The Morriston Church

(written by Marjorie Clark, 1980.)



During its long term of service in the community, the Morriston Church has been rechristened several times as it has adapted to changing congregations, as follows, earliest name first.   

Morriston Evangelical Church

Morriston Evangelical United Brethren Church

Morriston United Church

Mount Carmel Zion United Church








Great Beginnings



In the early years, the German pioneers worshipped in the homes of Nicholas Beaver, John Calfas, John Morlock and John Winer.  John Calfas took the part of the minister and usually read a sermon.



The very first minutes of the Christian Community in Morriston read as follows:


“Beginning of the Work for God and Founding of

the First Community in Morriston.”


In the year 1840, Joseph Harlacher, of East Pennsylvania, was sent as a missionary to Waterloo.  On the thirteenth of May, 1840 Missionary Harlacher came for the first time to Puslinch and on the same evening he preached for the first time in the house of old father Bieber.


Rev. Joseph Harlacher of the East Pennsylvania Conference was an old friend of Mrs. Nicholas Bieber, formerly Charlotte Yantz.


On the first Sunday in October 1840, the first well‑attended meeting was held in the home of John Calfas.  On New Years Day 1841, the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper was administered for the first time by J. M. Sindlinger and Joseph Harlacher and forty-­five people joined the church.  A series of meetings was held at the Calfas home.


The membership was divided into classes.  Some of the class leaders throughout the years were: John Morlock, John Haist, Philip Calfas, Gottlieb Morlock, William Sauder, Mr. Kaechell, George Bernhardt, John Graeb, George Elfner, John Frey, George Finkbeiner, George Brown and John Fahrner.


In 1841, a Sunday School was organized, the third in the Conference, with John Calfas as Superintendent.


For quite a number of years the services were held in the homes of the people.  Finally, a log meeting house was erected on a quarter of an acre on the Calfas Farm which was secured by the trustees of the “Evangelical German Chapel”.  According to the 1851 census it held one hundred people.  This log church was on the Brock Road in the middle of the village block on the west side of the street (behind where Jerry Warner’s house now stands).  It was later turned into a stable which was used by the Morriston Hotel.







In 1856, the red brick church was built on its present site on the hill, of brick from the Morriston brickyard.  The street leading from the Brock Road to Victoria Street, where the Church stands on the corner, was called Church Street.


There was no resident minister until about 1865.  At that time, a frame parsonage was built onto the rear of the church, largely through the efforts of George Barth, Charles Calfas, Christian Morlock and Fred Schultz Sr.


Morriston Circuit, at one time, was one of the strongest and most promising in the Conference taking in Morriston, Ancaster, Waterdown, Beverley, Hespeler, Preston and Galt.


Men who entered the ministry from the Morriston Circuit were: Mr. Kaechell, George Bernhardt, Peter Bohler, Lewis Rothaemal, H. A. Thomas, James Morley, Solomon Graeb, John C. Morlock and John Huether.


In 1881, the church was enlarged and improved.


In 1892, the Young People’s Association was organized during the pastorate of C. S. Finkbeiner.


In 1894, the present brick manse was erected.  Rev. Sauer was the first to live in it, in 1895.


In 1906, the church was closed for nine Sundays on account of a flu epidemic and on September 23rd re‑opening services were held.  Rev. W. A. A. Fortner of Freelton officiated at 10:15 a.m. and Rev. W. C. Beese at 7:30 p.m.  Sunday School was at 2:00 p.m.


In 1911, a system of acetylene gas lighting was installed in the church.


The language in which the service was given was changed from German to English in 1917.







In 1939, the Canada Conference was held in Emmanuel Evangelical Church, Waterloo and it was the first time in history that there was a woman delegate.  In 1940, Mrs. A. J. Huether was delegate, being the first woman to attend conference from Morriston.


On September 1st and 2nd, 1940, Morriston Evangelical Church observed its one hundredth anniversary.  A large congregation assembled to participate in the service on this auspicious occasion.  The activities of the Lord’s Day began with a christening service.  Rev. E. H. Bean baptised the twin sons of Mr. and Mrs. David Beaver.  These infants were the great‑grandchildren of Nicholas and Charlotte Beaver who on the thirteenth of May, 1840, welcomed Rev. Harlacher to their home.  The Sunday School period followed and George Brown of Toronto, a product of this church, spoke to the school.  In the afternoon, a Reminiscent Service was held when former pastors regaled the audiences with stories from the past.  The speakers were Rev. W. E. Beese, J. H. Grenzebach, J. Wesley Bean and W. J. Zimmerman.  Lunch was served in the Hall.  On Monday afternoon, there were ball games with local teams participating and a Garden Party in the evening at which John Winer was Chairman.  This was a joyous time for Morriston.







The Evangelical Church united with the United Brethren on November 6th, 1946 and the village church was then known as Morriston Evangelical United Brethren Church.


During the pastorate of Rev. Dorsch (1948 1951) it was decided, after much planning and thought, to put a basement under the church.  With Rev. Dorsch as their leader and organizer, the task of digging began.  The work was started by burrowing under the floor and 26,000 cubic feet of earth was dug and passed out bucket by bucket.  The new basement contained a Sunday School room and a modern kitchen.


Many people put effort into this project.  Included were the Winers, William Rymarzik, Edgar Boucher, Nelson Paddock, Harvey Laking, Bob Penrice, the Huethers, Simon Morlock, and Peck Finkbeiner.  The project was sponsored by and assisted to completion by the driving power and financial assistance of two men: Rev. E. F. Dorsch and John Winer.


On Sunday, November 16th 1952, the basement was dedicated by Bishop J. Balmer-Showers of Indianapolis and a plaque commemorating the work of John Winer in the construction of the basement was unveiled by Edgar Boucher, Superintendent of the Sunday School, and John Huether, Assistant Superintendent.  Miss Martha Debo was soloist.  Afternoon service was led by Rev. Dorsch and Rev. Caughell presided at the evening service.






In 1961, the Ladies Aid became the Women’s Society of World Service.  Also in 1961, Rev. W. A. Durst (1893 - 1965) organized the Boys and Girls Fellowship with a membership of twelve.  The first president was Lynn Slade.


On April 11th 1965, at the Sunday morning service, the Boys and Girls Fellowship presented the church with a lovely hymn board.  The presentation was made by their leader, Mrs. W. A. Durst, along with Bud Huether, Robert Williams, Sherry Slade, and Bette Ann Tatum.


On January 1st 1968, the Morriston Evangelical United Brethren Church joined with the United Church and became Morriston United Church.


In 1975, the Morriston and Aberfoyle congregations became one and the Morriston Church became Mount Carmel Zion United Church of Canada.


In 1978, the vestry was renovated into a study for the minister.







In the summer of 1980, Morriston Church received a new and capable minister, Rev. Jessie Jansen.  Also, throughout this past (1980) summer and fall the Church was insulated and completely redecorated.  A Dedication Supper and Service was held on Sunday December 7th 1980.


“Many people have given their time, money and talents to the “re‑doing” of this sanctuary and we are quite aware that it is impossible to mention them all.  We feel, however, that at this time some acknowledgements need to be made.  The painting of the sanctuary was paid for by money received from the estate of Mrs. Sophia Yates and several anonymous donations.  The pews and the floor were painted by members of the congregation, who also donated the paint.  The money for carpeting was raised entirely by the Sunday School.  The wrought‑iron railing was made by Mr. Harold Moore.  Jim Kitchen did the wiring.  The extension of the platform was built by Bill Mast and Jack Bishop.  The U.C.W. Morriston Unit paid for the extension of the vinyl floor covering.  Our new banners are the work of Mrs. Margie McKay.  Hymn books were donated by: Aberfoyle U.C.W., Anna Bill, The Messengers, George Huether, Margaret Patterson, Kathy Huether, Debbie Huether, Harold Moore and Jack Bishop.


Hymn books donated as Memorials were given in loving memory of: Howard Winer by the Choir; Edgar Boucher by Tiny and Gordon Mills; Mary McEdwards by the Robert Penrice family; Madeline Marks by her daughter Carol Gardiner; Arthur Pylack by the McKay family; Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Laking by Alma Laking and Rose Patterson and also by Bruce and Helen McLean.”







September 28th 1980,

The 140th Anniversary of the Founding of the Morriston Church.


“Today we give thanks for this heritage and we treasure it.  With this heritage as the foundation of the present congregation, we look towards the future with hope and new expectations, knowing that we are one in Christ.  Let us celebrate.”











Morriston Evangelical Church Membership List

April 2nd 1869.

Class # 1


Wilhelm Schmidt Leader

Karl Calfas

Christian Morlock

Christina Winer

Frederick Schultz

Maria Gayer

George Barth

Anna Margretha Barth

Elizabeth Kannewarf

Bernard Mast

Katharine Bach

Elizabeth Rothaermal

Magdalena Martin

Fredricka Martin

Katherine Braun

William Calfas

Rachel Calfas

Maria Schultz

Elizabeth Stein

Carolina Hohberger

Barbara Elfner

Elizabeth Bieber

Maria Schmidt

John Calfas

Sophia Calfas

Fredricka Morlock

Heinrich Vetter

Maria Schultz

Mary Martin

Sophia Barth

Elizabeth Heitz

Wilhemina Schlegel

Conrad Rothaermal

Andreas Stahl

Frederick Martin

Susana Martin

Luisa Martin

Maria Stein

Sophia Stahl

_____ Rappolt

Daniel Stahl

George Elfner

Frederich Hingleman

George Finkbeiner

Paul Winer

Maria Vetter

John Gayer

Wilhelmina Schnepf

Maria Morlock

Jacob Heitz

Sophia Calfas

Bernard Braun

Valentine Bach

Henrietta Kerstoff

Mary Mast

Katherine Stein

Philip Calfas

Christian Schultz

John Stein

George Bernhardt

Margaret Metzger

Magdalena Stahl

Philip Bieber

Frederika Bernhardt

Margaret Hingleman

Margretha Braun






Morriston Evangelical Church Membership List

April 2nd 1869.

Class # 2


Peter Beiber Leader

Salome Beiber

Nicholas Bieber

Charlotte Bieber

Lydia Bieber

Regina Haist

Mary Bieber

John Mast

Regina Mast

Frank Mast

Sarah Mast

Bernhardt Fahrner

Maria Fahrner

Friederich Gregor

Mathias Fahrner

Katherina Gregor

Eva Fahrner

Jacob Schultz

John Fahrner








Morriston Evangelical Church Membership List

February 12th 1895.


George Elfner

Margaret Brown

George Barth

Rebecca Barth

Christian Morlock Sr.

Christina Morlock

Ethelbert Morlock

Sarah Bach

Bertha Gayer

John Frey

John Fahrner

Wesley Fahrner

Louisa Fahrner

Fred "Peter" Schultz

Mary Schmidt

John Schmidt

William Fahrner

Annie Weekes

Mary Beaver

Wesley Beaver

Mary Fritz

Catherine Morlock

Auchelina Morlock

Mary Schultz

Frederick Schultz Sr.

John Huether

Martha Fowler

William Winer

Margaret Smith

Caroline Brown

Henry Beaver

Adelaide Ames

Susanna Martin

George Finkbeiner

Catherine Finkbeiner

Katherine Gregor

 Lydia Martin

Wilhemina Schlegel

Eliza Jacobs

Catherine Provan

Charles Rothaermal

Charles F. Miller

Wesley Binkley

John Leith

Rachel Calfas

Emma Beaver

Barbara Elfner

Charles Calfas

Henry Barth

John Barth

Mary Morlock

Minnie Morlock

Simon Morlock

John Gayer

Lilly Gayer

Mary Frey

Catherine Fahrner

Eva Fahrner

Alfred Pernell

Louisa Schultz

Minnie Schmidt

Lydia Fahrner

George Weekes

Charles Weekes

Melvina Beaver

Charlotte Beaver

Elizabeth Stein

Peter Morlock

Lovina Morlock

William Schultz

Wilhemina Harbottle

Mary Huether

Mary Fahrner

Lena Winer

Ida Smith

William Brown

Sophia Beaver

John Ames

Mary Mast

Jacobina Finkbeiner

Louisa Finkbeiner

Mary Gregor

Elizabeth Fritz

Otto Rappolt

Susanna Martin

Emma Gibbon

William Rothaermal

Clara Bowman

Charles Brown

Rosa Morris

Ida Calfas

Bernard Brown

Sophia Calfas

Wilhemina Barth

Charles Barth

Louisa Morlock

William Morlock

Valentine Bach

Mary Gayer

Minnie Gayer

Laura Frey

William Fahrner

Mary Fahrner

Sophia Pernell

John Schmidt

Annie Schmidt

Martha Fahrner

Matilda Weekes

William Weekes

Lydia Beaver

Jacob Fritz

Christian Morlock Jr.

Mary Morlock

Jacob Schultz

Mary Schultz

William Schultz

James Fowler

Frank Fahrner

William Smith

Solomon Brown

Martha Brown

Victoria Ames

Mary Beaver

Charles Mast

Matilda Finkbeiner

Frederick Gregor

Charles Gregor

Wilhemina Dunkie

John Rappolt

Ethel Sutherland

Maggie Gibbon

John Calfas

Olie Bowman

John Hingleman

Philip Calfas

Mary Gilmour









Morriston Evangelical Church Membership List

April 1910.


John Frey

Melinda Frey

Jacobina Finkbeiner

Catherine Fahrner

Mary Fahrner

Mary Huether

Louisa Schultz

Clara Schultz

George Elfner

William Schultz

William Brown

James Brown

Rebecca Morlock

Wealthy Morlock

George Kellick

Tom Ayres

Alice Brown

Clara Fritz

Otto Rappolt

John Hingleman

Edward Morris

Annie Ames

Charles Mast

William Winer

Mabel Winer

Nora Schmidt

Christian Morlock Sr.

Ethelbert Morlock

Christina Leith

John Kellerman

J. C. Morlock

Christal Morlock Jr.

Mary Frey

Elsie Frey

Lorinda Finkbeiner

 Pearl Fahrner

Lydia Fahrner

Fred Schultz Sr.

Martha Schultz

Mary Gayer

Barbara Elfner

Fredricka Schultz

Martha Brown

George Brown

Loretta Morlock

Beatrice Morlock

Annie Kellick

Leroy Morlock

Jacob Fritz

Ida Fritz

John Rappolt

Rosa Morris

Nellie Morris

William Ames

Mary Kistenmacher

Lena Winer

John Schmidt

Henry Beaver

Mary Morlock

Simon Morlock

Catherine Morlock

Minnie Gregor

Sarah Kellerman


Christian Frey

George Finkbeiner

John Fahrner

Eva Fahrner

John Huether

Fred Schultz Jr.

Hilda Schultz

Minnie Durnin

George Barth

Margaret Brown

Irene Brown

Catherine Provan

Estella Morlock

John Morlock

Tom Negro

Charles Brown

Mary Fritz

Wilhemina Dunkie

Susanna Martin

Thomas Morris

Victoria Ames

Mary Welsh

Wilhemina Harbottle

John Winer

Mary Schmidt

Sophia Beaver

Louisa Morlock

William Morlock

Meta Morlock

Mrs. Peter Beaver

Lovina Stahl








The Ministers of Morriston Church


Joseph Harlacher

Phillip Miller

John Staebler

J. D. Jenne

D. Dippel

George Brown

J. Wagner

William Schmidt

H. Holtzman

C. A. Thomas

Solomon Weber

Phillip Winkler

W. Schwandt

Theobald Houch

D. Rider

H. Werner

E. Eby

C. S. Finkbeiner

Jacob Wilhelm

A. W. Sauer

J. H. Grenzebach

S. Krupp

J. W. Bean

W. E. Beese

J. C. Morlock

C. R. Kauth

S. M. Houch

D. Kreh

Milton Giel

F. A. Lawson

J. Hammitt

A. T. Nash

L. Wittich

J. G. Domm

W. J. Zimmerman


J. H. Grenzebach

E. H. Bean

John A. Neill

J. W. Siebert

J. E. Bender

E. F. Dorsch

N. H. Reibling

John Huether

G. L. Gross

A. S. Caughell

W. A. Durst

Peter Tucker

E. V. Warren

William Boyd

Ian Shapter

Olga McKellar

Jessie Jansen









Morriston Church Organists



The first organ was purchased in 1891 and John Huether was organist for four years.  Miss Louisa Morlock then served in this capacity for a remarkable sixty‑three years.  Since that time organists have been Mrs. Blanche Chalmers and Mrs. George Sutton.  Others have also served for short periods of time.



Morriston Sunday School



In 1841, the Sunday School was organized, with John Calfas as Superintendent.  There are no records but according to reliable information others serving as superintendent were: Charles Beese, Lewis Rothaermal, Frank Mast and George Barth.  On record are Conrad Rothaermal in 1872, John Frey from 1873 1896, followed by John Fahrner for one year and John Huether from 1898 until his death in 1936.


At the Annual Sunday School Meeting on January 10, 1937 a tribute was paid to John Huether’s memory in the following words:


“We hereby acknowledge the faithful and unselfish service of the late John Huether who for the past thirty‑eight years has been Superintendent of our Sunday School.  We appreciate all that he has rendered to this Sunday School.  May the Lord abundantly reward.







In 1924, John Winer was elected Assistant Superintendent and in 1936, after the passing of John Huether, was elected Superintendent and served the Morriston Sunday School faithfully until his illness when he was made Honorary Superintendent.


On June 6th 1926, Edgar and Elsie Boucher joined the Morriston Church.  In 1937, J. Edgar Boucher (1890-June 25th 1965.) was elected Assistant Sunday School Superintendent and on January 11th 1950 was elected superintendent.  He served faithfully until illness in 1961, when he was named Honorary Superintendent.


From 1961 to 1980, William J. L. Huether, grandson of former Superintendent John Huether, was Morriston Sunday School Superintendent.


In 1980, Audrey Mast assumed the position.


Assistant Superintendents have been: John Fahrner, John Winer, J. Edgar Boucher, Simon Morlock, John Huether, William J. L. Huether, Brock Laking, Robert Moore, David J. Thomson, (grandson of former Superintendent J. Edgar Boucher), G. Dyment and Cheryl McLean.


This Morriston Sunday School history would not be complete without mention of Louisa and Simon Morlock.  For many years Miss Louisa Morlock was teacher of the Junior Class.  Simon P. Morlock was one of the most faithful pupils and a teacher of the Adult Bible Class also for many years.


It is traditional for the Morriston Church to hold its Christmas Concert on Christmas Eve.  However, in the years 1980 and 1981 the concert took place on the last Sunday of Advent and a beautiful candle‑lighting service was celebrated on Christmas Eve.







Morriston Sunday School Officials



Louisa Morlock

Pearl Fahrner

Minnie Gregor

Phyllis Leith

Mary Penrice

Gertrude Kitchen

Mrs. Ben Wyse

Marguerite Boucher

Beatrice Winer

Helen Laking

Mrs. Emily McLean

Isabelle Thomson

Marilynne Moore

Mrs. George Sutton

Donna Milne

Lois Winer



George Brown

John Hingleman

Wes Winer

W. Morlock

Charles Brown

Mary Penrice

Howard Winer

Bill Winer

Martha Debo

Harvey Laking

Bill Mast Jr.



Emma Beaver

Martha Schultz

Wes Winer

Bert Ames

Norman Beaver

Margaret Hingleman

Norman Durnin

Della Philpott

Evelyn Culp

Marjorie Culp

William Winer

John Huether

Patricia Quail

Helen Laking

Pearl Huether

Barbara Pylack

Donna Blacklock

Eileen Williams

Jean Penrice

Martha Debo

Pauline Huether

Lynn Slade

Sandra Dyment

Joan Davis







F. Schultz

George Finkbeiner

Simon Morlock

Martha Schultz

George Brown

William Morris

John Winer

W. G. Morlock

Charles Brown

C. M. Leith

John Hingleman

Wes Winer

William Huether

Lawrence Huether

William Winer

Harvey Laking

Howard Winer


Sunday School Teachers:

Charles Brown

Mrs. J. Leith

Victoria Ames

John Fahrner

Kate Fahrner

Mrs. Grenzebach

Louisa Morlock

Mary Penrice

Mina Huether

Dorothy Mast

Edgar Boucher

Elsie Boucher

John Winer

Florence Hingleman

Dorothy Huether

Joy Huether

Margaret Beese

Bill Huether

Harvey Laking

Mary Huether

Winnie Pylack

Simon Morlock

Marguerite Thomson

Mrs. Caughell

David Thomson

Eileen Williams

Eleanor Winer

Mary Tatum

Carol Smith

Margaret McKay

Mrs. Dave Williams

Beatrice Huether

Rose Williams

Mrs. W. A. Durst

Marilynne Moore

Audrey Mast

Cheryl McLean

Kathy Huether

Debbie Huether

Donna Milne

Mrs. Langley

Ruth Bishop

Jane McQuain

Jean Corlett

Linda Williams






















A footnote of concern by the author


As of this date, 1980, the records of the Morriston Church are housed in the United Church Archives, Toronto.  Although some of them are in an extremely fragile condition, the Archives presently has no plans to preserve them on microfilm.








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