The Puslinch Lake Women’s Institute |
The Women’s Institute Forms a New
Branch January 23rd 1946. A large number of interested women attended a meeting at the home of Mrs. C. Bond, of Puslinch, when a branch of the Women’s Institute was organized under the leadership of Mrs. H. Hanlon, Downey Institute, District President. Assisting her were Mrs. S. Hume, Vice-President of the Arkell Institute, and Mrs. J. Alton, Vice-President of the Eramosa Institute, Mrs. L. Guild, Secretary of the Rockwood Institute, Mrs. R. Williamson, President-past of the Utoka Institute, and Mrs. F. Pinder, District Director at Downey Institute. The election of officers for the newly formed branch were as follows: |
President : |
Mrs. E. Shantz |
1st Vice-President: |
Mrs. A. Gamble |
2nd Vice-President: |
Mrs. R. Reeve |
Secretary-Treasurer: |
Miss M. Stewart |
Assistant Secretary: |
Mrs. H. Eltherington |
District Director: |
Mrs. G. Steffler |
Branch Directors: |
Mrs. P. Evans, Miss A. Holm, & Mrs. A. Boreham. |
Convenors of Standing Committees: |
Citizenship: |
Mrs. W. Tremain |
Historical Research: |
Mrs. J. Patrick |
Home Economics: |
Miss A. Holm |
Social Welfare: |
Mrs. A. Christian |
Publicity: |
Mrs. P. Evans |
Special Committees: |
Mrs. A. Evans |
Press Reporter: |
Miss Marguerite Boreham |
Pianist: |
Miss Joan Gamble |
Assistant pianist: |
Miss M. Stewart |
Flower Committee: |
Miss Marie Steffler & Mrs. C. Bond |
Auditors: |
Mrs. J. Patrick & Mrs. A. Christian |
It was decided to choose the name “Lakeside Women’s Institute” and to hold meetings on the second Thursday of every month. At the conclusion of the meeting, refreshments were served and a social hour was enjoyed. |
Puslinch Lake Women’s Institute
Enjoys Program February 19th 1946. Mrs. H. Eltherington was the hostess for the February meeting of the Puslinch Lake Women’s Institute, presided over by Mrs. E. Shantz. The roll call was answered with the reading of valentine verses. It was decided to change the name from Lakeside Women’s Institute to Puslinch Lake Women’s Institute. Mr. W. Little gave a very interesting talk on the history of his farm and community. Mrs. G. Steffler gave a splendid report of a recent meeting held at the Y.W.C.A. Miss Joan Gamble and Miss Marie Steffler favoured the audience with an instrumental number, and Mrs. A. Evans gave a Valentine reading. Mrs. P. Evans conducted a contest on old sayings and proverbs. The meeting was adjourned, refreshments were served, and a social hour was enjoyed. |
Puslinch Lake Women’s Institute
Holds Annual Election May 15th 1946. The annual meeting of the Puslinch Lake Women’s Institute was held at the home of Mrs. R. Reeve, with twenty-four members and seven visitors in attendance. The meeting opened with the Women’s Institute ode and “The Lord’s Prayer”. Roll call was answered by each member reading a verse, composed by herself, on the fiftieth anniversary of the Women’s Institute. Fees were paid, and four new members joined. This being the first annual meeting of the branch, the minutes of the organization meeting, in January of 1946, were read, as well as the April minutes. The financial statement and the flower fund reports showed a successful year for the institute. As hospitalization plans are well advanced, Mrs. Steffler was appointed group leader to take charge of this. It was decided
to send five dollars to the Cancer Fund, and also five dollars to the
Puslinch Federation of Agriculture, and members were asked to each take their
own contribution towards the British Food Relief campaign, to the Hespeler or
Mrs. J. Little was appointed delegate to the district annual, in June. Mrs. Reeve was appointed representative of the institute to both the county and township Federations of Agriculture. An interesting part of the program was the presentation to Mrs. Patrick of a bank account for her small son, Frank. At the conclusion of the regular business, the nominating committee gave its report, and the following officers were elected for the year 1947-48: |
President: |
Mrs. E. Shantz. (or possibly Tschanz) |
1st Vice-President: |
Mrs. A. Gamble. |
2nd Vice-President: |
Mrs. R. Reeve. |
Secretary-Treasurer: |
Miss Margaret Stewart. |
Assistant Secretary-Treasurer: |
Mrs. J. Little. |
District Director: |
Mrs. G. Steffler. |
Directors: |
Miss A. Holm, Mrs. C. Tremain, and Mrs. P. Evans. |
Flower committee: |
Miss Ruby Morris and Mrs. C. Bond. |
Pianist: |
Miss Joan Gamble. |
Assistant pianist: |
Mrs. M. Bolger. |
Auditors: |
Mrs. Christian and Mrs. Patrick. |
Courtesy convenor: |
Mrs. Syvert. |
Standing Committee Convenors: |
Agriculture & Canadian Industries: |
Mrs. C. Tremain. |
Citizenship: |
Mrs. Patrick. |
Historical Research: |
Miss A. Holm. |
Home Economics: |
Mrs. Christian. |
Social welfare: |
Mrs. P. Evans. |
Publicity: |
Mrs. A. Evans. |
A program committee was chosen, composed of the executive and the convenors of the standing committees, and homes were offered for the monthly meetings. Marie Steffler
then gave a paper on part of Mrs. Hayes’ lectures on “Parliamentary
Procedure”, and Mrs. Reeve gave an account of the meeting of the Mrs. Syvert moved a vote of thanks to the hostess and to those taking part, and also, to all who had helped make the past year a success. The June meeting being on “Historical Research”, all were asked to bring an article of early days, to that meeting. The National Anthem was then sung, and a dainty lunch was served. |
Puslinch Lake Women’s Institute
Meeting September 18th 1946. The Puslinch Lake Women’s Institute held its September meeting at the home of Mrs. John Little, on Tuesday, with the members of the Puslinch branch as guests. The President, Mrs. Shantz, opened the meeting, with everyone singing the Women’s Institute ode and reciting “The Lord’s Prayer”. The roll call was answered by naming a book recently enjoyed and the minutes of the August meeting were read. After a short business session, Mrs. A. Evans gave a paper on current events and Mrs. James McCaig, President of the Puslinch Institute, then was called upon to take charge of the program. Two very fine papers were given, one by Mrs. Lewis on “Social-bility”, and another on the motto, “The Way to Have a Friend is to be One”, by Mrs. A. J. Huether. Mrs. Sherman favoured the audience with two solos, and Mrs. K. Tawse gave a demonstration on the icing of wedding cakes. Mrs. Hall then gave an amusing reading, “Borrowing a Match”, by Stephen Leacock, followed by the poem, “God’s House”. A quiz on the handbook was conducted by Mrs. H. Bell, after which, Mrs. Quail moved a vote of thanks to the Puslinch Lake Institute. The National Anthem was sung, and a dainty lunch was served. Prizes were given to the one whose birthday was nearest the day of the meeting, to the one sitting on “the lucky chair”, to the one holding “the lucky cup”, and also to the one winning the contest, “things our grandfather did without”, which was conducted after lunch by Mrs. Shantz. |
Puslinch Lake Women’s Institute
Hears Mrs. S. Hume October 12th 1946. Mrs. S. Hume, of Arkell, was the guest speaker at the October meeting of the Puslinch Lake Women’s Institute, held Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. J. R. Little, with an attendance of twenty. The President, Mrs. E. S. Shantz, was in the chair. The meeting opened with the singing of the “Women’s Institute Ode”, followed by “The Lord’s Prayer”. The roll call was responded to by “Our ideas to get members to take part in meetings”. Plans were made
to raise money for the Miss Joan Gamble favoured with a harmonica selection. Miss Marie Steffler gave a reading, “When Company Comes to Tea”, by Edgar Guest. Mrs. G. Steffler
and Mrs. J. R. Little were appointed delegates to the area convention to be
held in The meeting closed with the National Anthem. This was followed by a social hour, when a contest and lunch was enjoyed. Mrs. H. Eltherington was the winner of the contest. A vote of thanks to the guest speaker and hostess was sponsored by Mrs. C. Syvret. |
Puslinch Lake Women’s Institute November 20th 1946. The Puslinch Lake Women’s Institute held its November meeting at the home of Mrs. A. Gamble, with seventeen members and two visitors in attendance. The meeting opened with the Women’s Institute ode and “The Lord’s Prayer”, after which, the roll call was answered by suggesting an improvement that one would like to see in the school. The
correspondence was read and plans were made to send a food parcel to an
institute in Several members hoped to accept the invitation from the Badenoch Institute to enjoy a social evening with them. Current events
were given by Mrs. D. Pentelow, and an account of road building in Puslinch
in the early days was given by Mrs. Hohn. Mrs. A. Evans read some items on the
“Conference of the Associated Country Women of the World”, held at An interesting history of the home that had been the Dickie homestead for seventy-five years was given by Mrs. Gamble. Mrs. C. Tremaine read a paper, full of suggestions, on “Getting Together to Liven Things Up”, after which, Joan and Margaret Gamble favoured the audience with a piano duet. A collection for the flower fund was taken, and the meeting closed with the National Anthem. Mrs. Shantz then conducted a contest, and lunch was served by the hostess and the committee in charge. |
Puslinch Lake Women’s Institute
December Meeting December 24th 1946. Mrs. Shantz was hostess to the members of the Puslinch Lake Women’s Institute for their December meeting, when seventeen attended in spite of the inclement weather. The meeting
opened with the ode and “The Lord’s Prayer”, after which, the roll call was
answered by reciting a Christmas verse.
During the business session, the A Christmas program was then given. After the singing of each of several Christmas carols, Mrs. Shantz gave a story in connection with it. Mrs. Ruth Dugmore contributed a vocal solo and Joan Gamble a piano solo, while little Ellen and Roberta Tremaine sang sweetly, “Away in the Manger”. Mrs. J. Little then gave a worthwhile demonstration, beginning with the reading of the institute creed. She chose as her subject, decorations that a hostess might use for Christmas, and showed how effective results could be achieved with the use of our local evergreens, cones, and red berries. After Mrs. Syvert had moved a vote of thanks to the hostess and to all taking part in the program, a dainty lunch was served. |
Puslinch Lake Women’s Institute October 16th 1947. The October meeting of the Puslinch Lake Women’s Institute was held at the home of Mrs. M. Bolger, with an attendance of twenty-five, including one new member and visitors from four neighbour institutes. After the meeting opened with the Women’s Institute ode and the institute creed, the roll call was answered by naming a favourite subject in school. During the business session, it was decided to apply for the legislative grant. Mrs. Auliffe was named Courtesy Convenor, in place of Mrs. Syvert, who is unable to attend the meetings. Also, Mrs. Bartels was appointed leader and Mrs. Pinder, assistant leader, for the autumn session of the Girls’ Club. It was planned to have a Hallowe’en party with a box social, for which event, committees were named. Mrs. Steffler
and Mrs. Shantz gave reports of the area convention in A bank account of one dollar for little Miss Linda Jean McIntosh was presented to Mrs. McIntosh. Greetings were brought from the Downey’s Women’s Institute by Mrs. Wm. Bolger, and from the Puslinch Institute by Mrs. J. McCaig, who read “A Thanksgiving Thought”. The motto “Never worry worry, till worry worries you” was enlarged upon by Miss A. Holm, reading a poem on worry, composed by her very self. Two convenors of standing committees, Mrs. A. Evans and Mrs. C. Tremaine, read suitable selections. The guest speaker, Mrs. S. Hume, gave a very fine talk on “Citizenship”, outlining points of a good citizen, stressing that one must have high principle and be spiritually minded. Mrs. Auliffe read a poem, “Do You Just Belong” and Mrs. Tremaine played a piano selection. Mrs. J. Little then gave an instructive demonstration on the arranging of flowers and the making of a corsage. After the National Anthem was sung, the meeting concluded, lunch was served, and a social time was enjoyed. |
Puslinch Lake Women’s Institute
Hears Good Papers December 19th 1947. Mrs. George Steffler was hostess for the December meeting of the Puslinch Lake Women’s Institute, at which twenty-two members and three visitors were present. With Mrs. Shantz presiding, the meeting opened with the singing of the ode and reading in unison the institute creed. As this was the Christmas meeting, papers on Christmas were read by Mrs. McCullough, Mrs. Ehrhardt, Mrs. Auliffe, and Mrs. Pinder, and Christmas were sung. Mrs. A. Evans gave a paper on publicity, and Mrs. Steffler read a paper on the motto, “It pays to Advertise”. Mrs. Tremaine and Mrs. Christian gave short readings, and Miss Holm told the history of buttons. In connection with this, Mrs. Steffler showed her collection of buttons, which had been on display at the annual meeting of the Historical Research Society. Marie Steffler gave a history of the farm, which had been the Collins homestead. Mrs. Little read a poem on the Royal wedding, written by Wm. McClure. As the address of an overseas institute had been obtained, it was decided to send a box there shortly after Christmas. A most interesting feature of the meeting was the display of two of her beautifully worked quilts by guest, Mrs. L. Gregor, who had won prizes for these at the Canadian National Exhibition. At the conclusion of the meeting, presents were exchanged among the members, after which refreshments were served. |
Puslinch Lake Women’s Institute
Plans Activities March 17th 1948. The regular March meeting of the Puslinch Lake Women’s Institute was held at the home of Mrs. C. Tremaine, with twenty-two members in attendance. The meeting opened with the institute ode and “The Lord’s Prayer”, after which the roll call was answered by naming and telling the habits of a Canadian bird. In this connection, an instructive little talk was given by Mrs. Ehrhardt on the canary. During the business session, Mrs. Shantz was chosen leader of the Girls’ Garden Club, with Mrs. Ehrhardt as assistant leader. Members were reminded of the rally in administrative leadership, to be held in Guelph this month, and of the conference on the care of clothing, to be held at Aberfoyle in April, and finally, of the annual meeting of the Puslinch Federation of Agriculture. It was decided to have a booth at Mr. J. Chester’s sale, and also to have a meeting in April to discuss the questions in the Better Farm Homes contest. After the business was concluded, Mrs. Wilson Aikens gave the current events, and Mrs. Lillie, Mrs. P. Evans, Mrs. Tremaine, and Mrs. Auliffe read interesting articles, the lattermost giving a list of the simple remedies that our grandmothers used. A demonstration on biscuit making was given by Mrs. Christian, and these light biscuits were later served. Solos were sung by Mrs. Aikens and by little Roberta Tremaine, and a quiz on facts about the institute was given by Mrs. A. Evans. After the singing of the National Anthem, Mrs. Shantz conducted a contest, and refreshments were then served by the hostess and the committee in charge. |
April 23rd 1948. The regular monthly meeting of the Puslinch Lake Women’s Institute was held at the home of Mrs. A. Evans, with members of the Utoka Women’s Institute as guests. With Mrs. Shantz presiding, the meeting opened with the singing of the Women’s Institute ode and the recitation, in unison, of “The Lord’s Prayer”. The roll call was answered by giving a garden hint. The
correspondence included a letter from the Nedderton
Women’s Institute in At the conclusion of the business, Joan Gamble played a piano and harmonica selection. Mrs. Evans, the hostess, read a history of her home, and Mrs. McCullough read a paper on the motto, “By the Street of By and By, One Arrives at the House of Never”. Mrs. Ella, President of the Utoka Women’s
Institute, then took charge of the program, which began with two piano
selections by Mrs. Freeman. Mrs. Doll
explained the motto, “The Sweetest Type of Heaven is Home”, by reading one of
Edgar Guest’s poems. Mrs. Wylie then
sang “My Task” and “The Lord’s Prayer”.
Mrs. Ella gave a reading, “St. Peter at the Lunch was then served and a social time enjoyed. Mrs. Auliffe thanked the visiting branch for the program and all who had helped make the afternoon a success. |
Puslinch Lake Women’s Institute
Entertains Husbands & Sons January 14th 1949. The ladies of the Puslinch Lake Women’s Institute entertained their husbands and sons at a potluck dinner at the home of Mrs. Arthur Pinder, at 12:30 p.m., on Thursday. An attendance of 50 was recorded. Following the dinner, the ladies convened for their regular monthly meeting at 3 p.m. In the absence of the President, Mrs. Edwin Shantz, the Vice-President, Mrs. Albert Gamble presided during the business period. The Secretary-Treasurer, Miss Margaret Stewart, gave her monthly report, following which, the roll call was responded to by the naming of a Canadian author. Flower fund donations for the flower fund were collected from the members. Correspondence
was received in response to a Christmas parcel sent to The program following the business portion of the meeting included a paper on “Farm Forum” by Mrs. John Auliffe. A decidedly interesting topic on “Citizenship” was given by Mrs. McCullough, and a reading on “What it is to be Canadian” by Mrs. Martin Bolger. Two piano selections were contributed by Miss Joan Gamble. Following up the topic of “Citizenship”, a paper was read by Mrs. John Auliffe on the same theme. A humorous poem was read by Mrs. John Ehrhardt. Mrs. Sam Alexander contributed a solo entitled “My Wee Humble Home”, following which, the hostess, Mrs. Arthur Pinder, presented the history of her home, which is a customary monthly procedure at each home where meetings are held. Another paper, on the former mentioned program topic, entitled “Citizenship Isn’t Inherited” was given by Mrs. Pinder. A paper on “Immigrants”, by Mrs. Arthur Evans, concluded the program. The courtesy hostess, Mrs. John Auliffe, thanked Mrs. Pinder for the convenience of her home, and also those who contributed to the program. |
Puslinch Lake Women’s Institute
Meets at Home of Mrs. Gamble February 17th 1949. The Puslinch Lake Women’s Institute meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Albert Gamble. There were twenty-two members and one visitor present. The President, Mrs. Ed. Shantz, convened. The roll call was responded to with a “mending hint”, and a tidy sum of money was raised by members paying a “fine” of two cents, if they didn’t have a mending hint. Miss Margaret Stewart, the Secretary, read the minutes of the last meeting and these were approved. She also read the financial report and correspondence. Reports from the flower committee, Mrs. M. Bolger, and Mrs. J. Ehrhardt were heard. It was decided
to send $10 to the Scholarship fund, and to send $10 to the Hungarian
clothing request. There was a long
discussion in connection with the “District Annual”, which is to be held in
Hespeler, shortly. It was also agreed
to send a box of “eats” overseas. Mrs.
Geo. Steffler gave a report of a District meeting that she recently attended
at The President called upon Mrs. K. Ireland to take over the convenorship for the afternoon. The topic of the day was “Agriculture and Canadian Industries”. Mr. Ed. Shantz gave us a most interesting and educational talk and demonstration on the making of flour. He showed us the different stages that wheat passed through on its way to making bread. He told us that there had been flour or its substitute through all time. Miss Joan Gamble favoured members with a piano solo. Mrs. Ehrhardt read a paper entitled “When the Teacher Came to Our House for Supper”. Mrs. Ed. Shantz read a poem on the merits of the Women’s Institute of Puslinch, which she herself composed. Joan Gamble read a paper on “Woman”. The meeting closed with the singing of the National Anthem. Mrs. Gamble, the hostess served most delicious refreshments. She was assisted by Mrs. M. Bolger, Mrs. A. Evans, and Miss Joan Gamble. |
Puslinch Lake Women’s Institute April 21st 1949. by Mrs. G. Steffler. The grandmothers’ meeting of the Puslinch Lake Women’s Institute was held on Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Arthur Evans, with nineteen members and three visitors present. The President, Mrs. Edwin Shantz, opened the meeting with the Women’s Institute ode and “The Lord’s Prayer”. The roll call was answered with a girlhood incident that was amusing and unique. The Secretary, Miss M. Stewart, read the minutes of the previous meeting and the Treasurer’s report. Many letters of thanks and business were read. Directors for the Aberfoyle Show are Mrs. R. Reeve and Mrs. J. R. Little. Mrs. Edwin
Shantz read the report of a meeting held at the home of Mrs. J. R. Little, concerning
the dinner for the annual to be held in the Twenty dollars was donated to the Cancer Fund. Mrs. C. Sherman was chosen choral leader for the annual. It was decided that the officers are to be chosen by ballot at the next meeting. All members are urged to be present. Mrs. A. Gamble gave the Historical committee report. Mrs. K. Ireland had a paper on Canadian industry, and Mrs. J. R. Little, a reading on publicity. Mrs. Pinder had a timely report on citizenship, and Mrs. Arthur Evans reviewed the motto, “Mothers were girls once”. Mrs. R. Reeve was called upon to be chairperson for the grandmother programme. She presented each grandmother with a rose and the great grandmother with an orchid. Mrs. R. Wingfield favoured the members with guitar selections, “Grandfather’s Clock” and “When We Were a Couple of Kids”. Mrs. J. R.
Little gave an interesting paper on grandmothers of yesterday and today. Mrs. C. Sherman sang “Grandmother’s First
Ball” and “Coming Through the The meeting closed with “God Save the King”. Refreshments and a social chat over the tea cups were enjoyed, along with a very special “Grandmothers’ Cake”, served by the hostess and her assistants. _____________________________________ Mr. Allen Evans, of Victoria College, Toronto, is spending the holiday with his parents. |
Mrs. A. E. Gamble Heads Puslinch
Lake Women’s Institute June 16th 1949. The annual meeting of the Puslinch Lake Women’s Institute was held at the home of Mrs. K. Ireland, with Mrs. E. S. Shantz in the chair, when reports from the “Flower Fund” by Mrs. L. Auliffe and Mrs. Martin Bolger, followed the reading of the minutes and the financial report by Miss M. Stewart. Mrs. J. McCaig was in the chair for the election of officers, when the following were voted to office: |
President: |
Mrs. Albert E. Gamble. |
1st Vice-President: |
Mrs. R. Reeve. |
2nd Vice-President: |
Mrs. C. Tremaine. |
Secretary-Treasurer: |
Miss M. Stewart. |
District Director: |
Mrs. E. Shantz. |
Branch Directors: |
Mrs. A. Boreham, Mrs. S. Alexander, & Mrs. C. Chandler. |
Flower Fund Convenors: |
Mrs. W. Aikens, Mrs. L. Auliffe, & Mrs. W. Hunter. |
Red Cross Secretaries: |
Mrs. P. Evans & Mrs. L. Auliffe. |
Federation of Agriculture: |
Mrs. Robert Reeve. |
Pianists: |
Miss Joan Gamble & Mrs. C. Tremaine. |
Standing Committees: |
Agriculture & Canadian Industries: |
Mrs. W. Hunter. |
Citizenship & Education: |
Mrs. C. Chandler. |
Historical Research & Current Events: |
Miss A. Holm. |
Home Economics & Health: |
Mrs. W. Aikens. |
Resolutions: |
Mrs. J. R. Little. |
Public Relations & Community Activities: |
Mrs. G. Steffler. |
An interesting report on the Federation of Agriculture, held recently in Fergus, was given by Mrs. Robert Reeve. The district project for this year will be the study of the revised Women’s Institute Handbook. At the close of
the business meeting, a delicious lunch was served by Mrs. |
Puslinch Lake Women’s Institute June 23rd 1949. The Historical meeting of the Puslinch Lake Women’s Institute was held at the home of Mrs. R. Reeve, with our 1st Vice-President, Mrs. R. Reeve, in the chair. After singing “The Women’s Institute Ode” and reciting “The Institute Creed” in unison, Miss M. Stewart, the Secretary, gave her report. A letter from Mrs. Futcher, President of the FWIO, was read, encouraging the members to pursue home crafts as a means of raising funds. Mrs. L. Auliffe read a paper on “An Ideal Institute Member”. Miss M. Stewart gave the Treasurer’s report, and Mrs. W. Hunter and Mrs. J. R. Little, the report of expenses for the annual. A donation was given to our institute by Mrs. C. Bond and Mrs. J. R. Little. Agriculture and Canadian Industries committee convenor, Mrs. W. Hunter, gave a splendid paper on “Farming in the last 30 Years”, describing the improvements in methods and machinery. Mrs. G. Steffler gave the report of the District Annual. Mrs. C. Chandler, convenor for the Citizenship and Education Committee, read an article from “Home and Country” magazine, called “Odd Moments”, which was much enjoyed. A letter concerning “The Girls’ Club” work was read by Mrs. W. Aikens and the girls were encouraged to continue their club activities. Notice was given of a demonstration at the Erin Fall Fair. Mrs. W. Aikens and Mrs. J. R. Little were appointed leaders for “The Girls’ Club”. Mrs. R. Reeve gave notice of the Federation Picnic, which was held in Fergus, on June 18th. A picnic is to
be held at Victoria Park, Mrs. L. Auliffe
read an address of appreciation to Mrs. E. Shantz, our retired President,
while Mrs. Miss A. Holm was then asked to take the chair for the Historical Committee programme. Miss Bernice Sherman sang “Cruising Down the River” and “A-B-C”, which were much enjoyed. Mrs. L. Auliffe gave a reading, “McGregor’s Ancestors”. Miss Holm gave the highlight story of candle-light, a hundred years ago, and through the different stages of lighting, up to the electric lights of today. She also demonstrated old candle holders and how candles were made. Mrs. G. Steffler conducted a historical quiz. A vote of thanks was moved by Mrs. Pinder to our hostess and to those who helped at the annual, and the National Anthem closed the meeting. A social hour was enjoyed and lunch was served by Mrs. Reeve, Mrs. Auliffe, Mrs. G. Einwecht, Mrs. Chandler, and Mrs. W. Aikens. |
Puslinch Lake Women’s Institute
Enjoys Picnic, Races July 21st 1949. The Puslinch
Lake Women’s Institute enjoyed its summer picnic on Saturday afternoon at
Victoria Park, Dinner at 12:30 was convened by Mrs. W. Hunter and Mrs. Percy Evans, while Mrs. A. Pinder was in charge of the race programme, where the winners were as follows: |
Four years & under: |
Barry Auliffe & Roberta Evans. |
Five & Six Years: |
Barbara Evans & Donna Pinder. |
Nine years (boys): |
Albert Pinder, Bob Pinder. |
Ten & Eleven years (boys): |
Jack Ariss, Stanley Bolger. |
Ten & Eleven years (girls): |
Diane Pinder, |
Twelve & Thirteen years (girls): |
Yvonne Pinder, Shirley Fallis. |
Ladies’ Kick-the-shoe: |
Mrs. Charles Tremaine, Mrs. C. Chandler. |
Men’s Draw: |
L. Auliffe. |
Relay race: |
Betty Ann Bolger’s team. |
The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. C. O. Heath. |
The Puslinch Lake Women’s Institute December 21st 1949. Mrs. C. Chandler was hostess to the Puslinch Lake Women’s Institute for its December meeting. Twenty-three members and one visitor were present. Mrs. A. Gamble, the President, presided. The meeting opened with the Christmas carol, “Silent Night” and “The Lord’s Prayer”. The roll call
was responded to with gifts for the Sick Children’s Hospital, of Miss A. Holm told of soap making in pioneer days. Mrs. C. Chandler gave a talk on citizenship. Mrs. G. Steffler gave a reading entitled “Give Happiness for Christmas”. Mrs. Percy Evans gave a report on the Red Cross work and a discussion followed. Mrs. Robert Reeve reported on the Federation of Agriculture meeting, held at Fergus. Mrs. J. R. Little, resolution convenor, gave a short talk and asked that the sick and shut-ins be remembered at Christmas. Community sing-song was conducted by Mrs. A. Sherman, who also contributed a vocal solo. Mrs. L. Auliffe gave a reading and Miss Jean Tremaine, an accordion piano solo. Mrs. Ed Shantz conducted two quizzes, the winners being Mrs. C. Tremain and Mrs. Robert Reeve. The lucky cup winner was Mrs. A. Gamble and the lucky chair, Mrs. A. Evans. The tea hostesses were Mrs. L. Auliffe, Mrs. J. W. Chester, and Mrs. G. McIntosh. The January meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. C. Tremain and the roll call will be answered with “my first school teacher”. |
The Puslinch Lake Women’s Institute May 31st 1950. The Puslinch Lake Women’s Institute met at the home of Mrs. W. Hunter, with the President, Mrs. Robert Reeve, in the chair. Miss M. Stewart, the Secretary-Treasurer, reported a tidy sum of $160.11 in the bank. The branch was asked to appoint three ladies to act with the committee for the Puslinch Centennial, to be held this summer. Ladies nominated were Miss A. Holm ─ invitations, Mrs. W. Hunter ─ lunch, and Mrs. Sherman ─ program. Mrs. Geo. Steffler gave a report of her trip to Toronto, in connection with the Red Cross. Nominations were held for delegates to the district annual. Mrs. Lisso and Mrs. Heath were appointed with Mrs. Sherman as convenor for the quartet for the same occasion. Mrs. Albert Gamble, the retiring President, was presented with a gift by Mrs. J. R. Little. Miss Joan Gamble played the harmonica, accompanied by Mrs. Cliff Tremain on the piano. The convenor for
historical month, Miss A. Holm, introduced the guest speaker, Mrs. McVittie, who gave a splendid report on the early
settlers of There was also a very lovely display of old pieces of crystal, shown by the members. Some of these were over 100 years old. Mrs. J. R. Little received a prize for the nicest exhibit, a pretty flower bowl. The hostess, assisted by Miss Agnes Holm, Mrs. Gamble and Joan, and Mrs. Steffler served refreshments. |
Puslinch Lake Women’s Institute
Honours 12 Grandmothers June 27th 1951. Twelve grandmothers were guests of honour at the June meeting of the Puslinch Lake Women’s Institute, held at the home of Mrs. Charles Chandler. Each received a rose corsage. Mrs. Edith Henderson was convenor of the program for the grandmothers’ meeting, which included a humorous chorus by the grandmothers, a report by Mrs. August Lisso on her recent bus trip to Toronto as a guest of the Jubilee Women’s Institute, and a reading by Mrs. George Steffler. Mrs. Christopher Bond won a contest, and prizes for the two great-grandmothers present went to Mrs. John Little and Mrs. John Chester, for the youngest grandmother ─ Mrs. Robert Evans, the visiting grandmother ─ Mrs. Alexander, and the newest grandmother ─ Mrs. K. Henderson. There was a large attendance at the meeting, presided over by Mrs. Robert Reeve, with Mrs. William Hunter in the Secretary’s chair. A donation of $10 for the Institute for the Blind was approved, and plans were made for a community picnic at the home of Mrs. Robert Evans, in July. Mrs. Albert Gamble reported for the Federation of Agriculture and Miss Angeline Holm gave an excellent account of the district annual. Standing
committee conveners gave their monthly reports. Mrs. Robert McRobbie spoke on wool and its
processing, from producer to consumer.
Miss Margaret Stewart explained “Census taking”. Mrs. Jake Miller read Mrs. Lisso’s paper on “Milk in Our Diet”, and Mrs. Heath spoke
on “Keeping the A travelling apron, judged by the visitors present for neatest work, was won by Mrs. John Little, and realized $14. Refreshments were served by the hostess, assisted by Mrs. Albert Gamble, Mrs. Robert Reeve, and Miss Angeline Holm. |
Dance Aberfoyle Hall Friday October 5th 1951. Proceeds to the Puslinch Lake Women’s Institute Dancing from 9 till 1 Howie’s Orchestra |
Speaker From Galt Tells January 14th 1952. Mrs. A. C. Lisso convened the January meeting of the Puslinch Lake Women’s Institute, held on Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. C. O. Heath, with Mrs. N. Moore, of Galt, as guest speaker. Mrs. Moore gave
a very interesting account of her recent tourist trip to the British Isles
and Mrs. George Henderson favoured with a piano solo. Mrs. T. K. Henderson gave a reading on the origin of Christmas pudding. Mrs. Robert Reeve, the President, was in the chair for the business session, which included reports from the standing committee convenors. Thank you notes from the recipients of Christmas cheer baskets were read. It was decided to donate $10 to the boy or girl attending the season’s short course at the O.A.C. Refreshments were served by the hostess, assisted by Mrs. T. K. Henderson and Mrs. A. C. Lisso. Mrs. N. Moore and Mrs. A. Christian were “lucky cup” prize winners. |
Puslinch Lake Women’s Institute March 18th 1952. Mrs. Jake Miller entertained a meeting of the members of the Puslinch Lake Women’s Institute recently. The President, Mrs. Robert Reeve, conducted the business session, which included a report on the Federation of Agriculture convention by Mrs. A. Gamble and the Red Cross report by Miss M. Stewart. Several quilts were turned in for this project. A thank you note
was read for a donation to the people of The standing committee convenors gave their monthly reports. Miss A. Holm, historical research committee, gave a paper on flint, its origins and uses, and Miss M. Stewart, citizenship and education committee, gave a reading on the Canadian Citizenship Act. Mrs. A. Lisso, home economics and health, gave a reading entitled, “Guard Your Health”. Mrs. C. O.
Heath, convenor of Public Relations, took the chair for the meeting’s
program. The motto, “The more we work
together the happier we’ll be” was given by Mrs. A. Evans, followed by a
musical round, led by Mrs. J. Miller.
A reading, “The Refreshments were served by the hostess, assisted by Mrs. Charles Chandler and Mrs. Keith Henderson. The election, by ballot, will take place at the home of Mrs. A. Gamble, on April 10th. |
Puslinch Lake Women’s Institute
Holds Annual Picnic at July 16th 1952. Mrs. A. Christian and Mrs. E. Donnelly were hostesses for the annual picnic of the Puslinch Lake Women’s Institute, held recently at Barber’s Beach. A fine number of members, their families and friends enjoyed a noon luncheon. An extensive sports program, prepared by Mrs. A. Lisso and Mrs. John Auliffe, amused the children throughout the afternoon. The results of the races were as follows: |
6 years & under, candy scramble: |
Bruce Hunter. |
6 years & under race: |
Bruce Hunter. |
Boys, 8 years & under race: |
Kenneth Auliffe & Barry Auliffe. |
Girls, 8 years and under race: |
Carol Tremain & Roberta Evans. |
Boys, 10 years and under race: |
Billy Orton & Ken Auliffe. |
Girls, 10 years and under race: |
Patsy McHugh & Barbara Evans. |
Boys, 14 years and under race: |
Jack Elsgood & Ken Billings. |
Girls, 14 years and under race: |
Eleanor Evans & Eleanor Orton. |
Boys, 3-legged race: |
Billy Orton & Jack Elsgood. |
Girls, 3-legged race: |
Eleanor Evans & Eleanor Orton. |
Boys, wheelbarrow race: |
Billie Orton & Jack Elsgood. |
Boys, & girls’ shoe kick: |
Eleanor Orton. |
Ladies, shoe kick: |
Mrs. E. Donnelly. |
Ladies, rolling pin throw: |
Mrs. C. Orton. |
Men, rolling pin throw: |
Edward Lisso & John Auliffe. |
Boys, shoe scramble: |
Edward Lisso. |
Girls, shoe scramble: |
Eleanor Evans. |
Thread the needle race: |
Patsy Tremain, Jack Austin. |
Boys & Girls, hop: |
Eleanor Evans, Edward Lisso. |
Boys & girls, beans in jar contest: |
Billie Orton & Barbara Evans. |
Ladies & men, beans in jar contest: |
Mr. Jake Miller & Mrs. C. Heath. |
Mrs. A. Evans
will be hostess for the August meeting, at her new home in |
District President, Mrs. H. Bell,
Speaks to Puslinch Lake Institute August 20th 1952. Mrs. A. Evans entertained the members of the Puslinch Lake Women’s Institute for the August meeting, at which the guest speaker was the District President, Mrs. Harold Bell, of Aberfoyle. Mrs. Bell gave a humorous and instructive address on ways to make the Women’s Institute a success, which was greatly enjoyed by all present. President, Mrs. A. Gamble, conducted the business session, assisted by the Secretary, Mrs. William Hunter. It was decided to send $10 to the March of Dimes fund for polio victims. Twenty-five dollars was loaned to the Girls’ Club to complete first aid kits for their present homemaking project. Mrs. George Steffler gave the Red Cross report and Miss A. Holm reported for the sick committee. Mrs. K.
Henderson took the chair for the programme, which featured both instrumental
and vocal numbers by Mrs. Drummond, of Mrs. C. R. Sherman, as courtesy convenor, closed the meeting. Refreshments were served by the hostess, assisted by Mrs. R. McRobbie and Mrs. A. Christian. |
Puslinch Group Sews for January 23rd 1953. The January meeting of the Puslinch Lake Women’s Institute was held at the home of Mrs. C. O. Heath. Mrs. T. K. Henderson gave a report on the purchasing of Christmas cheer baskets, and the many letters of appreciation were read by the Secretary, Mrs. Wm. Hunter. Two quilts are
being made for Korean war refugees. It
was decided to donate a quilt to the ACWW conference, to be held in An electric stove was purchased and installed in No. 12 schoolhouse. The extension service “Food Forum” will be presented in No. 11 schoolhouse on February 25th. All residents of the community are invited to attend. The institute will sponsor a booth at the auction sale at the farm of Mr. Robert Reeve, late in February. It was decided to entertain two visiting branches during the month of March, with Mrs. C. Sherman as convenor. The members present enjoyed a social hour at cards. Prize winners were Mrs. A. Christian, Mrs. Jake Miller, and Mrs. A. Gamble. Assisting the hostess in serving the refreshments were Mrs. A. Lisso and Mrs. Charles Chandler. |
Mrs. George Steffler Heads Puslinch
Lake Women’s Institute April 21st 1953. Mrs. William
Hunter was hostess to members of the Puslinch Lake Women’s Institute, on the
occasion of the annual meeting. The
President, Mrs. Albert Gamble, conducted the meeting. Reports were given on the year’s activities
by the secretary and standing committee convenors. Miss Holm reported for the flower
committee. Four quilts were completed
to be sent to It was decided to sponsor a child health clinic in the pavilion at Barber’s Beach, on April 22nd. Mrs. Keith Ireland, Mrs. A. Christian, and Mrs. Robert Evans were appointed to help the nurse in charge. After a short discussion period, Mrs. Keith Henderson took the chair for the election of new officers. Mrs. A. Lisso, Miss A. Holm, and Mrs. R. Reeve acted as scrutineers. The election results are as follows: |
President: |
Mrs. George Steffler. |
1st Vice-President: |
Mrs. A. Lisso. |
2nd Vice-President: |
Mrs. Robert Evans. |
Secretary-Treasurer: |
Mrs. William Hunter. |
Assistant Secretary-Treasurer: |
Mrs. C. O. Heath. |
Branch Directors: |
Mrs. Robert Reeve, Mrs. A. R. Campbell, & Mrs. Christian. |
District Director: |
Mrs. A. Lisso. |
Flower committee: |
Miss Holm, Mrs. Henderson, Mrs. Gamble, & Mrs. R. Evans. |
Auditors: |
Mrs. K. Ireland & Mrs. Christian. |
Red Cross convenor & assistant: |
Mrs. A. Lisso & Mrs. Heath. |
Pianists: |
Mrs. Robert McRobbie & Mrs. R. Evans. |
Courtesy convenor: |
Mrs. K. Ireland. |
Federation of Agriculture representative: |
Mrs. Albert Gamble. |
Standing Committee Convenors: |
Agriculture & Canadian Industries: |
Mrs. Keith Henderson. |
Citizenship & Education: |
Mrs. Robert McRobbie. |
Historical committee: |
Miss A. Holm. |
Home Economics & Health: |
Mrs. A. Lisso. |
Community Activities & Public Relations: |
Mrs. A. R. Campbell. |
The retiring president, Mrs. Gamble, spoke briefly, thanking the members for their support in the last year and encouraging their continued co-operation with the new president. Mrs. Steffler then addressed the meeting, thanking everyone for their consideration. Mrs. Robert Reeve and Mrs. Keith Henderson assisted the hostess in serving refreshments. |
Puslinch Lake Women’s Institute May 26th 1953. Mrs. George Peace was hostess to the members of the Puslinch Lake Women’s Institute for their May meeting. Mrs. George Steffler, President, presided. Donations of $10 each were authorized for the Cancer Fund and the Aberfoyle Fall Fair. Mrs. K. Ireland reported on the “Baby Clinic” held in the new club room at Barber’s Beach. Reverend M. G. McFarlane, of the Hespeler United Church, was the guest speaker and gave a talk on “Citizenship”. Mrs. A. E.
Gamble gave a short history of the city of A social hour followed, and the President extended a vote of appreciation to Reverend McFarlane and the hostess. Members were reminded of the district convention to be held on May 28th at Duff’s Presbyterian Church, Morriston. |
Puslinch Lake Women’s Institute
Holds Successful Picnic August 4th 1953. Puslinch Lake Women’s Institute entertained its members and friends to a delightful picnic recently at the picnic grounds on the property of Mr. C. S. Sherman, Mrs. William Hunter being hostess for the occasion. The weather was ideal and after enjoying a potluck luncheon, the sports committee, Mrs. K. Ireland and Mrs. A. Christian, directed the various events, with the following results: |
Boys, 6 & under, race: |
Sandy Harrison, Kenny Dugmore. |
Boys, 7 to 9 years, race: |
Bobby Paul, Kenny Auliffe. |
Wheelbarrow race, 12 to 14 years: |
Audrey Chester & Bobby Paul. |
Girls, 3-legged race: |
Beatrice McRobbie & |
Girls, kick the shoe: |
Ladies, kick the shoe: |
Mrs. J. Auliffe. |
Men, kick the shoe: |
Mr. J. Miller. |
Women’s race: |
Mrs. J. Miller, Mrs. G. Lisso. |
Girls’ race: |
Mary Chester, Beatrice McRobbie. |
Girls, sack race: |
Beatrice McRobbie, |
Boys’ race: |
Barry Auliffe, Leonard Chester. |
Tug-of-war: |
Mrs. J. Auliffe side pulled Mrs. J. Miller side. |
Tug-of-war, boys & girls: |
Barry Paul side over Leonard Chester side. |
The youngest baby present was Sharon Miller. The oldest lady present was Miss J. McAllister. The oldest gentleman present was Mr. John McAllister. |
Puslinch Lake Women’s Institute September 15th 1953. Mrs. Keith Henderson, of Rural Route No. 6, Guelph, was hostess to the Puslinch Lake Women’s Institute on Thursday. Mrs. D. F. Ferguson, of Guelph, was the guest speaker and discussed “Why You Should Make a Will”. Mrs. George Steffler, President, presided and Mrs. W. Hunter, Secretary, gave the minutes and Treasurer’s report. Plans were made for the exhibit by the institute at the Puslinch Fall Fair, at Aberfoyle. Donations were made to the Scholarship Fund, which will send a member from “The Girls’ Club” on a trip. Mrs. A. Holm gave a report on the “Flower Fund” and for the A.C.C.W. convention, Mrs. A. Lisso gave a report of the evening activities and Mrs. G. Steffler gave a report of the afternoon agenda. Mrs. G. Steffler and Mrs. A. Gamble were chosen as delegates to the Women’s Institute convention at the O.A.C., Guelph, on September 28th and 29th. Miss Angelina Holm was named delegate to the “Historical committee” meeting, to be held at the Memorial Hall, O.A.C., September 17th. The meeting concluded with “The Queen” and a social hour. Mrs. Henderson, Mrs. R. Reeve, and Mrs. Steffler served tea. The October meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. C. Chandler. ________________________________ Social and Personal Notes: Kenneth
Christian, of London, formerly of Puslinch, is spending a week visiting in Miss Beatrice MacRobbie returned from a bus trip to Kemptville Agricultural College, which the Junior Farmers, the 4-H Club, and the Women’s Institute sponsored. She is now teaching at Corwhin. Eleven School
Section No. 11, Mrs. W. J. Courtney has 39 pupils from grades one to four, and W. J. Courtney has 43 pupils from grades five to eight, at School Section No. 11, Puslinch Lake. Sympathy is extended to the family of the late Alex McGregor, of R.R. No. 2, Hespeler, on the death of their father. The name of one son, Earl, was omitted from the list of survivors in the obituary that appeared in Monday’s Reporter. |
Puslinch Lake Women’s Institute October 15th 1953. The October meeting of the Puslinch Lake Women’s Institute was held at the home of Mrs. C. Chandler, with a good number of members and visitors present. Mrs. G. Steffler conducted the meeting and Mrs. W. Hunter read the minutes and gave the Secretary-Treasurer’s report. The meeting opened with the singing of the Women’s Institute Ode, the Mary Stuart Collect, and “The Lord’s Prayer”, in unison. A report on the “Girls’ Garden Club” was sent in by Miss Beatrice MacRobbie and read by Mrs. W. Hunter. Mrs. Robert MacRobbie was chosen leader for the fall project, “Accessories for the Club Girl’s Bedroom”, with Mrs. G. Steffler as her assistant. Miss Angeline
Holm gave a very interesting report on the Historical Society meeting that
was held at the Memorial Hall, O.A.C., Mrs. A. Gamble read an article on the duties of the officers of the Women’s Institute. The roll call for the November meeting will be “shower gifts for the C. Baker family”. Those who can’t attend are to send their gifts. Miss Holm was
then called to the chair for the program.
Mrs. A. Auliffe gave a reading, “Casey at the Bat” and “Casey’s
Revenge”. A mouth organ selection, “ A delicious lunch was served by Mrs. C. Tremaine and the hostess, Mrs. C. Chandler. |
Puslinch Lake Women’s Institute
Meets Today November 12th 1953. Puslinch Lake Women’s Institute will meet on Thursday afternoon at 2 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Robert Evans. The roll call is “a shower gift for Mrs. C. Baker”. Those who will not be present are asked to send their gifts. The Downey Women’s Institute will be entertained at this meeting. The convenor is Mrs. Keith Henderson, assisted by the lunch convenors, Mrs. Campbell, Mrs. W. Hunter, Mrs. W. Eggert, Miss A. Holm, and Mrs. A. Gamble. Hospitalization dues are payable once again. |
Puslinch Lake Women’s Institute Meets With Downey Women’s Institute November 14th 1953. The November meeting of the Puslinch Lake Women’s Institute was held at the home of Mrs. R. Evans, with a good number of members and guests from the Downey’s Women’s Institute. Mrs. G. Steffler presided. The meeting opened with the singing of “The Institute Ode”, followed by the recitation in unison of the “Mary Stewart Collect” and most importantly, “The Lord’s Prayer”. Mrs. W. Hunter, the Secretary, read the minutes and the correspondence, and gave the Secretary’s report. The roll call was answered with many useful gifts for Mrs. T. Baker. Mrs. A. Lisso, convenor for the Home Economics and Health Committee, gave a splendid paper on penicillin, and reported that two quilts had been completed for the Red Cross. Mrs. A. Christian received a quilt to be quilted. Miss A. Holm gave a report on the flower fund, and Mrs. C. O. Heath asked that all cookbooks be sold, if possible, before the December meeting. Mrs. Keith Henderson, convenor for the afternoon, was then called to the chair and very graciously welcomed the Downey Institute. Mrs. Edgar Hutton called on their part of the program, consisting of a splendid reading, “Try a Little Kindness’ by Mrs. M. Hasson. Mrs. E. Hutton read an article on “Child Psychology” and conducted two contests. The “son” contest was won by Mrs. D. Wright, President of the Downey Institute. Mrs. K.
Henderson called upon Mrs. A. R. Campbell for a talk on The observation contest was won by Mrs Wright. Mrs. E. Hutton won the prize for the “Lucky cup”, and she also won the “Lucky chair” contest. The meeting closed with the National Anthem. Lunch convenors were Mrs. A. R. Campbell, Mrs. W. Hunter, Mrs. W. Eggert, Mrs. A. E. Gamble, Miss A. Holm, and Mrs. R. Evans. The December meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Robert Reeve, in Hespeler, and each member is asked to bring a gift, not over $1.00 in value, to be exchanged. |
Puslinch Lake Women’s Institute
Holds Christmas Meeting December 11th 1953. The December meeting of the Puslinch Lake Women’s Institute was held on Thursday at the home of Mrs. Robert Reeve, of Hespeler. Mrs. George Steffler presided and the minutes and the Treasurer’s report were given by Mrs. W. Hunter. The meeting was opened by singing “The Institute Ode”, and reciting “The Mary Stewart Collect” and “The Lord’s Prayer”. The roll call was answered by “What I would like for Christmas”. Sixteen members, four visitors, and six children were present. Ten dollars was
voted to be sent to the Cancer Fund and ten dollars to the Sick Children’s
Hospital in Mrs. C. Tremaine, convenor for the meeting, called upon the members to sing a carol. Mrs. Peggy Auliffe gave an interesting reading. Another carol was sung, followed with a reading by Mrs. Keith Henderson. The Reverend Earl F. Smith delighted the members and guests with the Christmas story entitled “The Smallest Angel”. Mrs. C. Tremaine then distributed the gifts, which had been placed under the lighted Christmas tree. A closing Christmas carol was sung. A delicious lunch was served by Mrs. R. Reeve, Mrs. Robert Evans, and Mrs. Keith Ireland. |
Slides Enjoyed by Puslinch Lake
Women’s Institute January 15th 1954. A highlight of the Puslinch Lake Women’s Institute meeting was the showing of travel and coronation slides by Mrs. Robert Barber, of Hespeler. The members enjoyed it so much that they asked her to show them again, when the members entertain their husbands and families at the home of Mrs. C. Tremaine, of Hespeler, on February 12th. The meeting was held at the home of Mrs. George Steffler, with Mrs. A. Lisso, 1st Vice-president, in the chair. Mrs. Wm. Hunter, the Secretary, read the minutes, gave the Treasurer’s report, and read correspondence. Thank you notes were read for the cheer baskets sent out at Christmas time to the sick and to shut-ins. Two minutes of silence was observed in tribute to the memory of Mrs. C. Bond. Mrs. A. Lisso
gave a very good report of the district meeting, held at Mrs. Keith Ireland thanked the hostess and all those taking part in the program. The meeting closed with the National Anthem. Lunch was served by the hostess, assisted by Miss Angeline Holm, Mrs. W. Ebbs Junior, and Mrs. C. Chandler. |
Puslinch Lake Women’s Institute
Holds Auction Sale February 23rd 1954. After the usual period of business had been taken care of, the Puslinch Lake Women’s Institute, at the February meeting, held at the home of Mrs. C. Tremaine, conducted an auction sale, comprised of aprons and other articles donated by the members. In the absence of the program convenor, Mrs. L. Auliffe oversaw the auction. Mrs. T. K. Henderson acted as auctioneer in a very capable manner, and a nice sum was realized to augment the funds. Mrs. G. Steffler presided at the meeting and the roll call was answered by presenting an apron, or in place of an apron members paid a $1 fine. Each member had invited a guest to the meeting. Delicious refreshments were served by the hostess and the committee and a social time was enjoyed. The March meeting is to include a euchre and will be held at the home of Mrs. A. Lisso, and each member was asked to bring a guest. On the following evening, also at the home of Mrs. Tremaine, a social evening was held to entertain the members’ husbands and families, at which event, Mrs. Robert Barber, of Hespeler, pleased the gathering with a showing of the pictures taken on her trip to Europe last summer. Following this, euchre and dancing were enjoyed, and sumptuous refreshments were served by the committee in charge. |
Puslinch Lake Women’s Institute March 23rd 1954. Plans for the sale of home baking, to be held in the Hespeler Union Hall, were discussed at the March meeting of the Puslinch Women’s Institute, when the members met at the home of Mrs. A. Lisso, with Mrs. George Steffler presiding. The meeting opened in the usual manner, and the roll call was answered with the members telling an Irish story or joke, after which, the business agenda was carried out, including reports from the convenors of the various committees. The members and
their guests enjoyed a half hour of euchre, and prizes were awarded, and
delicious refreshments were served by the hostess and the lunch
committee. Mrs. |
Puslinch Lake Women’s Institute
Elects Officers April 10th 1954. The annual meeting of the Puslinch Lake Women’s Institute was held at the home of Mrs. C. O. Heath, on Thursday evening, with thirteen members and six guests present. Mrs. George Steffler presided and opened the meeting with the “Women’s Institute Ode” and “The Lord’s Prayer”. The roll call was answered with “the most outstanding meeting of the year”. Mrs. A. Christian and Mrs. Keith Ireland were appointed to look after the Wellington County Health centre, which is to be held at Barber’s Beach on the fourth Wednesday of April, May, and June. Mrs. A. E. Gamble
gave a splendid report of the district directors’ meeting. The roll call for the district annual
meeting, to be held at Duff’s Presbyterian Church, in Morriston, on June
16th, will be a joke or a story on Pioneer Days in Two new members were received into the Institute. Mrs. John McCullough was then asked to preside and conduct the voting for the new slate of officers, with the following results: |
President: |
Mrs. George Steffler. |
1st Vice-President: |
Mrs. A. Lisso. |
2nd Vice-President: |
Mrs. C. O. Heath. |
Secretary-Treasurer: |
Mrs. W. Hunter. |
Assistant Secretary: |
Mrs. C. O. Heath. |
Branch Directors: |
Mrs. A. Christian, Mrs. G. Peace, & Mrs. W. Eggert. |
District Director: |
Mrs. C. O. Heath. |
Flower Committee: |
Miss Angeline Holm, Mrs. A. Gamble, Mrs. C. O. Heath, & Mrs. W. Eggert. |
Auditors: |
Mrs. A. Christian & Mrs. Keith Ireland. |
Red Cross convenor & assistant: |
Mrs. A. Christian & Mrs. G. Steffler. |
Pianists: |
Mrs. C. O. Heath & Mrs. J. Miller. |
Courtesy Convenor: |
Mrs. K. Ireland. |
Federation of Agriculture: |
Mrs. A. E. Gamble. |
Standing Committees ─ |
Agriculture & Canadian Industries: |
Mrs. A. Christian. |
Citizenship & Education: |
Mrs. Keith Ireland. |
Home economics & Health: |
Mrs. A. Lisso. |
Public Relations & committee activities: |
Mrs. A. E. Gamble. |
Historical research and current events: |
Miss Angeline Holm. |
Mrs. McCullough installed the new officers and asked each member to stand and recite “The Mary Stewart Collect”. She spoke highly of the work of the institute and asked for co-operation in making the forthcoming year, the best possible. She then welcomed the President back to the chair for another year, and wished her continued good luck for the current year. Mrs. Steffler thanked the members for the confidence placed in her by returning her to office, and asked for co-operation for the new year. The meeting closed with the National Anthem. A delicious lunch was served by the hostess, assisted by Mrs. George McIntosh, Mrs. J. Auliffe, and Miss Angeline Holm. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. A. E. Gamble.
Puslinch Lake Women’s Institute
Discusses Origin of Father’s Day June 24th 1954. The business part of the June meeting of the Puslinch Lake Women’s Institute was conducted by the President, Mrs. George Steffler, and Mrs. William Hunter read the correspondence and the Treasurer’s report. The meeting was held at the home of Mrs. A. Christian, with Mrs. William Eggert as chairperson for the program, in honour of Father’s Day. A reading was given by Mrs. William Ebbs entitled “A Father’s Role in the Home”, and Mrs. C. Chandler gave a reading on the founder of Father’s Day. A poem was presented by Mrs. William Eggert on “Getting information out of Pa”. It was announced
that the Women’s Institute holiday would be held July 12 to 16th, at the
O.A.C., and Mrs. G. Steffler was appointed to tour the Mrs. C. Tremaine read a paper, prepared by Mrs. A. Christian, on “Agriculture and Canadian Industries”, and Mrs. A. Lisso presented a paper on “Polio Health Rules”, for the Home Economics and Health committee, read by Mrs. C. Heath. The courtesy convenor, Mrs. K. Ireland, thanked the hostess for her home, and also all of those who had taken part in the program, and the meeting was closed with the singing of “The Queen”. The hostess, with Mrs. A. E. Gamble and Mrs. C. Tremaine, served delicious refreshments. |
Puslinch Lake Women’s Institute
Holds Picnic July 10th 1954. The July meeting
of the Puslinch Lake Women’s Institute was held in the form of a picnic, at
the home of Mrs. C. R. Sherman, of R.R. No. 6, |
Girls, five and under: |
Sharon Miller. |
Boys, five and under: |
Norman Auliffe & Bobbie Edwards. |
Girls, 6 to 7 years: |
Shirley Lisso and Beverly Miller. |
Boys, 6 to 7 years: |
David McIlwraith & Jimmie Edwards. |
Girls, 8 to 10 years: |
Gloria Turnbull. |
Boys, 8 to 10 years: |
Bruce Hunter & Barry Auliffe. |
Girls, 11 to 14 years: |
Norma Chester & Heather McBain. |
Single girl race: |
Boys’ wheelbarrow race: |
Bruce Hunter & Tommy Johnson, Jimmy Edwards & Barry Auliffe. |
Girls’ three-legged race: |
Boys’ three-legged race: |
Barry Auliffe & Jimmy Edwards, Bruce Hunter & Tommy Johnson. |
Girls’ shoe scramble: |
Heather McBain & Beatrice McRobbie. |
Boys’ kick the shoe: |
David McIlwraith & Bruce Hunter. |
Ladies’ race: |
Mrs. J. Auliffe & Mrs. Nelson. |
Ladies’ kick the shoe: |
Mrs. Nelson & Norma Chester. |
Ladies’ shoe scramble: |
Mrs. Nelson & Mrs. J. Auliffe. |
Ladies’ beans in a jar contest: |
Mrs. J. Auliffe and Norma Chester. |
Youngest baby present: |
Sandra Nelson. |
Oldest person: |
Mrs. G. MacIntosh. |
Men’s beans in a jar contest: |
Mr. N. Ferguson & Keith Ireland. |
A short meeting
was held after the races and Mrs. C. Tremain and Mrs. R. McRobbie are to send
cookies to Elora for the opening of the |
Puslinch Lake Women’s Institute August 14th 1954. The August meeting of the Puslinch Lake Women’s Institute was held at the home of Mrs. Charles Chandler. The meeting opened with the “Women’s Institute Ode” and the “Mary Stewart Collect”, with the President, Mrs. George Steffler, presiding. The roll call was answered with the exchange of flower slips. Mrs. William Hunter gave the Secretary-Treasurer’s report and correspondence. Mrs. A. Lisso read the annual meeting report, held at Duff’s Church, Puslinch. Mrs. C. O. Heath reported on the cookbook. A letter of thanks was sent to Mr. and Mrs. C. Sherman and Mr. and Mrs. J. McCullough, for the use of the picnic grounds. On March 30th, at the home of Mrs. William Hunter, the extension service food program will be held for the community. The Red Cross report was given and it was decided to sponsor a Red Cross nursing course. Mrs. George Peace and Mrs. A. Lisso were named as convenors for an exhibit at the Puslinch Agricultural Society fair, at Aberfoyle, in September. The ploughing match project was discussed and Mrs. M. McIlwraith and Mrs. George Steffler were added to the committee to meet at Lloyd Hagey’s on September 7th. The October meeting, which will be held at the home of Mrs. George Peace, was changed to October 7th, on account of the ploughing match. Mrs. A. Christian, the Agriculture and Canadian Industry committee convenor, arranged the following program: Mrs. C. Heath read a paper on flowers and their influence, Mrs. M. McIlwraith, a paper on how vegetable oil is putting the cow out of business, Mrs. A. Lisso, a paper on how to care for your house plants, and Mrs. Edwards contributed a reading entitled “An Old Jug”. The meeting closed with the singing of the National Anthem and a delicious lunch was served by the hostess, assisted by Mrs. W. Eggert and Mrs. Keith Ireland. _____________________________ The Local News Mrs. Wm. McIntosh, Mrs. James Brown, and Mrs. George Steffler, all of R.R. No. 2, Hespeler, were joint hostesses at a miscellaneous shower at the home of Mrs. Charles Brown, in honour of Miss Florence Chester, who is to be married on August 21st, to Mr. James Brubacher, of R.R. No. 1, Hespeler. During the
afternoon, Mrs. George Steffler, acting as chairlady, called on the bride
elect to come forth and take the chair of honour, which was decorated with
white and pink streamers falling from an umbrella centered with a white
wedding bell. Ruth Chester and A dainty lunch
was served by the hostess, assisted by Miss Jessie McAllister, Miss Martha
Chester, Mrs. A. Garner, Miss Ruth Chester, and Miss __________________________________ A neighbourhood party, in honour of James Brubacher, son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Brubacher, and Miss Florence Chester, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Chester, whose marriage will take place on Saturday, was held on Tuesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tschanz, of R.R. No. 1, Hespeler, with approximately 70 in attendance, to enjoy an evening of euchre and crokinole. Prizes were won by Mrs. E. J. Kerr, Mrs. E. Feltham, Albert Krueger, and Frank Bracey. Walter Coles acted as master of ceremonies. John Strycker read the address and Frank Ross and Lois Tschanz presented the young couple with a chest of silver and a lace tablecloth. A delicious lunch was served by the hostess and friends. ____________________________________ Personal News Items Miss Thelma
Christian, of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, has returned home after visiting
her mother, Mrs. Anna Christian, of R.R. No. 2, Hespeler. Miss Norma Kreig,
of R.R. No. 2, Hespeler, is visiting in Philadelphia, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kreamer and children, Peter and Ruth, of Walkerton, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. G. Steffler and Mrs. and Mrs. C. Chandler, during the week. Mrs. A.
Christian is holidaying in Buffalo, |
Puslinch Lake Women’s Institute
Hears Address on Citizenship September 15th 1954. William J. Courtney, teacher of School Section No. 11 School, was guest speaker at the Puslinch Lake Women’s Institute meeting on Thursday. He spoke on citizenship and education, and brought forth some very important points in the education of children to become good citizens. The September meeting was held at the home of Mrs. John Auliffe, with a good attendance. Two new members were received into the institute. Mrs. G. Steffler opened the meeting with the singing of the Women’s Institute ode and the recitation, in unison, of “The Lord’s Prayer”. Mrs. W. Hunter gave the report of the Secretary-Treasurer and read the minutes. The roll was answered to by “my pet economy”. Mrs. George Peace was convenor of the program. Mrs. A. Lisso gave a report on the ploughing match project and invited all members to be present at a meeting to be held on September 16th at the Glen Christie Church, to meet members of both the Jubilee Women’s Institute and the Maple Grove Women’s Institute, who are having a tent at the ploughing match and will be called “Club 400”. The Red Cross report was given by Mrs. G. Steffler, who reported that the Red Cross nursing course was to start on September 14th at S.S. No. 11 School. Mrs. A. Lisso and Mrs. G. Peace reported on the Aberfoyle Fair exhibits. Ten dollars was voted to the Aberfoyle Fall Fair. Mrs. C. O. Heath reported on the Coronation cookbook and presented Mrs. C. Tremaine with a gift. Mrs. Tremaine received first prize for selling the most books, Mrs. A. Lisso, second prize, and Mrs. McIlwraith, the third prize. Mrs. A. Lisso
gave a splendid paper on “How to prepare a child who will be
hospitalized”. Mrs. C. O. Heath and Mrs. Keith Ireland were appointed
delegates to the Women’s Institute Area Convention, to be held in Mrs. Keith The meeting closed with the singing of the National Anthem. Mrs. Robert MacRobbie and Mrs. Annie Christian, lunch convenors, served a delicious lunch. They were assisted by Mrs. J. Auliffe and Mrs. Chester McBain. The next meeting will be held a week earlier than usual, on October 7th, at the home of Mrs. George Peace. |
European Slides Shown at Puslinch
Meeting November 1st 1954. The October meeting of the Puslinch Lake Women’s Institute was held at the home of Mrs. George Peace. Roll call was answered by “How I can help a stranger to be a good citizen”. Mrs. George Steffler conducted the business part of the meeting. A donation of $10 was given to the Junior Farmers to help them on their project, and $5 was given to the 4-H Club. Miss Holm gave the flower fund report and Mrs. K. Ireland was convenor for “Citizenship and Education”. Mrs. Karl
Kauffman, of Kitchener, was the guest speaker and showed colour slides of her
trips to Europe, Scotland, and the Refreshments were served by the hostess, assisted by Miss A. Holm. The November meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. William Eggert, and the roll call will be an exchange of Christmas recipes. |
Fine Christmas Program Enjoyed at December 11th 1954. The Christmas meeting of the Puslinch Lake Women’s Institute was held at the home of Mrs. Robert McRobbie. Roll call was answered with Christmas cards for the shut-ins. Mrs. George Steffler conducted the meeting and Mrs. Wm. Hunter gave the Secretary’s and the Treasurer’s report. Miss A. Holm gave the flower fund report and Mrs. A. E. Gamble reported on the Federation of Agriculture. Miss A. Holm was appointed delegate to attend the annual meeting of the Historical Research, being held in Elora. Mrs. A. Lisso, convenor for the Home Economics and health committee, gave a Christmas table demonstration and hints on colouring an apple pie. Miss A. Holm, convenor for the Historical Research committee, gave the history of Mr. and Mrs. R. MacRobbie’s farm. Public relations and community activities convenor, Mrs. A. E. Gamble, read a poem called “Certain People”. Mrs. C. Tremain, program convenor, took over the chair. The singing of Christmas carols followed and Mrs. A. E. Gamble read a paper on “Let’s Keep Christmas”. Mrs. L. Johnson conducted a contest on the Christmas story, and it was won by Miss A. Holm. Mrs. A. Lisso read a poem on “The Day After Christmas”, and Mrs. George Steffler gave a reading on “Christmas for Christ”. Mrs. William Hunter won the “lucky chair” and Mrs. K. Ireland, the “lucky cup” prize. Mrs. K. Ireland thanked the hostess and those that helped serve refreshments. The meeting was closed with “The Queen”. The January meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. J. Miller. |
Puslinch Lake Women Hold Institute
Auction February 15th 1955. The monthly
meeting of the Puslinch Lake Women’s Institute was held at the home of Mrs.
A. Lisso, with a good attendance of members and visitors. The roll call was answered with a Valentine
verse. Thank you notes were read by
the Secretary, Mrs. Hunter. A donation
of $5 was voted to the Mrs. C. Heath gave a splendid report on the District Directors’ meeting, held in Guelph, at the Y.W.C.A. Mrs. L. Johnson and Mrs. Wm. Hunter were nominated to go to Aberfoyle to a meeting on the Puslinch TB project. Mrs. G. Steffler gave the Red Cross report, and also handed out quilts to be quilted. Miss A. Holm gave the floer fund report. As the big item of the day was an auction sale, Mrs. Wm. McIntosh acted as auctioneer, and a good sum was received. The meeting closed wit the singing of “God Save the Queen”. Mrs. K. Ireland thanked all of those who took part in the program and those who helped with the auction sale. She also thanked the hostess and the refreshment conveners for the delicious refreshments. |
Puslinch Lake Women’s Institute
Hears Hydro Address April 1st 1955. The Puslinch Lake Women’s Institute held their March meeting at the home of Mrs. Clifford Tremain, in Hespeler. Mrs. George Steffler, President of the institute, conducted the business meeting and Mrs. Wm. Hunter, Secretary, read the thank you notes. A membership fee
of $5 was sent to the The extension services of the Ontario Department of Agriculture will show a film and address the meeting on “your food and your figure”, in S.S. No. 11 School, on Wednesday evening, March 30th. Mrs. L. Johnson reported on the TB campaign, which is to take place in May. Mrs. Weber, of Kitchener, gave a very interesting talk on hydro conversion and also showed a film. The annual report of each of the standing committees was read by the convenors and handed in to the Secretary, Mrs. Wm. Hunter, after which, Mrs. George Steffler read a paper on brotherhood. Mrs. Keith Henderson and Mrs. A. McIntosh, assisted by the hostess, served refreshments. Mrs. Keith Ireland, the courtesy convener, thanked the hostess for her home and the refreshments. She also thanked all of those who participated in the meeting. The meeting closed with the singing of “God Save the Queen”. |
Puslinch Lake Women’s Institute Holds Annual Meeting April 23rd 1955. The annual
meeting of the Puslinch Lake Women’s Institute was held at the home of Mrs.
C. O. Heath. The meeting was opened
with “The Lord’s Prayer”. The roll
call was answered with “the most outstanding meeting of the year and written
suggestions for new programs”. Mrs. G.
Steffler, the President, conducted the business part of the meeting. Mrs. Wm. Hunter read the correspondence,
thank you letters, and gave the annual report of the institute. The TB clinic date is set for May 10th at
the Mrs. G. Steffler gave the Red Cross report. Miss Milton, from the South Wellington Health Unit, gave the annual report and she also said that the Child Health Care Centre is to be held at Barber’s Beach Club room on Wednesday April 27th from 2 to 4 p.m. Mrs. Wm. Hunter reported the flower fund. On retiring as president, Mrs. G. Steffler thanked the members for their support during her leadership and asked for continued support for the new president. She then read a paper on “Can there be peace?”. Mrs. A. E. Gamble acted as chairman for the election of officers and Mrs. Wm. Hunter, as secretary. The election of officers is as follows: |
President: |
Mrs. A. Lisso. |
1st Vice-President: |
Mrs. C. O. Heath. |
2nd Vice-President: |
Mrs. L. Johnson. |
Secretary-Treasurer: |
Mrs. A. E. Gamble. |
Assistant Secretary-Treasurer: |
Mrs. C. Sherman. |
District Director: |
Mrs. C. O. Heath |
Branch Directors: |
Mrs. A. Christian, Mrs. G. Peace, Mrs. Wm. Eggert. |
Flower committee: |
Mrs. L. Johnson, Mrs. G. Steffler, Mrs. Wm. Eggert, & Mrs. C. O. Heath. |
Auditors: |
Mrs. A. Christian, Mrs. K. Ireland. |
Red Cross convener & assistant: |
Mrs. R. McRobbie, Mrs. Wm. Hunter. |
Pianist: |
Mrs. J. Miller. |
Courtesy convenor: |
Mrs. K. Ireland. |
Federation of Agriculture: |
Mrs. G. Steffler. |
Standing committee conveners: |
Agriculture & Canadian Industries: |
Mrs. A. Christian. |
Citizenship & Education: |
Mrs. R. Reeve. |
Historical Research & Current Events: |
Mrs. G. Steffler. |
Home Economics and Health: |
Mrs. Wm. Eggert. |
Public Relations & Community Activities: |
Mrs. C. O. Heath. |
Ways and Means Committee: |
Mrs. C. Tremain, Mrs. Wm. Hunter, Mrs. L. Johnson, & Mrs. C. O. Heath. |
The meeting closed by singing “God Save the Queen”. Mrs. K. Ireland thanked the hostess for the use of her home, and also the lunch convenors who assisted with the delicious refreshments. |
Pot Luck Supper Held by Puslinch
Lake Women’s Institute July 26th 1955. A potluck supper was enjoyed by the Puslinch Lake Women’s Institute members at their July meeting, held at the home of Mrs. C. Tremaine. Mrs. A. Lisso and Mrs. A. E. Gamble assisted the hostess. The President,
Mrs. A. Lisso, opened the meeting. The
minutes were read by Mrs. A. E. Gamble.
Mrs. G. Steffler gave the report on the Mrs. C. Sherman, convenor, conducted a contest of barber shop singing, with Mrs. C. Tremain, Mrs. A. Chandler, and Mrs. G. Steffler winning the first prize. Second prize went to Mrs. A. E. Gamble, Mrs. Hunter, Mrs. A. Lisso, and Mrs. W. Eggert. Bingo was enjoyed, with Mrs. Tremaine and Mrs. A. Lisso winning prizes. Mrs. Keith Ireland thanked the hostess and all of those taking part. |
Puslinch Lake Women’s Institute
Members Met Recently July 28th 1955. (Please note that this report concerns the same meeting as the report immediately above.) The July meeting
of the Puslinch Lake Women’s Institute was held at the spacious home of Mrs.
Clifford Tremaine, of The business session was conducted by the President, Mrs. A. Lisso. Mrs. A. Gamble read the minutes and gave the Treasurer’s report. Roll call was responded to with “what I like doing best”. The reports of the standing committees were received. Mrs. Wm. Eggert reported the activities of the branch as the acting hostess at the Elora Museum, recently. An excellent
program followed, convened by Mrs. C. R. Sherman, consisting of contests,
games, and a sing-song. Prize winners
were Mrs. A. Christian, Mrs. W. Hunter, Mrs. A. Gamble, Mrs. W. Tremaine,
Miss Patsy Tremaine, Mrs. W. McIntosh, Mrs. A. Lisso, Mrs. E. Eggert, and
Mrs. C. Chandler. Mrs. Tremaine gave
an interesting account of her recent trip to the The courtesy convener, Mrs. K. Ireland, thanked all of those who had made the evening such a success. The meeting closed with the singing of “God Save the Queen”. |
Puslinch Lake Women’s Institute
Holds Historical Research Meeting September 13th 1955. The Historical Research meeting of the Puslinch Lake Women’s Institute was held at the home of Mrs. Lorne Johnson, of R.R. No. 1, Hespeler. The President, Mrs. A. Lisso, conducted the business, when reports from Mrs. R. Reeve, Mrs. C. O. Heath, Mrs. Robert McRobbie, and Mrs. G. Steffler were given. The roll call, an important date in Canadian history, was answered by all the members but one. The Secretary,
Mrs. A. E. Gamble, read an invitation from the Mrs. Robert Reeve and Mrs. G. Steffler will arrange the institute’s display at the Aberfoyle Fall fair. Mrs. G. Steffler and Mrs. L. Johnson were chosen as leaders for the 4-H serving club. An invitation
was extended to the institute to a tea on Wednesday at the home of Mrs.
George Peace, and $25 was voted to the Howitt Memorial fund. A talk on The historical research committee convenor, Mrs. G. Steffler, arranged the program. Mrs. R. Reeve conducted a contest about pioneer articles used on the farm. Mrs. J. Miller, Mrs. L. Johnson, Mrs. A. Lisso, and Mrs. A. E. Gamble won the prizes. A display, “The oldest article in our possession” was won by Mrs. L. Johnson and Mrs. A. Lisso. A humorous card game was enjoyed, with Mrs. Clarence Lisso, Mrs. W. Ebbs Junior, Mrs. Robert Reeve, and Mrs. A. Lisso receiving prizes. Mrs. Keith Ireland thanked the hostess and all those taking part. The hostess was assisted by Mrs. Robert McRobbie and Mrs. W. MacIntosh in serving lunch. The October meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. W. McIntosh, when the grandmothers receive the honours. |
Puslinch lake Institute Meets at
Johnson Home September 17th 1955. (Please note: This report concerns the same meeting as the report directly above.) The September meeting of the Puslinch Lake Women’s Institute was held at the home of Mrs. L. Johnson, with the President, Mrs. A. Lisso, in charge. Mrs. A. Gamble gave the Secretary’s report. The topic for
the meeting being “Historical research”, the standing committee conveners
based their reports accordingly. Mrs.
R. Reeve, convenor for the Citizenship and Education standing committee, gave
an interesting account of the history of Canadian railways. Mrs. George Steffler, convenor of the
Historical research standing committee, gave a paper on the history of The members voted to sponsor a Girls’ Homemaking Club, under the leadership of Mrs. George Steffler, with Mrs. Lorne Johnson assisting. Mrs. R. Reeve
and Mrs. George Steffler were appointed convenors for the institute exhibit
at the Aberfoyle Fair. Twenty-five
dollars was voted for the maintenance of the The Historical research committee convenor, Mrs. George Steffler, took the chair for the program that followed. Mrs. R. Reeve conducted a scrambled letters contest of articles used on farms in ancient times. This was won by Mrs. Jake Miller and Mrs. L. Johnson. A prize was given for presenting the oldest article possessed. This was won by Mrs. A. Lisso, for her compass, 100 years old. A second prize went to Mrs. L. Johnson for her Anglican Church prayer book of 1862. A bingo-type contest, conducted by Mrs. George Steffler, was won by Mrs. Clarence Lisso, Mrs. William Ebbs, Mrs. R. Reeve, and Mrs. A. Lisso. Mrs. K. Ireland acted as courtesy convenor, thanking those who had taken part. The hostess and her committee served refreshments and a social half hour was enjoyed. |
Puslinch Lake Women’s Institute
Donates to Scouts November 22nd 1955. The November meeting of the Puslinch Lake Women’s Institute was held at the home of Mrs. C. O. Heath, with the President, Mrs. A. Lisso, conducting. The roll call was answered with “an item that I learned from home and country”, by a good attendance of members. The members were
urged to support the It was decided to donate $25 to the Boy Scout movement of the vicinity. Members are asked to support the boys in their paper drive, on Saturday November 19th. The “Girl Guides” will also be sponsored in the community. A meeting to organize will take place on November 28th. Various interesting reports were given by the standing committee convenors, after which, Mrs. R. Reeve took the chair for the afternoon’s program. Mrs. Geo. Peace
gave a resume on her recent tour of the Mrs. R. Reeve conducted a humorous contest, the prize being won by Mrs. Peace. Mrs. K. Ireland acted as courtesy convenor, and the meeting closed with “God Save the Queen”. The hostess and her committee served refreshments and a social half hour was enjoyed by all. |
Puslinch Lake Women’s Institute December 16th 1955. The December meeting of the Puslinch Lake Women’s Institute was held at the home of Mrs. G. Steffler, with the President, Mrs. A. Lisso, conducting. The Secretary, Mrs. A. Gamble, gave the minutes of the previous meeting and the Secretary-Treasurer’s report. The roll call was answered by bringing a white gift for the Salvation Army. Two boxes were then packed and delivered at the close of the meeting. A note of
appreciation was received from the Ten dollars was
donated to the Members of the Ways & Means committee were appointed to pack boxes for the sick and shut-ins at the Christmas season. Plans were made to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the branch, to be held in January 1956. Mrs. C. Heath gave a report on the District Directors’ meeting. Mrs. William McIntosh took the chair for the afternoon’s program, which included carols of the Christmas season. A contest, “breaking the balloon”, was won by Mrs. A. Evans, Mrs. G. Steffler, and Mrs. A. McIntosh. Mrs. A. Lisso gave a demonstration on making various Christmas decorations. A relay race, “carrying the balloon”, was won by Mrs. A. Lisso’s team, and the “Lucky cup” was held by Mrs. R. Reeve. |
District Officers Attend Puslinch
Lake Women’s Institute Meeting January 10th 1956. Mrs. George Peace opened her home to the members of the Puslinch Lake Women’s Institute for their January meeting, when they were favoured with the presence of the District President, Mrs. R. McCartney, and the District Secretary, Mrs. J. Fair. The President, Mrs. A. Lisso, conducted the afternoon’s business session. The roll call, responded to by a fair attendance, was answered with the name of a Canadian apple. In keeping with
the thoughts for a New Year and having New Year’s resolutions in mind, Mrs.
R. McCartney brought a very timely message entitled “Peace of mind comes from
within”. She also gave a poem entitled
“Chart of Life”. Mrs. J. Fair gave an
instructive talk about “ Mrs. A. Gamble gave the Secretary and Treasurer’s report. Mrs. C. Tremaine reported on the meeting of the Ways & Means Committee. She showed a sample setting of silverware and china, which the members voted to purchase. The branch made
plans to cater to the The Secretary
was authorized to pay the registration fees for a boy or girl wishing to
attend the Mrs. George Peace favoured the members with a vocal solo depicting our New Year’s blessings. Mrs. K. Ireland acted as courtesy convenor. The meeting closed with “God Save the Queen”. The hostess and her committee served refreshments, and members enjoyed a social half hour. |
Puslinch Lake Group Has Enjoyable
Meeting February 21st 1956. The February
meeting of the Puslinch Lake Women’s Institute was held at the home of Mrs.
Robert Reeve, of A good attendance of members was present, and several brought guests. The roll call was answered with “what I would do if I were 21 again”. Some of the replies added spice to the meeting. The President, Mrs. A. Lisso, conducted the business session. Mrs. A. Gamble read the correspondence, which included thank you notes from the various organizations where help has recently been given. A letter from the Provincial President, Mrs. G. McPhatter, was well received. A donation of $5
was made to the The branch directors were appointed to look after the project for the Salada Tea contest. Mrs. R. McRobbie reported for the Red Cross Society. The members
planned a tour of the Dare cookie factory and the Schneider meat packing plant
in After hearing the reports of the standing committee convenors, the meeting closed with the National Anthem. The hostess and her committee served refreshments. |
Mrs. C. Burton Speaker at Puslinch
Lake Women’s Institute March 12th 1956. Stormy weather failed to subdue the members of the Puslinch Lake Women’s Institute, when they met for the March meeting at the home of the President, Mrs. A. Lisso. Mrs. C. O.
Heath, public relations convenor, introduced the guest speaker, Mrs. C.
Burton, Principal of the Guelph & District Retarded Children’s
School. Mrs. Burton spoke on the
causes of children being retarded, and how conditions, as they exist, may be
remedied. She told of the difficulties
entailed in the organization of the A contest, re-arranging jumbled letters to form the names of Irish cities was won by Mrs. Burton. A contest, re-arranging jumbled letters to form Irish Christian names, was won by Mrs. C. Ambroise and Mrs. C. Burton. Mrs. Jake Miller won a prize for being the holder of the “lucky cup”. Mrs. A. Lisso conducted the afternoon’s business. The roll call was answered with “what I could do for the beautification of our community”. Mrs. A. Gamble gave the Secretary’s report and read the correspondence. A letter of instruction on the “Salada Tea project” was received from the provincial President, Mrs. G. McPhatter. A donation of
five dollars was made to the The extension service program was planned for the month of August. The standing committee convenors presented year end reports. It was decided to have a vote by ballot at the annual meeting next month. Mrs. K. Ireland thanked the hostess, the guest speaker, and all of those taking part, to make the meeting a success. The meeting closed with “God Save the Queen”. The hostess and her committee served refreshments. |
Mrs. J. Miller Hostess to Puslinch
Lake Women’s Institute May 10th 1956. Mrs. Jake Miller
opened her home to the members of the Puslinch Lake Women’s Institute for the
May meeting, with Mrs. A. Lisso, the President, conducting. The roll call, “superstition” was answered
by a fair attendance. Mrs. A. Gamble
gave the Secretary’s report and read the correspondence. A donation of $20 was voted for the Mrs. C. O. Heath gave the report of the District Directors’ meeting. Mrs. A. Lisso, Mrs. Wm. Eggert, and Mrs. A. Gamble were appointed delegates to the district annual. Mrs. C. Tremaine reported on a booth at a recent auction sale. Mrs. C. Tremaine, Mrs. Wm. Eggert, Mrs. A. Lisso, and Mrs. C. Heath were asked to make aprons for the Institute Exhibit at the Aberfoyle Fair. Plans were discussed for a bus trip in June. These are to be completed by the executive. Mrs. K. Ireland took the chair for the afternoon’s program. A humorous contest was conducted by Mrs. A. Gamble. It being the Federation of Agriculture program, Mrs. C. Heath favoured the audience with a reading of “The Cow”. Mrs. K. Ireland, as courtesy convener, thanked everyone who helped to make the meeting a success. The meeting closed with “God Save the Queen”. Refreshments were served by the hostess and her committee and a social half hour was enjoyed by all. |
Puslinch Lake Women’s Institute
Meeting July 4th 1956. Mrs. Anne
Christian was hostess for the Puslinch Lake Women’s Institute meeting and
Mrs. A. Lisso, the President, presided.
The roll call was answered by paying a penny for each size of shoe
worn. Mrs. A. E. Gamble gave the
Secretary’s report. It was decided to
donate $5 to the The delegates to
the district annual meeting, held at ________________ The Local News A surprise party was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Heath to honour Mr. and Mrs. Jake Miller and family, who are moving to Preston, and also to honour Howard Lisso and Miss Molly Adair, who will be married in the near future. John S. McCullough was chairman. Tommy Johnson played selections on his piano accordion. Mrs. C. R. Sherman sang, accompanied on the piano by Mrs. B. Chappell. Miss Shirley Lisso, accompanied by her father, Clarence Lisso, and his guitar, gave a selection, and Mrs. Lorne Johnson gave a reading. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Miller and family were presented with gifts by Mr. Lorne Johnson, and Mrs. C. O. Heath read the address. Miss Molly Adair and Howard Lisso were presented with shower gifts by Paulette Miller and Marguerite Chappell. Refreshments were served by the hostess and her assistants. An unusual accident occurred during the severe storm on Sunday, when the barn was struck in the centre of the roof and torn off, at the home of William Robinson. Work has started on the new two-roomed school at School Section No. 12, which is expected to be finished for the fall term. |
Puslinch Lake Women’s Institute August 16th 1956. Mrs. A. E. Gamble opened her home to the members of the Puslinch Lake Women’s Institute for the August meeting, which was conducted by the President, Mrs. A. Lisso. The minutes of the previous meeting and the correspondence were read by the Secretary, Mrs. A. E. Gamble. The roll call was answered with “the article from your grandmother that you cherish most”. The prize given for this was won by Mrs. Heath. Mrs. Lisso gave
a report on the visit of the ACWW President to the Mrs. Gamble had charge of the afternoon’s program, the topic of which was historical research. Mrs. H. McLean favoured the ladies with a piano solo. A paper on anatomy was given by Mrs. Heath. The meeting closed with “God Save the Queen”. The hostess and her committee served refreshments, and a social hour was enjoyed. |
Puslinch Lake Women’s Institute October 17th 1956. The regular monthly meeting of the Puslinch Lake Women’s Institute was held at the home of Mrs. Wm. Eggert, with the President, Mrs. A. Lisso, conducting. The topic of the meeting was agriculture, for which the convenor, Mrs. A. Christian, took the chair. Mrs. C. Tremain favoured the ladies with a recitation entitled “Why Boys Leave the Farm”. Mrs. A. Gamble prepared and read a paper on “The Story of Agriculture in the Story of Man”. Mrs. R. McRobbie and Mrs. A. Gamble each gave an interesting report on the area convention. Plans were completed to entertain the Downey Women’s Institute at a potluck dinner in connection with the extension service program, on October 17th. An invitation from the Riverside Women’s Institute to attend their November meeting was received and accepted. A donation of $10 was made to the Hespeler VON. The annual fall bazaar will be held on November 23rd in Hespeler. A letter was sent to the Department of Highways in protest against the dumping of garbage on country roads and an enforcement of the law was requested. The meeting closed with the singing of “God Save the Queen”. The hostess, assisted by Mrs. K. Ireland, served refreshments and a social hour was enjoyed. |
Puslinch Lake Women’s Institute
Meeting November 2nd 1956. Mrs. William Eggert was hostess to the Puslinch Lake Women’s Institute for the October meeting, with the President, Mrs. A. Lisso, presiding. The topic of the meeting was agriculture, for which, the convenor, Mrs. A. Christian, took the chair. Mrs. C. Tremaine favoured with a recitation. Mrs. A. Gamble gave a paper. Mrs. R. MacRobbie and Mrs. A. E. Gamble gave an interesting report on the area convention. Plans were
completed to entertain the A donation of $10 was made to the Hespeler V.O.N. The annual fall bazaar will be held on November 23rd in Hespeler. A letter was sent to the Department of Highways in protest against the dumping of garbage on country roads. The hostess, assisted by Mrs. K. Ireland, served refreshments. ___________________________ Assistant Professor Dr. J. D. MacLachlan, President of the Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph, has announced the appointment of Edwin E. Gamble, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Gamble, of R.R. No. 2, Hespeler, as assistant professor in the Department of Field Husbandry. Edwin Gamble,
who will be doing grass and corn breeding, is a graduate of __________________________ Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Boreham were host and hostess at their home at R.R. No. 2, Hespeler, to honour Mr. and Mrs. Albert Alderdyse, who were married recently. Progressive euchre was in play. Those winning prizes during the evening games were Mrs. George Campbell, Mrs. Gordon Borthwick, and Gordon Leadlay. Mrs. A. Boreham, George Chandler, Arthur Boreham, and Mrs. George Steffler presented Mr. and Mrs. Alderdyse with an eight-piece setting of china dinner ware. Those assisting the hostess in serving lunch were Mrs. H. Burns and Mary Bonham. ______________________ Auxiliary Meets The 1st Puslinch Scout and Guide Women’s Auxiliary held its October meeting in the Scout and Guide Hall. One new member was received. Mrs. Albert Christian, the President, presided. Mrs. W. MacIntosh gave the Treasurer’s report and Mrs. N. Purdy read the correspondence and the Secretary’s report. Plans were made for a Christmas party for the auxiliary. Mrs. K. Ludwig, Mrs. W. A. McIlwraith, Mrs. Zola Dolson, Mrs. G. W. Schwantz, and Mrs. W. Aikens were chosen to help with a parents’ night supper. Plans were completed for a dance on November 10th, with Mrs. W. A. McIlwraith and Mrs. G. Steffler in charge. The meeting closed with prayer by Mrs. L. Johnson. Mrs. W. Aikens served refreshments and a social hour was enjoyed. |
Puslinch Lake Women’s Institute November 21st 1956. Mrs. R. McRobbie was hostess for the November meeting of the Puslinch Lake Women’s Institute, with a fair attendance. With Mrs. A. Lisso, the President, presiding, the meeting opened with the singing of “The Women’s Institute Ode” and the recitation of “The Lord’s Prayer”. The
Secretary-Treasurer, Mrs. A. Gamble, read the minutes and financial report,
as well as the correspondence and thank you cards. A donation of two dollars was voted to the
TB campaign and a bale was packed for A bazaar will be held in the Woollen Workers Hall, Hespeler, later this month. A letter from the Daily Mercury newspaper was read, saying how the institute could raise money for its fall project. Mrs. Lisso called upon the standing committee convenors for their reports. Mrs. Tremain, convenor for the Federation of Agriculture committee, presented the following program: a paper on “farm forums”, by Mrs. R. Reeve, two piano selections by Miss Margaret Gamble, a paper, “You mean that it’s legal to sweat”, by Mrs. A. Lisso, a paper on “limit production”, by Mrs. A. Gamble, and a paper entitled, “A United Front Needed”, by Mrs. C. Tremain. The meeting closed with the singing of “God Save the Queen”. |
The Puslinch Lake Women’s Institute December 17th 1956. The Christmas meeting of the Puslinch Lake Women’s Institute was held at the home of Mrs. R. Reeve, in Hespeler. Mrs. A. Lisso presided and the Women’s Institute ode was sung, followed by the Mary Stewart Collect. The minutes, correspondence, and thank you cards were read by the Secretary-Treasurer, Mrs. A. Gamble. The roll call was answered by giving “white gifts” for the Salvation Army, in Hespeler, and also Christmas cards for the shut-ins. Mrs. C. Tremain was nominated to take care of the Christmas cheer baskets for the shut-ins of the community. The bazaar, held in Hespeler, was reported to be a success. Mrs. A. Christian was convenor for the Christmas program, which consisted of a reading by Mrs. C. Tremain, entitled, Beauty of the Bells”, a poem, “The Night After Christmas”, by Mrs. R. Reeve, a reading by Mrs. A. Lisso, “Bring to Your Table, A Happy Smile”, and a poem by Mrs. A. Gamble, “Watch Your Words”. A contest about Christmas was conducted by Mrs. R. Reeve, with Mrs. R. Evans being the winner. At the close of the meeting, delicious Christmas refreshments were served by the hostess and her assistants, Mrs. C. Tremain and Mrs. C. Chandler. The January meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. George Peace. |
Puslinch Lake Women’s Institute February 21st 1957. The members of the Puslinch Lake Women’s Institute met at the home of Mrs. C. O. Heath for their February meeting. The President, Mrs. A. Lisso, opened the meeting with the Women’s Institute ode, followed by “The Lord’s Prayer”. The roll call, a Canadian bird and its habits, received a good response. Mrs. Lisso
welcomed the visitors. Mrs. A. Gamble
gave the Secretary’s report and read the correspondence. Donations of $5 each were made to the An invitation from the Royal Women’s Institute to visit with them at their February meeting was accepted. Plans were completed for an “At Home” to commemorate the sixtieth anniversary of the Women’s Institute and will be held in Hespeler on Friday. Mrs. A. Christian prepared a paper on “The Spices of Life”, which was read by Mrs. William Eggert. Mrs. Gamble gave a very interesting account of the origin of the Women’s Institute, and Mrs. C. Heath gave a paper on “The Uses of Winter”. Mrs. C. Tremaine favoured the members with two piano renditions. Mrs. K. Ireland, as courtesy convenor, thanked the hostess and all of those taking part in making the meeting a success. The meeting closed with the singing of “God Save the Queen”. The hostess and her committee served a delicious Valentine tea and a social half hour was enjoyed. |
Puslinch Women Recall Sixty Years
of Progress March 16th 1957. Progress during the last sixty years was the subject of a talk given to the Puslinch Lake Women’s Institute when they held their March meeting at the home of Mrs. Clifford Tremaine, in Hespeler. The Acting President of the South Wellington District, Mrs. J. Fair, gave a most interesting address on “Sixty Years of the Women’s Institute”, the institute now being sixty years old, which indicated the many changes in life during the past six decades. Articles of interest included a Public school reader, an autograph album, newspaper advertisements, and an almanac. The President, Mrs. A. Lisso, conducted the business meeting, and welcomed the many guests. Mrs. A. Gamble read the Secretary-Treasurer’s report and the correspondence. The roll call, “what I left undone to be here” was well responded to by the members. The standing committee convenors’ reports included a poem by Mrs. R. Reeve, a report of the annual meeting of the Red Cross by Mrs. R. McRobbie, and a report of the District Directors’ meeting by Mrs. C. O. Heath. Donations were made to the Mabel McNaughton memorial fund, and for a wreath at the Aberfoyle cenotaph. An auction sale of needlework and home baking provided entertainment for the remainder of the afternoon, after which, the meeting closed with the singing of the National Anthem. The hostess, assisted by Mrs. William Hunter and Mrs. R. McRobbie, served delicious refreshments to all of those present. |
Puslinch Lake Women’s Institute
Elects Officers April 18th 1957. Mrs. Albert Lisso was hostess and chairperson for the annual meeting of the Puslinch Lake Women’s Institute. The guest speaker was Mrs. J. S. McCullough, a former District President. Mrs. McCullough spoke on the importance of the Women’s Institute’s influence, for good, in the community. The Women’s Institute is a democracy at work, and each member is important in maintaining the ideals. The officers elected for 1957-58 are: |
President: |
Mrs. Albert Lisso. |
Vice-Presidents: |
Mrs. C. O. Heath & Mrs. W. H. Hunter. |
Secretary-Treasurer: |
Mrs. A. E. Gamble. |
Assistant Secretary-Treasurer: |
Mrs. C. R. Sherwood. |
District Director: |
Mrs. C. O. Heath. |
Branch Directors: |
Mrs. William Eggert, Mrs. Annie Christian, & Mrs. Keith Ireland. |
Auditors: |
Mrs. William McIlwraith & Mrs. C. R. Sherwood. |
An invitation was accepted from the Downey’s Women’s Institute to attend a spring tulip tea. |
Puslinch Lake Women’s Institute May 24th 1957. Mrs. William Hunter, 46 Park Avenue, Guelph, was hostess to the members of the Puslinch Lake Women’s Institute for their May meeting, which was conducted by the President, Mrs. A. Lisso. Mrs. A. E. Gamble gave the Secretary-Treasurer’s report and read the correspondence. An invitation was accepted from the members of the Jubilee Women’s Institute to attend their tenth anniversary celebration on May 28th. A bus trip to Refreshments were served by the committee, Mrs. A. E. Gamble and Mrs. K. Ireland, assisted by the hostess, Mrs. W. Hunter. The next meeting will be held on the second Thursday in July at the home of Mrs. A. Christian. The 1st Puslinch Scouts and Cubs enjoyed a
camp fire meeting on Friday at the The Word was received in the community of the funeral of Mrs. J. R. Little, née Mina Ada Mendell, on Monday, at Elora. |
Puslinch Lake Women’s Institute
Contributes to Cemetery Fund September 26th 1957. Puslinch Lake Women’s Institute met at the home of Mrs. W. A. McIlwraith, with Mrs. August Lisso presiding. A donation was
given to the Plans were made for a bazaar in the Union Hall, Hespeler, in November. Mrs. Annie Christian, convenor of the Agriculture and Canadian Industries committee, assisted by Mrs. C. O. Heath, dealt with the motto, “The farmer is the backbone of the country”. Mrs. William Hunter reported on community activities and public relations. Mrs. K. Ireland acted as courtesy convenor. The meeting closed with “The Queen”. Refreshments were served by the hostess and Mrs. A. Lisso. The October meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. C. Sherman. |
Puslinch Lake Women’s Institute Donates to Cancer Society and V.O.N. October 17th 1957. The regular monthly meeting of the Puslinch Lake Women’s Institute was held at the home of Mrs. C. Sherman. The meeting opened with the singing of the ode and the recitation, in unison, of “The Mary Stewart Collect”. The roll call question, “should a woman be on the school board and why” was answered by 12 members and three visitors. Mrs. A. Lisso, President, presided over the meeting, and called upon Mrs. A. Gamble, Secretary-Treasurer, to read the minutes of the last meeting, correspondence, and the Secretary’s report. An invitation was received and accepted to attend the Utoka Women’s Institute meeting in November. Donations were given to the Cancer Society and the VON. Mrs. W. Hunter and Mrs. A. Lisso were appointed to form a committee for the Tweedsmuir history, with Mrs. R. Reeve acting as convenor. Final arrangements were made for the bazaar to be held in Hespeler. Mrs. R. McRobbie, convenor of the
Citizenship and Education committee, had charge of the program, which
consisted of an address by Mrs. Wilson, of Duff’s Presbyterian Church. Mrs. Wilson gave an inspiring address on
her life as a missionary in A contest, “name the household gadget in the bag” was won by Mrs. W. Hunter. It was decided to have the November meeting one week earlier. Mrs. Hunter thanked the speaker, the hostess, and all of those who participated in the meeting. The meeting closed with the National Anthem and refreshments were served by the hostess and her committee. |
Puslinch Lake Women’s Institute
Holds Successful Tea November 21st 1957. Mrs. A. Christian, convenor of the Agriculture and Canadian Industries committee, and Mrs. R. McRobbie, convenor for the Citizenship and Education committee, gave very interesting reports at the November meeting of the Puslinch Lake Women’s Institute. Mrs. A. Lisso, the President, opened the meeting with the singing of the Women’s Institute ode, and the reciting in unison of “The Mary Stewart Collect”. The roll call was answered with an item from the handbook. Mrs. A. E. Gamble, the Secretary-Treasurer, read the minutes of the October meeting and the correspondence. Mrs. C. Heath
gave a splendid report on the area convention, held recently at the
O.A.C. It was decided to send a bale
of clothing to the Evangel Hall, in Mrs. W. Hunter, convenor of the Public Relations and Community Activities committee, had charge of the program, which consisted of a verbal quiz on the Royal family visit to Canada and the United States, and a reading by Mrs. W. Hunter, entitled, “When Car Fever Hit”. Mrs. K. Ireland, the courtesy convenor, thanked the hostess and all of those who helped with the meeting. The meeting closed with the singing of “The Queen” and “The Institute Grace”. _________________________ The ladies of the Puslinch Lake Women’s Institute held a successful bazaar recently, at the Union Hall, Hespeler. Homemade baking, aprons, and candy tables were well stocked. The parcel post table, which was well patronized, was convened by Mrs. W. Eggert and Mrs. G. Steffler. Mrs. C. Chandler and Mrs. J. Miller were in charge of the apron table. Mrs. C. Tremaine, Mrs. A. Christian, and Mrs. R. McRobbie were in charge of the homemade baking table. Mrs. C. Sherman sold the homemade candy, and Mrs. A. Lisso and Mrs. L. Johnson served tea and sandwiches to the ladies who attended, assisted by Mrs. K. Ireland. |
Puslinch Lake Women’s Institute
Entertains Local Clubs March 4th 1958. Mr. Clifford Tremaine was the guest speaker at a recent meeting of the Puslinch Lake Women’s Institute. He spoke on automobile co-operative insurance. Mrs. Robert Reeve was hostess for the meeting and the President, Mrs. A. Lisso, presided. Mrs. C. Sherman, Assistant Secretary, took Mrs. A. E. Gamble’s place and read the minutes of the previous meeting. Plans were made to entertain the Riverside Royal Women’s Institute and the Utoka Women’s Institute at the S.S. No. 12 School. Mrs. Robert McRobbie gave a splendid report of the Red Cross annual meeting, held at Aberfoyle. Mrs. Reeve gave a historical reading on the roads of Puslinch. Mrs. A. Christian read a paper on agriculture and Canadian industries. __________________________ The Puslinch Lake
Women’s Institute entertained the Riverside Royal and Utoka Women’s
Institutes at a delightful social evening in S.S. No. 12 Mrs. John Frey, of the Riverside Women’s Institute, gave a reading entitled, “The Queen’s Gentleman in His Home”. Mrs. G. P. Britton and Mrs. G. Price, of the Royal Women’s Institute, sang a vocal duet, and the motto and a poem, entitled “Home”, was read by Mrs. A. J. Manning of the Royal Women’s Institute. Two contests were conducted by Mrs. L. Johnson, of the Puslinch Lake Women’s Institute, and the guests enjoyed an hour of progressive euchre. |
Galt Doctor Guest of the Puslinch
Lake Women’s Institute July 11th 1959. Dr. S. J.
Hartman, Galt doctor, spoke to the members of the Puslinch Lake Women’s
Institute on food and its relation to health.
The address was given at a meeting of the branch held at the home of
Mrs. C. B. Sherman, of the Mrs. C. O. Heath, President, conducted the business meeting, introducing Mrs. A. Lisso, who gave a detailed report of the district annual meeting of the South Wellington Women’s Institute. Mrs. A. Edwards, convenor of the Agriculture and Canadian Industries committee, was in charge of the program, which consisted of a sing-song, led by Mrs. C. R. Sherman, a contest, won by Mrs. C. Tremain, and a paper on the growth of Guelph industrially in the past ten years, given by Mrs. George Steffler. The speaker, Dr. Hartman, stressed agriculture in his address. In this modern age, he said, artificial means are sometimes being employed to produce more abundantly, to duplicate, improve, and promote life. This may last for some time, but eventually, he said, these artificial means will destroy life. |
Puslinch Lake Women’s Institute
Entertains Sister Lodges November 25th 1959. The November
meeting of the Puslinch Lake Women’s Institute was held at the Orange Hall, The guests were welcomed by the President, Mrs. C. O. Heath, and the Vice-President, Mrs. W. J. Hunter, and the Secretary, Mrs. C. R. Sherman. A short program, provided by the visitors, was enjoyed. Mrs. J. Laird and Miss A. Rogers, of the West End, offered a lovely duet. An interesting reading was presented by Mrs. Bruce McLean, of Morriston, and Miss Gloria Karn, of Mosborough presented two readings. Nineteen tables of euchre were in play during the rest of the evening. Prizewinners were Miss Jeannie MacIntosh ─ ladies’ high, Mrs. J. Laughlin ─ lone hands, Mr. A. Keunzig ─ men’s high, Mr. W. A. McIlwraith ─ lone hands, Mable Chandler ─ ladies’ birthday, Mr. William Small ─ men’s birthday. Lunch was served by Mrs. A. Lisso, Mrs. K. Ireland, Mrs. A. Christian, Mrs. W. Eggert, Mrs. A. Edwards, Mrs. R. Beatson, Mrs. W. McIlwraith, and Mrs. G. Steffler. The Puslinch Lake Women’s Institute December meeting will be held one week earlier than planned, at the home of Mrs. W. Eggert. _______________________ Successful Bake The Puslinch Lake Women’s Institute held their annual baking sale in the Union Hall, in Hespeler. Mrs. C. O. Heath, President, welcomed the guests. Mrs. R. MacRobbie, Mrs. A. Gamble, and Mrs. R. Reeve assisted at the homemade baking table, Mrs. A. Lisso, amid the candy, Mrs. W. McIlwraith and Mrs. J. Miller, with the aprons and knitting, and Mrs. K. Ireland, Mrs. W, Eggert, Mrs. A. Christian, and Mrs. G. Steffler tended the tea tables. ____________________________ Christmas Party The West
Puslinch Ladies’ Club held its Christmas party at “The Manor”, in |
Mrs. W. Hunter President Elect of
Puslinch Lake Institute April 28th 1960. The Puslinch Lake Women’s Institute held their annual meeting at the home of Mrs. C. A. Heath, with Mrs. Heath, the President, presiding. Mrs. C. R. Sherman read the minutes and the Treasurer’s report. Mrs. A. Christian, Mrs. G. Steffler, and Mrs. C. R. Sherman presented the committee annual reports of the branch activities. Donations were made to the Federation of Agriculture and the Puslinch Agricultural Society. The members are to have a booth at a sale in May. Mrs. A. Lisso conducted the election of officers for the coming year, and the results of the election are as follows: |
President: |
Mrs. W. Hunter. |
1st Vice-President: |
Mrs. A. Christian. |
2nd Vice-President: |
Mrs. R. MacRobbie. |
Secretary-Treasurer: |
Mrs. G. Steffler. |
Assistant Secretary: |
Mrs. R. MacRobbie. |
District Director: |
Mrs. C. R. Sherman. |
Branch Directors: |
Mrs. K. Ireland, Mrs. C. O. Heath, Mrs. W. Eggert, & Mrs. A. Lisso. |
Standing Committee Convenors ─ |
Agriculture & Canadian Industries: |
Mrs. A. Edwards. |
Home Economics & Health: |
Mrs. A. Christian. |
Historical Research: |
Mrs. K. Ireland. |
Citizenship & Education: |
Mrs. C. R. Sherman. |
Federation of Agriculture: |
Mrs. G. Steffler. |
Flower committee: |
Mrs. A. Lisso & Mrs. W. Eggert. |
Auditors: |
Mrs. C. R. Sherman & Mrs. A. Lisso. |
The Puslinch Lake Women’s Institute will be the hostess for the district annual meeting at Duff’s Presbyterian Church, Morriston, on May 26th. The meeting closed with a delicious lunch served by the hostess and Mrs. W. Hunter. |
Puslinch Lake Women’s Institute October 23rd 1961. The President, Mrs. William J. Hunter, was the hostess for the recent meeting of the Puslinch Lake Women’s Institute. The theme of the meeting was “public relations”, with Mrs. A. Lisso as convenor. Roll call was answered by “How I can promote public relations”. An invitation from the Puslinch Women’s Institute branch to attend their meeting was accepted. Mrs. A. Gamble, who attended the area convention, presented her report. A report on the homemade baking sale and penny table was given by Mrs. C. R. Sherman. Mrs. R. Starkey, of Arkell, the South Wellington District President, was a guest and spoke on the importance of the farmer’s work in this modern age. A reading, “Yesterday and Today” was given by Mrs. C. Sherman, and Mrs. A. Lisso read a poem on “What Money Can’t Buy”. Contests were won by Mrs. R. Starkey and Mrs. R. Reeve. Mrs. Harold Reed, who has just returned from California, where she has resided for the past year, gave an interesting talk on the state and showed coloured slides of interesting places and beauty spots of that area. The courtesy convenor, Mrs. K. Ireland, thanked all who had taken part in the program, and refreshments were served by the hostess, assisted by Mrs. L. Barber, of Galt, and Mrs. C. Tremain. |
Puslinch Lake Women’s Institute
Annual Meeting April 14th 1962. The Puslinch Lake Women’s Institute held its annual meeting and election of officers at the home of Mrs. A. E. Gamble, of Hespeler, recently. Reports on the year’s activities were given by the various convenors, and the roll call was answered with the payment of fees and the naming of the outstanding meeting of the year. Mrs. W. J.
Hunter presided for the business session of the meeting. Donations were made to the Cancer Fund, the
Puslinch Agricultural Society, and the Consumers Association of Mrs. A. Lisso was chairman for the election and the following officers were chosen: |
Past President: |
Mrs. C. O. Heath. |
President: |
Mrs. William J. Hunter. |
1st Vice-President: |
Mrs. A. Christian. |
2nd Vice-President: |
Mrs. Robert McRobbie. |
Secretary-Treasurer: |
Mrs. R. S. Evans. |
Assistant Secretary-Treasurer: |
Mrs. R. McRobbie. |
District Director: |
Mrs. A. Gamble. |
Alternate District Director: |
Mrs. A. Lisso. |
Branch Directors: |
Mrs. K. Ireland, Mrs. G. Steffler, & Mrs. A. Lisso. |
Flower convenor: |
Mrs. R. Evans. |
Auditors: |
Mrs. Robert Reeve and Mrs. C. Tremain |
Federation of Agriculture Representative: |
Mrs. A. Gamble. |
Courtesy convenor: |
Mrs. K. Ireland. |
Standing Committee Convenors: |
Agriculture & Canadian Industries: |
Mrs. A. Gamble. |
Citizenship & Education: |
Mrs. Robert McRobbie. |
Home Economic & Health: |
Mrs. C. Tremain. |
Historical Research & Current Events: |
Mrs. Robert Reeve. |
Public Relations: |
Mrs. A. Lisso. |
At the close of the meeting, Mrs. G. Steffler assisted in serving refreshments. |
◄ End of document ► |