The News from

Puslinch Lake Farmers’ Club






Puslinch Lake Farmers’ Club

October 4th 1915.


The Puslinch Lake Farmers’ Club will hold a ploughing match on the farm of Thomas Robertson on Thanksgiving Day, October 11th.  Ploughing will commence at 1:00 o’ clock and continue until 4:00 p.m.  This is a new departure in this district and would bear repetition in many districts of Ontario.






Puslinch Lake Farmers’ Club

October 12th 1915.


The officers and members of the Puslinch Lake Farmers’ Club are to be congratulated on the success of their first ploughing match held on the farm of Mr. Thomas Robertson, rear half of lot 4, 2nd concession, Puslinch Township, on Thanksgiving Day.  A large crowd followed with much interest the work of the competitors in the various classes.  The judging was done by Mr. James E. Woods, of Preston, whose work, though not an easy task, apparently gave entire satisfaction.  After the announcement of the prize winners, the ladies of the section, who were present in large numbers, served a much appreciated and enjoyed lunch, a liberal collection being taken in aid of the Red Cross Fund.  The following is the prize list:


Men’s Class, Sod, Best Plowing

8 entries

1st prize — Aaron Cober, set of doubletrees, sponsored by Herbert Ott, valued at $4 and an additional $3.

2nd — August Lisso, 50 lbs. of flour, sponsored by W. Coles and $4 provided by W. A. Kribs.

3rd — John McAlister, set of whiffletrees, sponsored by Ed. Sault, valued at $2 and an additional $3.

4th — Robert Reeve, groceries valued at $2, sponsored by F. Kohli, and an additional $1.


Best start

John Robertson, furniture valued at $3, sponsored by A. F. Stager


Best finish

John McAlister, 100 lbs. of fertilizer, sponsored by W. Guenther


Boys’ Class, 19 years and under, in sod, 5 entries

Best plowing

1st prize — Lee Eagle, hat, $2.50, sponsored by C. H. Pierce, and an additional $4.

2nd  — James Evans, $4.

3rd — Michael French, $2.

4th — James Gibson, razor, valued at $1.50, sponsored by L. Grill


Best start

Lee Eagle, hardware, valued at $2, sponsored by Hall and Simerton


Boys, 16 years and under, in stubble, best plowing, 4 entries

1st prize — Fred Douglas, $6

2nd — A. Hbermeal (?), $4

3rd — Dennis Collins, $2

4th — Irvin Bes___ (?), 50





Puslinch Lake Farmers’ Club

April 17th 1920.


When we say that the members of the Puslinch Lake Farmers’ Club never do things by halves we only repeat what has since been known by all who are acquainted with that particular club, and Friday night’s programme at the Puslinch Lake dance hall was a repetition of the much looked for event which is regularly held both spring and fall.  The programme was most entertaining and instructive and consisted of the following numbers:


Five reels of moving picture films given by Mr. J. S. Knapp, District Representative of the Department of Agriculture, Galt, describing typical scenery in the Highlands of Ontario, also fishing and other industries of the Dominion — a reading by Miss McKenzie and a recitation by Master D. Gordier — solos by Mr. Ralph Elston, Mrs. W. Marriott, and Miss Della Groh — instrumental duet on the violin by Messrs. Robertson and McKay — address by Mr. J. Fyfe on the growth of the U.F.O. and the good that it has done to the farming classes.


Mr. C. T. Groh presided over the meeting and gave a short account of the volume of business transacted by the Co-operative Society, in which the company charter has thrice been changed to permit the increase of capitalization from the original $10,000 to $250,00, and lastly to $1,000,000.


At the close of the programme, many of the 200 present indulged in a social hop to the strains of music supplied by the Robertson-McKay orchestra.


From the Galt Reporter newspaper





Puslinch Lake Farmers Meet

December 14th 1920


The annual supper of the Puslinch Lake Farmers’ Club was held in the dance hall at Puslinch Lake on Friday evening last and was very largely attended.  Nearly 150 sat down for refreshments, which consisted of many good things, including wieners, sauerkraut, and baked beans.


It has always been customary for the club to hold what they call a supper to wind up the business of a year.  The Gilcrest and French orchestra supplied the music, which was of the highest standard.  Excellent addresses were given by J. D. Ramsay, Principal of the Hespeler Public School, and C. T. Groh of Clearview.  The former spoke on rural depopulation while the latter referred to the livestock situation.  The purchasing agent gave his report, which showed that nearly $18,000 worth of sugar, coal, oats, et cetera had been purchased through the club during the year.


From the Galt Reporter newspaper





Farmers’ Clubs Picnic at Lake

June 28th 1920.


Prominent Men Address the Gathering of Puslinch and Waterloo Farmers


Saturday was a red letter day for the agricultural classes of Puslinch and Waterloo who gathered in goodly numbers at Puslinch Lake to picnic together and hear the leaders of the U.F.O. movement discuss matters pertaining to the welfare of farmers.  The executive, which had the matter in hand of arranging the details for the outing, was more than fortunate in securing prominent men identified with the management of the new movement which has become of such great importance to the Province of Ontario as a whole.


Those present were J. J. Morrison, Secretary of the U.F.O. and also Secretary of the United Farmers’ Co-operative Society, Mr. Ross, editor of the publication “Farmer’s Sun” of Toronto, Mr. Fulthorp, Secretary of the Livestock Department at Toronto, and M. C. McCurdy, the veteran stock salesman who looks after the sale of stock for the U.F.O. at the Union Stockyards, West Toronto.


Mr. C. T. Groh, chairman of the meeting, introduced Mr. Fulthorp, who gave the opening address and outlined the remarkable growth of the work at the stockyards since its commencement 16 months ago up to the present time, in which fully one-third of the stock of the province shipped to the stock market is consigned to the U.F.O.


Mr. McCurdy, who is of a genial disposition, showed what real Irish wit and humour consisted of in his address to farmers.  He gave many timely hints on the class of stock that the farmers should raise and very forcibly described the difference between animals which were money makers on the market and those which were non producers.


Mr. Ross, editor of the Farmer’s Sun, a fluent and pleasing speaker, had many nice things to say to the farmers on matters of interest in general.


As is the custom at well planned gatherings, the best of the wine was reserved for the last of the feast, and Mr. J. J. Morrison provided the real treat of the day, dealing with events which gave birth to the U.F.O., the many trying times that it passed through, and the work in hand since assuming the duties involved in carrying on the work of the Legislature at Toronto.  The speaker upheld the “recall” of members of parliament when they ceased to represent the wishes of those who elected them and scathingly scorned the Union Government at Ottawa that has long since ceased to represent the wishes of the people of the Dominion of Canada.


Mr. Morrison, who is frequently referred to as the man behind the throne, proved himself to have a clear vision of public affairs, a deep thinker, and possessing great power to reason out matters of most vital importance in present day politics.  His address on Saturday was a rare treat to the many who were present.


At the close of the address, luncheon was served, after which a programme of sports was carried out in which one of the chief items was a tug of war between the Puslinch Lake and Maple Grove Farmers’ Clubs, in which the stalwarts of Puslinch twice pulled their rivals across no man’s land.


At the close of the picnic, all returned to their various homes feeling that the Union picnic of the farmers of Wellington and Waterloo was one of the most pleasing held in many moons and all hoped that it would be repeated a year hence.


From the Galt Reporter newspaper





Puslinch Lake Farmers’ Picnic

June 17th 1921.


The Puslinch Lake Farmers’ Club held a big picnic at Puslinch Lake yesterday afternoon.  There was a large turnout and many partook of the many good things to eat, and during the afternoon, enjoyed themselves playing baseball and other games, and in the evening, a dance was held in the pavilion.


From the Galt Reporter newspaper





Puslinch Lake Farmers’ Club

September 21st 1921.

“Plowing Matches”


The Puslinch Lake Farmers’ Club is putting on its second annual plowing match on October 19th and has added a couple more events over what they had last year.  They are offering a cup to members for annual competition and the same is on display in Frank Calvert’s jewellery window, and is a mighty nice bit of silverware.  The matches will be held at Neubauer’s this year.






Puslinch Lake Farmers’ Club

February 22nd 1922.


The regular meeting of the Puslinch Lake Farmers’ Club was held at the home of Walter Holm last night and was attended by a large crowd, there being about 125 present.  Owing to the president, John Fife, taking part in the debate, William Cole was appointed chairman for the evening. 


The meeting was opened in the usual manner and the business of the club attended to.  Then followed the debate on the subject “Resolved that the consolidation of the schools would be in the best interests of rural Ontario”.  The affirmative was taken by William Marriott and William Little and the negative by Alex Neubauer and John Fife.  The judges were Orville Groh and C. T. Groh.  Their decision was in favour of the negative by a small margin.  The subject was discussed from all angles.


Following the debate, lunch was served, which was followed by a couple of hours spent in a social manner.  Arrangements were completed for a debate to be held in three weeks from last night at the home of William J. Little, the subject to be “Resolved that it would be of greater interest to the farmer to work ten hours a day instead of the present long day system”.


From the Galt Reporter newspaper





Puslinch Lake Farmers’ Club

March 9th 1922.

“Another debate”


The Puslinch Lake Farmers’ club will hold another debate.  This debate will take place on Tuesday evening at the home of W. J. Little.  “Resolved, that a ten-hour day would be more profitable to the farmer than the present long-day system”, will be discussed, pro and con.  John Fyfe and Walter Holm will agree with the resolution.  Miss E. Little and Mr. R. Vipond will discuss the question from the negative standpoint.


From the Galt Reporter newspaper





Puslinch Lake Farmers’ Club

March 16th 1922.

“Good Debate”


Quite an enjoyable time was spent on Tuesday night by the Puslinch Lake Farmers’ Club at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Little.  The big item on the program was a debate on the question of whether it is more profitable for a farmer to have ten-hour days or to continue all hours, as at present.  Messrs. John Fyfe and Walter Holm were in favour of the ten-hour day and put up some mighty good arguments in favour of the shorter hours on the farm.  But their opponents, Miss Little and Mr. R. Vipond, apparently haven’t joined the Progressive party, for they are willing to stick to the old hours, and they said so in such terms that the judges, Mr. Neubauer and Miss McWilliams, awarded them the honours, on points.  A fine program, outside the debate, was rendered, and the large numbers present thoroughly enjoyed themselves.


From the Galt Reporter newspaper





Debate at the Lake

Puslinch Lake Farmers’ Club

April 19th 1923.


An interesting event took place at the lake on Tuesday when representatives of the Puslinch Lake Farmers’ Club and the club in Paisley Block debated the question as to whether Asiatics should have the same privileges in Canada as the people from Central Europe.  Horace Shaw and John R. Little took the affirmative while Harry Bohn and Tom Forrest upheld the negative.  It was an interesting debate, the affirmative winning by a few points.  A fine musical program followed.  Mr. J. M. Eagle gave a short speech in moving a vote of thanks to the visitors, which was carried.  Lunch and dancing followed, and made up a most enjoyable evening.



from the Hespeler Herald newspaper






Farmers’ Club Supper

November 1st 1923.


The members of the Puslinch Lake Farmers’ Club, with their families, turned out in goodly numbers on Thursday evening to their second annual supper in the Lake Hall.  About 150 sat down to supper provided by the ladies and needless to say it was a repast that all thoroughly enjoyed.


Mr. H. V. Metzke gave a short talk on things that might be helpful to the farmer, while J. R. Brethour contributed to the enjoyment of the evening with a couple of songs.  President John Fyfe presided and made a few remarks regarding the association.  Following the supper, a short social time was held and then they tripped the light fantastic until about two a.m.



from the Guelph Mercury newspaper






Puslinch Lake Farmers’ Club Meeting

November 22nd 1923.


The November meeting of the Puslinch Lake Farmers’ Club was held on Tuesday evening at the home of Mr. John Little.  It was “Scotch” night, in anticipation of the near approach of St. Andrew’s day.  Mr. Will Shaw occupied the chair, and did it very nicely.  There was a varied program of Scotch songs, recitations, and readings that were very much enjoyed.  The Robertson orchestra added considerable pleasure to the evening with several fine selections.  Following the program a short business session was held, after which a most enjoyable lunch was served.  Upwards of one hundred were present.



from the Guelph Mercury newspaper






Meeting of the Puslinch Lake Farmers’ Club

March 20th 1924.


The meeting of the Puslinch Lake Farmers’ Club on Tuesday evening took the form of a social evening.  The meeting was held at the home of W. W. Robertson and was attended by over 70.  The first part of the meeting took the form of a St. Patrick’s day program, with Irish songs, readings, and instrumentals.  This was followed by a spirited debate on the question, “Resolved, that a two-year course at an agricultural college is of more value to a young farmer than $1000 spent on travel”.  The affirmative was taken by Miss Dora Tabbert and Mr. Les Bagg, while Miss Ada Rahman and Mr. Arthur Eagle upheld the negative.  The judges awarded the decision in favour of the negative.  A short business meeting followed after which a fine lunch was served.



from the Guelph Mercury newspaper






Puslinch Lake Farmer’s Club Annual Meeting

December 11th 1924.



The annual meeting of the Puslinch Lake Farmer’s Club was held at the schoolhouse on Tuesday evening.  The report of the Secretary-Treasurer showed that, not including the car of wheat shipped last week, the returns of which are not in, the receipts of the club had been $4853, with expenditures amounting to $4669.  The resignation of the secretary, Arthur Eagle, was received.  The election resulted as follows: /President — Walter Holm /Vice President —  John Fyfe/ Directors —  A. Neubauer, E. S. Shantz, W. J. Little, J. R. Little, Wm. Tabbert, George Erhardt, and John Strycker/ Auditor —  G. S. Reaman, J. M. Eagle/ Representatives to the Ontario Convention —  J. R. Little, R. J. Elston./  The secretary-ship went begging.  In the meantime, last year’s secretary will act.



from the Galt Evening Reporter newspaper






Farmers’ Club Social

February 15th 1925.


The Farmers’ Club of Section No. 11 entertained the members and friends to a social evening at Mr. John Little’s on Tuesday evening where a very nice program was rendered.  Mr. Alex Neubauer acted as chairman and gave a short address.  Mr. Boots rendered a solo.  Mr. Bolzin gave a couple of concertina selections.  Mr. John Fyfe gave an address on the old settlers of the neighbourhood that proved interesting.  Mr. J. B. Little gave a recitation which was followed by songs by Miss Grant.  Messrs. Boots and Elson rendered a couple of duets.  Mr. Gordier gave a reading and Mr. Marvin Eagle an address.  The Misses Harding rendered a duet and Miss Mary Dixon and George Steffler gave several selections on the violin.  The singing by the club was a feature of the evening’s program.  Miss Maimie Robertson acted as accompanist.  About a hundred were present.  A business meeting preceded the program.  Lunch was served and a jolly social time spent afterwards.






Farmers’ Club Meets

May 7th 1925.


The Puslinch Lake Farmers’ Club held its monthly meeting on Tuesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Isaiah Holm.  The club’s president, Alex Neubauer, presided and a most delightful program was rendered, consisting of vocal and instrumental music and recitations.  The club decided to continue its meetings throughout the summer.






Puslinch Lake Farmers’ Club

June 4th 1925.


The home of Mr. Donald Currie was the rendezvous for over 150 of the farmers and farmerettes from the Puslinch Lake Farmers’ Club on Tuesday evening.  The Hespeler band was in attendance and besides its music, a full sized program was enjoyed by everybody.  The club will hold its picnic to the O.A.C. on the 12th.






Puslinch Lake Farmers’ Club Annual

December 15th 1927.


The annual meeting of the Puslinch Lake Farmers’ Club was held at the Lake School on Tuesday evening.  In spite of the bad night, there was a pretty fair attendance.  The club had no shipper last year and there was no record kept of the livestock sold.  The club purchased close to $4,000 worth of goods for its members and has a surplus of $200.  The following officers were elected, President — Walter Holm, Vice-President — Robert Reeves, Secretary-Treasurer — Lewis Evans, Directors — E. Shantz, J. R. Little, J. M. Eagle, Gordon Schultz, J. Stryker, Geo. Erhardt,  and J. Grieve.


from the Hespeler Herald newspaper






Puslinch Lake Farmers’ Club

April 21st 1928.


Puslinch Lake Farmers’ Club Holds Successful Social Evening

Enjoy Supper and Splendid Musical Program


One of the most successful social evenings in the history of the Puslinch Lake Farmers’ Club was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Holm on Thursday evening when two hundred and twenty-six guests partook of a sauerkraut and wiener supper.  After the good things were disposed of, the following program was given;  “The Maple Leaf”, an instrumental selection by Miss Dickieson and Lewis Evans — recitation by Donald Bartels — comic selection by the 1930 Glee Club of Hespeler — address of welcome by club President, Mr. Holm — address by Mr. O. Stager — instrumental selections by Mr. C. Trewans, Miss Dickieson, and Mrs. L. Evans — song by Miss Parker — instrumental by Herb Wildfong and Ervine Lisso — recitation by Willie Ehrhardt, song by Miss Tabbart, address by Mr. Woods of the Maple Grove Farmers’ Club — song by Miss Alstead — instrumental by Mr. Leavey and Mrs. L. Evans, song by Mr. James Drayton of Hespeler, duet by Miss Parker and Miss Alstead — instrumental by Mr. H. Wildfong and Ervine Lisso — instrumental by Mr. Heath — short address by Mr. Zryd, who has recently come into the neighbourhood through the purchase of the mill known as Cole’s Mill, who announced the opening of a sawmill in connection with the grist mill in the near future.  The President announced a membership of one hundred.


From the Hespeler Herald newspaper






End of file.