berner.

Convener, cards & flowers:

Mrs. E. J. Kerr.

Lunch Conveners:

Mrs. E. Prong, Mrs. Archie Bagg.


Mrs. E. J. Kerr, Mrs. J. Robinson.

Courtesy Convener:

Mrs. W. Pettit.


Mrs. H. Strycker.


At the executive meeting, held at the home of Mrs. C. Cerson, the following members were listed:


Standing Committees:


Agriculture & Canadian Industries:

Mrs. L. Burton.

Citizenship & Education:

Mrs. C. Cerson.

Community Activities & Public Relations:

Mrs. Arthur Bagg.

Historical Research & Current Events:

Mrs. W. Olesen.

Home Economics and Health:

Mrs. C. Ellis.

Ways and Means:

Mrs. F. Tschanz, Mrs. L. Houghton, and Mrs. R. Frey.


Mrs. V. Rosenberger.


A donation of $20.00 was made to the Waterloo County Home for the Blind, at Kitchener.  Members were reminded of the co-operative program called “Brighten Your Home With Colour”, to be held in Galt, on April 23rd.


“Thanks” for a food parcel was sent by an elderly lady in England.  A plant slip exchange was held.  The meeting was closed with “The King” and tea was served.






The Jubilee Women’s Institute

August 27th 1951.


Glen Christie ─ The Jubilee Women’s Institute picnic was held at Barber’s Beach and a program of races and contest was enjoyed by all.  Mrs. L. Houghton, Mrs. Arthur Bagg, and Mrs. G. Inglis were in charge of the sports program.


Race for girls, 4 years & under:

Judith Howard, Brendan Frey.

Race for boys, 4 years & under:

Peter Markejohn, Douglas Houghton.

Race for boys, 6 years of age:

Wayne Rosenberger, Donald Inglis.

Race for girls, 7 to 10 years:

Alice Inglis.

Race for boys, 7 to 10 years:

Dino Fraresso.

Children’s shoe scramble:

Lois Tschanz, Wayne Rosenberger.

Young women’s race:

Mrs. J. Robinson, Mrs. W. Olesen.

Kick the shoe:

Mrs. V. Rosenberger.

Spot race:

Mrs. K. Sweiger.

Eat biscuit and whistle:

Mrs. J. Robinson.

Bean guessing:

Mrs. G. Inglis.

Women’s shoe scramble:

Mrs. J. Robinson.

Bean on straw:

Mrs. Arthur Bagg.

Three-legged race:

Mrs. L. Houghton, Mrs. G. Markejohn.

Husband calling:

Mrs. H. Strycker.

Bean counting contest:

Mrs. W. Pettit.

Clothes pin on line:

Mrs. L. Fraresso.

Girls’ backward race:

Alice Inglis.

Boys’ backward race:

Dino Fraresso.


A picnic supper concluded an enjoyable afternoon.  The September meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. W. Pettit and the roll call will be “wear an old hat and tell its history”.






The Jubilee Women’s Institute

October 10th 1951.


Many amusing incidents were recalled, as school day memories were on the roll call of the Jubilee Women’s Institute meeting held at the home of Mrs. Victor Rosenberger.


 Mrs. Lorne Downs conducted the meeting, which opened in the usual manner.  Three new members joined the institute.  Mrs. L. Fraresso gave the Secretary-Treasurer’s report.  A donation of $10 to the Unitarian Fund was sponsored.  Authority to purchase the Institute crest was approved.  Reports of the standing committees were given by the respective conveners.  Splendid reports of the area convention, held at Guelph, were given by Mrs. Hilborn, Mrs. W. Pettit, Mrs. H. Strycker, and Mrs. L. Downs.


Mrs. W. Olesen read two articles on citizenship, the topic of the meeting and Mrs. J. Robinson conducted an appropriate quiz.  A lucky draw was won by Mrs. L. Burton.  Tea was served by the lunch committee and a birthday cake for Mrs. J. Burton, a guest of the institute, was enjoyed.  The meeting closed by singing the National Anthem.






The Jubilee Women’s Institute

October 11th 1951.


Members of the Jubilee Women’s Institute were the guests of the Puslinch Lake Women’s Institute at their meeting, held at the home of Mrs. Keith Anderson.  They enjoyed a fine program and their hospitality.






The Jubilee Women’s Institute

November 16th 1951.


Glen Christie ─ Mrs. Harry Todd, a member of the St. John Ambulance Corp, at Guelph, gave first aid instruction and practical demonstrations on what to do for artificial respiration, cuts, burns, and fractures, to members of the Jubilee Women’s Institute, at their November meeting, held at the home of Mrs. C. Carson.  The guest speaker was introduced by Mrs. G. B. Howard.


Mrs. H. Strycker presided and Mrs. A. Krueger gave the Secretary-Treasurer’s report.  Roll call was answered by first aid hints.  During the business session it was decided to purchase folding chairs for the institute.  Mrs. L. Downs and Mrs. W. Olesen offered to pack a Christmas cheer parcel for an elderly lady in England.  Members decided to purchase material to help Jim Brubacher in his recovery from polio at Hamilton Hospital.  Mrs. F. Tschanz and Mrs. Houghton are to take charge of the purchase.  Plans were made for a euchre party to be held at Vances School on the evening of Friday November 2nd.


Mrs. V. Rosenberger favoured with a solo and a social half-hour was enjoyed at the close of the meeting.






The Jubilee Women’s Institute

January 16th 1952.


Glen Christie – A historical sketch, covering over a century of the history of Kennaquhair Farm was the highlight of the program at the Jubilee Women’s Institute meeting, held at the home of Mrs. Elmer Prong.


From the time that Squire John Phin emigrated from Scotland in 1848 and settled on this land, the largest farm in the district, and built the 17-room stone house, fashioned on old country lines, in 1859, until now, the property of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Bagg told a story of many changes.


 Kennaquhair, meaning “I don’t know where”, was suggested as a name for the farm by relatives in Scotland when they were appealed to for a name in those early days.  Mrs. Laura Rose Stephens, of early Women’s Institute fame, spent childhood holidays with her grandfather, Squire Phin, and told a story of going with him on the occasion when Guelph became a city and recalled that the Royal visitors smiled at her personally.  Mrs. W. Olesen and Mrs. H. Strycker prepared the sketch, read by Mrs. Olesen.


There was a large attendance at the meeting, with Mrs. H. Strycker presiding.  Mrs. L. Fraresso read the Secretary’s report and Mrs. A. Krueger, the Treasurer’s statement.  New Year’s greetings were extended via the President, who read a letter from a pen friend of the Women’s Institute branch at Mincha, Victoria, Australia.  Telling of their Christmas, being enjoyed picnic style, with 104 degree temperatures, brought a sigh of longing from many.


Letters of thanks were received for Christmas treats.


Mrs. V. Rosenberger told of the life of her maternal grandmother and of how she learned to read at 60 years of age.  Tales of baking in an outdoor oven made the members appreciate the modern home.


Plans for a euchre and crokinole party on January 18th were discussed and Mrs. F. Tschanz, Mrs. L. Houghton, and Mrs. R. Frey will act as conveners.


A sing-song, with Mrs. C. Cerson at the piano, concluded the meeting.  Mrs. W. Pettit moved a vote of thanks to all who helped make a successful meeting.  Mrs. Prong, Mrs. Frey, and friends served tea.  The February meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. G. B. Howard.





The Jubilee Women’s Institute

January 23rd 1952.


A social evening was sponsored by the Jubilee Women’s Institute at Vances School on Friday, with ten tables of euchre in play.  High prizes were won by Mrs. E. J. Kerr and W. Pettit and consolation prizes by Mrs. W. Brubacher and Mr. Bonneville. Mrs. L. Burton won high prize for crokinole.  Convenors for the party were Mrs. F. Tschanz, Mrs. L. Houghton, and Mrs. R. Frey.  A bounteous lunch concluded an enjoyable evening.


An executive meeting of the Jubilee Women’s Institute was held at the home of Mrs. H. Strycker, to discuss and plan a bazaar and tea, to be held in Hespeler in late March.  Prizes for the best three posters made by school children in the branch will be given.






The Jubilee Women’s Institute

February 20th 1952.


Glen Christie ─ A two-minute silence was observed at the February meeting of the Jubilee Women’s Institute as a tribute to the memory of His Late Majesty, King George VI.


Mrs. H. Strycker read the scripture and Mrs. W. Olesen led in prayer, to open the meeting.  Mrs. G. B. Howard was hostess.  Roll call was answered with written recipes.


Mrs. L. Fraresso gave the Secretary’s report and Mrs. A. Krueger, the Treasurer’s statement.  A donation of $5.00 for the St. John’s Ambulance Corp was sponsored.


As part of the Historical Committee report by Mrs. Olesen, a box of Indian arrow heads, found by Archie Bagg on his farm, was displayed.  Mrs. Strycker read part of a letter to be sent to the institute’s pen friend in Australia and members made suggestions for questions that could be added to the letter.


Plans were discussed for a bazaar and tea to be held in Hespeler in late March.  Convenors for the tea will be Mrs. L. Downs and Mrs. W. Olesen.  Convenors for the bazaar are Mrs. W. Pettit, Mrs. G. B. Howard, and Mrs. V. Rosenberger.


Plans were made to hold a refreshment booth at the farm auction sale at the home of Archie Bagg on February 27th.  Mrs. W. Pettit and Mrs. W. B. Brubacher acted as conveners for the program on health.


Mrs. H. Todd, of the Guelph St. John’s Ambulance Corp, gave a demonstration of home nursing, which was much appreciated by all the members.  The meeting closed with the mizpah benediction.  Tea was served by the committee in charge.  Mrs. R. Frey acted as courtesy convener.






The Jubilee Women’s Institute

March 15th 1952.


Glen Christie ─ Mrs. L. E. Burton was hostess and also the program convener for “Agriculture and Canadian Industries” for the March meeting of the Jubilee Women’s Institute”.  Many worthwhile suggestions were given for the roll call, “ways of improving the institute”.


 Reports were given by the Secretary, Mrs. L. Fraresso, and the Treasurer, Mrs. A. Krueger.  Mrs. H. Strycker presided and reminded the members of the officers conference to be held at the O.A.C., at Guelph, on April 30th to May 2nd.


Reports of the meeting of the Canadian Cancer Society meeting, held at Kitchener recently, were given.  Final plans for the tea and bazaar to be held at Hespeler Union Hall on March 28th were listed and prizes for posters made by public school children were endorsed.


Mrs. R. Frey read an article on the history of the Kitchener-Waterloo market.  Mrs. H. Strycker told of the North Waterloo District Women’s Institute history and Mrs. L. Burton gave an interesting reading.  The meeting closed with “God Save the Queen” and tea and a social half-hour were enjoyed.






The Jubilee Women’s Institute

May 13th 1952.


Glen Christie ─ Mrs. Archie Bagg was hostess for the May meeting of the Jubilee Women’s Institute at her new home at R.R. No. 6 Guelph.  Five years ago, Mrs. Bagg was hostess for the first meeting of the then newly organized institute.


There was a large attendance at this first evening meeting.  Mrs. A. Krueger presided and the roll call was answered by naming “a weed that we should pull and why”.  Mrs. W. Pettit gave the Secretary’s report and Mrs. F. Tschanz, the Treasurer’s statement.


A letter was read from Mrs. G. Wessenger, of Guelph, thanking the institute for the lovely quilt that she had received from the quilt draw.  Standing committee reports were given by Mrs. W. Becker, Mrs. J. Robinson, and Mrs. H. Strycker.


Mrs. C. Cerson and Mrs. R. Frey will start two travelling baskets.  Mrs. W. Olesen and Mrs. L. Downs were appointed to convene for next year’s Polyanna friend.  Donations were made to the “Save the Children Fund” and the Waterloo County Cancer Society.  Mrs. L. Downs, Mrs. L. Burton, and Mrs. H. Strycker were named to plan the making of cancer dressings.  Delegates were named to attend the District Annual to be held at New Hamburg on May 21st.


Mrs. W. Brubacher, convenor of “Agriculture and Canadian Industries” took charge of the program.  Mrs. G. B. Howard read an instructive paper on growing and caring for chrysanthemums.  Mrs. C. Cerson favoured with a piano selection.  Mrs. W. Brubacher read an article on the construction of buildings.  A recitation entitled “I’ll Help You” concluded the program.


Mrs. W. Pettit and Mrs. A. Krueger gave enthusiastic reports of the area convention, held at Memorial Hall in Guelph, recently.  A social time was enjoyed.  Mrs. R. Frey was lunch convener and Mrs. Kerr thanked the hostess.  The June meeting will be held on Thursday evening, June 5th, at the home of Mrs. Frank Tschanz.






Jubilee Women’s Institute

July 14th 1952.


The Jubilee Women’s Institute held its annual picnic at Riverside Park, Preston.  Mrs. E. Fraresso, Mrs. D. Markejohn, and Mrs. D. Scapinello prepared and conducted a program of races and contests for members of the Jubilee Women’s Institute and their families.  There were seventy-five present to enjoy the picnic.  Following were the winners:


Boys under 6 years:

Raymond Scapinello

Girls under 6 years:

Karen Cerson

Boys, 6 to 8 years:

Danny Bonneville

Girls, 6 to 8 years:

Audrey Ricko

Boys, 9 to 11 years:

Cecil Rosenberger

Girls, 9 to 11 years:

Marylin Bonneville

Boys, 12 to 14 years:

Louis Burmaster

Girls, 12 to 14 years:

Angel Hyde

Girls, 15 to 16 years:

Angel Hyde, Janet Krueger

Boys, 3-legged race:

Bruno Frasson, Dino Fraresso

Girls, 3-legged race:

Janet Krueger, Angela Hyde

Boys’ shoe scramble:

Jimmy Foster, Bruno Frasson

Girls’ shoe scramble:

Diana Scapinello, Mary Pettit

Oldest grandmother:

Mrs. L. Downs

Youngest grandmother:

Mrs. C. Cerson

Ladies’ race:

Mrs. Cerson, Mrs. L. Houghton

Ladies’ shoe scramble:

Mrs. A. E. Lackie

Ladies kicking shoe:

Mrs. E. J. Kerr, Mrs. A. Krueger

Bean guessing contest:

Mrs. Y. Rosenberger



A pot luck lunch was enjoyed by all.  The August meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. E. J. Kerr.






The Jubilee Women’s Institute

May 16th 1953.


Glen Christie ─ Mrs. L. Houghton was hostess for the May meeting of the Jubilee Women’s Institute, with Mrs. L. Downs presiding.  Installation of the new officers was conducted by Mrs. H. Strycker.  The roll call was answered with “short cuts in gardening” and also with the naming of our Polyanna friend.  The members agreed to continue this most enjoyable feature next year.


Mrs. J. Robinson gave the Secretary’s report of the previous meeting and Mrs. L. Houghton gave the financial statement.  Delegates to the district annual at Doon are Mrs. L. Downes, Mrs. A. E. Lackie, Mrs. J. Robinson, Mrs. H. Strycker, and Mrs. W. Pettit.  Mrs. J. Robinson gave a report of the 50th anniversary party of the South Waterloo Women’s Institute, held at New Hamburg, recently.  Members attending were Mrs. L. Downs, Mrs. J. Robinson, Mrs. W. Olesen, Mrs. J. Miller, Mrs. E. Kerr, Mrs. G. Howard, Mrs. A. Howlett, Mrs. H. Strycker, Mrs. F. Tschanz, and Mrs. W. Pettit.


Returns from the “Penny Roundup” totalled over fifteen dollars for the Mental Health Program.


Extension Services Programs were studied and it was decided to apply for “Choosing and Using Fabrics”.


Standing committee reports were given by Mrs. F. Tschanz, Mrs. W. Brubacher, Mrs. A. Howlett, and Mrs. W. Becker.  The program was in the charge of the convenors, Mrs. A. Krueger and Mrs. W. Olesen, for Community Activities and Public Relations.  Mrs. Olesen conducted a quiz on various topics and a lively “twenty questions period” was conducted by Mrs. Krueger.






Jubilee Women’s Institute

June 9th 1953.


An unusually interesting program was enjoyed by the members of the Jubilee Women’s Institute when Mrs. O. A. Snyder showed colour films and told of her trip with Mr. Snyder through Europe and the Middle East, last year.  The program on historical research and current events was in the charge of convenors, Mrs. L. Burton and Mrs. V. Rosenberger, Mrs. A. Lackie, and Mrs. H. Strycker, who introduced the guest.


A vocal solo, entitled “The Golden Coach” by Dawn Lackie, a vocal duet by Elverne and Cecil Rosenberger, and a piano solo by Elverne Rosenberger were also enjoyed.  Mrs. L. Burton did the introductions.


Mrs. Alger Hilborn was hostess for the June meeting and a large attendance was present.  Mrs. L. Downs presided for the opening and the business session.  The timely roll call, an interesting fact about Queen Elizabeth II, was well answered.


Mrs. J. Robinson gave the Secretary’s report and Mrs. L. Houghton, the Treasurer’s statement.  Slips containing the name of our Pollyanna friend for the coming year were distributed by Mrs. Houghton.  Standing committee reports were given by Mrs. B. Howard, Mrs. W. Brubacher, Mrs. W. Olesen, Mrs. A. Lackie, Mrs. A. Howlett, and Mrs. W. Becker.  Mrs. H. Strycker gave a report of the South Waterloo District annual meeting.  A donation to the St. John Ambulance Corps was sponsored.


Plans were discussed for the July picnic meeting to be held at Soper Park in Galt on July 8th.  Mrs. E. Fraresso, Mrs. W. Becker, Mrs. W. Pettit, and Mrs. F. Tschanz were named to plan a program.


The meeting closed by singing “The Queen”.


Mrs. L. Houghton acted as courtesy convenor.  Mrs. E. Prong, Mrs. L. Houghton, and Mrs. W. Becker were in charge of the lunch, assisting the hostess.






The Jubilee Women’s Institute

January 11th 1954.


Mrs. J. Robinson was hostess for the January meeting of the Jubilee Women’s Institute, with 28 ladies present.  Mrs. A. E. Lackie presided, to open the meeting in the usual manner and to wish all a Happy New Year.


Secretary Mr. J. Robinson read the minutes of the previous meeting and Mrs. L. Houghton gave the Treasurer’s report.  Many thank you notes were received for Christmas favours.


Standing committee reports were given by Mrs. G. B. Howard, Mrs. W. Pettit, Mrs. A. Howlett, and Mrs. W. Becker.


A sale of candy and cookies will be held at the February meeting at the home of Mrs. G. B. Howard.


Mrs. A. Howlett is in charge of the penny roundup program and is to be assisted by Mrs. A. Krueger, Mrs. A. E. Lackie, and Mrs. L. Downs.


Notices will be posted by the institute to publicize “landscaping homes” by Downham Nursery program to be held at Glen Christie Sunday School on Friday January 15th at 8 p.m.


Guest speaker for the meeting on “Historical Research” was Miss Elizabeth Jansen, of Kitchener.  Her topic, “Women’s Place in the First Half of the Twentieth Century”, was interesting and instructive.  Describing the struggle of women to secure the right to vote in the early part of this century and of the prejudice of many against women in political positions, the speaker left many thought provoking facts.  Mrs. A. E. Lackie had introduced the guest speaker and Mrs. V. Rosenberger led with a vote of thanks to Miss Jansen.


Mrs. H. Strycker contributed two poems by Edna Jacques.


Lunch was served by the hostess and committee, Mrs. W. Olesen, Mrs. J. Bonneville, and Mrs. D. Markejohn.






Jubilee Women’s Institute

June 5th 1954.


Glen Christie ─ Mrs. L. Houghton was hostess for the June meeting of the Jubilee Women’s Institute, with 21 members and 2 visitors present.


Mrs. L. Downs presided to open the meeting in the usual manner.  Mrs. H. Strycker gave the Secretary’s and the Treasurer’s reports.  Roll call was answered by naming last year’s Pollyanna friend and bringing a donation of used clothing to be sent to Korea.


Standing committee reports were given by Mrs. J. Olesen, Mrs. W. Pettit, Mrs. Rosenberger, and Mrs. W. Becker.  Mrs. A. Krueger gave a report of the recent District Annual meeting, held in Hespeler.  Mrs. L. Downs reported on the Presidents’ Conference, held at the O.A.C., in May.


A draw for a Pollyanna friend for the coming year was held.


Plans were discussed for the picnic at Galt’s Soper Park on July 7th at 12:30 p.m.  Conveners will be Mrs. L. Houghton and Mrs. W. Pettit, and the Sports Committee will be Mrs. W. Becker, Mrs. G. Scapinello, and Mrs. J. Robinson.


Mrs. Archie Bagg gave a report of a meeting held with committees from the Maple Grove Women’s Institute and the Puslinch Lake Women’s Institute at the home of Mrs. H. Strycker, on May 17th, when plans were made for a concession to serve hot dinners and to operate a snack bar at the forthcoming International Plowing Match, at Breslau, in October.  Plans were discussed and the next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. A. Lisso on June 14th.


The program for “Agriculture and Canadian Industry” was convened by Mrs. Archie Bagg and Mrs. H. Schmiedendorf.  Several selections on electric guitar were given by Lois Tschanz.


Mrs. Bagg conducted a contest, with Mrs. J. Olesen winning the prize, one dozen eggs.  Mrs. H. Schmidendorf conducted a spelling bee with an agricultural theme.  Mrs. H. Strycker won a perennial plant.


The meeting closed with “The Queen”.  Mrs. V. Rosenberger acted as courtesy convener.  The hostess and lunch committee served refreshments.






The Jubilee Women’s Institute

November 10th 1954.


A trip through the William Lyon McKenzie King home, at Kitchener, was taken as part of the regular November meeting of the Jubilee Women’s Institute.  Under the sponsorship of the convenors of the historical research committee, Mrs. V. Rosenberger, Miss O. Taylor, and Mrs. B. Schwandt, members were given a chance to see through the house and to view its antique furniture and furnishings.  The historical building is situated on the outskirts of Kitchener and located within a 12-acre wooded tract of land.  This tour proved most interesting to members and a vote of thanks was given to the committee in charge.


Mrs. L. Houghton was hostess for the opening and business activities of the institute.  Mrs. L. Downs presided and the roll call was answered by “name a member country of the United Nations”.


Mrs. H. Strycker gave the Secretary’s report and Mrs. B. Howard reported that the Treasury was approximately $600 richer as a result of activities at the International Plowing Match when the Jubilee Women’s Institute, the Maple Grove Women’s Institute, and the Puslinch Lake Women’s Institute catered with hot meals and a snack bar under the “Club 400” banner.


Members sponsored a donation of $50 to the Hurricane Relief Fund and planned to send clothing and blankets.


The Christmas party will be held at Scout House Hall, in December.  Mrs. W. Becker, Mrs. L. Burton, Mrs. V. Rosenberger, and Mrs. E. Prong are in charge of gift purchases.  A potluck supper will be held and a film shown.


Mrs. L. Houghton and Mrs. B. Howard gave a report of the Women’s Institute Area Convention, held at Guelph, in October.


The hostess and lunch committee were in charge of refreshments.






Glen Christie W. I. February Meet

February 7th 1955.


Glen Christie ─ Unique styles in hats were on display at the February meeting of the Jubilee Women’s Institute, when the roll call was answered with “make and model a 50 cent gadget hat to sell” Many amusing and colourful models were made with useful kitchen items.


Mrs. George Inglis was hostess and a good attendance was on hand, despite the cold weather, to enjoy an address by Mrs. George Moore, of R.R. No. 7 Galt, President of the South Waterloo Women’s Institute.  Mrs. Moore advised to exercise their talents and cultivate a hobby, and told of some of the highlights of her first year as President and other interesting items.


Mrs. L. Downs presided and Mrs. H. Strycker gave the Secretary’s report.  The Treasurer’s statement was given by Mrs. G. B. Howard.  Standing committee reports were given by Mrs. W. Olesen, Mrs. V. Rosenberger, and Mrs. L. Burton.  Convenors for the program were Mrs. L. Houghton and Mrs. W. Pettit.  Mrs. Rosenberger contributed a solo entitled “The Love of God”, accompanied at the piano by Mrs. Burton.  Members enjoyed a sing-song and Miss Alice Inglis favoured with several piano numbers.


A delicious lunch was served by the hostess and the committee in charge.  Mrs. Olesen made the courtesy remarks.  Mrs. Arthur Bagg will be the hostess for the March meeting.






Jubilee W. I. March Meeting

March 7th 1955.


Glen Christie ─ Mrs. Arthur Bagg was hostess for the March meeting of the Jubilee Women’s Institute, held recently.  Mrs. R. D. Hendry, of Galt, Federated Women’s Institutes of Ontario representative, was guest speaker and gave an outline of institute work at the F.W.I.O.  A questionnaire proved quite instructive.  Mrs. W. Olesen, convenor for the citizenship and education committee, introduced Mrs. Hendry.


Mrs. L. Downs, President, conducted the opening exercises and business period.  Roll call was answered with an Irish joke.  Mrs. H. Strycker gave the Secretary’s report and read the correspondence.  Mrs. B. Howard gave the Treasurer’s statement.  A donation of $10.00 was made to the Red Cross. 


Standing committee reports included an article on “Growing Tea in Ceylon” by Mrs. H. Schmiedendorf.  The “History of the B. Schwandt farm” was given by Mrs. V. Rosenberger.  Mrs. W. Pettit told of a school for retarded children.  Mrs. W. Becker read a poem entitled “Housekeeping Blues”.  A report of 190 cancer dressings made during the past month and of eight quilts by the “north end group” for relief purposes was given.  An appeal for cottons to make cancer dressings was made. 


Mrs. A. Kroeger, Mrs. F. Tschanz, and Mrs. W. Becker will act as a nominating committee to bring in a slate of officers.  Mrs. A. Bagg, Mrs. W. Brubacher, Mrs. E. J. Kerr, and Mrs. E. Prong, of the Ways and Means Committee, will plan a family night program.


The meeting closed with “The Queen” and a delicious lunch was served by the hostess and committee.  Mrs. Strycker acted as courtesy convenor.






Jubilee Institute Hears Address on Polio Vaccine

June 1st 1955.


Dr. Charles Pinch, of Guelph, was the guest speaker at the June meeting of the Jubilee Women’s Institute, held at the home of Mrs. W. Becker.  He told of the latest developments in the use of the Salk vaccine and answered the questions of the institute members.  Mrs. Arthur Bagg, Convenor of the Home Economics and Health Committee, introduced Dr. Pinch.


 Mrs. L. Downs presided and the roll call was answered with hints on how to be happy.  Mrs. A. Kroger gave the Secretary’s report and Mrs. E. J. Kerr, the Treasurer’s statement.  Plans were made for the picnic to be held on July 6th, at Soper Park.  Mrs. P. Scapinello, Mrs. E. J. Kerr, and Mrs. A. E. Kroeger comprise the committee in charge.


A donation was made to the Hespeler Surf Riders Orchestra.  Standing committee reports were given by Mrs. W. Becker, Mrs. H. Strycker, and Mrs. F. Tschanz.


A social time was enjoyed and lunch was served by the hostess and lunch committee.  Mrs. F. Tschanz thanked the courtesy convenor.






Jubilee Women’s Institute Annual Picnic in Galt Park

July 14th 1955.


Glen Christie ─ Members of the Jubilee Women’s Institute and their children enjoyed their annual picnic at Soper Park, Galt.  Following the noon-day potluck lunch, a program of races was held under the guidance of Mrs. E. J. Kerr, Mrs. A. Kroeger, and Mrs. G. Scapinello.  Prizes were won by the following:


Girls and boys under 5:

Larry MacDonald, Elizabeth Melrose.

Girls and boys under 6:

Michael Robinson, Steve Houghton.

Girls and boys, age 6:

Fred Kroeger, Donald Bagg.

Girls, 7-8 years:

Bonnie Kerr, Lois MacDonald.

Boys, 7-8 years:

Raymond Scapinello, Douglas Houghton, Jay Robinson.

Girls, 9-10 years:

Jackie Kroeger, Sylvia Fraresso.

Boys, 9-10 years:

Joey Robinson, Wayne Rosenberger.

Girls, 13 and under:

Diane Scapinello, Alice Inglis.

Boys, 13 and under:

Dino Fraresso, Cecil Rosenberger.

Girls kick the shoe:

Diane Scapinello.

Boys wheelbarrow:

Wayne and Cecil Rosenberger.

Ladies clothes pin in bottle:

Mrs. G. Scapinello.

Ladies running race:

Mrs. L. Houghton, Mrs. G. Scapinello, Mrs. G. Inglis.

Ladies kick the shoe:

Mrs. Art Bagg, Mrs. G. Ingles.

Ladies soda biscuit & whistle:

Mrs. E. J. Kerr, Mrs. L. Houghton.

Ladies toss egg contest:

Alice Inglis, Joan Pugh.

Ladies spot race:

Mrs. B. Loro.

Ladies throw the rolling pin:

Mrs. W. Brubacher.

Ladies hit the dummy:

Mrs. Melrose.

Ladies secret number:

Mrs. V. Rosenberger.

Ladies closest birthday:

Mrs. L. Houghton.






Jubilee Women’s Institute Holds February Meeting

February 4th 1956.


Mrs. G. B. Howard, Guelph Highway, was the hostess to the Jubilee Women’s Institute for its February meeting on Thursday afternoon.  Miss Ruth Terry, teacher of Home Economics at the Hespeler Public School, was the guest speaker.  She told of her work with pupils, which proved quite interesting for the members.


Mrs. L. Downs presided and Mrs. A. Kroeger gave the Secretary’s report.  Roll call was answered with household hints.


A letter from the Provincial President of the Women’s Institute, Mrs. E. A. McPhatter, was read.  Standing committee reports were given by Mrs. F. Tschanz and Mrs. H. Strycker.  An extension of time for the “Historical Farm” essay contest was announced.


Mrs. V. Rosenberger told of a meeting held at the Number 6 School, when members and their husbands were guests of the Mosborough Women’s Institute, to see pictures and hear of the trip to Sweden of the Plowing Match group for Ontario.  W. Barrie, who was team captain for Ontario, was the guest speaker.


Members voted to start a travelling basket.  A generous donation to the School for Retarded Children, in Guelph, was sponsored.  Lunch was served by the hostess and committee in charge, to conclude the meeting.






The Jubilee Women’s Institute

May 4th 1956.


Mrs. L. Burton was hostess for the May meeting of the Jubilee Women’s Institute.  A highlight of the evening was the presentation of a gift to Mrs. L. Downs by Mrs. F. Tschanz, on behalf of the institute, in appreciation of her untiring work for three years as past President of the Jubilee Women’s Institute.


 Mrs. Walter Brubacher presided over the business session, when the ladies enjoyed answering the roll call by the “sing, say or pay” method.  The Secretary’s report of the previous meeting was read by Mrs. A. Kroeger.


Delegates named to attend the South Waterloo District meeting, to be held in Ayr, on May 17th, are President Mrs. W. Brubacher, Mrs. L. Downs, Mrs. V. Rosenberger, and Mrs. H. Schmiedendorf.


Standing committee reports were given by Mrs. S. Melrose, Mrs. W. Olesen, and Miss O. Taylor.  Mrs. L. Downs gave a report of her attendance as representative of the South Waterloo District at the Canadian Cancer Daffodil tea, held recently at Kitchener.


A well conducted program, under the direction of the home economics and health committee convenors, Mrs. Arthur Bagg and Mrs. F. Tschanz, was presented.  A household quiz was conducted by Mrs. Arthur Bagg, followed by an article on decorator tricks by Mrs. V. Rosenberger.  A demonstration of fancy cake icing was conducted by Mrs. Frank Tschanz, who iced an angel cake, which was later used at lunch time as the 9th anniversary cake for the Jubilee Women’s Institute.


Mrs. L. Downs acted as courtesy convenor, and the meeting closed with a social half hour.






Jubilee Women’s Institute Holds Debate

June 8th 1956.


Glen Christie ─ Resolved, “that the retiring farmer and his wife are better off to remain on the farm than to move to the village, town or city” was the topic for an interesting debate at the June meeting of the Jubilee Women’s Institute.  Held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tschanz, the husbands of the auxiliary members were also present to enjoy the evening’s activities.


The affirmative to the debate was taken by Mrs. V. Rosenberger and Wilfred Becker, while Mrs. H. Strycker and Walter Brubacher held up the negative side.  The judges were two Hespeler school teachers, Miss I. Teskey and Miss Vera Rosenberger, and Leonard Burton.


The program convenors were Mrs. S. Melrose and Mrs. W. Pettit, Agriculture and Canadian Industry Committee.  Mrs. Melrose was in charge of the program.


An interesting demonstration of rope making by machine was given by Eddie Brubacher, Kenny Tschanz, and Ronnie Tschanz.


The President, Mrs. W. Brubacher, presided for the opening of the business session, calling upon Mrs. A. Kroeger for the Secretary’s report.  During the business portion, donations were sponsored for the School for Retarded Children, Eventide Home Fund, and the Hespeler Bicycle School.


Delegates to the banquet for Mrs. Berry, of Australia, A.C.W.W. President, to be held in Guelph this month, are Mrs. W. Brubacher, Mrs. F. Tschanz, and Mrs. Archie Bagg.  Plans for a bus trip to Hamilton and district, next Wednesday, were also completed, with Mrs. Tschanz in charge of arrangements.


Two minutes of silence were observed in honour of the late Miss O. Taylor, a former member of the Jubilee Institute, keenly interested in the Historical Society, who passed away on Tuesday.


The next meeting will be in the form of a picnic meeting, to be held at Soper Park on July 11th.






The Jubilee Women’s Institute

December 5th 1956.


The Jubilee Women’s Institute meeting was held last Thursday afternoon at the Glen Christie Sunday School.  “Brighten your home with colour” was the topic of the program, presented by Miss Jeanne Armour, of Toronto, of the Extension Services of the Home Economics Branch of the Women’s Institute.  Members of the Maple Grove Women’s Institute were present as guests. 


Mrs. W. Brubacher, the President, introduced the speaker.  Many useful hints and suggestions on the use of colour in our home furnishings were given, including the secret of using contrasting colours.  There was a division into groups following the presentation and practice colour schemes were arranged by the groups.  There was a good attendance at this meeting and the afternoon concluded with lunch served by the hostess committee.






Jubilee Women’s Institute Names Officers

April 8th 1957.


Mrs. W. Brubacher was returned as President of the Jubilee Women’s Institute at the annual meeting, held at the home of Mrs. Howard Strycker.  The slate of officers brought in by the nominating committee, Mrs. L. Downs, Mrs. E. Kerr, and Mrs. W. Pettit, was accepted.


Officers are as follows: Past President – Mrs. L. Downs, President – Mrs. W. Brubacher, First Vice-President – Mrs. H. Schmiedendorf, Second Vice-President – Mrs. V. Rosenberger, Secretary – Mrs. A. Kroeger, Treasurer – Mrs. F. Tschanz, District Director – Mrs. L. Downs, Branch Directors – Mrs. Archie Bagg, Mrs. G. Inglis, Mrs. W. Becker.


The standing committee conveners are: Agriculture and Canadian Industries – Mrs. S. Melrose and Mrs. M. Schneider, Citizenship and Education – Mrs. Art Bagg and Mrs. W. Olesen, Community Activities and Public Relations – Mrs. J. Kerr, Mrs. J. Richardson, and Mrs. C. Prong, Historical Research and Current Events – Mrs. H. Strycker, Mrs. V. Rosenberger, and Mrs. L. Burton, Home Economics and Health – Mrs. W. Pettit and Mrs. L. Houghton, Auditors – Mrs. L. Burton and Mrs. E. Frank, Flowers and Cards – Mrs. B. Schwandt and Mrs. MacDonald, Press – Mrs. H. Strycker and Mrs. W. Becker, Courtesy – Mrs. V. Rosenberger and Mrs. L. Downs.


The business session followed, with donations being made to the Red Cross and Easter Seal Campaign.  Lunch was served by the committee in charge.






Family Night Party

April 8th 1957.


A family night party of the Jubilee Women’s Institute was held on Friday evening at the Scout Hall, Hespeler, to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the Women’s Institute.  It is a worldwide organization that had its origins 60 years ago at Stoney Creek.


The President, Mrs. W. Brubacher welcomed the guests and a short program featured a recitation by Mrs. A. Schweitzer, of Waterloo.  This was followed by orchestra music provided by a group of young folks, all of whom were members of families present.  Led by Norbert Meisner and taking part were Lois and Ronnie Tschanz, Alice Inglis, Robert Peel, Jackie Kroeger, Douglas Houghton, and Donald Bagg.


Games of euchre, crokinole, and bingo were enjoyed by all, with the euchre prizes as follows: ladies’ high – Mrs. H. Schmiedendorf, men’s high – Archie Bagg, lone hands – Mrs. A. Kroeger and Howard Strycker, low prize – Mrs. S. Melrose and M. Schneider.  Bingo prizes were won by Mrs. A. Schweitzer and Mrs. G. Inglis.


A delicious lunch was served, including an anniversary cake and ice cream.  In charge of planning were Mrs. F. Tschanz, Mrs. Art Bagg, and Mrs. E. Frank.  The hall was decorated with balloons, which also provided great fun for the children.






Jubilee Women’s Institute

May 24th 1957.


The Jubilee Women’s Institute will be celebrating its 10th anniversary on Tuesday afternoon with an anniversary tea, to be held at the Glen Christie Sunday school.  In charge will be Mrs. L. Downs, Mrs. E. J. Kerr, Mrs. W. Olesen, and Mrs H. Strycker.


Members of the Jubilee Women’s Institute attending the South Waterloo District annual meeting, held at St. Paul’s  United Church, Preston, on Thursday, were Mrs. F. Tschanz, Mrs. H. Schmiedendorf, Mrs. L. Downs, Mrs. Victor Rosenberger, and Mrs. H. Strycker.


Mrs. Albert Kroeger, of R.R. No. 1, Hespeler, is a patient in St. Mary’s Hospital, Kitchener, where she underwent a serious operation.  Her condition is reported as satisfactory.






The Jubilee Women’s Institute is 10 Years Old

May 30th 1957.


The members of the Jubilee Women’s Institute celebrated the 10th anniversary of the branch with a tea in the Glen Christie Sunday School hall yesterday.  The hall was attractively decorated.


Mrs. A. R. Matthews and Mrs. Andrew Mosser, who were present at the organization of the branch, were guests.  Members from Puslinch Lake, Mosborough, and Hespeler Women’s Institutes were present.


Greetings were extended by Mrs. R. B. Rendall, of the Central Dumfries Branch, Mrs. Ford Sudden, from the area institute, and Mrs. Austin Zoller, the District Secretary.


The guests were welcomed by Mrs. Lorne Downs and by the President, Mrs. W. Brubacher.  The program consisted of vocal solos by Mrs. Victor Rosenberger, of Glen Christie, and recitations by Mrs. Ford Sudden.  The minutes of the first meeting were read by Mrs. Earl Franks.


The tea table was centred with a three-tier birthday cake, decorated with the institute colours, blue and yellow, and cut by Mrs. A. R. Matthews, of Preston.  Pouring tea were Mrs. Herbert Schmiedendorf and Mrs. Victor Rosenberger and it was served by the members.  Conveners were Mrs. E. J. Kerr, Mrs. William Olesen, Mrs. Howard Strycker, and Mrs. Lorne Downs.






Annual Picnic of the Jubilee Women’s Institute

July 16th 1957.


The Jubilee Women’s Institute held its annual picnic at Galt Soper Park, last Wednesday, when everyone enjoyed a potluck noonday meal.  This was followed with games and races, the winners being as follows:


Race, under 4 years:

Elizabeth Melrose, Brenda Tschanz, Morag Melrose.

Race, 5 and 6 years:

Bruce Melrose, Dianne Bagg, Larry MacDonald.

Race, 7 and 8 years:

Stephen Houghton.

Race, girls 9 and 10 years:

Bonnie Kerr.

Race, boys 9 and 10 years:

Donald Bagg.

Race, 10 years and over:

Jackie Kroeger.

Sew the button:

Mrs. W. Olesen, Mrs. G. Inglis.

Swat the bag:

Mrs. H. Schmiedendorf.

Kick the shoe:

Janet Kroeger, Mrs. P. Woods.

Children’s kick the shoe:

Eddie Brubacher.

Balloon bursting race:

Bonnie Kerr.

Spot race:

Mrs. W. Olesen.

Soda biscuit game:

Mrs. E. J. Kerr.

Beans in the jar:

Janet Kroeger.



Baby gifts for Cathie Kerr and Neil Melrose.


The picnic ended with a peanut scramble, which was enjoyed by all.






The Jubilee Women’s Institute Takes Bus Trip

June 18th 1957.


Members of the Jubilee Women’s Institute and friends from the Hespeler and Puslinch Lake Women’s Institute branches enjoyed a bus trip to Kitchener on Friday.  They left early in the morning and spent a very interesting day.


During the morning, they visited the Arrow Shirt Factory, followed by lunch at Goudies.  In the afternoon, they had a very educational tour of the Kitchener Waterloo Record offices.  The highlight of the day was a visit to CKCO Studios and taking part in the “TV Kitchen”, with Mrs. B. Scriber.  Winners of prizes at the show were Mrs. Herb Schmiedendorf, Mrs. Hamp, Mrs. Arthur Bagg, and Mrs. L. Downs.


Mrs. Stanley Melrose and Mrs. Murray Schneider were the conveners for the trip.






At the Galt Fair

September 24th 1957.


Members of the Jubilee Women’s Institute and the Women’s Association of the Zion United Church had a busy and successful project, when they provided meals at the food tent at the Galt Fall Fair.  On Thursday, a beautiful turkey meal was served to the judges and directors et cetera, with Saturday reported as the busiest day.  The leaders for the project were Mrs. W. C. Calder and Mrs. Archie Bagg, of the Jubilee Women’s Institute.  Mrs. Ross Armstrong was Secretary-Treasurer for both groups.  The snack bar also did a fine business, with Mrs. Frank Tschanz and Mrs. Les Ball in charge.






Jubilee Women’s Institute Program on Citizenship

November 14th 1957.


The monthly meeting of the Jubilee Women’s Institute was held last Thursday evening at the home of Mrs. W. Pettit, of R.R. #1, Hespeler.  The program was on “Citizenship and Education”, with Mrs. W. Olesen and Mrs Arthur Bagg as conveners.  Mrs. Olesen read a paper on “everyday citizenship”, followed by a poem, after which, Mrs. Bagg conducted a quiz on Waterloo County.  Mrs. Emery Dawson showed coloured moving pictures of her trip to the Maritimes this summer, which proved to be very interesting, and the program conclude with an “unscramble contest”, conducted by Mrs. Olesen, with Mrs. L. Downs and Mrs, M. Schneider tied for first place.


For the business period, Mrs. W. Brubacher was in the chair, and …(incomplete)






Jubilee Women’s Institute Will Sponsor Hockey Euchre

January 10th 1958.


Mrs. Andrew Richardson, R.R. #2, Preston, was the hostess for the January meeting of the Jubilee Women’s Institute, on Thursday.  President Mrs. W. Brubacher presided.  Mrs. A. Kroeger gave the Secretary’s report and Mrs. F. Tschanz gave the Treasurer’s statement.


Many worthwhile suggestions were given in the roll call “My favourite home remedy”.  A donation was made to the “Save the Children” fund, and a project of quilt making was planned for the winter months.  A collection of good used clothing and shoes will be brought to the next meeting and will be used for the Unitarian Services.


Standing committee reports were given by Mrs. M. Schneider, Mrs. W. Olesen, Mrs. E. J. Kerr, and Mrs. V. Rosenberger.  It was decided that the institute would sponsor a euchre, with the proceeds going to the Hespeler Minor Hockey Association.  The committee in charge will be Mrs. F. Tschanz, Mrs. A. Kroeger, Mrs. A. Bagg, Mrs. L. Houghton, Mrs. S. Melrose, and Mrs. G. Inglis.  Mrs. H. Strycker and Mrs. L. Downs will be the representatives to “the third meal” meeting, to be held in Kitchener on Tuesday January 28th.


In the program on Home Economics and Health, the final meeting on “the third meal” was held.  Mrs. Tschanz and Mrs. Bagg demonstrated the making of loaf sandwiches and Mrs. H. Strycker demonstrated the making of a party dessert.  The finished products were much enjoyed with tea during the social period.  Mrs. L. Downs acted as courtesy convener.






Election of Officers Held by Jubilee Women’s Institute

April 7th 1958.


Mrs. Herbert Schmiedendorf was elected the new President of the Jubilee Women’s Institute at the annual meeting held at the home of Mrs. Howard Strycker, R.R. #1, Hespeler.  Other officers elected were Past President – Mrs. Walter Brubacher, First Vice-President – Mrs. Victor Rosenberger, Second Vice-President – Mrs. Albert Kroeger, Secretary – Mrs. Murray Schneider, Treasurer – Mrs. Frank Tschanz, District Director – Mrs. W. Brubacher, Branch Directors – Mrs. Archie Bagg, Mrs. F. Shortell, and Mrs. E. J. Kerr.


Standing committee conveners are:


Agriculture and Canadian Industries:

Mrs. W. Brubacher, Mrs. A. Kroeger, Mrs. P. Prong, and Mrs. A Richardson.

Citizenship and Education:

Mrs. Arthur Bagg, Mrs. S. Melrose, Mrs. L. Downs, and Mrs. A. Bluett.

Historical Research:

Mrs. H. Strycker, Mrs. V. Rosenberger, Mrs. L. Burton, and Mrs. W. Olesen.

Home Economics and Health:

Mrs. A. MacDonald, Mrs. F. Tschanz, Mrs. W. P. Foster, and Mrs. Archie Bagg.


Mrs. E. J. Kerr and Mrs. W. Olesen.


Mrs. L. Houghton and Mrs. E. J. Kerr.

Flower and card:

Mrs. B. Schwandt, Mrs. A. Loro, and Mrs. W. Pettit.


Mrs. H. Strycker and Mrs. W. Becker.


Mrs. L. Downs and Mrs. W. Becker.


Mrs. L. Downs reported for the nominating committee, and conducted the installation of officers.  Roll call was payment of fees.  Mrs. H. Strycker was named as Director to the Federation of Agriculture.  Reports of the year’s work, given by the Secretary, Treasurer, and Standing Committee Conveners were very gratifying.  Work projects for the year included the making of cancer dressings and quilts for the Unitarian Services.  One of the main projects was the purchasing of dishes and tables.


Outstanding donations were given for the Hespeler Minor Hockey Association, National Institute for the Blind, William Anderson School for Retarded Children, Canadian Red Cross, V.O.N. (Victoria Order of Nurses), South Waterloo Fair Board, Canadian Association of Consumers, Ceylon Flood Relief, Save the Children Fund, and the Mental Health Association.


Mrs. Archie Bagg made a presentation of a Women’s Institute cup and saucer to the retiring President, Mrs. W. Brubacher, on behalf of the branch.  The May meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. L. Houghton, Guelph Avenue, with the roll call being “bring a towel, soap, or safety pin” for the layette project, for the Unitarian Services.  The meeting came to a close with a social time, enjoyed by all.






Jubilee Women Euchre to Aid Minor Hockey

November 27th 1958.


The Jubilee Women’s Institute will hold a euchre party at the I.O.O.F. Hall on Saturday November 29th at 8:30 p.m.  Admission is 50 cents and lunch will be provided.  Proceeds are in aid of Minor Hockey here.






The Jubilee Women’s Institute

January 10th 1959.


Mrs. George Schell was the guest speaker at the January meeting of the Jubilee Women’s Institute, held this week at the home of Mrs. Murray Schneider, of Henry Street.  Mrs. Schell, introduced by Mrs. Archie Bagg, gave an interesting demonstration on ceramics and displayed many items.  The musical portion of the program was provided by Mrs. Percy Foster who favoured with two violin solos, followed by Mrs. E. Habermehl, who rendered two selections on an old fashioned autoharp and harmonica.


Mrs. Herb Schmiedendorf presided for the meeting, with Mrs. Schneider giving the Secretary’s report and Mrs. Frank Tschanz, the Treasurer’s report.  Roll call for this meeting was for each member to bring their fanciest cup and saucer, and after careful consideration, each member placed a coin in the cup of their choice.  The cup and saucer belonging to Mrs. E. J. Kerr was the favourite.


Plans to attend Summary Day on Hints for Home Nursing, to be held in Iona Hall, Kitchener, January 13th, were discussed.  Members of various Women’s Institutes will put on skits.  The one being acted by the Jubilee Institute was written by Mrs. William Olesen.  During the business period, a donation was also made to the Tuberculosis Fund and standing committee reports were given by Mrs. Arthur Bagg and Mrs. Howard Strycker.  At the close of the meeting, lunch was served by the committee in charge, Mrs. Lorne Downs acting as courtesy convener.






Jubilee Women’s Institute Sponsors Millinery Course

April 9th 1959.


It was like a breath of spring itself, to view the many lovely hats being created at a millinery course sponsored by the Jubilee Women’s Institute.  Mrs. William Olesen, Mrs. Lorne Downs, Mrs. Herb Schmiedendorf (President), and Mrs. Victor Rosenberger (First Vice-President) were among 11 ladies taking the course.  Miss Nora Creyke of the extension services, Home Economics Branch, Department of Agriculture, was in charge of the three-day course, which was held at the Glen Christie Sunday School.






Officers Are Elected by Jubilee Women’s Institute

April 14th 1959.


Mrs. Herb Schmiedendorf was elected President for a second term at the annual meeting of the Jubilee Women’s Institute, held at the home of Mrs. Howard Strycker, R.R. #1, Hespeler, recently.  Mrs. Lorne Downs gave the report of the nominating committee, which was accepted, and conducted the installation ceremony.  The officers and conveners for the coming year are as follows:


Past President:

Mrs. Walter Brubacher.


Mrs. Herb Schmiedendorf.

First Vice-President:

Mrs. Victor Rosenberg.

Second Vice-President:

Mrs. Albert Kroeger.


Mrs. Stanley Melrose.


Mrs. Frank Tschanz.

District Director:

Mrs. Walter Brubacher.

Branch Directors:

Mrs. Archie Bagg, Mrs. Fred Shortill, & Mrs. E. J. Kerr.


Standing Committee Conveners:

Agriculture & Canadian Industries:

Mrs. Brubacher, Mrs. Kroeger, Mrs. Andrew Richardson, & Mrs. Percy Prong.

Citizenship and Education:

Mrs. Arthur Bagg, Mrs. William Olesen, Mrs. Paul Bluitt, & Mrs. Lorne Downs.

Historical Research & Current Events:

Mrs. Howard Strycker, Mrs. Rosenberger, Mrs. Leonard Burton, & Mrs. Ephram Habermehl.

Home Economics and Health:

Mrs. Arnold MacDonald, Mrs. Earl Franks, Mrs. W. P. Foster, & Mrs. Archie Bagg.


Mrs. E. J. Kerr and Mrs. Olesen.

Public Relations Representative:

Mrs. Olesen.

Federation of Agriculture Representative:

Mrs. Strycker.


Mrs. Kerr and Mrs. Olesen.

Flower and Card Committee:

Mrs. Ben Schwandt & Mrs. William Pettit.

Courtesy Committee:

Mrs. Downs, Mrs. Wilbert Becker, & Mrs. Brubacher.

Press Secretaries:

Mrs. Strycker and Mrs. Rosenberger.


It was decided to hold all regular meetings in the Glen Christie Sunday School for the coming year, and a donation was made to the “Save the Children” fund.  For the program, Mrs. ____ gave a complete history of the farm on which they live.  Mrs. Kerr read the highlights of the 1955 International Plowing Match, written by Mrs. Howard Strycker.  These papers will be included in the Tweedsmuir History book.


At the conclusion of the meeting, lunch was served by Mrs. Rosenberger, Mrs. Habermehl, and Mrs. Shortill.  Mrs. _____ acted as convener.






Musical Program at Jubilee Women’s Institute

September 12th 1959.


The highlight of the September meeting of the Jubilee Women’s Institute, held on Thursday evening in the Glen Christie Sunday School, was a musical program put on by students of James Embro, R.R. #1, Hespeler.  It was the first public appearance for Sharon White, Linda Longthorne, Nancy Longthorne, Sandra Winter, Linda Spencer, and Raymond Scapinello, who played some very beautiful solos on their accordions.


 “Agriculture and Canadian Industry” was the program for the meeting, for which Mrs. Walter Brubacher was the convener.  Mrs. A. Richardson gave a reading on farm accidents, after which, Mrs. Kroeger conducted a “guess what” contest, with Mrs. E. J. Kerr being declared the winner.  Mrs. Howard Strycker then read an item on the “Associated Country Women of the World” conference, held in Scotland recently, and roll call was answered with the name of a Waterloo County industry and its product.


Mrs. Herb Schmiedendorf presided for the meeting, Mrs. Stanley Melrose read the Secretary’s report, and the Treasurer’s statement was given by Mrs. Frank Tschanz.  During the business period, final plans were made for catering at the Galt Fall Fair, which is an annual project carried out by members of the Jubilee Institute and members of Zion United Church W. A., jointly.






October Meeting is Held By Jubilee Women’s Institute

October 2nd 1959.


The Jubilee Women’s Institute held its October meeting in the Glen Christie Sunday School on Thursday evening, the program being “Citizenship and Education”.  The President, Mrs. Herb Schmiedendorf, was in the chair; the Secretary, Mrs. Stanley Melrose, gave her report, followed by the Treasurer’s statement, given by Mrs. Frank Tschanz.  The roll call was “tell of a place of interest on your vacation”, which proved to be very interesting.


Mrs. Lorne Downs and Mrs. William Olesen were appointed as delegates to attend the area convention, being held at the O.A.C. in Guelph, on October 15th and 16th.  A donation was granted for the Mental Health Association.


Mrs. Arthur Bagg and Mrs. George Inglis will take part in the leadership training school program “Sew to save dollars and make cents”, to be held in the YMCA in Kitchener on October 20th and 21st.  The standing committee reports followed, given by Mrs. Andrew Richardson and Mrs. Victor Rosenberger, bringing the business period to a close.


The program began with two piano selections given by Mrs. Milton Braden, after which, she accompanied the group for a sing-song.  Coloured slides of her trip to Europe were then shown by Mrs. G. Hansen, of Preston, and lunch was served by Mrs. E. J. Kerr and Mrs. Howard Strycker.






Jubilee Institute Names New Officers for 1960

April 20th 1960.


Mrs. Victor Rosenberg, R.R. #2, Breslau, was elected President, when members of the Jubilee Women’s Institute held their annual meeting in the Glen Christie Sunday School, recently.  Other officers elected were Past President – Mrs. H. Schmiedendorf, First Vice-President – Mrs. E. J. Kerr, Second Vice-President – Mrs. A. Kroeger, Secretary-Treasurer – Mrs. S. Melrose, Assistant Secretary-Treasurer – Mrs. W. Pettit, District Director – Mrs. H. Schmiedendorf, and Branch Directors – Mrs. Archie Bagg, Mrs. F. Shortell, and Mrs. A. Richardson.


Standing committee conveners named were:


Agriculture & Canadian Industry:

Mrs. W. Brubacher, Mrs. W. P. Foster, Mrs. L. Burton, Mrs. P. Prong, and Mrs. G. Inglis.

Citizenship & Education:

Mrs. L. Downs, Mrs. W. Olesen, Mrs. Arthur Bagg, Mrs. M. Schneider, and Mrs. F. Brunskill.

Historical Research & Current Events:

Mrs. H. Strycker, Mrs. A. Kroeger, Mrs. E. Habermehl, Mrs. A. Richardson, & Mrs. H. Simmons.

Home Economics & Health:

Mrs. A. MacDonald, Mrs. Archie Bagg, Mrs. E. Frank, and Mrs. F. Shortell.


Mrs. E. J. Kerr and Mrs. W. Olesen.


Mrs. P. Prong and Mrs. A. Richardson.

Public Relations Representative:

Mrs. W. Olesen.

Federation of Agriculture Representative:

Mrs. F. Tschanz and alternate, Mrs. G. Inglis.

Press Representative:

Mrs. H. Strycker and Mrs. W. Becker.

Flowers and cards:

Mrs. B. Schwandt and Mrs. M. Pinkerton.

Courtesy conveners:

Mrs. L. Downs, Mrs. W. Becker, and Mrs. W. Brubacher.


Mrs. Brubacher conducted the installation of officers, after the report of the nominating committee was read by Mrs. Richardson and accepted.  Mrs. Schmiedendorf presided. Mrs. Melrose gave her report on the year’s financial statement.  The roll call was answered with the paying of dues and a plant and seed exchange.  A donation was made to the Hespeler-Preston Rotary Easter Seal Campaign.


Reports of the year’s activities were given by the standing committee conveners, Mrs. Brubacher for Agriculture and Canadian Industry, Mrs. Olesen for Citizenship and Education, Mrs. Strycker for Historical Research, and Mrs. MacDonald for Home Economics and Health.  During the business period, it was also decided to hold evening meetings in various homes during the coming year.  Two travelling baskets have been started by members and plans were discussed for a euchre and crokinole party, being held in Vance School on Friday April 22nd.  The committee for this event will be Mrs. Archie Bagg, Mrs. E. J. Kerr, and Mrs. Shortell.


Some of the year’s highlights, given at the meeting, were the extension services programs, namely the millinery course and the programs “sew to save dollars and make sense” and “sandwiches for all occasions”.  Other activities included taking part in the Hespeler Centennial parade, catering at the Galt Fall Fair, making cancer dressings at Galt, layettes fro the Unitarian Services, wiring of Glen Christie Sunday School, and a donation to the Children’s Aid Society Building Fund.


At the close of the meeting, a social time was enjoyed, with lunch served by the committee of Mrs. Downs, Mrs. Archie Bagg, Mrs. MacDonald, and Mrs. Schmiedendorf.






Reports Indicate Fine Year for Jubilee Women’s Institute

May 2nd 1960.


The annual meeting of the Jubilee Women’s Institute was held at Glen Christie Sunday School Hall.  The conveners of the standing committees presented their reports, which indicated a successful and interesting year.


At meetings, members had contributed readings and music and had given demonstrations.  Among the speakers during the year had been a local doctor and an opportunity class teacher.


Interesting films were seen from the Bell Telephone Company, and from others on points of interest in Europe.


Quilts and layettes had been made to help needy children in other parts of the world, and a summer picnic and Christmas party had been held for the children.


Members took advantage of the sewing course provided by the Extension Service of the Women’s Institute.


A float had been entered in the Hespeler Centennial parade and depicted an old fashioned Women’s Institute meeting.


Donations were made to the Children’s Aid Building Fund, in Galt, to the Canadian Save the Children Fund,  the Retarded Children’s School, the Mental Health Association, the World Refugee Year fund, and to Muscular Dystrophy.


The institute had also made payment for the electrical repairs to the Glen Christie Sunday School building.


Flowers had been presented to senior citizens of the district at Christmas.


The new slate of officers was presented at this meeting.






Jubilee Women’s Institute

May 7th 1960.


The pleasant combination of music and pictures of flowers was provided in the program for the May meeting of the Jubilee Women’s Institute, held at the home of Mrs. Howard Strycker, Guelph Highway, on Thursday evening.


The program was on “Agriculture and Canadian Industries”, with Mrs. Walter Brubacher, Mrs. W. P. Foster, and Mrs. George Inglis in charge.  Musical numbers were supplied by Mrs. Foster with violin selections, and Roger Tjart gave some accordion solos.  A very beautiful coloured film, “The Lovegrove Dahlia Gardens”, was shown, with Mrs. Inglis on the projector.  Also shown were films of the Hespeler Centennial parade and the local rodeo.


Mrs. Victor Rosenberger presided for the business meeting.  Mrs. Stanley Melrose gave the Secretary’s report, followed by the Treasurer’s report.  The roll call was answered with “seeds and their culture”, after which, delegates were nominated for the South Waterloo District annual meeting, being held in New Dundee on May 19th.  Those named were Mrs. Rosenberger, Mrs. Melrose, Mrs. Herb Schmiedendorf, and Mrs. Frank Tschanz.  Routine business followed, with standing committee reports being given.


Lunch was served by the committee in charge, namely Mrs. A. MacDonald, Mrs. Archie Bagg, Mrs. E. Frank. and Mrs. Shortill.  Mrs. Lorne Downs conveyed courtesy remarks.






Jubilee Picnic at Kossuth

July 11th 1960.


The annual Jubilee Women’s Institute picnic was held on Saturday afternoon at Kossuth School, convened by Mrs. Carl Prong and Mrs. Percy Prong.


Races and contests were held, with the winners as follows:


Two years and under:

Terry Campbell and Carol Prong.

Four years and under:

David Prong and Neil Melrose.

Five and six years:

Darlene Hilborn, Morag Melrose, Sandra Prong.

Seven and eight years:

Colleen Garland, Elizabeth Melrose.

Boys, nine to twelve:

Bruce Melrose.

Girls, eleven and twelve:

Bonnie Kerr, Patty Garland.

Boys, eleven and twelve:

Freddie Kroeger, Keith Melrose.

13 years:

Lois MacDonald.

Kick the shoe:

Janet Campbell, Mary Hilborn, Stanley Melrose.

Balloon throwing:

Jackie Kroeger, Stanley Melrose.

Peanut scramble, girls:

Bonnie Kerr, Lois MacDonald, Patty Garland.

Peanut scramble, boys:

Keith Melrose, Bruce Melrose, Freddie Kroeger.

Ladies’ race:

Janet Campbell.


Mrs. J. Baker received a prize for being the oldest person present and Terry Campbell, for being the youngest.






Mrs. E. Frank Hosts Meeting of the Jubilee Women’s Institute

October 8th 1960.


Mrs. Earl Frank, of Edinburgh Road, Guelph, was hostess for the October meeting of the Jubilee Women’s Institute.  Mrs. Victor Rosenberger presided and Mrs. Stanley Melrose gave the Secretary-Treasurer’s report.  A very interesting roll call, “A song I remember from childhood”, showed a good attendance.  It was decided to give a donation to the Victorian Order of Nurses.  Mrs. E. J. Kerr gave an excellent report of the Guelph Area convention.


The topic of the program was historical research.  An excellent history of the Earl Mills farm, formerly owned by Mr. and Mrs, Alfred Bagg and family, was written and read by Mrs. Albert Krueger, the eldest daughter of the late Alfred Bagg and a member of the historical committee.  Peter Musser was the original owner of this property, which was the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Stager and family in the early years of this century.


Coloured slides of Canada’s northland, radar and communication lines on Great Whale River in northern Quebec, colourful scenery of northern Ontario, and local scenes were shown by Mrs. Harry Simmons, assisted by Mrs. Howard Strycker.  Mrs. Strycker read a pamphlet on the Pioneer village plan.  A bus trip, planned by a member of the Jubilee Women’s Institute, for Wednesday October 19th, will include a trip to the Pioneer Museum at Doon and the trip will also take in the Rittenmere farm studio rug establishment at Vineland, Ontario.


The meeting closed with the singing of “The Queen”.  Lunch was served by Mrs. H. Schmeidendorf, Mrs. W. Pettit, Mrs. M. Pinkerton, and Mrs. W. Olesen.  Mrs. Lorne Downs acted as courtesy convener.






Jubilee Women’s Institute Meeting Receives Nominations

March 3rd 1961.


The March meeting of the Jubilee Women’s Institute was held on Thursday evening in the Glen Christie Sunday School, with Mrs. Victor Rosenberger presiding.  Mrs. William Pettit, Assistant Secretary-Treasurer, gave reports, followed by roll call, which was answered with a 25 cent surprise parcel exchange.  Mrs. Lorne Downs reported on the meeting held this week in the YWCA, at Galt, for the Children’s Aid Society, when plans were discussed on the forming of an auxiliary in Waterloo.  It was decided that Mrs. Rosenberger, the President, would attend the Branch Presidents’ Convention, being held at the O.A.C., at Guelph, on May 4th and 5th.  Mrs. Howard Strycker gave a short report on the rug hooking course, the summary day of which will be April 6th, in the Y.M.C.A., at Kitchener.


The nominating committee, to bring in the new slate of officers for the coming year, were named.  Those nominated were Mrs. Walter Brubacher, Mrs. Herb Schmiedendorf, and Mrs. Harry Simmons.  Donations were made to the Mental Health Association and the Crippled Children’s Fund.  Standing committee reports were given by Mrs. Downs, Mrs. William Olesen, Mrs. Strycker, and Mrs. Earl Frank.  Mrs. Rosenberger convened for the cutting out of layettes, which will be sewn and then sent to the Unitarian Service Committee.


“Agriculture and Canadian Industries” was the program for the meeting, with Mrs. Brubacher in charge.  A sing-song was enjoyed, with Mrs. Simmons at the piano.  Mrs. Frank Tschanz read a paper on “Pathways to Peace”, after which, Mrs. Brubacher read an article on the “History of Fibreglass”.  Each member read small items pertaining to this new industry and its many potential uses.


A social hour followed, with lunch served by Mrs. Tschanz, Mrs. Simmons, Mrs. Mills, and Mrs. Strycker.






Jubilee Institute Installs Mrs. Rosenberger President

April 14th 1961.


The annual meeting of the Jubilee Women’s Institute was held on Thursday evening at the home of the President, Mrs. Victor Rosenberger, R.R. #2, Breslau.


Roll call was answered with the paying of dues and a house plant exchange.  Mrs. Stanley Melrose gave the Secretary-Treasurer’s report, and the yearly reports of the standing committees were given by Mrs. Walter Brubacher, Mrs. William Olesen, Mrs. Howard Strycker, and Mrs. Archie Bagg.  The year’s financial report was also given.


Donations were passed for the Canadian Cancer Society, and the Galt and Guelph schools for retarded children.  A friendship tea was planned for early in June.


The nominating committee of Mrs. Brubacher, Mrs. Herb Schmiedendorf, and Mrs. Harry Simmons then brought in the slate of officers for the coming year.  Mrs. Brubacher conducted the installation ceremony.  Incoming officers are as follows:


Past President:

Mrs. Schmiedendorf.


Mrs. Rosenberger.

First Vice-President:

Mrs. E. J. Kerr.

Second Vice-President:

Mrs. Albert Kroeger.


Mrs. Olesen.


Mrs. Schmiedendorf.

District Director:

Mrs. Schmiedendorf.

Branch Directors:

Mrs. Archie Bagg, Mrs. Fred Shortill, Mrs. Andrew Richardson.


The standing committee conveners are:

Agriculture & Canadian Industries:

Mrs. Brubacher, Mrs. Arthur Robinson, Mrs. E. Mills, and Mrs. J. Campbell.

Citizenship & Education:

Mrs. Wilfred Becker, Mrs. Richardson, Mrs. Ephram Habermehl, Mrs. Leonard Burton, and Mrs. Percy Prong.

Historical research & current events:

Mrs. Strycker, Mrs. Harry Simmons, Mrs. Kroeger, Mrs. Frank Tschanz, & Mrs. Arthur Bagg.

Home economics & health:

Mrs. William Pettit, Mrs. Murray Schneider, Mrs. Archie Bagg, Mrs. Earl Franks, & Mrs. Arnold MacDonald.


Mrs. Kerr and Mrs. Olesen.


Mrs. Stanley Melrose & Mrs. Schneider.

Public Relations Representative:

Mrs. Olesen.

Federation of Agriculture:

Mrs. Brubacher and Mrs. George Inglis.

Press Representatives:

Mrs. Strycker and Mrs. Becker.

Flowers and cards:

Mrs. Ben Schwandt and Mrs. N. Pinkerton.

Courtesy convener:

Mrs. Lorne Downs and Mrs. Pettit.


Following the installation, Mrs. Kerr read a humorous story.  It was announced that the next meeting would be held on the evening of May 4th, in the Glen Christie Sunday School, under the “Home economics and Health committee” convenorship.  Roll call will be answered with household hints.  Mrs. Downs was courtesy convener for the evening.  Lunch was served by Mrs. Kerr, Mrs. Downs, Mrs. Melrose, and Mrs. Schmiedendorf.






Jubilee Women’s Institute Picnic

July 6th 1961.


The annual picnic of the Jubilee Women’s Institute was held on Wednesday afternoon on the lawn at the residence of Mrs. H. Simmons, of R.R. #1, Hespeler.  There was a very good attendance, the afternoon commencing with a potluck dinner.


A short business meeting was held prior to the races, when it was announced that the next meeting would be held on September 14th at the home of Mrs. F. Tschanz, R.R. #1, Hespeler.


Prize winners for the races were Carol Prong, Judy Simmons, Linda Inglis, Heather MacDonald, David Prong, Darlene Prong, Debra and Brenda Nadalin, Larry MacDonald, Fay Young, Fred Kroeger, Jackie Kroeger, and Sharon Young.


The girls’ shoe scramble was won by Lois MacDonald and the boys’,  by Fred Kroeger.  Mrs. Carl Prong was the winner of the “calling Willie” contest.  The eldest person present was Mrs. Eliza Mills, the youngest being Ronnie Young.


The committee for sports was Mrs. W. Pettit, Mrs. Young, and Mrs. Simmons.






Jubilee Women’s Institute Meets Tuesday at Glen Christie

September 21st 1961.


The September meeting of the Jubilee Women’s Institute was held on Tuesday evening in the Glen Christie Sunday School.  Mrs. F. Tschanz was hostess.  The program was on “Citizenship and Education”.  Mrs. W. Becker spoke on the motto “Before keeping up with the Joneses, find out where the Joneses are going”.  Bonnie Kerr favoured the group with several accordion selections, after which, Mrs. L. Burton read a paper on “What if your child fails?”  Mrs. Becker then read an article from a magazine entitled “Why are Canadian women backward?”, and Mrs. Richardson conducted a contest on word meaning.  She was assisted by Mrs. P. Prong.


The meeting opened in the usual way, with the Women’s Institute Ode, the recitation, in unison, of the Mary Stewart collect, and the song of all nations.  Mrs. V. Rosenberger, the President, presided.  The roll call was answered with “my favourite subject in school”.


Delegates to attend the area convention being held in the O.A.C., at Guelph, on September 28th and 29th, are Mrs. J. Campbell and Mrs. E. Frank.  Resolutions to be presented were read and discussed.  Mrs. W. Brubacher reported on the Fall fair project.  Mrs. W. Olesen gave the Secretary’s report and Mrs. H. Schmiedendorf gave the financial statement.


Lunch conveners were Mrs. W. Pettit, Mrs. M. Pinkerton, and Mrs. Olesen.






Jubilee Institute Honours District Resident

October 4th 1961.


Well known district resident, Mrs. John Burton, of R.R. #2, Preston, was the guest of honour on Tuesday afternoon at a party celebrating her 88th birthday.  Sponsored by the Jubilee Women’s Institute, the occasion was held at the home of Mrs. Howard Strycker, R. R. #1, Hespeler.  Those present included many long time friends of Mrs. Burton, Mrs. W. M. Elliott, of Guelph, Mrs. Norman Clemens, of R.R. #1, Preston, Mrs. Howard Reeve (a daughter of Mrs. Burton), of Guelph, and Mrs. Victor Rosenberger, of R.R. #2, Breslau, President of the Jubilee Institute.  During the afternoon, the history of the Burton farm was read, which was the first history written for the Tweedsmuir history book, compiled by the Jubilee Women’s Institute.






Jubilee Women’s Institute Hears Talk on Flowers

October 6th 1961.


David Crane, a Guelph florist, was the guest speaker on Thursday evening at the October meeting of the Jubilee Women’s Institute.  The meeting was held at the home of Mrs. A. MacDonald, of Yorkshire Street, Guelph, with 31 ladies present.


Mrs. E. Frank introduced Mr. Crane, who gave an interesting and informative display and demonstration on the making of floral arrangements.  He used many types of materials, including drift wood.  At the close of his demonstration, a draw was made for the many lovely pieces, and were won by Mrs. E. Fraresso, of Guelph, Mrs. M. Schneider, Mrs. E. Habermehl, Mrs. W. Pettit, Mrs. D. Young, Mrs. B. Schwandt, Mrs. E. J. Kerr, and Mrs. E. Frank.  Mrs. Archie Bagg offered a vote of thanks.


Mrs. V. Rosenberger presided for the meeting.  The program was on “Home Economics and Health”.  The Secretary’s and Treasurer’s reports were given by Mrs. W. Olesen and Mrs. H. Schmiedendorf, respectively, and the motto, “You don’t find time, you make it” was given by Mrs. Frank.  A donation was given for V.O.N., after which, Mrs. J. Campbell gave a report of the Area Convention, held at O.A.C. Guelph, last week.  Mrs. Olesen reported on the extension service program entitled “143 lbs. Meat”, the first lesson of which will be held at the home of Mrs. H. Simmons, R.R. #1, Hespeler, on Tuesday October 17th, at 8 p.m.  Mrs. Rosenberger read a paper on laundry hints that was on a very humorous theme, and Mrs. L. Downs read an article entitled “Modern Living”.


Lunch was served by the committee of Mrs. L. Burton, Mrs. E. Habermehl, and Mrs. A. Richardson.  Mrs. W. Brubacher acted as courtesy convener.  A social time followed.






Comic Readings Entertain Women’s Institute Members

November 15th 1961.


On Tuesday afternoon, the Hespeler Women’s Institute was host to the Jubilee Women’s Institute and the Puslinch Lake Women’s Institute, in the I.O.O.F. (Independent Order of Odd Fellows) Lodge Hall, with a good representation from all three groups.


The meeting came to order with the singing of the Women’s Institute Ode, with Mrs. Harry Simmons at the piano.  This was followed by the recitation of the Mary Stewart collect.


Hespeler Women’s Institute President, Mrs. Robert Oliver, welcomed the guests, and in place of the regular roll call, everyone introduced themselves to the group.  Hespeler Secretary, Mrs. Ralph Doerr, reported the minutes of the previous meeting, after which, the President took care of the business at hand.


Mrs. E. J. Kerr, of the Jubilee Women’s Institute, gave two humorous readings, entitled “Hoo Cow Moo” and “Just a Married Woman”, which were enjoyed by all.  Two vocal solos followed, beautifully sung by Mrs. Simmons of the Jubilee Women’s Institute, the first, “Let’s Take an Old Fashioned Walk”, and the second, “The Love Song”.  “Pa and the Monthly Bills” was presented by Mrs. Lisso of the Puslinch Lake Women’s Institute, and she also gave a more serious reading entitled “Memorial Day”.  Mrs. Reeves, also of Puslinch Lake Women’s Institute, gave a very interesting reading, “Morning in the Manse”, which brought the program to an end.


The singing of “The Queen”, with Mrs. E. Fisher at the piano, closed the meeting.  Mrs. Oliver thanked the visiting groups for the program, and Mrs. Kerr, of the Jubilee Women’s Institute, and Mrs. Hunter, of the Puslinch Lake Women’s Institute, in turn, thanked the Hespeler group for their hospitality and invitation.  The Hespeler ladies served lunch.






Jubilee Women’s Institute Hears Children’s Aid Official

February 2nd 1962.


J. W. Donnachie, of the South Waterloo Children’s Aid Society, was the guest speaker on Thursday evening, at the February meeting of the Jubilee Women’s Institute.  The meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Howard Strycker, of R.R. #1, Hespeler.


Mr. Donnachie, who was introduced by Mrs. Leonard Burton, told of the work of the society.  He talked on the care and protection of children, stating that there were now 55 branches in Ontario.  A question and answer period followed.  Mrs. Arthur Bagg thanked the speaker for his very interesting and informative address.  The program was under the guidance of the “Citizenship and Education Committee”, and the motto “The Doors of Wisdom Are Never Closed” was given by Mrs. A. Richardson.


Mrs. Victor Rosenberger presided for the meeting.  Mrs. William Olesen gave the Secretary’s report.  Roll call was answered with “Radio or TV programs I like or do not like and why”, and proved very interesting.  Mrs. Herb Schmiedendorf gave the Treasurer’s statement, after which, the Secretary read a letter from the Provincial President, Mrs. L. G. Lymburner, of Port Colborne.  Following the reading, it was decided to send $2 per member for a fund, sponsored by the Provincial Women’s Institute, to aid and extend help through the extension services to women in underprivileged countries.


Standing committee reports were given by Mrs. F. Tschanz and Mrs. Bagg, and several thank you notes for Christmas treats were also read.  Mrs. Olesen reported on the summary day for the “143 lbs. meat” course, held in Kitchener recently.  Mrs. Lorne Downs acted as courtesy convener.


Lunch was served by the hostess, assisted by Mrs. E. J. Kerr, Mrs. Downes, and Mrs. Arthur Robinson.






Jubilee Women’s Institute Meets at the Glen Christie Sunday School

March 2nd 1962.


The March meeting of the Jubilee Women’s Institute was held on Thursday evening in the Glen Christie Sunday School, with Mrs. E. J. Kerr, the Vice-President, presiding.


Mrs. W. Olesen gave the Secretary’s report, followed by the Treasurer’s report, read by Mrs. H. Schmiedendorf.  Roll call was answered with “make a vegetable corsage and wear it”.  It was decided to send the President to the Officers Conference, being held in Guelph in May.


Mrs. A. Robinson, Mrs. W. Pettit, and Mrs. M. Pinkerton were named for the nominating committee.  It was decided to send $2 per member to the International Scholarship Fund, and plans were discussed for the 15th anniversary tea, being held in the Glen Christie Sunday School on April 11th.


A resolution was presented and passed by the members, deploring the quality of certain CBC programs presented recently.  The standing committee reports were given by Mrs. Pettit and Mrs. H. Strycker.


The program for the evening was under the sponsorship of the “Agriculture and Canadian Industries” committees.  The hymn of all nations was sung, after which, Mrs. A. Kroeger gave the motto “A rose is far more if given before, than sumptuous wreaths to the dead”.  A rare musical treat was enjoyed during the program when Mrs. J. Krueger favoured the group with two vocal solos, accompanied on the piano by Mrs. H. Simmons.  The highlight of the meeting was a demonstration by Mrs. W. Brubacher on the making of ice cream.


Mrs. L. Downs acted as courtesy convener, and lunch was served by the committee of Mrs. Simmons, Mrs. Kroeger, and Mrs. Mills Senior.






Jubilee Women’s Institute Elects New Officers for 1962.

April 7th 1962.


The election and installation of officers for the coming term was held on Thursday evening, when the Jubilee Women’s Institute held their annual meeting at the home of Mrs. William Pettit, of Winston Boulevard, Hespeler.


Mrs. E. J. Kerr, the Vice-President, presided in the absence of Mrs. V. Rosenberger, who is vacationing with her husband in Florida.  Mrs. W. Olesen gave the Secretary’s report, followed with the financial statement presented by Mrs. H. Schmiedendorf.  Roll call was answered with the payment of dues and a plant exchange.


The past year’s activities were reviewed, showing donations to the V.O.N., the Guelph and Galt schools for retarded children, Canadian Cancer Society, Freeport Auxiliary, Canadian National Institute for the Blind, Easter Seals campaign, Canadian Association of Consumers, and the Save the Children Fund.  Contributions were made to the district scholarship fund and the International Scholarship fund.  Layettes had been sent to the Unitarian Services, and cancer dressings had been made.  Many other items were mentioned, and reports were given by Mrs. W. Brubacher, Mrs. H. Strycker, Mrs. Pettit, Mrs. H. Simmons, Mrs. W. Olesen, and Mrs. M. Pinkerton.


Mrs. Simmons also reported on the giant rummage sale, being held in the Galt Market Building, April 24th, at 7 p.m.  The motto “Our Best Publicity is Ourselves, in Our Kind Acts and Friendly Deeds” was given by Mrs. Olesen.


Mrs. L. Downes conducted the installation ceremony, with the following officers:


Past President:

Mrs. V. Rosenberger.


Mrs. E. J. Kerr.

First Vice-President:

Mrs. A. Kroeger.

Second Vice-President:

Mrs. F. Tschanz.


Mrs. W. Olesen.


Mrs. H. Schmiedendorf.

District Director:

Mrs. V. Rosenberger.

Branch Directors:

Mrs. H. Strycker, Mrs. W. Brubacher, & Mrs. Archie Bagg.


The standing committees are:


Agriculture & Canadian Industries:

Mrs. A. Robinson, Mrs. M. Pinkerton, Mrs. E. Mills, Mrs. R. Shortill.

Historical Research:

Mrs. A. Kroeger, Mrs. H. Simmons, Mrs. W. Becker, Mrs. L. Downs.

Citizenship and Education:

Mrs. W. Pettit, Mrs. B. Schwandt, Mrs. A. Richardson, Mrs. W. Brubacher.

Home Economics and Health:

Mrs. F. Tschanz, Mrs. W. G. Inglis, Mrs. A. MacDonald, Mrs. E. Frank.


Mrs. H. Simmons, Mrs. S. Melrose.


Mrs. L. Downes, Mrs. S. Melrose.

Public Relations Representative:

Mrs. Arthur Bagg.

Federation of Agriculture:

Mrs. L. Burton, Mrs. P. Prong.

Tweedsmuir History Committee:

Mrs. Strycker, Mrs. Archie Bagg, Mrs. V. Rosenberger, Mrs. L. Burton, Mrs. H. Simmons.

Press Representatives:

Mrs. H. Strycker, Mrs. W. Becker.

Flower and Card:

Mrs. H. Schmiedendorf, Mrs. V. Rosenberger.

Courtesy conveners:

Mrs. Archie Bagg, Mrs. D. Young.


Mrs. Kerr then took the chair, to bring the meeting to a close, after which, a delicious potluck buffet was enjoyed.






Jubilee Women’s Institute of Glen Christie

Hold Anniversary Tea, Closing Sunday School

(from the Galt Reporter newspaper for April 12th 1962.)



An anniversary tea held by the Jubilee Women’s Institute at the Glen Christie Sunday School, on Wednesday, was the final activity that will take place before it is demolished.  The building, along with the homes in the community, north of Hespeler, are being removed to make way for extending the quarries at the Gypsum Lime and Alabastine plant.


The tea celebrated the 15th anniversary of the Jubilee Women’s Institute, with 28 ladies present, including guests and ex-members, to enjoy a short program and social time.  The President, Mrs. E. J. Kerr, acted as chairman.  Mrs. L. Downs read the roll call of charter members, and a minute of silence was observed in memory of departed members, followed by a poem by Mrs. Kerr.  Mrs. W. Olesen read a history of Glen Christie and the Sunday School, written by herself.


A skit, written by Mrs. F. Tschanz, assisted by Mrs. H. Simmons, combining the real with fictional, depicting a Women’s Institute meeting and covering the 15 years of the Jubilee Institute, was presented with considerable humour.  Those taking part were Mrs. Kerr, Mrs. Olesen, Mrs. H. Strycker, Mrs. Downs, Mrs. Tschanz, Mrs. A. Bagg, Mrs. A Krueger, Mrs. Simmons, Mrs. A. Robertson, and Mrs. S. Melrose.  Mrs. W. Brubaker supplied the commentary.


Among the former members present were Mrs. R. Frey and Mrs. E. Prong, of Kitchener, Mrs. G. B. Howard, of Guelph, and Mrs. H. Mollison, of Hespeler, the first president.


With the removal of the Sunday School building, where its meetings have been held, the Jubilee Institute will meet in the homes of members.


The final service in the Glen Christie Sunday School was held last Sunday morning, with a large attendance, and followed by a dinner to commemorate its closing.  The building was erected in 1923, and in early years, church services were also held.


The Sunday School has been interdenominational, and for the past 20 years, Ross Warner, of Hespeler, has been the superintendent.  Granville Moran, of Hespeler, was assistant superintendent for some years, and Fred Hutchings, also of Hespeler, had previously acted as superintendent for six years.  Early workers were A. Habermehl and G. Overholt.


The community of Glen Christie came into being in the latter part of the past century when limestone was discovered along the Speed River.  The lime kiln plant was founded by O. B. Ellis, who also operated a plant at Beaverdale, which is no longer in existence.  It was later taken over by Messrs. Christie and Henderson, from which the name Glen Christie was derived, and it was Mr. Christie who had the Sunday School built.


Within recent years, 22 families have lived in the community, the majority being employed at the lime kiln.  Recently, a new quarry has been opened near the homes and the Sunday School, and the operation no longer permits occupancy.







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