Puslinch Township Council

 Minutes of Council Meetings

June 3rd 1892 ─ December 15th 1899.







Municipality of Puslinch

A.D. 1892, June 3rd.


After Revision, the Council resumed ordinary business.  Instructions to Pathmasters, who were present, were issued, and posted to those who were absent.



Moved by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Hume, that the Municipal Treasurer be and is hereby authorized to deposit the Municipal funds in one of the chartered banks in the City of Guelph, namely the Dominion Bank, the Bank of Commerce, the Trader’s Bank, or the Bank of Montreal.



Moved by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Ellis, that the following accounts be passed and ordered to be paid, namely, namely the accounts of Allan McIntyre for 2½ cords of hardwood ─ $10.00, the Wilkinson Plough Company for 6 road scrapers ─ $51.00, and William Nicoll for freight on scrapers ─ $1.14.







Moved by Mr. Stewart, seconded by Mr. Scott, that the reports of the respective standing Road and Bridge committees be received, adopted, and engrossed.  The standing committee members for the south eastern division report that they have inspected the defects in roads and bridges, for which, aid has been solicited, and recommend the following expenditures, namely, for gravelling sideline between Lots 25 & 26 in the Gore ─ $35.00, for gravelling between Lots 15 & 16 in the 2nd Concession ─ $30.00, for cutting hill on the 2nd Concession at Lot 12 ─ $30.00, for cutting the hill in sideline between Lots 10 & 11 in the 2nd Concession ─ $30.00, for filling sinkhole at Lot 3 in the 2nd Concession on lake outlet ─ $30.00, for cutting and grading hill on the 3rd Concession at Lot 3 ─ $50.00, for cutting hill in the 3rd Concession at Lot 8 ─ $40.00, for cutting and grading hill in the sideline Lots 30 & 31, 8th Concession ─ $125.00, and for grading in the 10th Concession at Lots 33 & 34 ─ the sum of $50.00.  Your committee recommends an expenditure of $50.00 on the Beverly Townline, on condition that the Beverly Council grants an equivalent sum.   For a culvert in the sideline between Lots 35 & 36 in the 10th Concession ─ $8.00, for culverts in the 9th Concession in sideline between Lots 30 & 31 ─ $8.00.  In the meantime, your committee recommends that no action be taken in regard to the petition of Andrew Munroe and others, Duncan Martin and others, and Mr. Martin and others.  That the Clerk be instructed to notify the Beverly Council of the appropriation and the unsafe condition of three certain bridges at Lots 21 & 23 Gore.  That your committee be empowered to proceed with grading and gravelling the sideline between Lots 25 & 26 in the 8th Concession.  For gravelling the south half of the sideline between Lots 25 and 26 in the 2nd Concession. 


All of which is respectively submitted by the committee.


(signed) Allan Stewart & James M. Ellis







The members of the standing committee for the north west division reported their inspection of roads and bridges in their division and recommend the following expenditures, namely, for gravelling the sideline between Lots 10 & 11 in the 5th Concession ─ $50.00, for gravelling on the Townline, near Krib’s Mill, ─ $25.00, providing that Council of Waterloo grants an equivalent sum for the same purpose, for cutting hill in the sideline between Lots 15 & 16 in the 4th Concession ─ $20.00, for cutting hill in the sideline between Lots 20 & 21 in the 4th Concession ─ $30.00, for ditching, grading, and gravelling the sideline between Lots 10 & 11 across the 3rd Concession ─ $250.00.  For gravelling the 9th Concession at Lots 19 & 20 ─ the sum of $35.00.  Cutting hill in the 9th Concession at Lot 15 ─ $20.00.  For gravelling rear of the 9th Concession, sideline between Lots 15 & 16 ─ $25.00, for cutting a hill in the 10th Concession at Lots 13 & 14 ─ $55.00, for gravelling in the 10th Concession at Lots 7 & 8 ─ $50.00, and for gravelling in the 11th Concession at Lot 11 ─ $15.00.


All of which is respectively submitted,


(signed) James Scott & James Hume



The Council adjourned, to meet again on Monday July 18th at 2 o’ clock p.m.


(signed by) Wm. Nicoll ─ Reeve






Puslinch Township Council

July 18th 1892.


Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met in the Council Room, at Aberfoyle, Monday July 18th at 2 o’clock p.m.  The members were all present, the Reeve in the chair.  The minutes of the last meeting were read and sustained.



Moved by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Hume, that the petition of Wellwood Cowan and others, and Allan McDonald and others be referred to the Roads and Bridges committee for the south eastern division.



Moved by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Hume, that the following accounts be passed and ordered to be paid, namely, the account of T. J. Day, for minute book ─ $1.25, the account of Lewis Kribs for 160 yards of gravel supplied to the Pathmaster on the 4th Concession ─ $8.00, the account of Hugh Reid for 50 yards of gravel ─ $2.50, and the account of James Patterson for repairing culverts on the 3rd Concession at Lot 23 ─ $2.00.







Moved by Mr. Stewart, seconded by Mr. Ellis, that the Reeve issue his order for $5.00 in favour of Thos. Aikens for extra work performed on the sideline between Lots 10 & 11 in the 2nd Concession.



Moved by Mr. Ellis, seconded by Mr. Stewart, that whereas the Methodist Church, situate on the front half of Lot 9 in the 2nd Concession, has been erroneously assessed to a non resident private party who allowed the taxes to fall into arrears, and to be in due time returned to the County Treasurer, who in due course advertised the said lot for sale to pay the said arrear of taxes, that the Reeve be and is hereby authorized to release the said lot for the proper owners thereof.   


The Council adjourned, to meet again on Monday Aug. 22nd at 2 o’ clock p.m.


(signed by) Wm. Nicoll ─ Reeve






Puslinch Township Council

August 22nd 1892.


Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met in the Council Room, at Aberfoyle, on Monday August 22nd at 2 o’ clock p.m.  The members were all present, the Reeve in the chair.  The minutes of the lat meeting were read and sustained.



Moved by Mr. Ellis, seconded by Mr. Stewart, that the tender of Thos. Matherly for painting the Roots House and fence on the agricultural grounds at Aberfoyle, according to specifications, for $44.00, be accepted, and that the Clerk notify Mr. Matherly to have the painting finished on or before the 24th day of September next, under the supervision of the committee Messrs. Scott and Falconbridge.



Moved by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Hume, that to the account of Edward Taylor, for placing five stops on gates on the agricultural grounds, $4.00 be paid, and that the Reeve issue his order for the same.



Moved by Mr. Ellis, seconded by Mr. Scott, that a bylaw be now introduced to tax the township for County, School, and Municipal purposes, and that it be read a first and second time.







Moved by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Ellis, that the bylaw taxing the township for County, School, and Municipal purposes be now read a third time, and passed.



Moved by Mr. Stewart, seconded by Mr. Hume, that $30.00 be apportioned to gravel parts of the sideline between Lots 30 & 31 in the 10th Concession, and $30.00 for gravelling the 11th Concession at Lot 34, that the standing Road & Bridge Committee for the western division be instructed to have the sideline between Lots 15 & 16 in the 4th Concession put in a proper state of repair, that a sum of $30.00 be apportioned to open a connection between the sideline of Lots 10 & 11 in the 2nd Concession and the accommodation road, and $20.00 for gravelling parts of the sideline between Lots 15 & 16 in the Gore.  


The Council adjourned, to meet again on Monday October 10th at 2 o’ clock p.m.


(signed by) Wm. Nicoll ─ Reeve






Collector’s Roll for 1892

September 22nd 1892.




Amounts for County, School, & Municipal purposes:




Amounts for public schools:












Puslinch Township Council

 October 10th 1892.


Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met in the Council Room, at Aberfoyle, on Monday October 10th at 2 o’clock p.m.  The members were all present, the Reeve in the chair.  The minutes of the last meeting were read and sustained.



A large and influential delegation, representing the provisional directors of the Hamilton, Waterdown, and Guelph Electric Railway Company Limited, appeared before the Council members, soliciting their consent to obtaining a charter for building an electric railway on some direct line through the municipality, hereafter to be located, to the City of Guelph.  The provisional directors purpose applying at once to the Lieutenant Governor in Council for a charter to build the said railway, and as the Legislative Assembly is not in session, they require the assents of the municipalities through which the railway passes as an appendix to their application.  The Council viewed the enterprise presented by the delegation favourably, and on motion of Mr. James M. Ellis, seconded by Mr. James Scott, the request of the delegation be and is hereby granted, that the Council members do approve of the proposed electric railway passing through the Municipality of Puslinch, and give their sanction for procuring a charter therefor to the provisional directors of the Hamilton, Waterdown, and Guelph Electric Railway Company Limited, and that a copy of this motion be forwarded to the Lieutenant Governor in Council.



Moved by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Hume, that the Reeve issue his order in favour of Peter Stewart, for ninety cents, for cutting thistles on the 4th Concession between Lots 16 & 22.


The Council adjourned, to meet again on Monday Nov. 21st at 2 o’ clock p.m.


(signed by) Wm. Nicoll ─ Reeve.






Puslinch Township Council

November 21st 1892.


Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met in the Council Room, at Aberfoyle, on Monday November 21st at 2 o’ clock p.m. The members were all present, the Reeve in the chair.  The minutes of the last meeting were read and sustained.



Moved by Mr. Stewart, seconded by Mr. Hume, that a bylaw be now introduced and read a first and second time to fix the time and place for nominating and voting for the election of Reeve, Deputy-Reeve, and three Councillors, and to appoint Deputy Returning officers for the year 1893.



Moved by Mr. Ellis, seconded by Mr. Scott, that the following accounts be passed and ordered to be paid, namely, the account of Charles Martin for 32 yards of gravel ─ $1.60, Norman Sparks for removing dead horse ─ $1.00, Innes and Davidson for printing and advertising ─ $42.45, H. Gummer for advertising ─ $5.95, Peter Mahon for supplying plank and repairing culverts on the sideline between Lots 20 & 21 in the 8th Concession ─ $1.00, Allan McDiarmid for 95 yards of gravel ─ $4.75, Wellington Mutual Fire Insurance Corporation assessment ─ $8.75, B. Falconbridge for postage and sundries ─ $16.12, George Gunther for coffin and shell for Mrs. Pearce ─ $16.00, L. McMaster for digging grave ─ $1.50, and Archibald McAlister for repairing bridge on sideline between Lots 5 & 6 in the 2nd Concession ─ 50 cents.







Moved by Mr. Stewart, seconded by Mr. Hume, that the bylaw fixing the time and place for nominating and electing Reeve, Deputy-Reeve, and three Councillors, and for appointing Deputy Returning officers be now read a third time and passed.



Moved by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Ellis, that no action be taken on the application of the Hamilton Radial Electric Railway Corporation Limited in regard to obtaining a charter to extend their railway system through the municipality of Puslinch.



Moved by Mr. Ellis, seconded by Mr. Stewart, that the caretaker be and is hereby instructed to procure half size curtains for the windows of the township hall.


The Council adjourned, to meet again on Thursday Dec. 15th at 2 o’clock p.m.


(signed by) Wm. Nicoll ─ Reeve






Puslinch Township Council

December 15th 1892.


Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met in the Council Room, at Aberfoyle on Thursday December 15th at 2 o’ clock p.m.  The members were all present, except Mr. James Scott, and the Reeve in the chair.  The minutes of the last meeting were read and sustained.



Moved by Mr. Ellis, seconded by Mr. Hume, that the municipal treasurer be and is hereby authorized to pay all monies collected by law for general school purposes, together with the statutory requirements from the general funds of the township, to the Secretary Treasurer of each Board of School Trustees, and that the Reeve place his orders for payment of the increment of the Municipal Loan Fund, $40.00, to each school section in the Treasurer’s hands.



Moved by Mr. Stewart, seconded by Mr. Hume, that the following accounts be passed and ordered to be paid, namely, Andrew Scott account for gravel ─ $5.25, P. Falconbridge for piling wood and teaming ─ $1.25, John Smith for repairing plough broken at statute labour ─ $2.50, Joseph Atkins for cutting hill at Morriston ─ $3.50, Board of Health yearly expenses ─ $20.00, and Sanitary Inspector’s salary ─ $38.50.



Moved by Mr. Stewart, seconded by Mr. Hume, that the Treasurer’s annual financial statements be received and adopted, and that 200 copies thereof be printed for distribution to ratepayers.



Moved by Mr. Hume, seconded by Mr. Ellis, that the Collector be and is hereby instructed to allow Mr. Thomas Welsh $1.00 on account of his dog tax.







Moved by Mr. Ellis, seconded by Mr. Stewart, that the following petition be adopted and a copy thereof prepared and given to Mr. Guthrie, M.P.P, for presentation at the next meeting of the Legislative Assembly.





To the Honourable Legislative Assembly of Ontario:


The Petition of the Municipal Council of the Township of Puslinch humbly sheweth that, in the opinion of your petitioners, it would be to the interest of the agricultural class that markets should be abolished.  Your petitioners therefore humbly pray your honourable body to pass an act abolishing the right of any city, town, or incorporated village to collect market fees from farmers offering produce for sale.  And your petitioners, in duty bound, will ever pray.




On motion of Mr. Hume, the Reeve vacated and the Deputy-Reeve occupied the chair.



Moved by Mr. Ellis, seconded by Mr. Hume, that the thanks of the Council be tendered to the Reeve for the able, courteous, and efficient manner in which he has presided over the deliberations of the Council during the past year.  The Reeve responded in a brief felicitous speech and the Council adjourned sine die.


(signed by) Wm. Nicoll ─ Reeve






Town Hall, Aberfoyle

Nomination of Reeve and Councillors

December 26th 1892.


Mr. Joseph Little, seconded by Mr. John A. Cockburn, nominated Mr. William Nicoll for Reeve.  Mr. John Worthington, seconded by Mr. John McPhee, nominated Mr. Allan Stewart for Deputy-Reeve.  The Reeve and Deputy-Reeve were elected by acclamation.


Mr. Joseph Little, seconded by Mr. Peter Mahon, nominated Mr. James H. Ellis for Councillor.  Mr. John A. Cockburn, seconded by Mr. John Murray, nominated Mr. James Hume for Councillor.  Mr. Edward Taylor, seconded by Mr. M. P. Doyle, nominated Mr. James Scott for Councillor.  Mr. John Gilchrist, seconded by Mr. Chas. Campbell, nominated Mr. Daniel McNaughton for Councillor.  Other nominations made were withdrawn and four candidates for the Council were referred to the Poll.






Election of Councillors

January 2nd 1893.


Statements at the close of the Poll:


Polling Subdivisions








James H. Ellis








James Hume








Daniel McNaughton








James Scott









Messrs. Ellis, Hume, and Scott declared elected.






Puslinch Township Council

January 16th 1893.


The inaugural meeting of the Council was held in the Council Room, at Aberfoyle, on Monday January 16th at 11 o’ clock a.m.  The members elect were all present, namely, Messrs. William Nicoll, Reeve, Allan Stewart, Deputy-Reeve, James H. Ellis, James Hume, and James Scott, Councillors.  And having made and subscribed the “Declaration of Office and Qualification”, resumed their respective seats at the Council Board.  The minutes of the last meeting were read and sustained.



The Reeve nominated and appointed Mr. R. B. Morrison, and the Council, Mr. John A. McDonald, auditors for the current year.



Moved by Mr. James Scott, seconded by Mr. Hume, that the following accounts be passed and ordered to be paid, namely, the Clerk’s accounts for municipal election expenses ─ $43.75, and the account of McKay Bros., of Hamilton, for window curtains for the Township Hall ─ $10.00.



Moved by Mr. Stewart, seconded by Mr. Hume, that a bylaw be now introduced and read a first and second time, to appoint a local Board of Health and a Sanitary Inspector for the current year.



Moved by Mr. Stewart, seconded by Mr. Hume, that the bylaw appointing a local Board of Health and a Sanitary Inspector for the current year be now read a third time and passed.


The Council adjourned, to meet again on Monday Feb. 6th at 2 o’ clock p.m.


(signed by) Wm. Nicoll ─ Reeve






Puslinch Township Council

February 6th 1893.


Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met in the Council Room, at Aberfoyle, on Monday February 6th at 2 o’ clock p.m.  The members were all present, the Reeve in the chair.  The minutes of the last meeting were read and sustained.



Moved by Mr. Stewart, seconded by Mr. Ellis, that the Council does not deem it advisable to take any action in regard to the petition of the Dominion Alliance, as the County Council has taken action in the matter, and that the Clerk be instructed to report no action to the Secretary of the Dominion Alliance.



Moved by Mr. Hume, seconded by Mr. Stewart, that the Auditors’ Report be received and adopted, and that the Reeve issue his orders for payment of $5.00 each to the auditors.



Moved by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Hume, that the sum of two dollars and forty cents be paid to John Swartzenberger for four days statute labour, performed on the 9th Concession at Lot 12, and that the Reeve issue his order for the same.







Moved by Mr. Ellis, seconded by Mr. Scott, that the following accounts be passed and ordered to be paid, namely, the account of Hart and Riddle for blank stationery ─ $12.29, the account of Lewis Kribs for plank supplied for foot way and bridge ─ $4.60.



Moved by Mr. Ellis, seconded by Mr. Stewart, that Pelham Falconbridge be and is hereby appointed caretaker of the Township Hall for the current year at a salary of $20.00 and perquisites as heretofore.


The Council adjourned, to meet again on Monday March 13th at 10 o’ clock a.m.


(signed by) Wm. Nicoll ─ Reeve






Township of Puslinch Accounts for 1892


B. Falconbridge, Treasurer, re accounts with the Township of Puslinch:


 A.D. 1892.



Jan. 1st

Balance on hand per auditors’ report


Jan. 2nd

John Smith - Collector on accounts of taxes for 1891


Jan. 11th

John Smith - Collector on accounts of taxes for 1891


Jan. 30th

John Smith - Collector on accounts of taxes for 1891


Feb. 8th

B. Falconbridge – rents of Town Hall to date


Feb. 25th

John Smith - Collector on accounts of taxes for 1891


May 31st

W. S. Cowan – on a/c of license fund 1892-1893


May 31st

Bank of Commerce interest on special deposit


May 31st

Bank of Commerce interest on open account


June 16th

W. S. Cowan final distribution license fund for 1892


June 18th

Bank of Commerce interest on special deposit


June 18th

Amount of special deposits to date


July 18th

Robert Douglas for tree on road – 3rd Concession


July 18th

Wm. Reynolds – Legislative grant to schools 1892


July 28th

Wm. Nicoll grant to Waterloo Town line



To amount carried forward







Receipts (continued)


A.D. 1892

To amount brought forward


July 28th

Wm. Nicoll – County grant to Beverly Town line


Oct. 11th

Traders Bank for Township purposes


Oct. 25th

Wm. Reynolds – non residents land taxes


Nov. 3rd

Guelph Township – half cost of repairs on Town line


Nov. 3rd

John Smith – Collector on a/c of taxes for 1892


Nov. 16th

John Smith – Collector on a/c of taxes for 1892


Nov. 26th

John Smith – Collector on a/c of taxes for 1892


Dec. 1st

Traders Bank – interest on special deposit


Dec. 1st

Traders Bank – interest on open account


Dec. 8th

John Smith – Collector on a/c of taxes for 1892


Dec. 12th

John Smith – Collector on a/c of taxes for 1892


Dec. 12th

John Smith – Collector on a/c of taxes for 1892


Dec. 14th

John Smith – Collector on a/c of taxes for 1892










A.D. 1892.



Jan. 6th

Wm. Reynolds on account of County rates


Jan. 15th

Wm. Reynolds in full of County Rates for 1891


Jan. 19th

Innes & Davidson - for printing


Jan. 19th

Bank of Commerce – a deposit


Jan. 19th

B. Falconbridge – two lamps for Hall


Jan. 22nd

James McLean – election expenses


Jan. 23rd

R. G. Strachan – refund of taxes equivalent to G. Grant

(G. may be abbreviation for Government.)


Feb. 8th

P. Falconbridge caretaker – his salary


Feb. 8th

John Smith – Collector – Collector’s receipts


Feb. 8th

John Smith – Collector – for 130 yards of gravel


Feb. 8th

Messrs. Morison & McDonald - auditors


Feb. 13th

Hart & Co., Toronto, for stationery


Feb. 24th

E. Newton – grant to General Hospital


Feb. 24th

Jas. May – grant to St. Joseph’s Hospital


Feb. 25th

John Smith – Collector – his salary


Feb. 25th

Trustees of 11 schools – Municipal grants


Feb. 25th

Trustees of S.S. #7 – Municipal grant



To amount carried forward







Payments (continued)


A.D. 1892

To amount brought forward


Feb. 25th

James McLean – Clerk – for registration


Mar. 7th

Treasurer of Nassagaweya – a half contract on Townline


Mar. 7th

John Blake – for 25 yards of gravel


Apr. 18th

Wm. Laur – repairs on Killean bridge


Apr. 26th

James McLean – new fence at Township Hall


May 27th

James E. McLean – Assessor – his salary


May 28th

Wm. Leslie – building culvert at Lot 6, 10th Conc.


June 3rd

M. P. Doyle –repairs to road scraper


June 3rd

Wm. Nicoll – freight on road scraper


June 4th

A. McIntyre - 2½ cords of wood for Town Hall


June 16th

Wilkinson Plough Company – for six scrapers


June 18th

Traders Bank deposit to credit of township


July 4th

D. Kennedy – building culvert, Lot 30, 9th Concession


July 8th

Joseph Foster – gravelling at Lots 10 & 11, 5th Con.


July 8th

N. Thompson – superintending at Lots 10 & 11, 5th Con.


July 9th

J. A. Ord – cutting hill at Lot 8, 3rd Concession







Payments (continued)


July 13th

A. McPherson gravelling sideline at Lots 25 & 26, 2nd Con.


July 18th

D. Holm for gravel and surface damage


July 18th

Thos. Barrett – 180 yards of gravel on the given road


July 18th

Lewis Kribs – 160 yards of gravel for township purposes


July 18th

Hugh Reid – 50 yards of gravel at Lots 23 & 24 in the 8th Con.


July 18th

Robert Douglas – 80 yards of gravel on the 3rd Concession


July 18th

J. F. McPherson – gravelling sideline at Lots 25 & 26, Gore


July 18th

Wellington Ellis – repairs on sink hole at Lot 6 in the 2nd Con.


July 18th

Wm. Ross – filling sink hole at Lot 6 in the 2nd Concession


July 18th

Joseph Little superintending grading hill, 3rd Concession


July 18th

John McDonald – removing stumps, sideline Lots 10 & 11, 2nd Con.


July 18th

C. Zimmerman – putting timber in sink hole in 2nd Con.


July 18th

S. Panabecker – superintending gravelling Waterloo Townline


July 18th

Jas. Moran – spreading gravel, sideline at Lots 15 & 16, 4th Con.


July 18th

Wm. Moran – cutting hill at Lot 16 in the 4th Concession


July 18th

Thos. Aikens – gravelling Waterloo Townline


July 18th

Thos. Aikens – cutting hill on the sideline at Lots 15 & 16 in the 4th Concession



To amount carried forward







Payments (continued)


A.D. 1892

To amounts brought forward


July 18th

James Patterson – repairing culvert at Lot 23, 3rd Concession


July 18th

J. F. McPherson – grading at Lot 35 in the 10th Concession


July 18th

Duncan Martin – building culvert, sideline at Lots 35 & 36, 10th Concession.


July 18th

Wm. Paddock – gravelling at sinkhole in 2nd Concession


July 18th

Wm. Paddock – grading at Lot 12 in the 2nd Concession


July 18th

J. A. Ord – grading at Lots 33 & 34 in the 10th Concession


July 18th

John Bell – cutting hill & building culvert, Lot 14, 10th Con.


July 18th

John Bell – gravelling at Lot 13, 11th Concession


July 18th

Isaac Hume – spreading gravel, Lot 13, 11th Concession


July 18th

Thomas Aikens – cutting hill on sideline, Lots 10 & 11, 2nd Con.


July 18th

Thomas Aikens – grading at Lot 3, 3rd Concession


July 18th

Thos. Aikens – extra work on sideline, Lots 10 & 11, 2nd Con.


July 18th

James McLean – Clerk – new minute book







Payments (continued)


Aug. 6th

D. Stewart – superintending cutting hill, sideline Lots 30 & 31, 8th Concession.


Aug. 22nd

A. McPhatter – cutting hill, Beverly line, County grant (half share)


Aug. 22nd

J. F. McPherson – building culvert, Lot 30, 10th Concession


Aug. 22nd

Robert Sim – building bridge, Beverly line, County grant (half share)


Aug. 22nd

J. F. McPherson – building bridge, Beverly line, County grant


Aug. 22nd

A. Ord, cutting hill, sideline Lots 30 & 31, 8th Concession


Aug. 22nd

E. Taylor – stops for gates on hall grounds


Sept. 16th

Thos. Matherly – painting fence, roots shed, & extras


Sept. 21st

J. F. McPherson – gravelling sideline, Lots 15 & 16, 2nd Con.


Sept. 21st

Trustees Legislative grant to schools


Sept. 28th

W. Reid – gravelling at Lots 19 & 20, 9th Concession


Oct. 4th

John Bell – gravelling at Lot 7 in the 10th Concession


Oct. 4th

Walter Cook – spreading gravel at Lot 7 in the 10th Con.


Oct. 10th

A. Ord – cutting hill, sideline Lots 15 & 16, 9th Concession


Oct 10th

A. Ord – cutting hill at Lot 15, 9th Concession


Oct. 10th

Thos. Clark – gravel at Lot 25 in the 11th Concession


Oct. 10th

D. McFarlane – spreading gravel, Lots 25 & 26 in the 2nd Con.


Oct. 10th

Joseph Little – building bridge, sideline at Lots 10 & 11, 3rd Con.



To amount carried forward







Payments (continued)


A.D. 1892

To amount carried forward


Oct. 10th

Joseph Little – grading & gravelling, Lots 10 & 11, 2nd Con.


Oct 10th

Peter Stewart – spreading gravel on the 4th Concession


Oct. 10th

Peter Stewart – cutting thistles, Lots 16 to 22, 4th Con.


Oct. 10th

C. Zimmerman – cutting & grading sideline, Lots 10 & 11, 2nd Concession.


Oct. 10th

C. Henderson – spreading gravel, sideline, Lots 25 & 26, Gore


Oct. 10th

Neil Campbell – stoning & gravelling, Lot 28, 11th Concession


Oct. 10th

Ed. Murphy – spreading gravel, sideline, Lots 10 & 11, 3rd Con


Oct. 10th

Jas. Aikens – spreading gravel, sideline, Lots 15 & 16, 2nd Concession


Oct. 10th

Thos. Aikens, cutting hill, sideline, Lots 15 & 16, 4th Con.


Oct. 10th

Thos. Aikens – grading sideline, Lots 10 & 11, 3rd Con.

($4.00 seems more likely.)


Oct 10th

J. Worthington – spreading gravel, Lot 20, 9th Con.


Oct. 15th

J. Milroy - gravel for Waterloo Townline


Oct. 15th

D. McMillan – gravelling on sideline, Lots 15 & 16 Gore


Oct. 15th

Jas. McDonald – repairing Killean bridge


Oct. 15th

Hugh Currie – 50 yards of gravel for 1st Concession, Lot 15


Oct 21st

James McLean – selecting jury lists


Oct. 25th

R. Sims – 397 yards gravel, Beverly line, County grant, (half order)







Payments (continued)


Oct. 25th

Jas. McPherson, superintending gravelling, Beverly line, County grant, (half order)


Nov. 4th

D. Martin – superintending gravelling, sideline Lots 30 & 31, 10th Concession


Nov. 4th

D. Kennedy – gravelling sideline, Lots 30 & 31, 10th Con.


Nov. 11th

A. Ord – ditching Lots 25 & 26, 8th Concession


Nov. 18th

E. Ramsay – gravelling Beverly line, County grant, (half)


Nov. 21st

Thos. Aikens – gravelling sideline, Lots 10 & 11, 3rd Con.


Nov. 21st

Joseph Mason – superintending gravelling. Lots 10 & 11, 3rd Concession


Nov. 21st

Chas. Martin – 32 yards of gravel supplied township


Nov. 21st

Norman Sparks – removing dead horse off highway


Nov. 21st

D. McGeachy – building culvert Beverly line, County grant, (half)


Nov. 21st

D. Milroy – superintending building culverts, Beverly line


Nov. 21st

Allan McDiarmid – 95 yards gravel supplied township


Nov. 21st

G. Guenther – coffin & shell for Mrs. Pearce (an indigent)


Nov. 21st

L. McMaster – digging grave for Mrs. Pearce


Nov. 21st

A. McAllister – repairing bridge, sideline Lots 5 & 6, 2nd Con.


Nov. 21st

J. Worthington – spreading gravel at Lot 20 in the 9th Con.



To amount carried forward







Payments (continued)


A.D. 1892

To amount brought forward


Nov. 21st

J. McLean – to pay Councillors


Nov. 21st

P. Mahon – plank & repair culvert, Lots 20 & 21, 8th Con.


Nov. 21st

B. Falconbridge – coal oil, postage, etcetera


Nov. 26th

Chas. Dandson – insurance assessment


Nov. 26th

Innes & Davidson Municipal printing


Nov. 26th

H. Gummer Municipal printing


Nov. 30th

A. Ord – ditching – logging – building culvert, etcetera at Lots 25 & 26, 8th Concession


Dec. 1st

Traders Bank saving a deposit


Dec. 7th

J. F. McPherson – gravelling at Lot 34, 11th Con.


Dec. 12th

A. McKenzie – Public School taxes and grant for S.S. No. 10


Dec. 13th

A. McCaig – Public School taxes and grant for S.S. No. 5


Dec. 13th

James McLean – his salary


Dec. 13th

B. Falconbridge – his salary



A. Marshall – Public School taxes and grant for S.S. No. 8


Dec. 14th

Balance on hand













Abstract Statement of Financial Account,

Up to and Including December 14th 1892.



Balance on hand per auditors’ report




Taxes in full for 1891




Rents for hall












Tree sold




Legislative grant to schools




County grants to township lines




Bank of Commerce funds withdrawn




Traders Bank township purposes




Non residents taxes




Guelph Township share of work on townline




Taxes on a/c of 1892














A.D. 1892




Dec. 15th

County in full for 1891








Bank of Commerce saving




Town Hall lamps, fencing, painting, etcetera




Election expenses




Taxes refunded P.S. S.S. No. 3












Roads and bridges




Grant to General Hospital Guelph




Grant to St. Joseph’s Hospital Guelph




Municipal grant to schools




Traders Saving Bank




Legislative grant to schools




Relief or burial of indigents








Public School rates & Statutory grant




Balance on hand












Assets and Liabilities of the Township of Puslinch

On the 14th 0f December 1892.



Land, buildings, furniture, etcetera




Cash in Traders Bank drawing interest




Cash on hand




Taxes outstanding












Total amount of rolls




Cash received from Collector












Statement from the 15th to the 31st of December 1892.


A.D. 1892



Dec. 31st

Balance on hand as per statement Dec. 15th 1892.


Dec. 19th

John Smith – Collector – on a/c of taxes for 1892


Dec. 26th

John Smith – Collector – on a/c of taxes for 1892


Dec. 30th

John Smith – Collector – on a/c of taxes for 1892












Dec. 15th

A. Scott – gravel for use of municipality


Dec. 15th

J. Aikens – cutting hill at Morriston


Dec. 15th

Wellwood Cowan – spreading gravel at Lot 34, 11th Con.


Dec. 15th

John Smith – repairing plough broken at statute labour


Dec. 15th

M. Elliott – building culvert on the Beverly line


Dec. 15th

A. Mason – for pulling stumps


Dec. 15th

P. Falconbridge – piling wood and teaming


Dec. 15th

James McLean – expenses of Board of Health


Dec. 15th

J. McRobbie – taxes and grant for S.S. No. 6


Dec. 15th

W. G. Leslie taxes and grant for S.S. No. 1


Dec. 17th

M. P. Doyle – taxes and grant for S.S. No. 3


Dec. 17th

D. Campbell taxes and grant for S.S. No. 9


Dec. 17th

Capel Reeve – taxes and grant for S.S. No. 11


Dec. 17th

R. McLean – taxes and grant for P.S. S.S. No. 3


Dec. 17th

R. Yates – taxes and grant for S.S. No. 2


Dec. 19th

J. Blair – taxes and grant for S.S. No. 4


Dec. 19th

E. Panabecker – taxes and grant for S.S. No. 12


Dec. 26th

J. Scott – taxes and grant for S.S. No. 4


Dec. 26th

Jas. McCartney – spreading gravel at Lot 25, 8th Concession


Dec. 26th

W. A. Borthwick – gravelling at Lot 25, 8th Concession


Dec. 28th

Wm. Reynolds – County rates


Dec. 28th

Wm. Reynolds – County rates


Dec. 31st

Balance on hand










Abstract Statement from the 15th to the 31st of December 1892


A.D. 1892



Dec. 31st

Balance per statement to Council



Taxes on account for 1892









Roads and bridges



Town Hall – piling wood, etcetera



Board of Health



Public schools rates and grants



County rates



Balance on hand











Assets & Liabilities of the Township - Dec. 31st 1892.









Lands, buildings, furniture, etcetera



Cash in Traders Bank



Cash on hand



Taxes outstanding









Total amount of rolls




Cash received from Collector














Municipal grant to schools



County rates (balance)



Collector’s salary 1892













A.D. 1892.

Municipal Loan or School Fund  to Dec. 14th 1892








Jan. 1st

Balance on hand per auditors’ report


Jan. 5th

Guelph & Ontario Investment & Saving Society


Jan. 15th

Interest on certain mortgages


Apr. 2nd

Interest on certain mortgages


July 8th

Guelph & Ont. Investment & Saving Society - interest








Jan. 19th

Guelph & Ont. Investment & Saving Society debenture


Dec. 14th

Balance on hand









Assets & Liabilities of Loan Fund to Dec. 14th



Two mortgages - $540 & $2200



Two debentures – S.S. No. 2



One debenture – S.S. No. 9



Eight debentures – Guelph & Ont. Investment & Saving Soc.



Interest on debenture – S.S. No. 9



Cash on hand












Thirteen schools to pay













A.D. 1892

Municipal Loan Fund from the 15th to the 31st of December








Dec. 15th

Balance on hand per statement to Council


Dec. 17th

D. Campbell – 4th instmt. (instalment) Deb. No. 4, S.S. No. 9


Dec. 17th

D. Campbell – interest on Debenture No. 4, S.S. No. 9


Dec. 17th

R. Yates – interest on Debentures No. 3 & 4, S.S. No. 2








A. D. 1892



Dec. 16th

W. G. Leslie – surplus to S.S. No. 1


Dec. 16th

A. McKenzie – surplus to S.S. No. 10


Dec. 17th

M. P. Doyle – surplus to S.S. No. 3


Dec. 17th

Robert McLean – surplus to P.S. No. 3


Dec. 17th

D. Campbell – surplus to S.S. No. 9


Dec. 17th

R. Yates – surplus to S.S. No. 2


Dec. 17th

Capel Reeve – surplus to S. S. No. 11


Dec. 19th

Jas. Blair – surplus to S.S. No. 4


Dec. 19th

A. McCaig – surplus to S.S. No. 5


Dec. 19th

E. Panabecker – surplus for S.S. No. 12


Dec. 24th

J. McRobbie – surplus for S.S. No. 6


Dec. 26th

J. Scott – surplus for S.S. No. 7


Dec. 26th

A. Marshall – surplus for S.S. No. 8



Cash on hand











Assets & Liabilities of the Municipal Loan Fund









Two mortgages - $540 & $2200



Debentures - S.S. No. 2



One debenture – S.S. No. 9



Eight debentures – Guelph & Ont. Investment & Saving Soc.



Cash on hand









Liabilities ─ Nil







____ Municipal Council of the Township of Puslinch

This is to certify that we have, this day, audited the accounts of the Township of Puslinch, up to December 31st 1892, have compared the vouchers with the payments made, and examined the different assets, and found the same quite correct, as per the Treasurer’s statement.


(signed by) John A. McDonald & R. B. Morison (auditors)

Aberfoyle, Feb. 3rd 1893.






Municipality of Puslinch

March 13th 1893.


Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met in the Council Room, at Aberfoyle, on Monday March 13th at 10 o’ clock a.m.  The members were all present, the Reeve in the chair.  The minutes of the last meeting were read and sustained.



Moved by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Hume, that whereas the Hamilton, Waterdown and Guelph Electric Railway Company (Limited) and the Hamilton Radial Electric Railway Company Limited are both applying for incorporation for the purpose of building an electric railway from Hamilton to Guelph, and whereas we believe that it would not be beneficial to this township that both the said companies should be incorporated, be it therefore, and the same is hereby resolved that the Council of the Municipal Corporation of the Township of Puslinch is opposed to the incorporation of the Hamilton Radial Electric Railway Company Limited, either by letters patent or by any Acts or Bill of the Ontario Legislature.



Moved by Mr. Stewart, seconded by Mr. Hume, that a bylaw be now introduced and read a first and second time, to appoint overseers of highways, fence viewers and pound-keepers, to serve in and for the Municipality of Puslinch for the current year.







Moved by Mr. Ellis, seconded by Mr. Scott, that Bylaw No. 325, to appoint Pathmasters, Fence Viewers, and Pound-keepers for the Municipality of Puslinch for the current year be now read a third time and passed.



Moved by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Hume, that the portion of taxes levied and collected as an equivalent to the government grants to schools has been paid by the ratepayers of Protestant Separate School Section No. 3, amounting in the aggregate to $25.00, and as the said Protestant Separate School is debarred from receiving a share of the Municipal School Fund, it is expedient and necessary to refund to the Board of School Trustees, of the said school, the sum of $25.00, to be expended for school purposes as the law directs.



Moved by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Stewart, that the following accounts be passed and ordered to be paid, namely, the account of Innes and Davidson, for printing and advertising ─ $13.50, Joseph Mason, for repairing roadway on sideline between Lots 10 & 11 in the 2nd Concession ─ $1.13, Archibald Ramsay, for building culvert on Beverly Townline at Lot 3 ─ $5.00, Beverly Council to pay one half thereof, and the account of John Smith, Collector, for blank receipts ─ $1.50.



The Council adjourned, to meet again on Monday May 29th at 10 o’ clock a.m., and constitute as a Court of revision, and after Revision, for general business.


(signed by) Allan Stewart ─ Deputy-Reeve






Township of Puslinch

May 29th 1893.


Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met in the Council Room, at Aberfoyle, on Monday May 29th at 10 o’ clock a.m., members present Messrs. Allan Stewart, Deputy-Reeve, and James H. Ellis, James Hume, and James Scott, Councillors, and being duly sworn, constituted as a Court of Revision, the Deputy-Reeve in the chair.


The following appeals were heard and determined, namely, the appeal of Mrs. Mary Kinsella, assessed for dog, which was returned to its owner ─ struck of the Roll, George Howard, assessed for dog, dog destroyed ─ struck off the Roll, Thomas Warren, assessed for dog, dog lost and cannot be found ─ struck off the Roll, Conrad Swartzenberg, assessed for dog, dog destroyed ─ struck off Roll, Thomas Clark, assessed for dog, dog shot ─ struck off the Roll, Thomas Petty, assessed for dog, dog destroyed ─ struck of the Roll, Neil McPhatter, assessed for dog, dog shot ─ struck off the Roll, Blair Falconbridge, assessed for dog, dog destroyed ─ struck off the Roll, Jacob Schultz, over assessment ─ assessment reduced $200.00


Moved by Mr. Ellis, seconded by Mr. Hume, that the Assessment Roll, as now revised, be confirmed.


(signed by) Wm. Nicoll ─ Reeve

June 5th 1893.






Township of Puslinch

May 29th 1893.



Immediately after revision, the Council resumed ordinary business.  The minutes of the last meeting were read and sustained.  Instructions were issued to Pathmasters who were present and mailed to the absent ones.  On motion of Messrs. Scott and Hume, an order was given to the Assessor for $105.00, being his yearly salary.



Moved by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Ellis, that the name of James Ross be substituted for the name of Wm. Ross as Pathmaster on Road Division No. 30, that the name of Ronald McCormick be substituted for the name of Robert McCormick as Pathmaster on Road Division No. 18, and that John W. Gilchrist be appointed Pathmaster on the sideline between Lots 10 & 11, being Road Division No. 31, and that the statute labour of Robert Little, Wm. Jas. Little, John W. Gilchrist, James Devine, John L. Devine, and James E. Devine be transferred from Road Division No. 32 to Road Division No. 31.



Moved by James H. Ellis, seconded by Mr. Hume, that the tender of J. S. Lehman, $6.25 for the season’s pasture of the Town Hall grounds, be accepted, the Lessee to cut and keep under all noxious weeds, in accordance with the Act to prevent the spread of noxious weeds, and that Messrs James Scott and Pelham Falconbridge be and are hereby appointed a committee to let and oversee necessary repair to the Hall ground fence.







Moved by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Ellis, that the several petitions now read be referred to the respective Standing Road & Bridge Committees, namely the petitions of John A. Cockburn and others, James L____ (possibly Lennie) and others, Archibald McCormick and others, Moses Burns and others, John C. Smith and others, James Starkey and others, John Iles and others, Peter Laing and others, Archibald McKenzie and others, Donald McCormick and others, George Collins and others, Archibald McAllister and others, Charles Schaumberg and others, and William Anderson and others.



Moved by Mr. Hume, seconded by Mr. Ellis, that Messrs. Allan Stewart, James Scott, and Pelham Falconbridge be and are hereby appointed a committee to advertise for and receive tenders for shingling the Township Hall and Council Room, tenders to be received and submitted to the Council at its next meeting.


The Council adjourned, to meet again on Monday June 5th, at 6 o’ clock p.m.


(signed by) Wm. Nicoll ─ Reeve

5th June 1893.






Municipality of Puslinch

June 5th 1893.


Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met in the Council Room, at Aberfoyle, on Monday June 5th, at 6 o’ clock p.m.  The members were all present, the Reeve in the chair.  The minutes of the last meeting were read and sustained.



Moved by Mr. Hume, seconded by Mr. Scott, that the Reeve issue his order for $3.00 in favour of John Bell for repairing culverts in the 10th Concession at Lot 12.



Moved by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Hume, that George G. Lamb be and is hereby appointed Overseer for Road Division No. 110.







Moved by Mr. Ellis, seconded by Mr. Scott, that the report of the Standing Road & Bridge Committee, now submitted, be received and adopted.  The report of the Road & Bridge Committee for the eastern division recommends the following expenditures, 1st ─ the sum of $25.00 to gravel on the sideline between Lots 15 & 16 in the 2nd Concession, 2nd ─ the sum of $20.00 to gravel on the 2nd Concession at Lots 14 & 15, 3rd ─ the sum of $50.00 to cut hills on the sideline between Lots 10 & 11 in the 2nd Concession, 4th ─ the sum of $15.00 for ditching on the 3rd Concession at Lot 10, 5th ─ the sum of $30.00 for grading the hill at Lot 2 in the 3rd Concession, 6th ─ the sum of $20.00 to cut and grade hill between Lots 5 & 6, rear of the 2nd Concession, 7th ─ the sum of $45.00 to cut and grade the hill between Lots 10 & 11 in the Gore, 8th ─ the sum of $15.00 to straighten the road and build culverts at Lot 20 on Beverly Townline, Beverly to grant an equivalent sum, 9th ─ the sum of $35.00 to build culverts and gravelling on the 1st Concession at Lots 16 & 17, 10th ─ the sum of $40.00 to gravel on the sideline between Lots 35 & 36, rear of the 10th Concession, 11th ─ In re opening the sideline between Lots 20 & 21 in the 1st Concession, your committee cannot recommend any action in the meantime.


All of which is respectively submitted,

 (signed) Allan Stewart & James H. Ellis (committee)







The report of the Road & Bridge Committee for the western division recommends the following expenditures, for cutting two hills at Lots 15 & 17 in the 7th Concession ─ the sum of $50.00, for gravelling between Lots 15 & 16 in the 3rd Concession ─ the sum of $40.00, that is, to say, apart from the portion of the road known as Moran’s sinkhole, which swallows 240 yards of gravel per annum.  Your committee recommends that the surveyor be instructed to take levels and locate a drain to carry off the water, which is now about twelve feet deep on the west side of the road.  For gravelling between Lots 15 & 16 in the 5th Concession ─ the sum of $50.00, for building another bridge on the sideline between Lots 10 & 11 in the 5th Concession, near Glennie’s bridge, ─ the sum of $100.00.  At present, the road in this quarter is unsafe for traffic, and at high water, dangerous.  For repairing culverts and gravelling at Lot 16 in the 8th Concession ─ the sum of $40.00.  For Cutting hill at Lot 16 in the 7th Concession ─ the sum of $50.00  For cutting hill at Lot 18 in the 10th Concession ─ the sum of $50.00.  For repairing culverts on sideline between Lots 15 & 16 in the 10th Concession ─ the sum of $8.00.  For repairing two culverts on the sideline between Lots 10 & 11 in the 10th Concession ─ the sum of $8.00.  For grading and gravelling at Lot 11 in the 11th Concession ─ the sum of $25.00.  For cutting hills on sideline between Lots 6 & 7 in the 11th Concession ─ the sum of $35.00.  For grading and gravelling the given road on Lot 6 at the 9th Concession ─ the sum of $50.00.  Your committee recommends that no action be taken on the petition of Philip Cassin and others in re sideline between Lots 15 & 16 in the 9th Concession, at present.


All of which is respectfully submitted,

(signed) James Scott & James Hume (committee)







Moved by Mr. Stewart, seconded by Mr. Hume, that the petition of Robert Little and others and the petition of Martin Spruhan and others be referred to the western Road & Bridge Committee.




Moved by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Hume, that the account of Donald McKenzie for repairing the show ground fence, $2.75, be paid and that the Reeve issue his order for the same.



Moved by Mr. Hume, seconded by Mr. Ellis, that the tender of Donald McKenzie for shingling the Township Hall and Council Room, with cedar shingles, according to specification, be accepted.


The Council adjourned, to meet again on Monday July 17th at 2 o’ clock p.m.


(signed by) Wm. Nicoll ─ Reeve






Municipality of Puslinch

July 17th 1893.


Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met in the Council Room, at Aberfoyle, on Monday July 17th, at 2 o’ clock p.m.  The members were all present, the Reeve in the chair.  The minutes of the last meeting were read and sustained.



Moved by Mr. Ellis, seconded by Mr. Stewart, that the following accounts be passed and ordered to be paid, namely, the accounts of Daniel Holmes for 53 loads of gravel ─ $2.65, Andrew Scott, 194 yards of gravel ─ $9.70, Peter McLean, 1550 feet cedar at $16.00 per  ___ (1,000 feet, possibly) ─ $24.80, H. Gummer for advertising Court of Revision and voters lists ─ $5.95, Innes & Davidson, Pathmasters’ schedules printing and advertising ─ $44.40, E. Taylor, repairing statute labour plough for Mr. Mason ─ $1.00, Amos Bickley, for repairing statute labour plough for Mr. Cassin ─ $3.50, The Wilkinson Plough Company, for six road scrapers ─ $51.00, John Laing, for 38 loads of gravel ─ $1.90, and for surface damage ─ $1.50, William Smith, for repairing culvert at Lot 7 in the 5th Concession ─ $8.00, J. Swartzenberg, for six days statute labour ─ $3.60, and Pelham Falconbridge, for freight and teaming ─ $1.85.







Moved by Mr. Stewart, seconded by Mr. Hume, that Martin Spruhan be paid $9.00 for building culverts between Lots 12 & 13 in the 3rd Concession, and John McGeachy, the sum of $12.00, for cutting hill and filling on sideline between Lots 30 & 31, in the Gore.



Moved by Mr. Hume, seconded by Mr. Ellis, that the request from the delegation from the Puslinch Agricultural Society be granted, that the Council agree to purchase three acres of land adjoining the Township grounds on the south and southwest side, from the executor of the Black estate, and that a bylaw for that purpose be introduced at the next meeting of Council.



Moved by Mr. Stewart, seconded by Mr. Ellis, that D. McKenzie be paid the sum of $80.00 for shingling the Township Hall and Council Room, and $5.00 for extras in connection therewith, and that the Reeve issue his order for the same.



Moved by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Hume, that the account of Mr. Wright for 21 yards of gravel, $1.05, be paid, and that the Reeve issue his order for the same.


The Council adjourned, to meet again on Monday July 24th, at 6 o’ clock p.m.


(signed) Wm. Nicoll ─ Reeve






Municipality of Puslinch

July 24th 1893.


Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met in the Council Room, at Aberfoyle, on Monday July 24th, at 6 o’ clock p.m.  The members were all present, the Reeve in the chair.  The minutes of the last meeting were read and sustained.



Moved by Mr. Ellis, seconded by Mr. Scott, that the account of Hugh Reid for 90 yards of gravel, $4.50, be passed and ordered to be paid.



Moved by Mr. Hume, seconded by Mr. Ellis, that the Council, having passed a resolution at its regular meeting on the 17th instant, authorizing the purchase of three acres of land to extend the Township Hall grounds, finds, after surveying the grounds, that three acres is not sufficient for the contemplated improvements, and now authorizes an addition of .57 acres thereto, thus making the quantity of land, purchased from the executors of the Black estate, 3.57 acres, more or less, and that as soon as the executors furnish a description of the land, a bylaw be prepared to give effect to the purchase.



Moved by Mr. Stewart, seconded by Mr. Hume, that the Reeve be authorized to issue his order in favour of Mrs. Catharine Bechtel for $37.50, being one half the amount assessed for damage sustained by her on the Waterloo Townline.


The Council adjourned, to meet again on Monday August 28th, at 2 o’ clock p.m.


(signed) Wm. Nicoll ─ Reeve






Municipality of Puslinch

August 28th 1893.


Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met in the Council Room, at Aberfoyle, on Monday August 28th at 2 o’ clock p.m.  The members were all present, the Reeve in the chair.  The minutes of the last meeting were read and sustained.



Moved by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Hume, that a bylaw be now introduced and read a first and second time to tax the township for county, school, and municipal purposes.



Moved by Mr. Ellis, seconded by Mr. Scott, that bylaw No. 327, to provide by assessment a way to defray the expenses of the current year, be now read a third time and passed.



Moved by Mr. Ellis, seconded by Mr. Stewart, that bylaw No. 328, to provide for purchasing from the heir and executors of the late John Black, 3.57 acres of land, to enlarge and extend the Township Hall grounds, be now read a first and second time.



Moved by Mr. Stewart, seconded by Mr. Hume, that the bylaw to enlarge the Township Hall grounds be now read a third time and passed.







Moved by Mr. Ellis, seconded by Mr. Scott, that a bylaw be prepared and read a first and second time, at the next meeting of Council, to abolish the present system of performing Statute Labour, and in lieu thereof, a rate equivalent to and not to exceed the aggregate of the statute labour, commuted at the rate of sixty cents per day, together with the average amounts of money yearly expended upon roads and bridges, commutation to take effect on and after the first day of January 1894, and the abolition of Statute Labour on and after the 31st day of December 1894.  The new system is to be inaugurated under the direction and control of the Council in January 1895, and to continue in force for five consecutive years to test its efficiency.  The bylaw is to be published and submitted to the ratepayers at the election on the first Monday of January 1894.



Moved by Mr. Stewart, seconded by Mr. Hume, that the following accounts be passed and ordered to be paid, namely, the accounts of John Douglas, for 88 yards of gravel ─ $4.40, Michael Neubauer, for repairing wagon and plough, broken at Statute Labour ─ $3.40, and Thomas Paddock, for repairing bridge on sideline Lots 15 & 16 in the 1st Concession ─ $2.50.



Moved by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Hume, that the application of the Patrons of Industry for the free use of the Township Hall for their monthly meetings be granted.



Moved by Mr. Ellis, seconded by Mr. Hume, that the request of Mr. James Scott, Councillor, for a leave of absence of one month be and is hereby granted.


The Council adjourned, to meet again on Monday Oct. 9th at 2 o’ clock p.m.


(signed by) Allan Stewart ─ Deputy Reeve






Municipality of Puslinch

October 9th 1893.


Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met in the Council Room, at Aberfoyle, on Monday October 9th, at 2 o’ clock p.m.  Members present were A. Stewart ─ Deputy-Reeve, James Hume and James Ellis, Councillors, the Deputy-Reeve in the chair.  The minutes of the last meeting were read and sustained.



Moved by Mr. Ellis, seconded by Mr. Hume, that the following accounts be passed and ordered to be paid, namely, the accounts of Thomas Barrett, for 128 yards of gravel supplied at Holm’s ─ $6.40, Wm. Young, for repairing bridge over the Speed on sideline between Lots 10 & 11 ─ $2.66, Jas. Black, for 160 yards of gravel supplied to Pathmasters ─ $8.00, Neil Campbell, for 45 yards of gravel ─ $2.25, and Patrick Moran, for 150 feet of railing, 10 posts, and repairing railing at Moran’s sinkhole ─ $4.00.



Moved by James Hume, seconded by Mr. Ellis, that the petition of Isaac U. Cober and others be referred to the Road & Bridge Committee of the Eastern Division to report at next meeting of Council.


The Council adjourned, to meet again on Monday October 23rd at 2 o’ clock p.m.


(signed by) Wm. Nicoll ─ Reeve






Municipality of Puslinch

October 23rd 1893.


Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met in the Council Room, at Aberfoyle, on Monday October 23rd at 2 o’ clock p.m.  The members were all present, the Reeve in the chair.  The minutes of the last meeting were read and sustained.



Moved by Mr. Ellis, seconded by Mr. Stewart, that, an error having occurred in the estimated expenditure of School Section No. 11, the trustees request, to have the assessment reduced and the School Roll re-cast, be granted, and that the Collector be and is hereby instructed to return his Roll to the Clerk for that purpose.



Moved by Mr. Stewart, seconded by Mr. Hume, that the Collector be and is hereby instructed to remit $1.00 dog tax each to Angus Stewart, Lot 23, Rear of the 1st Concession and Patrick Moran, Lot 15, Rear of the 2nd Concession.



The Road & Bridge Committee for the eastern division, to whom the petition of Isaac U. Cober and others was referred, reports, that having inspected the portion of the road referred to by the petitioners, that it cannot recommend any action this fall, in consideration of the large expenditure already incurred.



Moved by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Hume, that the following accounts be passed and ordered to be paid, namely, the accounts of John Cook, for repairing bridge at Lot 2, Concession 10 ─ $2.50, David Milroy for 44 yards of gravel on Waterloo Townline ─ $2.20, Peter McLaren, for 90 yards of gravel on the 10th Concession ─ $4.50, Peter Stewart, for cutting thistles on the 4th Concession ─ $1.50, and Hugh Currie for gravel on Road Division No. 20 ─ $2.00.







Moved by Mr. Hume, seconded by Mr. Stewart, that the report of the Road & Bridge Committee for the eastern division in re hill in the 3rd Concession, Lot 2, be received and adopted.



Moved by Mr. Stewart, seconded by Mr. Ellis, that the petitions of James Laird and others and Thomas Arkell and others be referred to the Road & Bridge Committee for the western division, and that the said committee be and is hereby authorized to have the bridges at Lot 2 in the 10th Concession and on the sideline between Lots 10 & 11 in the 5th Concession repaired.



Moved by Mr. Ellis, seconded by Mr. Scott, that the bylaw to abolish Statute Labour be now read a first and second time, and that the clerk be instructed to have 500 copies thereof printed for distribution to ratepayers.


The Council adjourned, to meet again on Monday Nov. 13th at 10 o’ clock a.m.


(signed) Wm. Nicoll ─ Reeve






Municipality of Puslinch

November 13th 1893.


Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met in the Council Room, at Aberfoyle, on Monday November 13th at 10 o’ clock a.m.  The members were all present, the Reeve in the chair.  The minutes of the last meeting were read and sustained.



Moved by Mr. Stewart, seconded by Mr. Hume, that a bylaw be now introduced and read a first and second time, to determine the time and place for nominating candidates for the offices of Reeve, Deputy-Reeve, and Councillors, and to appoint Deputy-Returning officers.



Moved by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Hume, that the Road & Bridge Committee, to whom the petition of James Laird and others was referred, recommends that no action be taken on said petition in the meantime.



Moved by Mr. Ellis, seconded by Mr. Scott, that bylaw No. 329, fixing the time and place for nomination, and for appointing Deputy Returning Officers for the year 1894 be now read a third time and passed.







Moved by Mr. Ellis, seconded by Mr. Hume, that the Municipal Treasurer be and is hereby authorized to pay all monies collected under bylaw for general school purposes, together with the statutory requirements from the general funds of the township, to the Secretary Treasurer of each Board of School Trustees, and the Reeve shall place his order for payment of the increment of the Municipal Loan Fund, $40.00, to each School Section, except School Section No. 3, which has two schools, to which the $40.00 shall be equally divided.



Moved by Mr. Ellis, seconded by Mr. Stewart, that the following accounts be passed and ordered to be paid, namely, the accounts of Edward Keenan, for tile and labour ─ $3.42, Allan McIntyre, for plank, spikes, and labour, repairing bridge ─ $10.25, D. McLean, for repairing bridge on 2nd Concession ─ $5.00, James Leith, for levelling bank between the road and his house ─ $2.50, Wellington Mutual Insurance Company assessment ─ $8.75, B. Falconbridge, for postage and sundries ─ $14.62, Andrew Munroe, Sanitary Inspector, his salary for 1893 ─ $36.00


The Council adjourned, to meet again on Friday Dec. 15th at 10 o’ clock a.m.


(signed) Wm. Nicoll ─ Reeve






Municipality of Puslinch

December 15th 1893.


Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met in the Council Room, at Aberfoyle, on Friday December 15th at 10 o’ clock a.m.  The members were all present, the Reeve in the chair.  The minutes of the last meeting were read and sustained.



Moved by Mr. Ellis, seconded by Mr. Stewart, that the following accounts be passed and ordered to be paid, namely, the accounts of Hart & Riddle, for blank forms and ballots box ─ $4.23, H. Eveleigh, for conveying Hannah Stewart to the House of Industry ─ $2.50, Local Board of Health, for yearly expenses ─ $16.00, Nassagaweya Council, half the cost of gravel used on the Townline ─ 81 cents, John Rudel, for 63 yards of gravel, taken by John Salt for his road division ─ $3.15, and James Barclay, for tile drain across the road in the 5th Concession ─ $5.00.



Moved by Mr. Stewart, seconded by Mr. Ellis, that the Reeve issue his order for $5.00 in favour of Mr. Hume, for extra service on Nassagaweya Townline.



Moved by Mr. Stewart, seconded by Mr. Hume, that the annual financial statement of the Treasurer be received and adopted, and that 200 copies thereof be printed for distribution to ratepayers.



On motion of Mr. Ellis, the Reeve vacated the chair and the Deputy-Reeve occupied it.







Moved by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Ellis, that the thanks of the Council be tendered to the Reeve for the able, courteous, and efficient manner in which he has presided over the deliberations of the Council during the past year.  The Reeve responded, commending the Council members for their active intelligence and faithful co-operation in attending to and promoting the best interests of the municipality. 


Reeve Nicoll continued,


“I was elected a member of the Council when comparatively young and sat continuously at the Council Board during the best part of my life.  During that time, there have been many changes at the Council Board, and I may add that amidst all of the changes, I have nothing but a most agreeable recollection of the amicable, business-like intercourse that characterized the members of the Municipal Council of Puslinch during the past twenty-five or twenty-six years.  I may also state that I do not intend to be a candidate for re-election, but will yield up the office, so long entrusted to my care, to the electors on nomination day.”


The Council adjourned, sine die.


(signed) A. Stewart ─ Reeve

January 15th 1894.






Municipality of Puslinch

December 22nd 1893.


The nomination of Reeve, Deputy-Reeve, and three Councillors, to serve in the Municipal Council of Puslinch, was held in the Township Hall, at Aberfoyle, on Friday December 22nd at noon.  The under-named parties were duly elected by acclamation to compose the Municipal Council of Puslinch for the year 1894, namely,




Allan Stewart




James Scott




James Ellis

James Hume

Peter McKenzie



The plebiscite on the bylaw to abolish Statute Labour stood at the close of the poll:


For the bylaw, yes:




Against the bylaw, no:




Majority, against the bylaw:








Municipality of Puslinch

January 15th 1894.


Pursuant to statutory appointments, the inaugural meeting of the Council was held in the Council Room, at Aberfoyle, on Monday January 15th at 11 o’ clock a.m.  The members were all present, Messrs. Allan Stewart ─ Reeve, James Scott ─ Deputy-Reeve, James H. Ellis, James Hume, & Peter McKenzie ─ Councillors.  The members, having respectively made and subscribed the declaration of qualification and of office, took their seats at the Council Table.  The minutes of the last meeting were read and sustained.



Moved by Mr. Ellis, seconded by Mr. McKenzie, that a bylaw to appoint a local Board of Health and a Sanitary Inspector be now introduced and read a first and second time.


Moved by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Hume, that the bylaw to appoint a local Board of Health and a Sanitary Inspector be now read a third time and passed.


The Reeve nominated and appointed Mr. R. B. Morison for auditor, and the Council, on motion, nominated and appointed Mr. John A. McDonald for auditor.







Moved by Mr. Ellis, seconded by Mr. Hume, that Messrs. James Scott and James H. Ellis be and are hereby appointed a Standing Road & Bridge Committee for that portion of the township lying and being west of the line of the 7th Concession and the sideline between Lots 30 & 31 across the Gore, and that Messrs Hume and McKenzie be and are hereby appointed a Standing Road & Bridge Committee for that portion of the township lying and being east of the said described line.


Moved by Mr. Ellis, seconded by Mr. McKenzie, that the following accounts be passed and ordered to be paid, namely, the accounts of Innes & Davidson, for printing ─ $21.50, Field & McMillan, for legal advice and writing letters to Messrs. Buchanan and Myres, in re jam in the River Speed ─ $5.00, James McLean, Clerk, for election expenses ─ $43.90, Lewis Kribs, for plank supplied to W. Ellis, Pathmaster ─ $4.32, John Cooper, for repairing dangerous roadway in the 2nd Concession, at Lot 11 ─ $2.00, Moses Burns, for building culvert at Lot 19 in the 7th Concession ─ $5.00, John Nicklin, for glazing Hall windows ─ $1.50, Blair Falconbridge, Treasurer, for cash book ─ $2.00, and John Smith, for eight quires Collector receipts ─ $4.00. 


Moved by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Hume, that the Collector be authorized to accept the overseer’s receipts for two days statute labour performed for Allan McIntyre on the 10th Concession.


The Council adjourned, to meet again on Monday Feb. 5th at 10 o’ clock a.m.


(signed by) Allan Stewart ─ Reeve

Feb. 5th 1894.






Municipality of Puslinch

February 5th 1894.


Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met in the Council Room, at Aberfoyle, on Monday February 5th at 10 o’ clock a.m.  The members were all present, the Reeve in the chair.  The minutes of the last meeting were read and sustained.



Moved by Mr. Ellis, seconded by Mr. Scott, that the auditor’s report for 1893 be received and adopted and engrossed on the minutes, and that the Reeve issue his order for payment of $5.00 to each auditor.


Moved by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Hume, that the following accounts be passed and ordered to be paid, namely, the accounts of Hart & Riddle, for Municipal Stationery ─ $10.20, and Archibald Currie, for 90 yards of gravel supplied to Pathmasters ─ $4.50.


Moved by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. McKenzie, that the report of the Standing Road & Bridge commissioners for the western division, in re inspecting and repairing bridges, be received and adopted.







Moved by Mr. McKenzie, seconded by Mr. Ellis, that the Clerk be and is hereby instructed to notify Malcolm Kennedy, Lot 36, front of the 10th Concession, to remove his fence from off the road allowance on the sideline between Lots 35 & 36, front of the 10th Concession.


Moved by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Ellis, that Pelham Falconbridge be and is hereby appointed caretaker of the Township Hall for the current year, 1894, at a salary of $20.00 and perquisites as heretofore.


Moved by Mr. Ellis, seconded by Mr. McKenzie, that John Worthington, Pathmaster, be paid the sum of $4.20, for statute labour entered on the Collector’s Roll for 1893, and expended by him on the village sidewalks.


The Council adjourned, to meet again on Monday March 12th at 10 o’ clock a.m.


(signed) Allan Stewart ─ Reeve

March 12th 1894.






Township Accounts for the Year 1893.

Blair Falconbridge ─ Treasurer





Jan. 2nd

Balance on hand per auditors report


Jan. 14th

John Smith on a/c of taxes


Jan. 21st

John Smith on a/c of taxes


Feb. 6th

P. Falconbridge ─ rent of hall to date


April 5th

A. Marshall, Secretary-Treasurer of S.S. No. 8, refund of school taxes for 1892


April 29th

John Smith, Collector, in full of taxes for 1892


May 19th

Township of Beverly ─ refund half on Townline expenditure


May 29th

James H. Ellis ─ fines imposed on McGinnis, Sullivan, Dalson, Campbell, and Murphy


May 29th

James Hume ─ wood sold of road allowance between Concessions 10 & 11, at Lot 17


May 29th

James Mason ─ pasture of Hall grounds 1892


June 8th

W. S. Cowan Inspector License fund 1892-93



Amount carried forward








To amount brought forward


June 29th

Traders Bank ─ interest on open account


June 29th

Traders Bank ─ interest on special accounts


June 17th

James Hume ─ wood sold of road allowance


Aug. 1st

W. S. Cowan, Inspector License fund 1892-93


Aug. 1st

Legislative grants to schools


Nov. 11th

John Smith, Collector, on account of taxes 1893


Dec. 1st

John Smith, Collector, on account of taxes 1893


Dec. 4th

John Smith, Collector, on account of taxes 1893


Dec. 4th

Traders Bank interest on open account


Dec. 6th

Traders Bank interest on special account


Dec. 9th

John Smith, Collector, on account of taxes 1893


Dec. 10th

John Smith, Collector, on account of taxes 1893













Jan. 16th

Thos. Aikens ─ repair culverts in Con. 3, Lots 12 & 13


Jan. 16th

McKay Bros. ─ 10 curtains for Town Hall


Jan. 16th

James McLean ─ election expenses


Jan. 17th

Wm. Reynolds ─ for county rates 1892


Feb. 1st

James McLean ─ registration of births, et cetera


Feb. 6th

John A. McDonald, auditor


Feb. 6th

R. B. Morison, auditor


Feb. 6th

Lewis Kribs ─ plank for sinkhole


Feb. 6th

Lewis Kribs ─ plank for bridge


Feb. 14th

J. Swartzenberger ─ 4 days statute labour, Lot 12 in the 9th Concession


Feb. 22nd

P. Falconbridge, caretaker, his salary


Feb. 28th

Hart & Riddle ─ municipal stationery


Feb. 28th

Trustees of 9 schools ─ municipal grants


Mar. 8th

Trustees of S.S. No. 8 ─ municipal grant


Mar. 11th

Trustees of S.S. No. 11 ─ municipal grant


Mar. 13th

A. Ramsay ─ building culvert on Townline


Mar. 13th

John Smith ─ for 3 quires of Collector’s receipts


Mar. 18th

Innes & Davidson for municipal printing


Mar. 18th

James Lennie(?) ─ an equivalent to the government grant



Amount carried forward








To amount brought forward


Mar. 24th

Joseph Mason ─ superintended gravelling of Lots 10 & 11 in the 3rd Concession


April 3rd

M. P. Doyle, Trustee of S.S. No. 3 ─ municipal grant


April 29th

John Smith, Collector ─ his salary


May 20th

George Evans ─ building culvert Lot 28 in the 10th Con.


June 8th

Traders Bank ─ a deposit


June 8th

James E. McLean ─ his salary


June 8th

John Bell ─ repair culvert in 10th Concession, Lot 14


June 8th

D. McKenzie ─ repair fence on Hall Grounds


July 4th

J. Linderman ─ repair culvert sideline 35 & 36 in the 11th Concession


July 5th

John Bell ─ gravelling and grading at Lot 11 in the 11th Concession


July 5th

John Bell ─ repair 2 culverts at Lot 10 in the 10th Concession


July 6th

R. Kennedy ─ sideline 35 & 36 in the 10th Concession


July 6th

William Anderson ─ spreading gravel, 35 & 36 in the 10th Concession


July 10th

Andrew Ord ─ gravelling at Lot 16 in the 9th Concession


July 10th

Andrew Ord ─ cutting hill at Lot 19 in the 10th Concession


July 10th

Andrew Ord ─ culvert, Lot 16 in the 10th Concession


July 10th

Andrew Ord ─ railing at Lot 20 in the 10th Concession







July 10th

P. R. Stewart ─ superintended gravelling Lot 16 in the 9th Concession


July 17th

Jas. Aikens ─ overseeing gravelling Lots 15 & 16 in the 2nd Concession


July 17th

A. Borthwick ─ gravelling sideline 10 & 11 in Gore


July 17

Thos. Aitkins ─ gravelling at Lots 8, 9, & 10 in the 4th Concession


July 17th

Thos. Aitkins ─ cutting hill sideline Lots 5 & 6 in the 2nd Concession


July 17th

Mrs. Wright ─ gravel supplied to Pathmaster


July 17th

P. Moran ─ spreading gravel Lots 15 & 16 in the 3rd Concession


July 17th

P. Moran ─ repairing sideline Lots 15 & 16 in the 3rd Concession


July 17th

Angus McPherson ─ gravelling Lots 15 & 16 in the 3rd Concession


July 17th

Peter McLean ─ 1,550 feet of cedar for bridge Lots 30 & 3(?) in the 9th Concession.


July 17th

J. F. McPherson ─ gravelling sideline Lots 10 & 11 in the Gore


July 17th

Andrew Scott ─ gravel for use of township


July 17th

Martin Spruhan ─ spreading gravel Lots 8, 9, & 10 in the 4th Concession


July 17th

Martin Spruhan ─ building culvert on given road Lots 12 & 13 in the 3rd Concession


July 17th

John McGeachy ─ cutting hill and filling at Lot 30 Gore


July 17th

John Laing ─ gravel foe Township, also surface damage



Amount carried forward (blank)








To amount brought forward (blank)


July 17th

Isaac Hume ─ spreading gravel Lot 11 in the 11th Conc.


July 17th

Chas. Zimmerman ─ cutting 2 hills Lots 10 & 11 in the 2nd Concession


July 17th

Daniel Holm ─ gravel for sideline Lots 5 & 6 in the 3rd Concession


July 17th

Jas. Ross ─ gravelling sinkhole Lot 6 in the 2nd Concession


July 17th

A. McAllister ─ overseeing cutting hill Lots 5 & 6 in the 2nd Concession


July 17th

Angus McPherson ─ gravelling Lots 15 & 16 in the 3rd Concession


July 17th

P. Falconbridge ─ freight on scrapers & teaming


July 17th

Amos Bickley ─ repair plough broken on statute labour


July 17th

Ed. Taylor ─ repair plough broken on statute labour


July 22nd

J. Swartzenberger ─ refund of statute labour money


July 22nd

D. McKenzie ─ shingling Hall & Council Room


July 25th

Wm. Smith ─ repairing culvert at Lot 7 in the 5th Conc.


July 25th

Hugh Reid ─ 40 yards of gravel for sideline Lots 23, 24 in the 8th Concession


July 25th

Hugh Reid ─ 50 yards of gravel for sideline 25, 26 in the 7th Concession


July 25th

John Bell ─ grading and gravelling at Lot 7 in the 10th Concession.


Aug. 12th

The Wilkinson Plough Co. ─ for 6 road scrapers


Aug. 12th

H. Gummer for municipal printing


Aug. 12th

Innes & Davidson ─ municipal printing


Aug. 28th

Mrs. C. Bechtel ─ injuries received driving on Waterloo townline







Aug. 28th

Thos. Paddock ─ repairing bridge at Lots 15 & 16 in the 1st Concession


Aug. 28th

M. Elliott ─ building culvert & grading Beverly Townline


Aug. 28th

Geo. Scott ─ built 2 culverts & superintended cutting hill Lots 10 & 11 Gore


Aug. 28th

M. Neubauer ─ repairs to wagon & plough, broken at statute labour


Aug. 30th

John Douglas ─ 88 yards of gravel for township


Aug. 31st

Trustee Legislative grants to schools


Sept. 5th

J. F. McPherson ─ grading at Lot 2 in the 3rd Concession


Sept. 19th

Angus McPherson ─ gravelling Lots 15 & 16 in the 5th Concession


Oct. 2nd

A. Ord ─ gravelling sideline Lots 25 & 26 in the 8th Concession


Oct. 2nd

A. Ord ─ cutting hill at Lot 15 in the 7th Concession


Oct. 3rd

Angus McPherson ─ cutting & grading at Lot 8 in the 7th Concession


Oct. 9th

Wm. Paddock ─ building culvert at Lot 16 in the 1st Concession


Oct. 9th

P. R. Stewart ─ grading sideline Lots 25 & 26 in the 8th Concession


Oct. 9th

James Black ─ 100 yards of gravel for road



Amount carried forward (blank)








Amount brought forward (blank)


Oct. 9th

P. Moran ─ 150 feet of railing at Moran’s sinkhole


Oct. 9th

Thos. Moran ─ cutting brush on the 4th Concession


Oct. 9th

Thos. Aikens ─ 310 yards of gravel for Moran’s sinkhole


Oct. 12th

Wm. Moran ─ repairing culvert Lots 10 & 11 in the 4th Concession


Oct. 18th

James McLean ─ for selection of jurors


Oct. 23rd

P. Moran ─ for spreading gravel at Moran sinkhole


Oct. 23rd

A. Ord ─ for work on Nassagaweya Townline


Oct 23rd

A. Ord ─ gravelling at Lot 6 in the 9th Concession


Oct. 23rd

A. Ord ─ cutting hill at Lot 19 in the 10th Concession


Oct. 23rd

P. McLaren ─ 90 yards of gravel for township


Oct. 23rd

John Cook ─ repairing bridge at Lot 2 in the 10th Con.


Oct. 23rd

John Isles ─ 5 days spreading gravel Lot 6 in the 9th Con.


Oct. 23rd

Thos. Barrett ─ 128 loads of gravel for township


Oct. 23rd

C. Schamberg (?) ─ spreading gravel Lots 14, 15 in the 2nd Concession.


Oct. 23rd

Thos. Aikens ─ widening road at Lot 10 in 2nd Conc.


Oct. 23rd

Thos. Aikens ─ grading & building culvert Lots 10 & 11 in the 3rd Concession


Oct. 23rd

Thos. Aikens ─ gravelling at Lots 14 & 15 in the 2nd Con.


Oct. 23rd

Thos. Aikens ─ gravelling sideline Lots 15 & 16 in the 3rd Concession


Oct. 23rd

James Lennie ─ spreading gravel Lots 15 & 16 in the 5th Concession







Oct. 23rd

Peter Stewart ─ cutting thistles at Lot 22 in the 4th Con.


Oct. 23rd

Wm. Paddock ─ spreading gravel Lots 17 & 18 in the 1st Concession


Oct. 28th

Neil Campbell ─ 45 yards of gravel for the township


Oct. 28th

Hugh Currie ─ 40 yards of gravel for Road Division No. 6


Oct. 28th

D. Milroy ─ 44 yards of gravel for Waterloo line


Oct. 28th

D. McMillan ─ gravelling Lots 17 & 18 in the 1st Conc.


Nov. 13th

D. McLean ─ repairing bridge at Lot 20 in the 2nd Conc.


Nov. 13th

P. R. Stewart ─ cutting hill at Lot 18 in the 11th Conc.


Nov. 13th

Thos. Aikens ─ ditching at Lot 10 in the 3rd Concession


Nov. 13th

James McLean ─ member’s (?) pay


Nov. 13th

B. Falconbridge ─ postage and sundries


Nov. 13th

Jas. Leith ─ grading entrance between his house and the road


Nov. 17th

James McLean ─ expenses of Board of Health


Nov. 20th

Andrew Munroe ─ Inspector ─ his salary



To amount carried forward (blank)








To amount brought forward (blank)


Dec. 4th

Wellington Fire Insurance Co. assessment


Dec. 4th

E. Keenan ─ building drain across 9th Con. at Lot. 2


Dec. 4th

John A. Ord ─ railing at Lot 15 in the 7th Concession


Dec. 6th

John Young ─ repairing bridge Lots 10 & 11 in the 5th Concession


Dec. 6th

John Young ─ repairing bridge at Lot 2 in the 10th Conc.


Dec. 6th

Traders Bank savings deposit


Dec. 9th

Allan McIntyre ─ repairing bridge Lots 20 & 21 in the 8th Concession


Dec. 12th

A. Marshall ─ school taxes & grants per assessment.


Dec. 13th

James McLean ─ clerk ─ his salary


Dec. 13th

B. Falconbridge ─ treasurer ─ his salary


Dec. 14th

C. H. Barrett ─ school taxes & grants, per assessment


Dec. 14th

A. McCaig ─ school taxes & grants, per assessment


Dec. 14th

Balance on hand











Abstract of Financial Statement






Balance on hand per auditors’ report



Taxes in full for 1892



Rent of Hall



Refund S.S. No. 8



Beverly Township for work on townline






Wood sold












Legislative grants to schools









Roads and bridges



Town Hall, repairing fence and Hall



To amount carried forward








To amount brought forward



Election expenses



County rates in full for 1892






Refund of statute labour



Stationery et cetera



Municipal grants to schools






Taxes refunded Pro. (Protestant) Separate School No. 3



Traders Bank



Personal injuries



Legislative grants to schools



Cutting thistles



Board of Health



Tile drain






Public school rates & grants



Balance on hand









Township Assets



Lands, buildings, furniture, et cetera



Cash in Traders bank, drawing interest



Cash on hand



Taxes outstanding











Township Liabilities



Municipal grant to schools



County rates total amount



Collector’s salary



Ten schools to pay








B. Falconbridge ─ Treasurer                    Wm. Nicoll ─ Reeve





Municipal Loan or School Fund


Dec. 14th




Balance on hand per auditors’ report


Jan. 20th

Guelph & Ont. Investment & Saving Society interest


Mar. 20th

Interest on certain mortgage


Apr. 3rd

Interest on certain mortgage


July 14th

Guelph & Ont. Investment Saving Society interest











Feb. 15th

Guelph & Ontario Investment Society for one debenture


Dec. 14th

C. H. Barrett ─ surplus S.S. No. 11 for 1893


Dec. 14th

A. McCaig ─ surplus for S.S. No. 5 for 1893


Dec. 14th

Balance on hand














Two mortgages ─ $540 and $2200



Two debentures ─ S.S. No. 2



One debenture ─ S.S. No. 9 balance



Nine debentures ─ Guelph & Ont. Savings Society



Interest on debentures ─ S.S. No. 2 & S.S. No. 9



Cash on hand












11 schools to pay









Wm. Nicoll ─ Reeve

B. Falconbridge ─ Treasurer









Detailed Statement form Dec. 15th to Dec. 30th 1893





Dec. 15th




Balance on hand per statement to Council


Dec. 15th

John Smith Collector on accounts of taxes for 1893


Dec. 18th

John Smith Collector on accounts of taxes for 1893


Dec. 20th

John Smith Collector on accounts of taxes for 1893


Dec. 22nd

John Smith Collector on accounts of taxes for 1893


Dec. 28th

John Smith Collector on accounts of taxes for 1893













Dec. 15th

Wm. Young ─ plank spikes & labour for bridge


Dec. 15th

Jas. Hume ─ extra work on Nassagaweya line


Dec. 15th

P. Mahon ─ school taxes & grants for S.S. No. 4


Dec. 18th

A. McKenzie ─ school taxes & grants for S.S. No. 10


Dec. 20th

J. Lennie ─ school taxes & grants for Pro. S.S. No. 3


Dec. 21st

Wm. Clair ─ school taxes & grants for S.S. No. 2


Dec. 21st

S. Evans ─ school taxes & grants for S.S. No. 12


Dec. 21st

W. Cowan ─ school taxes & grants for S.S. No. 9


Dec. 21st

J. Scott ─ school taxes & grants for S.S. No. 7


Dec. 21st

D. Gordon ─ school taxes & grants for S.S. No. 1


Dec. 21st

J. McRobbie ─ school taxes & grants for S.S. No. 6


Dec. 21st

M. P. Doyle ─ school taxes & grants for S.S. No. 3


Dec. 30th

Wm. Reynolds ─ on a/c of County Rates for 1893


Dec. 30th

Balance on hand









Abstract Statements from Dec. 15th to Dec. 30th 1893.






Balance on hand from statement to Council



Taxes on account for 1893












Roads & Bridges



Public School rates & grants



County rates on account



Balance on hand














Lands, buildings, furniture, et cetera



Cash in Traders Bank drawing interest



Cash on hand



Taxes outstanding









Total amount of Collector’s roll




Cash received from Collector














Municipal grants to schools



County rates total $3579.32 balance



Collector’s salary












Municipal Loan fund from Dec. 15th to Dec. 30th 1893





Dec. 15th

Balance on hand per report to Council


Dec. 21st

W. Cowan ─ 5th instalment on debenture for S.S. No. 9


Dec. 21st

Interest on debenture, one year


Dec. 21st

Wm. Clair ─ for debenture for S.S. No. 2



Interest on debenture, one year













Dec. 15th

P. Mahon ─ surplus to S.S. No. 4 for 1893


Dec. 18th

A. McKenzie ─ surplus to S.S. No. 10 for 1893


Dec. 18th

J. Lennie  ─ surplus to Pro. S.S. No. 3 for 1893


Dec. 21st

Wm. Clair  ─ surplus to S.S. No. 2 for 1893


Dec. 21st

S. Evans  ─ surplus to S.S. No. 12 for 1893


Dec. 21st

W. Cowan  ─ surplus to S.S. No. 9 for 1893


Dec. 22nd

D. Gordon  ─ surplus to S.S. No. 1 for 1893


Dec. 22nd

J. Scott  ─ surplus to S.S. No. 7 for 1893


Dec. 22nd

J. McRobbie  ─ surplus to S.S. No. 6 for 1893


Dec. 22nd

M. P. Doyle  ─ surplus to S.S. No. 3 for 1893


Dec. 26th

A. Marshall  ─ surplus to S.S. No. 8 for 1893


Dec. 30th

Balance on hand












2 mortgages  ─ $540.00 & $2200.00



2 debentures  ─ S.S. No. 2  ─ $400.00 & S.S. No. 9  ─ $850.00



9 debentures  ─ Guelph & Ont. Investment & Saving Society



Cash on hand









Liabilities  ─ Nil







To the Municipal Council of Puslinch:

This is to certify that we have, this day, audited the accounts of the Township of Puslinch, up to Dec. 31st 1893, having compared the vouchers with the payments made, and have examined the different assets and find the same quite correct, as per the Treasurer’s statement.


John A. McDonald & R. B. Morison (auditors)


February 3rd 1894.






Municipality of Puslinch

March 12th 1894.


Pursuant to adjournment the Council met in the Council Room, at Aberfoyle, on Monday March 12th at 10:00 a.m.  The members were all present, the Reeve in the chair.  The minutes of the last meeting were read and sustained.



Moved by Mr. Ellis, seconded by Mr. Scott, that in reference to the claim for alleged loss sustained by Mr. Swayze, north of the bridge on the sideline between Lots 10 & 11 in the 5th Concession, on the 6th instant, no action be taken until proper inquiry into the cause of the accident is made.



Moved by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Hume, that a bylaw to appoint overseers of highways, fence-viewers, and pound-keepers be now introduced and read a first and second time.



Moved by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Hume, that Bylaw No. 331, appointing Pathmasters, Fence-Viewers, and Pound-keepers be now read a third time and passed.



Moved by Mr. Ellis, seconded by Mr. McKenzie, that a bylaw to amend Bylaw No. 280, entitled “A Bylaw to define Highways and regulate the manner of performing statute labour et cetera”, be now introduced and read a first and second time.



Moved by Mr. Ellis, seconded by Mr. McKenzie, that Bylaw No. 332, to amend Bylaw No. 280, be now read a third time and passed.







Moved by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Hume, that the account of Allan McIntyre for 2½ cords of firewood for the Township Hall, $8.50, be passed and ordered to be paid.



Moved by Mr. Ellis, seconded by Mr. Scott, that, in accordance with the instruction of a circular received from the Provincial Board of Health, it is proper and necessary to appoint two medical practitioners to vaccinate the school children of the municipality, and therefore the Council does hereby appoint John A. Howitt, M.D., of Morriston, to vaccinate the children in School Sections No. 3, 5, 6, 7, 11, and 12, and W. L. Hilliard, M.D., of Morriston, to vaccinate the children in School Sections No. 1, 2, 4, 8, 9, and 10, and to report to the local Board of Health.



Moved by Mr. Hume, seconded by Mr. McKenzie, that this Council petition the Postmaster General to establish a daily mail route from Waterdown, by Carlisle and Freelton, to Puslinch Post Office and Schaw Station on the C.P.R., and that the Reeve attach their names and the corporate seal thereto, and transmit it to the County Member for presentation to the Postmaster General.







Moved by Mr. McKenzie, seconded by Mr. Hume, that whereas a discrepancy of $17.00 exists between the purchase money mentioned in Bylaw No. 328, authorizing the purchase of land to extend the Township Hall grounds, from the heir and executors of the estate of the late John Black, and the sum mentioned in the title deed, namely $303.45, and whereas the sum mentioned in the title deed is the correct sum, therefore be it resolved that Bylaw No. 328 be and is hereby amended so as to correspond with the title deed.



Moved by Mr. Ellis seconded by Mr. Scott, that the Council adjourn, to meet again on Monday May 28th at 10:00 o’ clock, and constitute as a Court of Revision, and after revision, for general business. 


(signed by) Allan Stewart ─ Reeve






Municipality of Puslinch

May 9th 1894.


Pursuant to intimation, a special meeting of the Council convened in the Council Room, at Aberfoyle, on Wednesday May 9th, at 6 o’ clock p.m.  The members were all present, the Reeve in the chair.


Moved by Mr. Ellis, seconded by Mr. McKenzie, that the bond presented by Messrs. James Scott and Blair Falconbridge, executors of the Black estate, indemnifying the Corporation against the claims of Maria and Isabella Black, minors, against the same, be accepted, and that the Reeve be and is hereby authorized to consummate the purchase of the proposed addition to the Township Hall grounds, and secure the registration of the deed for the same.


(signed) Allan Stewart ─ Reeve






Municipality of Puslinch

May 28th 1894.


Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met in the Council Room, at Aberfoyle, on Monday May 28th, at 10:00 o’ clock a.m.  Members were all present, namely Messrs. Allan Stewart, Reeve, James Scott, Deputy-Reeve, James H. Ellis, James Hume, and Peter McKenzie, Councillors, and, being duly sworn, constituted as a Court of Revision, the Reeve in the chair.


The following appeals were heard and determined, namely, the appeals of Jacob Miller, Richard C. Morrison, Archibald Smith, John Paddock, Charles Patton, and James Hume, to have their dog assessments struck off the roll, were granted.  The appeal of Joseph Lister and Frederick Brickell to have their school assessment transferred from the Protestant Separate School, S.S. No. 3, to the public school of the said School Section No. 3.  The Court, after hearing the reasons adduced, pro and con, confirmed the assessments as they stood on the roll.  Messrs. Lister and Brickell signified their intention to appeal the decision of the court.  Moved by Mr. Ellis, seconded by Mr. McKenzie that the assessment roll, as now revised, be and is hereby confirmed.


(signed by) Allan Stewart ─ Reeve

June 4th 1894.






Immediately after revision, the Council resumed ordinary business.  The minutes of the last regular and special meetings were read and sustained.



Moved by Mr. McKenzie, seconded by Mr. Hume, that the report of the committee to investigate the cause of the accident to Mr. Swayze on the sideline between Lots 10 & 11 at the River Speed be received and adopted.



Moved by Mr. Ellis, seconded by Mr. Scott, that the Reeve and Mr. McKenzie be a committee to confer with Mr. Ames regarding the accident, by which he was maimed, on the night of the 9th of January ultimate, at Lot 11 in the 2nd Concession.  The committee reported that its members failed to affect an amicable settlement with Mr. Ames.  They made him an offer of $200.00, which he declined to accept as a full settlement.  By mutual consent, the matter of damage is referred to arbitration, the decision of the arbitrators to be accepted as final and binding on both parties.



Moved by Mr. McKenzie, seconded by Mr. Ellis, that the account of Hart & Riddle, forty-one cents for stationery, be passed and ordered to be paid.







Moved by Mr. Ellis, seconded by Mr. Hume, that the Reeve grant an order on the Treasurer in favour of James Moran for the sum of $5.00 for damage sustained by him through necessary travel, last spring, through his meadow.



Moved by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Ellis, that the portion of taxes levied and collected as an equivalent to the government grants to schools has been paid by the ratepayers of Protestant School Section No. 3, amounting in the aggregate to $25.00, and as the Protestant Separate School is debarred from receiving a share of the Municipal School Fund, it is expedient and necessary to refund to the Board of Trustees of the said school, the sum of $25.00, to be expended for school purposes as the law directs.


The Council adjourned, to meet again on Monday June 4th at 6 o’ clock p.m.


(signed) Allan Stewart ─ Reeve

(June 4th 1894.)






Municipality of Puslinch

June 4th 1894.


Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met in the Council Room, at Aberfoyle, on Monday June 4th at 6 o’ clock p.m.  The members were all present, the Reeve in the chair.  The minutes of the last meeting were read and sustained.  The Standing Road & Bridge Committee reported the inspection of roads and bridges, under their respective supervisors and recommended the following expenditures for repairs.


Western Division:


For grading and gravelling at Lots 4 & 5 in the 7th Concession ─ $30.00


Lumber & gravel for sinkhole at Moran’s ─ $75.00


Gravelling at Lots 14 & 15 in the 4th Concession ─ $30.00


Gravelling given road between Lots 12 & 13 in the 3rd Concession ─ $15.00


Bridge on given road at Lot 4 in the 4th Concession ─ $12.00


Bridge on given road at Lot 4 in the 2nd Concession ─ $30.00


Gravelling at Lots 1 & 2 in the 1st Concession ─ $30.00


Sinkhole at Lot 3 in the 2nd Concession ─ $30.00


For building culvert at Lot 4 in the 2nd Concession ─  $10.00


Cutting hill on sideline between Lots 10 & 11 in the 2nd Concession ─ $20.00


Cutting hill at Lot 11 in the 2nd Concession ─ $40.00


Railing at Lot 10 in the 2nd Concession ─ $10.00


Sinkhole ─ Little Lake ─ $15.00


Grading & stumping at Lots 15 & 16 in the 1st Concession ─ $30.00


Cutting hill ─ Lots 25 & 26 in the 1st Concession ─ $40.00


Changing channel and building new bridge over Mill Creek at Lots 20 & 21 in the 2nd Concession ─ $80.00






Your committee recommends the expenditure of $150.00 to repair the sideline between Lots 10 & 11 in the 5th Concession ─ $150.00.


In regard to the petition of G. Collins and others and Wellington Ellis and others, your committee cannot recommend any action in the meantime.


Your committee recommends building a new culvert on the townline opposite the 1st Concession, conjointly with the Waterloo Council.


All of which is respectively submitted,

James Scott & James H. Ellis (committee)






Eastern Division:


For gravelling the sideline, Lots 20 & 21, across the 8th & 9th Concessions ─ $150.00


Gravelling at Lots 34 & 35 in the 10th Concession ─ $30.00


Gravelling sideline between Lots 30 & 31 in the 10th Concession ─ $50.00


Cutting hill at Lot 16 in the 10th Concession ─ $15.00


Gravelling at Lots 29 & 30 in the 11th Concession ─ $30.00


Culvert at Lot 15 in the 11th Concession ─ $4.00


Cutting hill on sideline, Lots 15 & 16 in the 9th Concession ─ $45.00


Gravelling at Lots 15 & 16 on the 9th Concession ─ $75.00


Cutting hill on sideline, Lots 15 & 16 on the 9th Concession ─ $15.00


Gravelling at Lot 5 in the 10th Concession ─ $35.00


Culvert on the Nassagaweya Townline ─ $10.00


For culvert on sideline between Lots 6 & 7 in the 8th Concession ─ $2.00


All of which is respectively submitted,

Peter McKenzie & James Hume (committee)


Moved by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Hume that the reports of the Standing Road & Bridge Committees be received and adopted.


The Council adjourned, to meet again on Monday, 16th of July, at 2:00 p.m.


(signed by) Allan Stewart ─ Reeve

July 16th 1894.






Municipality of Puslinch

July 16th 1894.


Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met in the Council Room, at Aberfoyle, on Monday July 16th at 2 o’ clock p.m.  The members were all present, the Reeve in the chair.  The minutes of the last meeting were read and sustained.



Moved by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. McKenzie, that the following accounts be passed and ordered to be paid, namely, the accounts of Isaac Hume for gravel supplied to Road Division No. 11 ─ 60 cents, J. Jamieson for County judge expenses of Assessment Appeal Court ─ $6.50, Hugh Currie for 50 yards of gravel for Road Division No. 6 and 25 yards for Road Division No. 22 ─ $3.75, Amos Bickley for repairing plough for Road Division No. 66 ─ $2.25, John Douglas for gravel supplied to Division No. 46 ─ $6.50, Innes & Davidson for printing and advertising ─ $40.16, John Worthington for work on Hall grounds ─ $8.75, Hiram Loker for repairing plough broken on Road Division No. 16 & 17 ─ $3.00, and Copps Brothers Co. for 4 road scrapers ─ $31.00







Moved by Mr. McKenzie, seconded by Mr. Hume, concerning the controversy existing and feuding between John H. Ames, of Morriston and Council, for damage sustained by Mr. Ames to his person and property by the upsetting of a wagon driven by him over icy roads on the 9th day of January last, the settlement of which was by mutual consent referred to arbitration, that the report and finding of the arbitration, awarding damage to the amount of $242.00 be now received and adopted, the said amount of $242.00 being already paid to Mr. Ames, and by him acknowledged.



Moved by Mr. Ellis, seconded by Mr. McKenzie that the Clerk be and is hereby instructed to notify all of the Pathmasters in the Municipality who have not already made their returns for the current year, to make their returns, certified and attested according to their instruction, on or before the 25th day of August, which shall be immediately entered on the Collector’s Roll for collection.


The Council adjourned, to meet again on Monday Aug. 27th at 10 o’ clock a.m.


(signed by) Allan Stewart ─ Reeve

August 27th 1894.






Municipality of Puslinch

August 27th 1894.


Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met in the Council Room, at Aberfoyle, on Monday August 27th at 10 o’ clock a.m.  The members were all present, the Reeve in the chair.  The minutes of the last meeting were read and sustained.



Moved by Mr. McKenzie, seconded by Mr. Ellis, that the Standing Committee for the Eastern Division be and is hereby authorized to employ a surveyor to survey the sideline between Lots 35 & 36 across the 10th Concession.



Moved by Mr. Ellis, seconded by Mr. Scott, that a bylaw be now introduced to tax the township for County, School, and Municipal purposes for the current year, and that it be now read a first and second time.



Moved by Mr. McKenzie, seconded by Mr. Ellis, that Bylaw No. 333, taxing the township for County, School, and Municipal purposes be now read a third time and passed.







Moved by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Hume, that the following accounts be passed and ordered to be paid, namely, the accounts of Wm. McAllister for cedar timber supplied to road division No. 27 ─ $7.45, Robert Foster for 47 yards of gravel on Townline ─ $2.35, Mrs. McKenzie for 16 yards of gravel to Division No. 103 ─ eighty cents, Andrew Scott for 102 yards of gravel to Division No. 94 ─ $5.10, John Rudel for 50 yards of gravel to Division No. 49 ─ $2.50, Isaac Hume for 12 yards of gravel to Division No. 111 ─ 60 cents, Peter R. Stewart for cutting weeds on Township Hall grounds ─ $1.25, David Milroy for 32 yards of gravel on Waterloo Townline ─ $1.60, Thos. Evans for building culvert on sideline between Lots 25 & 26 in 10th Concession ─ $5.00, Malcolm Kennedy for 40 yards of gravel to Division No. 108 ─ $2.00 and 97 yards to Division No. 109 ─ $4.85, Hugh Reid for 50 yards of gravel to Division No. 70 ─ $2.50, Martin Spruhan for building culvert on the given road between Lots 12 & 13 ─ $7.00, and Benjamin Strome for building culvert on given road at Lot 4 in the 4th Concession ─ $6.00.


The Council adjourned, to meet again on Monday October 8th at 2 o’ clock p.m.


(signed by) James Scott ─ Deputy-Reeve

October 8th 1894.






Pursuant to intimation, the Council met in Special Session in the Council Room, at Aberfoyle, on Friday September 21st at 6 o’ clock.  The members were all present, the Reeve in the chair. 



Moved by Mr. McKenzie, seconded by Mr. Hume, that the Committee for the Western Division of the Township be empowered to have the opinion of a solicitor respecting the liability of adjacent owners in the matter of the jam in the river Speed, and also that they have the sanction of the Council for cancelling the contract made with Mr. D. McLean for the removal of the said jam.


(signed by) James Scott ─ Deputy-Reeve

October 8th 1894.






Municipality of Puslinch

October 8th 1894.


Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met in the Council Room, at Aberfoyle, on Monday October 8th at 2 o’ clock p.m.  Members present were Messrs. James Scott ─ Deputy-Reeve, James H. Ellis, James Hume and Peter McKenzie ─ Councillors, the Deputy-Reeve in the chair.  The minutes of the last regular and special meetings were read and sustained. 



Moved by Mr. Ellis, seconded by Mr. McKenzie, that whereas an error of $110.00 has been made by the trustees of School Section No. 12 in their estimated expenditures for the current year, and whereas the said trustees request the Council to eliminate the excess of $110.00 from their estimated assessments for the present year, it is resolved that the Collector be and is hereby instructed to return his roll to the Clerk, to be, by him, recast according to the trustees’ request.  The Standing Road & Bridge Committee, Western Division, reports in reference to the petitions of James J. Chrysler and others, and Donald McCormick and others, and recommends that no immediate be taken, owing to the low state of municipal funds from the excessive expenditures of the current year.



Moved by Mr. McKenzie, seconded by Mr. Hume, that the petition of Robert Little and others be referred to the Road & Bridge Committee for the Western Division.







Moved by Mr. Ellis, seconded by Mr. McKenzie, that the following accounts be passed and ordered to be paid, namely, the accounts of Neil Campbell for 32 yards of gravel ─ $1.60, John Ord for railing at Lots 15 & 16 in the 9th Concession ─ $2.55, Thomas Barrett for 135 yards of gravel for Road Division No. 32 ─ $6.75, Lewis Kribs for 38 yards of gravel ─ $1.90, Daniel Holm for 58 yards of gravel ─ $2.90, Archibald McAllister for removing stones and building culvert on sideline between Lots 5 & 6 in the 2nd Concession ─ $3.50, Andrew Ord for cleaning Hall grounds ─ $2.00, Peter Stewart for setting posts and railing on Hall grounds ─ $2.79 and for cutting brush at Lots 20 & 21 in the 8th Concession ─ $1.25, and Peter Mahon for 37 six-inch tiles for culvert at Lot 24 in the 9th Concession ─ $1.50.



Moved by Mr. Ellis, seconded by Mr. Hume, that the Collector be and is hereby instructed to remit $1.00 dog tax to Archibald McAllister.



Moved by Mr. Ellis, seconded by Mr. McKenzie, that the offer of the Directors of the Agricultural Society to convey the land acquired by them from R. B. Morison, adjacent to the Township Hall grounds, on the north, be accepted by the Council for the Corporation, and in lieu thereof that the Society members be granted the privilege of holding their agricultural shows on the Township Hall grounds and in the buildings on the same for all time to come.


The Council adjourned, to meet again on Monday Nov. 12th at 10 o’ clock a.m.


James Scott ─ Deputy-Reeve

November 12th 1894.






Municipality of Puslinch

Nov. 12th 1894.


Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met in the Council Room, at Aberfoyle, on Monday November 12th at 10 o’ clock a.m.  The members were all present, the Reeve in the chair.  The minutes of the last meeting were read and sustained.



Moved by Mr. McKenzie, seconded by Mr. Ellis, that the Collector be and is hereby instructed to remit $1.00 dog tax to Robert Dunn.



Moved by Mr. Ellis, seconded by Mr. Hume, that a bylaw to determine the time and place for nominating and electing Reeve, Deputy-Reeve, and three Councillors for the year 1895 be now introduced and read a first and second time.



Moved by Mr. McKenzie, seconded by Mr. Hume, that Bylaw No. 334, fixing the time and place for nominating Reeves and Councillors, and appointing Deputy Returning Officers be now read a third time and passed.



Moved by Mr. Ellis, seconded by Mr. Scott, that the action of the Reeve in giving an order on the Treasurer for the payment of $75.86 in settlement for Mr. Swayze’s claim for damage for the loss of his horse and other property, caused by the flooded state of the river Speed last spring, be and is hereby confirmed.



Moved by Mr. Hume, seconded by Mr. Ellis, that the Clerk be and is hereby instructed to notify Mr. Thomas Meaghan to fill in the excavation, made by him, beside the roadway of the given road in the 9th Concession at Lot 2.







Moved by Mr. McKenzie, seconded by Mr. Hume, that the Clerk be and is hereby instructed to notify Mr. Robert Forbes to remove his fence off the road allowance between Lots 35 and 36 in the 10th Concession, east of the bridge.




  Please note:

At this point, two pages are missing from the original minutes, and so, instead, two newspaper accounts of the November 12th and December 15th meetings are here presented.








Puslinch Township Council Minutes

(from the Guelph Mercury newspaper for November 13th 1894.)


Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met in the Council room, at Aberfoyle, on Monday November 12th, at 10 o’ clock a.m.  The members were all present, the Reeve in the chair.  The minutes of the last meeting were read and sustained.


On motion of Messrs. McKenzie and Ellis, the Collector is instructed to remit $1 dog tax to Robert Dunn.


A bylaw, determining the time and place for nominating and electing Reeve, Deputy-Reeve, and three Councillors for the year 1895, was introduced by Messrs. Ellis and Hume, and read a first and second time.


The blanks of the bylaw were filled by appointing Mr. Henry Arkell as Deputy-Returning Officer for polling subdivision No. 1, the Clerk as Deputy-Returning Officer for polling subdivision No. 2, Mr. Arch. Marshall as Deputy-Returning Officer for polling subdivision No. 3, Mr. John E. McPherson as Deputy-Returning Officer for polling subdivision No. 4, and James J. Chrysler as Deputy-Returning Officer for polling subdivision No. 5.


The bylaw was read a third time and passed.


Moved by Messrs. Ellis and Scott, that the action of the Reeve, in granting his order for the payment of $75.86 in settlement of Mr. Swayze’s claim for the loss of his horse and damage sustained by him from the flood of the river Speed, last spring, be and is hereby confirmed.






On motion of Messrs. Hume and Ellis, the Clerk is instructed to notify Mr. Thos. Meagher to fill the excavation, made by him, beside the roadway on the given road in the 9th Concession at Lot 2, and also, to notify Mr. Robert Forbes to remove his fence on the sideline between Lots 35 & 36, in the 10th Concession, where it encumbers the road east of the bridge.


The following accounts were passed and ordered to be paid, namely, the account of Jas. Black for 54 yards of gravel, supplied to Robert Watson, for the townline ─ $2.70, and also for 115 yards of gravel, supplied to Robert Maddaugh, for Gore townline ─ $5.75, Lewis Kribs for 354 feet of plank, supplied for culvert ─ $5.65, Field & McMillan for registration of titles and law expenses in the Swayze case et cetera ─ $16.59, H. Gummer, for advertising Courts of Revision and voters lists ─ $5.20, Isaac Hume, for repairing culvert at Lot 10, in the 10th Concession ─ $1, Edward Taylor, for bolts used by Thos. Aikens at Moran’s sinkhole ─ $3.90, Wm. Alderson, for 50 yards of gravel on the 9th Concession ─ $2.50, James McLean, for setting 18 posts on the Hall grounds ─ $3.42, Messrs. Wm. Nicoll and Wm. Stratton Jr., for their services as arbitrators in the case of H. Ames vs. the Township ─ $10, John Milroy, plank for culvert on Waterloo townline ─ 50 cents, James Moran, fro cutting brush on the 4th Concession, at Lot 16 ─ $3.25, and Blair Falconbridge, for postage and sundries ─ $19.52.


The Council adjourned, to meet again on Saturday December 15th, at 10 o’ clock a.m.


Jas. McLean, Clerk

Aberfoyle, November 13th 1894.






Puslinch Township Council Minutes

(from the Guelph Mercury newspaper for December 17th 1894.)


Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met in the council room, at Aberfoyle, on Saturday December 15th, 1t 10 o’ clock a.m.  The members were all present, the Reeve in the chair.  The minutes of the last meeting were read and sustained.


The Road & Bridge Committee for the western division reported in reference to Mr. P. Laing’s contract for removing jam in the river Speed, east of the bridge, on the sideline between Lots 10 & 11, that the work has been satisfactorily performed, with the exception of removing the timber off from Buchanan and Meyers properties, and levelling the timber laid beside the roadway, according to contract.  Your committee recommends that the contract price be paid to Mr. Laing now, and the sum of $30 be paid to Mr. Laing when the timber is disposed of, according to contract, on account of extra work.  Report adopted.


On motion of Messrs. Scott and Ellis, the annual financial statement of the Treasurer was received and adopted, and the Clerk was instructed to get 100 copies thereof printed for distribution to the ratepayers.


On  motion of Messrs. Scott and Ellis, the Municipal Treasurer is instructed to pay all monies collected under bylaw for general school purposes, together with the statutory requirements from the general funds of the township, to the Secretary-Treasurer of each Board of School Trustees, and the Reeve shall place his orders for payment of the increments of the Municipal Loan Fund in the hand of the Treasurer, $40 to each school section, except School Section No. 5, which has two schools, giving $20 to each school.






The following accounts were passed and ordered to be paid, namely, the account of Neil Hunter and son, for 490 feet of cedar ─ $5.88, John Ross for building culvert on given road at Lot 3 in the 2nd Concession ─ $2.50, the Wellington Mutual Fire Insurance Company for renewal of policy on Hall and building ─ $10.91, Hart and Riddle for stationery ─  45 cents, the yearly expenses of the local Board of Health ─ $25, James Hutchison, surveying sideline between Lots 35 and 36, in the 10th Concession ─ $12, D. McGeachy, for 65 yards of gravel on Beverly townline ─ $5.20, James Cook, gravelling at Lot 13 on Beverly townline ─ $9.50, municipal treasurer, Nassagaweya, share of work on townline ─ $15.25, Andrew Gilmore, grading and gravelling at Lots 35 and 36 in the 10th Concession ─ $20.20, James Laking, for spreading gravel ─ $3.93, Edward Murphy, for cutting brush at Lots 10 to 11 in the 3rd Concession ─ $3.38, Donald Kennedy, for building culvert at Lot 36 in the 10th Concession ─ $5.00, James McCartney, for building culverts at Lot 25 in the 9th Concession ─ $2, Allan McIntyre, for repairing Hall windows ─ $1.50, and John Roberts, for removing rock on Nassagaweya townline ─ $1.


On motion of Messrs. McKenzie and Ellis, the Reeve is instructed to get the deed of conveyance from W. H. Argles, the assignee of the estate of R. B. Morison, registered and placed in the hands of the municipal treasurer for safe keeping.






On motion, the Reeve vacated the chair and the Deputy-Reeve occupied the chair.


Moved by Mr. McKenzie, seconded by Mr. Ellis, that the thanks of the Council be tendered to the Reeve for the able, courteous, and efficient manner in which he has presided over the deliberations of the Council during the year.  The Reeve responded, thanking the Council members for their cordial vote of thanks, and for the considerate and careful attention given to every duty devolving upon them as Councillors during the year, and referring, with approval, to the comfort and assistance which the Council derived from the careful manner in which their officers performed their respective duties.


The Council adjourned, to meet again on Monday Dec. 31st, at 10 o’ clock a.m.  


James McLean, Clerk

Aberfoyle, Dec. 17th 1894.






Municipality of Puslinch

December 15th 1894.

(from the original minutes, initial portion missing)



…that the following accounts be passed and ordered to be paid, namely, the accounts of Neil Hunter & Son for 490 feet of cedar ─ $5.88, John Ross for building culvert on the given road at Lot 3 in the 2nd Concession ─ $2.50, The Wellington Mutual Fire Insurance Group for reviewing policy on Hall buildings ─ $10.91, Hart & Riddle for stationery ─ 46 cents, the yearly expenses of the Board of Health ─ $25.00, James Hutchison for surveying the sideline between Lots 35 & 36 in the 10th Concession ─ $12.00, D. McGeachy for 65 yards of gravel on the Beverly Townline ─ $5.20, James Cook for gravelling on Beverly Townline ─ $9.50, the Municipal Treasurer of Nassagaweya for share of work on townline ─ $15.25, Andrew Gilmour for grading and gravelling at Lots 35 & 36 in the 10th Concession ─ $20.20, James Laking for spreading gravel ─ $3.93, Edward Murphy for cutting brush at Lots 10 & 11 in the 3rd Concession ─ $3.38, Donald Kennedy for building culvert at Lot 36 in the 10th Concession ─ $5.00, James McCartney for building culvert at Lot 25 in the 9th Concession ─ $2.00, Allan McIntyre for repairing Hall windows ─ $1.50, and John Roberts for removing rock on the Nassagaweya Townline ─ $1.00.







Moved by Mr. McKenzie, seconded by Mr. Ellis, that the Reeve be instructed to get the deed of conveyance, from W. H. Argles (spelling uncertain), assignee of the estate of R. B. Morison, to the Corporation of Puslinch, registered and placed in the hand of the Treasurer for safekeeping.



On motion, the Reeve vacated and the Deputy-Reeve occupied the chair.  Moved by Mr. McKenzie, seconded by Mr. Ellis that the thanks of the Council be tendered the Reeve for the able, courteous, and efficient manner in which he presided over the deliberations of the Council during the year.

The Reeve responded, thanking the Council members for their cordial vote of thanks and for the considerate care and attention given by each member of the Council to the duties devolving upon them as councillors.  He also referred with approval to the comfort and assistance that Council  received from the careful manner in which the officers of the Council performed their respective duties.


The Council adjourned, to meet again on Monday Dec. 31st at 10 o’ clock a.m.






Municipality of Puslinch

December 31st 1894.


Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met in the Council Room, at Aberfoyle, on Monday December 31st at 10 o’ clock a.m.  The members were all present, the Reeve in the chair.  The minutes of the last meeting were read and sustained.



Moved by Mr. Hume, seconded by Mr. McKenzie, that the sum of $37.50 be paid to the Treasurer of Guelph Township, that being Puslinch’s share of the expenditure on the boundary line between Guelph and Puslinch.



Moved by Mr. Ellis, seconded by Mr. Scott, that owing to the scarcity of money and the pressures of hard times, it is desirable and necessary, for the time being, to suspend Bylaw No. 282, requiring all municipal taxes to be paid on or before the 14th of December in each year, and to extend the time for paying the taxes for 1894 to the first day of February 1895, for the present season only.



Moved by Mr. Ellis, seconded by Mr. McKenzie, that the following accounts be passed and ordered to be paid, namely, the accounts of Ed Murphy for cutting brush at Lots 10 & 11 in the 3rd Concession ─ $2.62, Thomas Aikens for repairing railing at McCormick’s Pond ─ $1.50,  and the Reeve for recording deed of conveyance from the assignee of R. B. Morrison to the Municipality (of Puslinch) ─ $1.55.


The Council adjourned, sine die.






The nomination of candidates to compose the municipal council for the year 1895 opened at the Township Hall at noon, on Monday December 31st 1894.  The under noted parties were duly nominated and elected to serve in the Municipal Council of Puslinch for the year 1895, namely:



Messrs. Peter McLean and Joseph Little nominated Mr. Allan Stewart for Reeve.


Messrs. Peter Mahon and John A. Cockburn nominated Mr. James Scott for Deputy-Reeve.


Messrs. John A. Cockburn and Peter Mahon nominated Mr. James Hume for Councillor.


Messrs. John Worthington and P. Falconbridge nominated Mr. Peter McKenzie for Councillor.


Messrs Joseph Little and James H. Ellis nominated Mr. John Tovell for Councillor.


There being no other nominations, the foregoing were declared duly elected by acclamation.

James W. McLean

(Returning officer)






Municipality of Puslinch

January 21st 1895.


Pursuant to statutory appointment, the Council met in the Council Room, at Aberfoyle, on Monday January 21st at 11 o’ clock a.m.  The members elect were all present, namely, Messrs. Allan Stewart ─ Reeve, James Scott ─ Deputy-Reeve, and James Hume, Peter McKenzie, and John Tovell, Councillors, and having made and subscribed the declaration of qualification and of office, took their respective seats at the Council Board.  The minutes of the last meeting were read and sustained.



Moved by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Hume, that a bylaw to appoint a local Board of Health and Sanitary Inspector be now introduced & read a first & second time.



Moved by Mr. McKenzie, seconded by Mr. Tovell, that Bylaw No. 335, to appoint a local Board of Health and a Sanitary Inspector be now read a third time & passed.



The Reeve nominated and appointed Mr. R. B. Morison for auditor.  On motion of Messrs. Scot and Tovell, the Council appointed Mr. John A. McDonald for auditor.







Moved by Mr. McKenzie, seconded by Mr. Hume, that the account of Innes and Davidson for printing and advertising, $16.50, be passed and ordered to be paid.



Moved by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Hume, that Messrs. James Scott and John Tovell be and are hereby appointed a Standing Road & Bridge Committee for that portion of the township being west of the line of the 7th Concession and Lots 30 & 31 across the Gore, and that Messrs. James Hume and Peter McKenzie be and are hereby appointed a Standing Road & Bridge Committee for the portion of the township being east of the said described line.


The Council adjourned, to meet again on Monday Feb. 11th, at 2 o’ clock p.m.


(minutes verified & signed by) Allan Stewart ─ Reeve

February 11th 1895.






Municipality of Puslinch

February 11th 1895.


Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met in the Council Room, at Aberfoyle, on Monday February 11th at 2 o’ clock p.m.  The members were all present, the Reeve in the chair.  The minutes of the last meeting were read and sustained.  



Moved by Mr. Hume, seconded by Mr. McKenzie, that the Collector be and is hereby instructed to remit $1.00 dog tax to Mrs. Eliza Welsh.



Moved by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Tovell, that the following accounts be passed and ordered to be paid, namely, the accounts of James McLean for express and stage charges ─ 80 cents, Michael P. Doyle for 250 yards gravel delivered on sideline between Lots 15 & 16 in the 5th Concession ─ $12.50, Allan McDiarmid for 29 yards of gravel delivered on the 10th Concession at Lots 30 & 31 ─ $1.45, and John Vogt, Morriston, for lodging an indigent ─ 50 cents.







Moved by Mr. McKenzie, seconded by Mr. Hume, that the petition of the Single Tax Association, now read, be adopted and transmitted to Mr. Mutrie, M.P.P., for presentation at the approaching session of the Legislative Assembly.



Moved by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Tovell, that the report of the auditors be received, adopted, and engrossed on the minutes, and that the auditors be paid $5.00 each for their services.



Moved by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Hume, that Pelham Falconbridge be and is hereby re-appointed caretaker and messenger for the current year, and that his salary be $20.00, and perquisites as heretofore.


The Council adjourned, to meet again on Monday March 11th at 10 o’ clock a.m.


(signed by) Allan Stewart ─ Reeve

March 11th 1895.






Municipality of Puslinch

March 11th 1895.


Township Accounts to December 14th 1894.

B. Falconbridge, Treasurer in a/c with the Township


A.D. 1894



Jan. 1st

Balance on hand per auditors report


Jan. 2nd

John Smith, Collector of taxes for 1893


Jan. 15th

John Smith, Collector of taxes for 1893


Jan. 22nd

John Smith, Collector of taxes for 1893


Jan. 31st

John Smith, Collector of taxes for 1893


Feb. 5th

P. Falconbridge, rents of hall to date


Feb. 6th

John Smith, Collector of taxes for 1893


Feb. 27th

John Smith, Collector of taxes for 1893


May 2nd

John Smith, in full of taxes for 1893


May 24th

W. S. Cowan ─ Licence insurance fund for 1894 - 95


May 28th

J. S. Lehman ─ pasture of Hall grounds for 1893


June 7th

W. S. Cowan ─ 2nd distribution for 1893-94


June 7th

Traders Bank interest on open accounts


June 7th

Traders Bank interest on special accounts


July 5th

Wm. Reynolds ─ Legislative grants to schools


July 16th

Jas. H. Ellis ─ fine, Thos. Mercer for disorderly conduct


Aug. 15th

Traders Bank ─ for Township purposes


Aug. 27th

Allan Stewart ─ refund from County for work on Beverly Townline



To amount carried forward







A.D. 1894

To amount brought forward


Aug. 27th

P. McKenzie ─ wood sold off road


Oct. 3rd

James Scott ─ for old lumber sold off Hall grounds


Nov. 12th

John Smith, Collector for taxes for 1894


Nov. 12th

James Scott ─ grant from County to repair roads


Nov. 29th

John Smith, Collector of taxes for 1894


Dec. 1st

John Smith, Collector of taxes for 1894


Dec. 4th

John Smith, Collector of taxes for 1894


Dec. 5th

John Smith, Collector of taxes for 1894


Dec. 5th

Traders Bank ─ interest on open account


Dec. 5th

Traders Bank ─ interest on special account


Dec. 8th

John Smith, Collector of taxes for 1894


Dec. 10th

John Smith, Collector of taxes for 1894


Dec. 11th

John Smith, Collector of taxes for 1894


Dec. 12th

John Smith, Collector of taxes for 1894










A.D. 1894



Jan. 5th

Wm. Reynolds for County tax


Jan. 5th

J. Barclay ─ tile draining at Lot 16 in the 5th Conc.


Jan. 5th

H. Eveleigh ─ conveying Hannah Stewart to House of Industry


Jan. 15th

John Smith Collector receipts


Jan. 15th

J. L. Cooper ─ railing at Lot 11 in the 2nd Conc.


Jan. 15th

J. McLean ─ election expenses


Jan. 15th

J. Nicklin ─ for glazing Hall windows


Jan. 17th

Wm. Reynolds ─ in full for County rates


Jan. 18th

Field & McMillan for legal advice


Jan. 18th

Innes & Davidson ─ municipal printing


Jan. 31st

M. Burns (possibly Byrnes) ─ building culvert at Lot 19 in the 7th Conc.


Feb. 2nd

B. Falconbridge ─ cash book


Feb. 2nd

L. Kribs ─ pine plank for use of township


Feb. 5th

J. McLean ─ registering births et cetera


Feb. 5th

J. Worthington ─ for statute labour tax for 1893


Feb. 5th

A. Currie ─ gravel for use of township



Amount carried forward







A.D. 1894

To amount brought forward


Feb. 5th

R. B. Morison ─ auditing township accounts


Feb. 5th

P. Falconbridge ─ his salary for 1893


Feb. 6th

Treasurer of Nassagaweya ─ half expenses on Townline


Feb. 6th

Hart & Riddell ─ 2 orders municipal stationery


Feb. 6th

J. Rudel ─ gravel for use of township


Feb. 7th

Trustees ─ municipal grants to schools


Feb. 7th

John A. McDonald ─ auditing township accounts


Feb. 20th

A. Wilkinson ─ repairing Killean Bridge


Mar. 12th

T. Aikens ─ building bridge at Lot 3 in the 2nd Conc.


Mar. 30th

J. Worthington ─ repairing culvert Lots 20 & 21 in the 8th Concession.


Apr. 9th

A. McIntyre ─ 2½ cords of wood for Township Hall


May 2nd

John Smith, Collector ─ his salary


May 9th

Executors of Wm. Black Jnr.(?) ─ for addition to Hall grounds


May 28th

Jas. E. McLean, Assessor ─ his salary 1894


May 28th

J. Moran ─ damage to meadow by public travel


June 7th

Traders Bank ─ savings account deposit


June 16th

J. Lennie ─ P.S.S.S. No. 3 equivalent to municipal grant


June 16th

J. H. Ames ─ damage for injury at Lot 11 in the 2nd Conc.


June 28th

G. Evans ─ gravelling at Lots 21 & 22 in the 9th Conc.







July 7th

G. Laur ─ gravelling at Lots 1 & 2 in the 1st Conc.


Jul 9th

J. Foley ─ cutting hill at Lots 15 & 16 in the 10th Conc.


July 12th

G. Evans ─ cutting hill at Lots 25 & 26 in the 1st Conc.


July 16th

A. Ord ─ cutting hill at Lots 15 & 16 in the 9th Conc.


July 16th

A. Ord ─ grading at Lots 2 & 4 in the 7th Concession


July 16th

Hy. Walker ─ repairing bridge on Beverly Townline


July 16th

T. Welsh ─ gravelling at Lots 5 & 6 in the 9th Conc.


July 16th

T. Petty ─ overseeing gravelling on the 9th Conc.


July 16th

J. Bell ─ gravelling at Lot 5 in the 10th Conc.


July 16th

W. Cook ─ spreading gravel at Lot 5 in the 10th Conc.


July 16th

G. Lamb ─ cutting hill and building culvert at Lot 16 in the 11th Concession


July 16th

W. Dennis ─ building culvert on Nassagaweya Townline


July 16th

P. R. Stewart ─ spreading gravel at Lots 20 & 21 in the 10th Conc.


July 16th

P. R. Stewart ─ repairing culvert at Kirk’s Hotel



To amount carried forward







A.D. 1894

To amount brought forward


July 16th

C. Richardson ─ cutting hill at Lot 21 in the 10th Conc.


July 16th

W. J. Ellis ─ overseeing lake sinkhole


July 16th

J. McConnell ─ assisting D. McLean at sinkhole


July 16th

J. Hume ─ gravel for township purposes


July 16th

P. Murphy ─ superintending gravelling at Lots 12 & 13 in the 2nd Concession


July 16th

T. Aikens ─ cutting hill on sideline Lots 10 & 11 in the 2nd Concession


July 16th

J. Paddock ─ grading & railing on 1st Conc., gravelling Given Road, & grading on 3rd Concession


July 16th

H. Locker ─ repairing plough broken at statute labour


July 16th

F. Bartels ─ superintending gravelling at Lots 1 & 2 in the 1st Concession


July 16th

H. Currie ─ gravel supplied to Divisions 22 & 6


July 16th

D. McLean ─ putting stones in pond at Lot 27, in the 10th Concession.


July 16th

A. Bickley ─ repairing plough broken at statute labour


July 16th

J. Douglas ─ gravel for use of township


July 16th

J. Worthington ─ work on Hall grounds


July 16th

D. McLean ─ timber and railing at sinkhole, Lot 3 in the 2nd Concession


July 16th

G. Evans ─ cutting hill sideline Lots 25 & 26, 1st Concession







July 16th

J. Roszell ─ superintending grading at Lots 25 & 26, 1st Concession


July 25th

Copp Bros. Co. ─ for four steel scrapers


July 31st

Innes & Davidson ─ for printing and advertising


July 31st

Judge Jamieson ─ holding assessment appeal court


Aug. 7th

A. Ord ─ gravelling on sideline Lots 20 & 21 in the 8th Concession


Aug. 7th

P. R. Stewart ─ spreading gravel, Lots 20 & 21 in the 8th Concession


July 17th

D. McLean ─ extra work on bridge at Lot 20 in the 2nd Concession


July 17th

D. McLean ─ extra work on bridge at Lot 20 in the 2nd Concession


July 23rd

D. McLean ─ gravelling at Lot 20 in the 2nd Concession


July 24th

A. Scott ─ gravel supplied to Road Division No. 94


July 27th

B. Strome ─ building culvert at Lot 4 in the 4th Conc.


July 27th

T. Aikens ─ cutting hill at Lot 11 in the 2nd Concession


July 27th

M. Kennedy ─ gravel supplied to Road Divisions No. 108 & 109


July 27th

J. Ross ─ gravelling & culvert at sinkhole in 2nd Conc.


July 27th

C. Holm ─ gravelling & culvert at sinkhole in 2nd Conc.


July 27th

Mrs. McKenzie ─ gravel supplied to Road Division No. 103


July 27th

J. Hume ─ gravel supplied to Road Division No. 112



To amount carried forward







A.D. 1894

To amount brought forward


Aug. 27th

P. R. Stewart ─ cutting weeds on Hall grounds


Aug. 27th

H. Reid ─ gravel for Road Division No. 70


Aug. 27th

G. Jefferson ─ cutting hill at Lot 17 in the 11th Conc.


Aug. 27th

T. Evans ─ building culvert at Lots 25 & 26 in the 10th Concession


Aug. 29th

Dr. Hilliard ─ vaccinating children at School Sections No. 1, 2, 4, 8, 9, & 10


Sept. 1st

D. Milroy ─ gravel for Waterloo Townline


Sept. 1st

W. McAllister ─ cedar timber for Road Division No. 27


Sept. 20th

A. Borthwick ─ building culvert at Lot 4 in the 2nd Conc.


Sept. 21st

J. F. McPherson ─ gravelling at Lots 30 & 31 in the 10th Concession


Sept. 21st

M. Spruhan ─ building culvert at Lots 12 & 13 in the 4th Concession


Sept. 21st

J. Rudel ─ gravel supplied to Road Division No. 49


Sept. 21st

R. Foster ─ for gravel on Guelph Townline


Sept. 27th

Trustees ─ the Legislative grants for 1894


Oct. 3rd

J. McLean ─ fencing the Hall grounds


Oct. 3rd

Field & McMillan ─ court costs & fees in Swazie vs. Puslinch


Oct. 4th

J. McPherson ─ gravelling at Lot 34 in the 9th Conc.


Oct. 4th

D. Stewart ─ spreading gravel at Lot 34 in the 9th Conc.


Oct. 8th

J. Ord ─ railing at Lots 15 & 16 in the 9th Conc.







Oct. 8th

A. Ord ─ cleaning Hall grounds


Oct. 8th

A. McAllister ─ removing stumps & culvert at Lots 5 & 6 in the 2nd Concession


Oct. 8th

N. Campbell ─ for 32 yards of gravel at Lot 27 in the 11th Concession


Oct. 8th

L. Kribs ─ for 38 yards of gravel on the 3rd Concession


Oct. 8th

D. Holm ─ 58 yards of gravel at Lots 5 & 6 in the 3rd Concession


Oct. 8th

T. Barrett ─ 135 yards of gravel for Road Division No. 32


Oct. 8th

P. R. Stewart ─ posts & railing on show grounds


Oct. 8th

P. R. Stewart ─ cutting brush at Lots 20 & 21 in the 8th Concession


Oct. 8th

P. Mahon ─ 37 tiles for culvert at Lot 24 in the 9th Conc.


Nov. 12th

Jas. McLean ─ for selecting jury lists


Nov. 12th

L. Kribs ─ plank for use of the township


Nov. 12th

J. Hume ─ repairing at Lot 10 in the 10th Concession


Nov. 12th

J. Milroy ─ plank for Waterloo Townline


Nov. 12th

Jas. McLean ─ salary for councillors


Nov. 12th

J. Moran ─ spreading gravel & cutting brush at sinkhole



To amount carried forward







A.D. 1894

To amount brought forward


Nov. 12th

J. McLean ─ balance due for fencing Hall grounds


Nov. 12th

A. Currie ─ gravel supplied for Lots 35 & 36 in the 8th Concession


Nov. 12th

T. Aikens ─ filling Moran’s sinkhole & gravelling & bridge


Nov. 12th

B. Falconbridge ─ postage, coal oil, nails, et cetera


Nov. 13th

E. Taylor ─ bolts for Moran’s sinkhole


Nov. 15th

Field & McMillan ─ legal services


Nov. 15th

H. Gummer ─ for advertising


Nov. 24th

Col. Nicoll & Wm. Stratton ─ service as arbitrators


Nov. 24th

W. G. Alderson ─ gravel for township purposes


Nov. 24th

J. Black ─ 169 yards of gravel for Beverly Townline


Nov. 24th

A. Munroe ─ salary as sanitary inspector


Dec. 5th

Traders Bank ─ savings account deposit


Dec. 5th

 C. Jackson ─ fencing Hall grounds


Dec. 10th

A. Marshall ─ school taxes of S.S. No. 8 for 1894


Dec. 13th

J. Welsh ─ school taxes of S.S. No. 2 for 1894


Dec. 13th

J. Lennie ─ school taxes of P.S.S.S. No. 3 for 1894


Dec. 13th

J. Scott ─ school taxes of S.S. No. 7 for 1894


Dec. 14th

W. Cowan ─ school taxes of S.S. No. 9


Dec. 14th

J. McLean, Clerk ─ his salary


Dec. 14th

B. Falconbridge, Treasurer ─ his salary


Dec. 14th

P. Mahon ─ school taxes of S.S. No. 4 for 1894


Dec. 14th

Balance on hand










Abstract of Financial Statements to December 14th 1894.

A.D. 1894



Dec. 14th

Balance on hand per auditors report



Taxes in full for 1893



Rent of Hall












Legislative grants to schools



To amount carried forward





A.D. 1894

To amount brought forward


Dec. 14th




Traders Bank



County grant



Wood sold



Old timber



Taxes for 1894













Dec. 14th

County taxes in full



Roads & Bridges



Relief of indigents and vaccination



Stationery et cetera



Tile drainage



Election expenses



Town Hall addition to grounds fencing et cetera









Refund for statute labour



Municipal grant to schools






Traders Bank



Taxes refunded



Personal injuries, damages et cetera



Legislative grants to schools



Board of Health



Public school rates and statutory grants



Balance on hand










A.D. 1894

Assets & Liabilities of Puslinch on Dec. 14th 1894






Land, buildings, furniture, et cetera



Cash in Traders Bank drawing interest



Cash on hand



Taxes outstanding









Total amount of Collector’s roll




Cash received from Collector










Municipal grant to schools



County rates, total amount



Collector’s salary



Seven schools to pay













A.D. 1894

Municipal Loan Fund to December 14th 1894





Jan. 1st

Balance on hand per auditors report


Jan. 5th

Guelph & Ontario Investment & Savings Society interest on 9 debentures


Jan. 7th

Guelph & Ontario Investment & Savings Society interest on 1 debenture


Jan. 7th

Guelph & Ontario Investment & Savings Society for debenture matured


Mar. 30th

Interest (past) on certain mortgage


April 5th

Interest (past) on certain mortgage


April 9th

Interest, balance, on certain mortgage


July 5th

Guelph & Ontario Investment & Saving Society interest on 10 debentures


Dec. 13th

J. Welsh ─ interest on 1 debenture, 1 year


Dec. 14th

W. Cowan ─ interest on debenture S.S. No. 9


Dec. 14th

W. Cowan ─ interest on debenture of S.S. No. 9








A.D. 1894



Dec. 14th

Guelph & Ontario Investment & Saving Society for 1 debenture


Feb. 7th

Guelph & Ontario Investment & Saving Society for 1 debenture


Dec. 14th

Balance on hand








Assets & Liabilities of Municipal Loan Fund Dec. 14th






Two mortgages ─ $2200.00 & $540.00



One debenture S.S. No. 2



One debenture S.S. No. 9 balance



10 debentures Guelph & Ontario Investment & Savings Society



Cash on hand









Statement from 15th to 31st December 1894





Dec. 15th

Balance on hand per statement to Council


Dec. 15th

Jas. H. Ellis Esquire fine on Thos. Aikens disorderly conduct


Dec. 15th

John Smith Collector of taxes for 1894


Dec. 20th

John Smith Collector of taxes for 1894


Dec. 22nd

John Smith Collector of taxes for 1894


Dec. 24th

John Smith Collector of taxes for 1894


Dec. 28th

John Smith Collector of taxes for 1894


Dec. 31st

John Smith Collector of taxes for 1894













Dec. 15th

J. McLean ─ yearly expenses of Local Board of Health



Wellington Mutual Insurance Co. on Hall property



P. Laing ─ removing jam in river Speed



C. Holm ─ building culvert at Lot 5 in 2nd Concession



J. Laking ─ spreading gravel at Lots 35 & 36 in the 10th Concession



A. Gilmour ─ grading & gravelling at Lots 35 & 36



To amount carried forward





A.D. 1894

To amount brought forward


Dec. 15th

J. Ross ─ building culvert on given road


Dec. 15th

C. Murphy ─ cutting brush at Lots 10-11, 3rd Conc.


Dec. 15th

Jas. Cook ─ filling sinkhole on Beverly line


Dec. 15th

Neil Hunter ─ cedar timber for Road Division No. 80


Dec. 15th

D. Kennedy ─ building culvert at Lot 36 in the 10th Conc.


Dec. 15th

D. McGeachy ─ gravelling on Beverly line


Dec. 15th

J. McCartney ─ repairing culvert at Lot 25 in the 9th Con.







Dec. 15th

J. Roberts ─ removing rock Nassagaweya line


Dec. 17th

J. McRobbie ─ general taxes for S.S. No. 6 for 1894


Dec. 18th

A. McCaig ─ general taxes for S.S. No. 5 for 1894


Dec. 18th

A. McIntyre ─ repairing Hall windows


Dec. 20th

D. Gordon ─ general taxes for S.S. No. 1 for 1894


Dec. 20th

C. H. Barrett ─ general taxes for S. S. No. 11 for 1894


Dec. 20th

S. Evans ─ general taxes for S.S. No. 12 for 1894


Dec. 22nd

A. McKenzie ─ general taxes for S.S. No. 10 for 1894


Dec. 27th

Trustees of S.S. No. 3 general taxes for 1894


Dec. 29th

Wm. Reynolds ─ on account of County taxes


Dec. 31st

Wm. Reynolds ─ on account of County taxes


Dec. 31st

C. Murphy ─ cutting brush at Lots 10-11 in the 3rd Conc.


Dec. 31st

N. Higinbotham ─ registering deed for Hall grounds


Dec. 31st

Thos. Aikens ─ repairing railing at Lots 15 & 16 in the 3rd Concession



Balance on hand











Assets & Liabilities of the Township Dec. 31st 1894






Land, buildings, et cetera



Cash in Traders Bank (Savings)



Cash on hand



Taxes outstanding






Amount of Collector’s roll




Received from Collector










A.D. 1894



Dec. 31st

Municipal grant to schools



County rates for 1894 (balance)



Collector’s salary for 1894












Municipal Loan Fund Dec. 31st 1894





Dec. 15th

Balance on hand per statement to Council


Dec. 22nd

Guelph & Ontario Investment & Saving Society ─ Interest on 1 of their debentures


Dec. 22nd

Guelph & Ontario Investment & Saving Society ─ Interest on 1 of their debentures













Dec. 19th

J. McRobbie for S.S. No. 6


Dec. 20th

D. Gordon for S.S. No. 1


Dec. 20th

C. H. Barrett for S.S. No. 11


Dec. 20th

S. Evans for S.S. No. 12


Dec. 22nd

A. McKenzie for S.S. No. 10


Dec. 22nd

Guelph & Ontario Investment & Savings Society for 1 of their debentures



J. Welsh for S.S. No. 2


Dec. 27th

W. Cowan for S.S. No. 9


Dec. 31st

A. McCaig for S.S. No. 5



J. Scott for S.S. No. 7



A. Marshall for S.S. No. 8



Balance on hand











Assets & Liabilities of Municipal

 Loan Fund Dec. 31st 1894






Two mortgages of $2200.00 & $540.00



One debenture of S.S. No. 2



Amount carried forward





A.D. 1894

To amount brought forward


Dec. 31st

One debenture S.S. No. 9 (balance)



Eleven debentures Guelph & Ontario Investment & Savings Society



Cash on hand












Interest due to 2 schools









Aberfoyle, Feb. 5th 1895.


This is to certify that we have, this day, audited the accounts of the Township of Puslinch up to and including the 31st day of December 1894, have compared the vouchers with the payments made, and have examined the different assets and find the same are quite correct as per the Treasurer’s books and statements.


Signed ─ John A. McDonald & R. B. Morison (auditors)






Township of Puslinch

March 11th 1895.


Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met in the Council Room, at Aberfoyle, on Monday March 11th, at 10:00 o’ clock a.m.  The members were all present, the Reeve in the chair.  The minutes of the last meeting were read and sustained.



Moved by Mr. McKenzie, seconded by Mr. Hume, that a bylaw to appoint overseers of highways, fence viewers, ands pound-keepers be now introduced and read a first and second time.



Moved by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Tovell, that Bylaw No. 336, to appoint overseers of highways, fence viewers, and pound-keepers be now read a third time and passed.



Moved by Mr. Tovell, seconded by Mr. McKenzie, that the following accounts be passed and ordered to be paid, namely, the account of Hart & Riddell for municipal stationery ─ $8.95, George H. Land for repairing road scraper ─ $1.00, John Smith for Collector’s receipts ─ $3.50, Ira N. Binkley for work on Puslinch & Flamboro Townline ─ $3.70, and Richard Paddock for draining at Lots 15 & 16 in the 1st Concession ─ $5.00







Moved by Mr. McKenzie, seconded by Mr. Hume that a certain mortgage made by John Paddock, proprietor of Lot 15, front of the 1st Concession of Puslinch, to the Corporation of the Township of Puslinch, bearing the date the 2nd day of March 1888, and bearing interest at the rate of six percent per annum, payable annually, now that it is mutually agreed by and between the said mortgagor and the Council of the Township of Puslinch, from and after the 2nd day of March, A.D. 1895,  the interest payable on the said mortgage shall be and is hereby reduced from six percent to five percent, payable semi-annually, and that the mortgagor shall have the privilege to pay the principal in yearly instalments of not less than $100.00, on the 2nd day of March in each year.



Moved by Mr. McKenzie, seconded by Mr. Tovell that after hearing delegates in regard to opening a Mechanic’s Institute and a public library in the village of Morriston, that the Reeve be and is hereby authorized to issue his order for $25.00 in favour of the said institute and library.



Moved by Mr. McKenzie, seconded by Mr. Hume that the Council adjourn, to meet again on Monday, the 27th day of May, and sit as a Court of Revision, and after Revision, for general business.


(signed by) Allan Stewart

 May 27th 1895.






Township of Puslinch

May 27th 1895.


Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met in the Council Room, at Aberfoyle, on Monday May 27th, at 10:00 o’ clock a.m., and constituted as a Court of Revision.  The members were all present, the Reeve in the chair.


The list of appeals was light and consisted solely of dog tax appeals.  The following cases were heard and determined, namely, Thomas and Josiah Paddock ─ 1 dog struck off, John Hogg ─ 1 bitch struck off, Angus & James McPherson ─ 1 bitch struck off, James Aikens ─ 1 dog struck off, William Bond ─ 1 dog struck off, John McAninch ─ 1 dog struck off, Charles Martin ─ 1 dog struck off, and Charles Patton ─ 1 dog struck off.


Moved by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Tovell, that the assessment roll, as now corrected and revised, be and is hereby confirmed and passed.


(signed by) Allan Stewart

May 30th 1895.






At 1:00 o’ clock p.m., the Council resumed ordinary business, and instructions to pathmasters were issued. 



Moved by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Tovell, that John M. Eagle be and is hereby appointed overseer of Road Division No. 54, in place of John Smith, removed beyond the bounds.



Moved by James Scott, seconded by James Hume, that as the portion of taxes levied and collected as an equivalent to the government grant to schools has been paid by the ratepayers of Protestant Section No. 3, amounting in the aggregate to $25.00, and as the Protestant School is debarred from receiving a share of the municipal school fund, it is expedient and necessary to refund, to the Board of Trustees of said school, the sum of $25.00, to be expended for school purposes as the law directs.



Moved by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Hume, that six days of the statute labour of Road Division No. 56 be and is hereby transferred to Road Division No. 51, and wrought under the overseer thereof.







Moved by Mr. Tovell, seconded by Mr. McKenzie, that the following accounts be passed and ordered to be paid, namely, the accounts of James E. McLean ─ 35 cents, Peter Gilchrist for stumping ─ $2.00, and Walter Buchanan for repairing bridge ─ $2.50.



Moved by Mr. McKenzie, seconded by Mr. Hume, that the tender of B. Falconbridge for the season’s pasture of the Hall grounds, $3.25, be accepted.



Moved by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Hume, that the following petitions, now read, be referred to the respective standing road & bridge committees, namely, the petition of John W. Gilchrist and others, Sampson Salt and others, Andrew Munroe and others, Arthur Byrns and others, John Carter and others, John Smith and others, and Allan McIntyre and others.



Moved by Peter McKenzie, seconded by Mr. Hume, that Mr. James Scott be and is hereby appointed to ascertain all particulars concerning the road allowance between Lots 30 & 31 in the 7th Concession.


The Council adjourned, to meet again on Thursday May 30th at 6 o’ clock p.m.


(signed by) Allan Stewart

May 30th 1895.






Township of Puslinch

May 30th 1895.


Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met in the Council Room, at Aberfoyle, on Thursday May 30th at 6 o’ clock p.m.  The members were all present, the Reeve in the chair.  The minutes of the last meeting were read and sustained.  The standing road & bridge committees, east and west, reported their inspections of roads and bridges in their respective divisions.


The committee for the western division recommends:


That no action be taken in regard to Richard Paddock’s culverts.


That they consider Killean bridge safe for some years to come.


That a grant of $75.00 be set apart for cutting the hill opposite Lots 1 & 2 in the 2nd Concession


That the culverts at Barrett’s be partly re-covered.


That a grant of $25.00 be given for cutting and grading hill on sideline between Lots 10 & 11 in the 2nd Concession.


That a grant of $15.00 be given for erecting a railing at Glennie’s bridge.


That a grant of $50.00 be given for gravelling at Lot 1 in the 7th Concession.


That a grant of $40.00 be given for cutting the hill on the 2nd Concession at Lot 10.


All of which is respectively submitted,

(signed) James Scott & John Tovell ─ committee






The committee for the eastern division recommends:


That a grant of $10.00 be given for gravelling the sideline between Lots 6 & 7 in the 8th Concession.


That a grant of $20.00 be given to erect a railing at Lots 6 & 7 in the 10th Concession.


The sum of $4.00 to build a culvert at Lot 15 in the 11th Concession.


That a grant of $50.00 be given for cutting the hill at Lots 18 & 19 in the 10th Concession.


That $50.00 be set apart for cutting the hill at Lots 24 & 25 in the 10th Concession.


That a grant of $80.00 be made for gravelling at Lots 30 & 31 in the 11th Concession.


That $5.00 be given for repairing bridge at Lot 26 in the 9th Concession.


That a grant of $10.00 be given to build a culvert on the sideline between Lots 25 & 26 in the 7th Concession.


That $20.00 be set apart for cutting at Lot 27 in the 7th Concession.


That a grant of $10.00 be given for building a culvert on the sideline between Lots 35 & 36 in the 8th Concession.


The sum of $10.00 for covering bridge at Lot 3 in the 9th Concession


All of which is respectively submitted,

(signed) James Hume & Peter McKenzie ─ committee


Moved by Mr. McKenzie, seconded by Mr. Tovell that the reports of the respective Road & Bridge Committees be received and adopted.  The Council adjourned, to meet again on Monday July 15th at 2 o’ clock p.m.


(Signed) Allan Stewart ─ Reeve

July 15th 1895.






The Township of Puslinch

July 15th 1895.


Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met in the Council Room, at Aberfoyle, on Monday July 15th 1895, at 2:00 o’ clock p.m.  The members were all present, the Reeve in the chair.  The minutes of the last meeting were read and sustained.



Moved by Mr. McKenzie, seconded by Mr. Hume, that the petition of W. S. Cowan and others be referred to the Standing Road & Bridge Committee with instructions to report at the next meeting of Council.



Moved by Mr. Tovell, seconded by Mr. Scott, that the petition of James Little and others be referred to the Standing Road & Bridge Committee with instructions to report at the next meeting of Council.



Moved by Mr. Tovell, seconded by Mr. Scott, that the Clerk be instructed to notify Fred Brickel not to remove any timber now lying on the side of the road allowance at Glennie’s Bridge or adjacent thereto.







Moved by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Tovell that the following accounts be passed and that the Reeve issue his orders for the same, namely, the accounts of Innes and Davidson for printing and advertising ─ $38.40, H. Gummer for advertising ─ $2.00, Dr. Brock for examining in lunacy ─ $5.00, one half cost of gravel on Waterloo Townline ─ $3.10, Wellington Ellis for building culvert at Lot 2 of the 2nd Concession ─ $1.50, Isaac Roszell for cedar timber for culvert at Crieff ─ $1.00, Daniel Holm for 60 yards of gravel on the sideline between Lots 5 & 6 in the 3rd Concession ─ $3.10, Mrs. Thomas Petty for 75 yards of gravel on the 9th Concession ─ $3.75, Neil Campbell for shovelling and spreading gravel at Lots 30 & 31 in the 11th Concession ─ $14.63, James Black for 100 yards of gravel for the Townline between Flamboro, Beverly, and Puslinch ─ $5.00, Patrick Murphy for cutting ditch across roadway in 2nd Concession at Lots 5 & 6 ─ $5.63 and for opening ditch in the rear of the 3rd Concession at Lots 1 & 2 ─ $3.50, Lewis Kribs for 50 yards of gravel supplied on the 4th Concession at Lots 1 & 2 ─ $2.50, William Steffler for 50 yards of gravel supplied to the 7th Concession and 28 yards to the Townline between Guelph and Puslinch ─ $3.90, Donald Clark for 50 yards of gravel supplied to the 9th Concession ─ $2.50, and John Laing for gravel supplied to sideline between Lots 20 & 21 in the 10th Concession ─ $1.90.



Moved by Mr. McKenzie, seconded by Mr. Hume that the clerk be instructed to notify John Ord to remove all obstructions from the public highway of the 9th Concession, where the creek crosses the said highway on Lot 26 of the 9th Concession.


The Council adjourned, to meet again on Monday Aug. 26th at 10 o’ clock a.m.


(signed by) Allan Stewart ─ Reeve

August 26th 1895.






The Township of Puslinch

August 26th 1895.


Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met in the Council Room, at Aberfoyle, on Monday August 26th, at 10 o’ clock a.m.  The members were all present, the Reeve in the chair.  The minutes of the last meeting were read and sustained.



Moved by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Hume, that a bylaw be now introduced to tax the township for county, school, and municipal purposes, and that it be read a first and second time.



Moved by Mr. McKenzie, seconded by Mr. Hume, that Bylaw No. 336, to tax the township for county, school, and municipal purposes for the current year, be now read a third time and passed.



The Standing Road and Bridge Committee ─ western division reports that it has inspected the hill referred to in the petition of Walter Cowan and others, and consider it in as safe condition as formerly, and would recommend that no action be taken in the meantime.

Your committee recommends that an appropriation of $12.50 be made to fill in with earth and gravel the approaches to the bridge on Mill Creek in the 2nd Concession.

All of which is respectively submitted,

(signed) John Tovell & James Scott ─ committee







Moved by Mr. McKenzie, seconded by Mr. Hume, that the report of the Standing Road & Bridge Committee ─ western division be received and adopted.



Moved by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Tovell, that the following accounts be passed and ordered to be paid, namely, the accounts of Thos. Barrett for 105 yards of gravel ─ $5.25, John Rudel for 50 yards of gravel ─ $2.50, Joseph Roach for repairing plough broken on Road Division No. 66 ─ $2.00, John Douglas for 45 yards of gravel on the 3rd Concession ─ $2.25, Michael Neubauer for pulling stumps at Lot 27 in the 2nd Concession ─ $5.00, and that the account of John Kennedy be laid over for further information.



Moved by Mr. Tovell, seconded by Mr. Scott, that in consideration of the general advantage derived from the annual Fat Cattle Show, held in the City of Guelph, a grant of $25.00 be given this year towards its maintenance.


The Council adjourned, to meet again on Monday October 14th at 2:00 p.m.






The Municipality of Puslinch

October 14th 1895.


Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met in the Council Room, at Aberfoyle, on Monday October 14th, at 2:00 o’ clock p.m.  The members were all present, the Reeve in the chair.  The minutes of the last meeting were read and sustained.



Moved by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Tovell, that the following accounts be passed and ordered to be paid, namely, the accounts of B. Falconbridge for postage and sundries ─ $14.78, D. Scott for planking bridge at Lot 3 in the 10th Concession ─ 30 cents, J. Robert Smith for 3 road scrapers ─ $24.92, H. Gummer, Guelph, for advertising voters lists ─ $3.20, Guelph half the expenditure on boundary line ─ $12.25, E. Taylor repairing scraper for Pathmaster ─ 50 cents, Archibald McMillan for repairing plough broken at statute labour ─ $3.00, Alexr. Reid for pulling stumps ─ $1.00, Hugh Reid for 55 yards of gravel supplied to pathmaster ─ $2.75, Dr. Howitt, Guelph, for examining Fanny Bowman, a lunatic dangerous to be at large ─ $5.00, Dr. Cowan, Guelph, for examination in lunacy ─ $4.00, and mileage and fees of 4 witnesses ─ $7.00







The Standing Road & Bridge Committee ─ eastern division reported that having, by appointment, met a committee of Nassagaweya councillors at Lots 33, 34, & 35 in the 11th Concession, they proceeded to inspect that portion of the boundary line not open for traffic and, having gone carefully over the premises, estimate that the opening and preparing of the said portion of the road for public traffic is too large a contract to be undertaken until some provision is made to meet the necessary large expenditure.  We know that the opening of the said road will be an advantage to many ratepayers of both townships and should be kept in view until provision is made to open it.


All of which is respectively submitted,

(signed by) James Hume & Peter McKenzie ─ committee



Moved by Mr. Tovell, seconded by Mr. Scott, that the report of the Standing Road & Bridge Committee ─ eastern division re opening the boundary line between Nassagaweya and Puslinch be received and adopted.


The Council adjourned, to meet again on Monday Nov. 11th at 10 o’ clock a.m.


(signed by) Allan Stewart ─ Reeve

November 11th 1895.






The Municipality of Puslinch

November 11th 1895.


Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met in the Council Room, at Aberfoyle, on Monday November 11th 1895, at 10:00 o’ clock a.m.  The members were all present, the Reeve in the chair.  The minutes of the previous meeting were read and sustained.



Moved by Mr. Tovell, seconded by Mr. McKenzie, that a bylaw, to determine the time and place for nominating and electing Reeve, Deputy-Reeve and three Councillors and to appoint Deputy Returning Officers for the year 1896, be now introduced and read a first and second time.



Moved by Mr. Tovell, seconded by Mr. Scott, that Bylaw No. 337, to determine the time and place for nominating and electing Reeve, Deputy-Reeve, and three Councillors and to appoint Deputy Returning Officers for the year 1896, be now read a third time and passed.







Moved by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. McKenzie, that the following accounts be passed and ordered to be paid, namely, the accounts of Hugh Currie for 93 yards of gravel supplied to Road Divisions No. 6 & 23 ─ $4.65, Lewis Kribs for plank supplied to W. Ellis, Overseer in the 2nd Concession ─ $2.06, Robert Little for conveying Mrs. Simmons to the House of Industry ─ $3.00, Wm. Dutton for gravel on the townline between Nassagaweya and Puslinch ─ $1.75, David Scott for plank supplied to given road in the 9th Concession ─ $6.30, Henry Carter for repairing culvert ─ $4.00, James E. Laing for building culvert at Lot 20 in the 10th Concession ─ $2.50, and Crastor Scott for gravel supplied at Lot 7 in the 10th Concession ─ $1.00



Moved by Mr. Tovell, seconded by Mr. Scott, that the loan of ten benches from the Hall to an entertainment to be held in the schoolhouse of School Section No. 5 be given to Mr. Neil Stewart, on condition that he will return them in due time and in good condition.


The Council adjourned, to meet again on Monday Dec. 16th at 1:00 o’ clock p.m.


(signed by) Allan Stewart ─ Reeve

December 16th 1895.






Municipality of Puslinch

December 16th 1895.


Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met in the Council Room, at Aberfoyle, on Monday December 16th at 1:00 o’ clock p.m.  The members were all present, the Reeve in the chair.  The minutes of the last meeting were read and sustained.



Moved by Mr. McKenzie, seconded by Mr. Hume, that the Municipal Treasurer be and is hereby authorized to pay all monies collected under bylaw for general school purposes together with the statutory requirements from the general funds of the township to the Secretary Treasurer of each Board of School Trustees.  And that the Reeve place his orders for payment of the increment of the Municipal Loan Fund, $40.00, to each section except School Section No. 3, which has two schools, giving $20.00 to each school.



Moved by Mr. Tovell, seconded by Mr. Scott, that the account of D. Jones for injury sustained on the public highway be referred to the Standing Road & Bridge Committee ─ eastern division to investigate and report to the next meeting of Council.



Moved by Mr. Tovell, seconded by Mr. McKenzie, that the Collector be instructed to remit $1.00 dog tax to each of the following parties, namely, Thos. Ellis, David Evans, Alexr. Smith, Angus McPherson, Donald McLeod, Dr. Hilliard, Solomon Brown, and Gilbert McCaig.







Moved by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Tovell, that the following accounts be passed and ordered to be paid, namely, the accounts of John Kennedy for sewer pipe for culverts ─ $28.88, Wellington Mutual Insurance Company ─ $9.91, Sanitary Inspector his salary ─ $38.50, expenses of the Local Board of Health ─ $20.00, ___ E. Leslie for building culvert on Beverly Townline ─ $2.50, Angus McPherson for building culvert at Lot 20 in the 3rd Concession ─ $1.50, Malcolm Kennedy for 150 yards of gravel and plank for bridge ─ $8.00, James Patterson for plank for culvert at Lot 21 in the 7th Concession $1.00, T. J. Day for Collector’s receipts ─ $5.00, and Allan McIntyre for returned statute labour ─ $2.40.



Moved by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Tovell, that the Treasurer’s annual financial statement be received and adopted, and that 100 copies thereof be printed for distribution to ratepayers.



Moved by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Hume, that owing to the pressure of hard times it is expedient and necessary to suspend Bylaw No. 282 and to extend the time for paying the taxes of 1895 to the first day of February 1896.






On motion, the Reeve vacated and the deputy reeve occupied the chair.  Moved by Mr. McKenzie, seconded by Mr. Hume that the thanks of the Council be tendered to the Reeve for the kind, courteous, and efficient manner in which he has presided over the deliberations of the Council during the year.  The Reeve responded briefly, referring to the pleasant, agreeable manner in which the year’s business was conducted, and thanking the Council for the careful attention given to the duties devolving upon them respectively.  He also thanked the officers of the township for their careful attention to their duties.


The Council adjourned, to meet again on Monday Dec. 30th at 11 o’ clock a.m. 


(signed by) Allan Stewart ─ Reeve

December 30th 1895.






Municipality of Puslinch

December 30th 1895.


Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met in the Council Room, at Aberfoyle, on Monday December 30th at 11 o’ clock a.m.  The members were all present, the Reeve in the chair.  The minutes of the last meeting were read and sustained.


The Standing Road & Bridge Committee ─ eastern division, to whom the account of D. Jones, for injury sustained on the public highway, at Lot 37 in the 11th Concession, was referred, reported that it inspected the portion of road where the accident occurred and found it in a fairly safe condition for public traffic, the road bed being 16 feet wide.   The committee therefore recommends that no further action be taken in the matter.



Moved by Mr. Tovell, seconded by Mr. Scott, that the report of the Standing Road & Bridge Committee ─ eastern division in re account of D. Jones, for accident on the public highway, be received and adopted.



Moved by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Hume, that the following accounts be passed and ordered to be paid, namely, the accounts of Innes and Davidson for printing ─ $10.00, John Patterson for repairing scraper ─ 50 cents, Samuel Smith for culvert at Lot 22 in the 3rd Concession ─ $1.75, and John Welsh for repairing bridge at Lot 3 in the 8th Concession ─ 50 cents.



Moved by Mr. Tovell, seconded by Mr. McKenzie, that the Collector be instructed to remit $1.00 dog tax to Samuel Smith and John Ross.







Moved by Mr. McKenzie, seconded by Mr. Tovell, that the Clerk be and is hereby instructed to notify the Beverly Township Council that the Townline between Beverly and Puslinch at Lot 13 in Puslinch is in a dangerous condition for public traffic.


The Council adjourned, sine die.


(signed by) Allan Stewart

January 20th 1896.




Election of the Members of the Municipal Council of the Township of Puslinch,

Polling subdivisions No. 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, held on the 6th day of January 1896.


For Deputy-Reeve

Polling subdivision number








Peter McKenzie








James Scott









For Councillors

Polling subdivision number








Jno. Gilchrist








James Hume








A. McPherson








John Tovell









James McLean, Clerk.

A.D. 1896, January 7th.






Municipality of Puslinch

A.D. 1896, January 20th.


Pursuant to the appointment of statutes in that behalf, the Council-elect met in the Council Room, at Aberfoyle, on Monday January 20th at 11:00 o’ clock a.m., namely Messrs. Allan Stewart ─ Reeve, Peter McKenzie ─ Deputy-Reeve, John Gilchrist, James Hume, and Angus McPherson ─ Councillors, and having made and subscribed the declaration of qualification and of office, took their respective seats at the Council Table.  The minutes of the last meeting were read and sustained.



Moved by Mr. McKenzie, seconded by Mr. Hume, that a bylaw to appoint a Local Board of Health and a Sanitary Inspector for the current year be now introduced and read a first and second time.



Moved by Mr. McKenzie, seconded by Mr. Gilchrist, that the Reeve issue his order for the clerk’s account of municipal election expenses, amounting to $43.70.  The Reeve nominated and appointed Mr. R. B. Morison for auditor.



Moved by Mr. McPherson, seconded by Mr. Gilchrist, that Mr. John A. McDonald be and is hereby appointed auditor on behalf of the Council for the current year.



Moved by Mr. McKenzie, seconded by Mr. Gilchrist, that Bylaw No. 338, to appoint a Local Board of Health and a Sanitary Inspector for the current year, be now read a third time and passed. 







Moved by Mr. Hume, seconded by Mr. McKenzie, that Messrs. John Gilchrist and Angus McPherson be the Standing Road & Bridge Committee for that portion of the township lying and being west of the line of the 7th Concession, and that Messrs. James Hume and Peter McKenzie be the Standing Road & Bridge Committee for the portion of the township lying and being east of the said described line, and that the Reeve act as chairman for both of the committees.



Moved by Mr. McKenzie, seconded by Mr. Hume, that the Reeve and Councillors Gilchrist and McPherson be a committee to inspect the premises at Little Lake, for which the Portland Cement Company has made application, and report to the Council at its next meeting.


The Council adjourned, to meet again on Monday Feb. 10th at 10 o’ clock a.m.


(signed by) A. Stewart ─ Reeve

February 10th 1896.






The Municipality of Puslinch

A.D. 1896, February 10th.


Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met in the Council Room, Aberfoyle, on Monday February 10th, at 10:00 o’ clock a.m.  The members were all present, the Reeve in the chair.  The minutes of the last meeting were read and sustained.



Moved by Mr. McKenzie, seconded by Mr. Gilchrist, that the Collector be instructed to remit $2.00 dog tax to James Nicoll, in accordance with the petition of John A. McDonald and others.



Moved by Mr. Hume, seconded by Mr. McPherson, that the report of the special committee appointed to investigate the original road allowance in the Little Lake be received and adopted.



Moved by Mr. McKenzie, seconded by Mr. Gilchrist, that the auditors report be received, adopted, and engrossed in the minutes.



Moved by Mr. Gilchrist, seconded by Mr. McPherson, that the report of the Standing Road & Bridge Committee, re Killean Bridge, be received and adopted.


Report ─ Your committee begs leave to report, having examined the original road allowance on line of the 2nd Concession, and sideline between Lots 5 & 6, in and around the lake, that it recommends that when a company is formed for the manufacture of Portland Cement that this Council deal with said company on fair and equitable terms.  We would also recommend that the Killean Bridge be repaired, as in the opinion of your committee, it is not in a safe condition for public travel.


All of which is respectively submitted,

(signed by) John Gilchrist & Angus McPherson ─ committee







Moved by Mr. McKenzie, seconded by Mr. Gilchrist, that the following accounts be passed and ordered to be paid, namely, the accounts of Hart & Riddell for blank stationery ─ $11.78, and remuneration to the auditors ─ $10.00.



Moved by Mr. McKenzie, seconded by Mr. Gilchrist, that James Campbell be and is hereby appointed caretaker of the Township Hall and grounds, and that he shall continue in office until his successor is appointed.  The caretaker’s duties shall be cleaning, heating, and lighting the Hall and Council Room for all municipal purposes such as Council, agriculture, judicial, insurance, and political meetings, and to cut down thistles and other noxious weeds growing on the Hall grounds.  The caretaker is hereby instructed and authorized to let the Hall by day or by night to any religious denomination for three dollars per day or night, and to any other party requiring the use of the Hall for lectures, entertainment, or other purposes of self interest, for five dollars per day or night.  The caretaker shall be entitled to retain 25 percent of all monies received for Hall hire for his own benefit, the balance he shall immediately at the time being deposit with the Treasurer.







Moved by Mr. McKenzie, seconded by Mr. Gilchrist, that the portion of taxes levied and collected as an equivalent to the government grant to schools has been paid by the ratepayers of Protestant School Section No. 3, amounting to $25.00, and as the Protestant School is debarred from receiving a share of the municipal school fund, it is expedient and necessary to refund to the Board of Trustees of said school, the sum of $25.00, to be expended for school purposes as the law directs.



Moved by Mr. McKenzie, seconded by Mr. Gilchrist, that the Clerk be instructed to write to Mr. Frederick Pasmore, of Marden, informing him of the poor state of health and destitute condition of Wm. Pasmore, of Puslinch.



Moved by Mr. Gilchrist, seconded by Mr. McPherson, that the Collector be and is hereby authorized to continue collecting the arrears of taxes for 1895, if need be, by warrants and distress.



Moved by Mr. McKenzie, seconded by Mr. Gilchrist, that the caretaker procure 3 cords hardwood, by tender, for the Township Hall.


The Council adjourned, to meet again on Monday March 9th at 10:00 o’ clock a.m.

(signed by) Allan Stewart ─ Reeve

March 9th 1896.






A.D. 1895

B. Falconbridge in a/c with the Township of Puslinch

Dec. 31st



Jan. 1st

Balance on hand per auditors’ report


Jan. 5th

John Smith, Collector of taxes for 1894


Jan. 9th

John Smith, Collector of taxes for 1894


Jan. 14th

John Smith, Collector of taxes for 1894


Jan. 19th

John Smith, Collector of taxes for 1894


Jan. 21st

John Smith, Collector of taxes for 1894


Jan. 24th

Wm. Reynolds ─ non resident taxes


Jan. 25th

John Smith, Collector of taxes for 1894


Jan. 29th

John Smith, Collector of taxes for 1894


Feb. 6th

John Smith, Collector of taxes for 1894


Feb. 6th

P. Falconbridge ─ rent of Hall to date


Mar. 9th

John Smith, Collector of taxes for 1894


Mar. 11th

Statute labour from Black Bros.


June 3rd

W. S. Cowan ─ license fund for year 1894-95


June 3rd

B. Falconbridge ─ pasture of Hall grounds


June 19th

W. S. Cowan ─ final distribution of funds for 94-95


June 20

Traders Bank ─ interest on open accounts


June 20th

Traders Bank ─ interest on special accounts


July 3rd

Wm. Reynolds ─ Legislative grants to schools


Oct. 29th

John Smith, Collector of taxes for 1894







Nov. 5th

John Smith, Collector of taxes for 1894


Nov. 13th

John Smith, Collector of taxes for 1894


Nov. 16th

A. Stewart, Reeve ─ grant for county roads


Nov. 28th

John Smith, Collector of taxes for 1894


Dec. 4th

John Smith, Collector of taxes for 1894


Dec. 4th

Traders Bank ─ interest on open accounts


Dec. 4th

Traders Bank ─ interest on special accounts


Dec. 6th

John Smith, Collector of taxes for 1894


Dec. 10th

John Smith, Collector of taxes for 1894


Dec. 10th

John Smith, Collector of taxes for 1894


Dec. 13th

John Smith, Collector of taxes for 1894


Dec. 14th

Balance due Treasurer










A.D. 1895



Jan. 9th

Treasurer of Guelph Township ─ work on Townline


Jan. 9th

Treasurer of Nassagaweya ─ work on Townline


Jan. 9th

Hart & Riddell ─ blank stationery


Jan. 9th

J. Hutcheson ─ surveying sideline, Lots 35 & 36, 10th Concession


Jan. 24th

Innes & Davidson ─ printing and advertising


Jan. 24th

Wm. Reynolds ─ on a/c of county rates for 1894


Jan. 30th

Wm. Reynolds ─ on a/c of county rates for 1894


Jan. 30th

James McLean ─ registering births et cetera


Feb. 11th

R. B. Morison ─ service as auditor


Feb. 11th

J. A. McDonald ─ service as auditor


Feb. 11th

James McLean ─ express and stage charges


Feb. 11th

J. Vogt ─ keeping an indigent overnight


Feb. 11th

A. McDiarmid ─ gravel for sideline, Lots 30 & 31, 10th Concession


Feb. 28th

Trustees municipal grant to schools


Mar. 2nd

P. Laing ─ extra breaking jam in River Speed


Mar. 6th

M. P. Doyle ─ gravel for township


Mar. 9th

John Smith, Collector ─ his salary for 1894


Mar. 11th

R. Paddock ─ tile drain at Lots 15 & 16 in the 1st Conc.


Mar. 11th

John Smith ─ for Collector’s receipts


Mar. 11th

G. Laird ─ repairing road scraper


Mar. 11th

G. T. Weeks ─ grant to Mechanics’ Institute, Morriston


Mar. 23rd

J. N. Binkley ─ building culvert on Townline, half cost


Mar. 23rd

Hart & Riddell ─ blank stationery


Mar. 23rd

P. Falconbridge, Caretaker ─ his salary







May 27th

J. Lennie ─ equivalent to school grant, to P.S.S. No. 3


May 27th

Jas. E. McLean, Assessor ─ his salary for 1895


May 27th

Jas. E. McLean ─ search in Registry Office


May 27th

W. Buchanan ─ repairing bridge at Lot 12 in the 6th Con.


May 27th

P. Gilchrist ─ removing stumps at Lots 10 & 11, 1st Con.


June 19th

D. McLean ─ covering bridge at Lot 20 in the 2nd Con.


June 20th

G. Evans ─ cutting hill at Lot 25 in the 10th Concession


June 20th

Traders’ Bank ─ a deposit


July 5th

A. Munroe ─ gravelling at Lot 27 in the 7th Concession



Amount carried forward





A.D. 1895

To amount brought forward


July 5th

J. Meyers ─ superintending gravelling at Lot 1, 7th Con.


July 5th

P. R. Stewart ─ superintending gravelling at Lot 27 in the 7th Concession


July 5th

J. Wright ─ superintending work at Lot 1, 2nd Con.


July 5th

G. Evans ─ cutting hill at Lot 24, 10th Concession


July 5th

M. McPhatter ─ spreading gravel at Lot 24, 7th Con.


July 5th

T. Shea ─ cutting hill at Lot 24, 2nd Concession


July 12th

J. Devlin ─ gravelling at Lots 30 & 31 in 10th Conc.


July 15th

J. Meyers ─ railing bridge at Lots 10 & 11 in 5th Con.


July 15th

A. Ord ─ repairing bridge at Lot 26 in 9th Conc.


July 15th

A. Byrne ─ gravelling between Lots 6 & 7, 8th Con.


July 15th

J. E. McPherson ─ gravelling at Lots 30 & 31, 10th Con.


July 15th

J. Laing ─ gravel for township


July 15th

J. Black ─ gravel for township


July 15th

L. Kribs ─ gravel for township







July 15th

W. Steffler ─ gravel for township


July 15th

P. Murphy ─ ditching at Lots 1 & 2 and 5 & 6, 3rd Con.


July 15th

W. Paddock ─ cutting hill at Lot 10 in the 2nd Con., on sideline between 10 & 11


July 15th

D. Scott ─ plank for repairing bridge at Lot 3, 9th Con.


July 15th

Mrs. T. Petty ─ gravel & repairing bridge at Lot 3, 9th Concession.


July 15th

J. F. McPherson ─ railing bridge at Lot 3, 9th Con.


July 15th

D. Milroy ─ gravel on Waterloo Townline


July 15th

D. Clark ─ gravel for Road Division No. 92


July 17th

Dr. Brock ─ examining patient as to lunacy


July 17th

Innes & Davidson ─ municipal printing


July 17th

H. Gummer ─ advertising Court of Revision


July 17th

N. Campbell ─ spreading gravel at Lots 30 & 31, 11th Con.


July 18th

D. Holm ─ gravel for township


July 18th

J. Roszell ─ cedar timber for township


July 18th

W. Ellis ─ building culvert at Lot 1, 2nd Concession


July 19th

C. Richardson ─ cutting hill at Lot 18, 9th Concession


Aug. 26th

J. Roach ─ repairing plough broken at statute labour


Aug. 26th

T. Barrett ─ gravel for Road Division No. 31


Aug. 26th

J. Rudel ─ gravel for township



Amount carried forward







A.D. 1895

To amount brought forward


Aug. 26th

J. Douglas ─ gravel for township


Aug. 26th

M. Neubauer ─ pulling stumps at Lot 27, 2nd Con.


Sept. 7th

Trustees ─ the legislative grants to schools


Sept. 21st

J. Kennedy ─ for sewer pipe


Sept. 21st

R. Burmaster ─ gravelling between Lots 15 & 16, 1st Con.


Sept. 21st

M. McPhatter ─ spreading gravel at Lots 15 & 16, 1st Cn.


Sept. 25th

T. Mason ─ gravelling at Lots 15 & 16, 2nd Conc.


Sept. 28th

E. Gilchrist ─ cutting hill at Lots 15 & 16, 2nd Conc.


Sept. 28th

E. Gilchrist ─ spreading gravel at Lots 15 & 16, 2nd Con.


Oct. 4th

R. Burmaster ─ grading at Lots 15 & 16, 3rd Conc.


Oct. 14th

P. R. Stewart ─ grading & building culvert at Lots 20 & 21, in the 10th Conc.


Oct. 14th

D. Scott ─ repairing bridge at Lot 3, 10th Conc.


Oct. 14th

W. Cook ─ building 3 culverts at Lots 6 & 7, 10th Conc.


Oct. 14th

A. Reid ─ pulling stumps et cetera


Oct. 14th

J. Brickel ─ spreading gravel at Lots 15 & 16, 5th Conc.


Oct. 14th

W. Moran ─ grading & gravelling Lots 15 & 16, 5th Conc.


Oct. 14th

E. Taylor ─ repairing road scraper


Oct. 14th

A. McMillan ─ repairing plough broken at statute labour


Oct. 14th

H. Reid ─ gravel to J. Mason, Pathmaster


Oct. 14th

B. Falconbridge ─ for postage, stationery, et cetera


Oct. 16th

H. W. Peterson ─ witness fees re Fanny Bowman


Oct. 16th

J. McCorkindale ─ half costs on Townline


Oct. 1__

H. Gummer ─ advertising Court of Revision & voters list







Oct. 19th

Dr. Cowan ─ examining as to lunacy Fanny Bowman


Oct. 19th

Dr. Howitt ─ examining as to lunacy Fanny Bowman


Oct. 21st

W. Nicoll ─ cutting hill sideline between Lots 35 & 36 in the 8th Conc.


Oct. 25th

J. R. Smith ─ for three road scrapers


Oct. 25th

T. Mason ─ gravelling at Lots 15 & 16, 5th Conc.


Nov. 6th

J. McLean, Clerk ─ selecting jury lists


Nov. 11th

J. McLean, Clerk ─ remuneration to councillors


Nov. 11th

W. Dutton ─ gravel for townline


Nov. 11th

H. Currie ─ gravel for Road Divisions No. 6 & 13


Nov. 11th

D. Scott ─ plank & gravel for bridge at Lot 1, 9th Conc.



Amount carried forward





A.D. 1895.

To amount brought forward


Nov. 11th

L. Kribs ─ plank & gravel at Lot 1, 7th Conc.


Nov. 11th

P. R. Stewart ─ building culvert Lot 35 & 36, 8th Conc.


Nov. 11th

A. McAllister ─ _____________ at Lots 5 & 6, 2nd Conc.


Nov. 11th

J. Laing ─ building culvert at Lot 20, 10th Conc.


Nov. 11th

H. Carter ─ repairing bridge at Lot 1, 9th Conc.


Nov. 11th

C. Scott ─ gravelling at Lot 7, 10th Conc.


Nov. 11th

R. Little ─ conveying Mrs. Simmons to House of Industry


Nov. 16th

T. A. Re_ (possibly Ren or Rens) ─ building culvert on Given Road, 2nd Concession.


Dec. 4th

Traders Bank ─ savings account deposit


Dec. 7th

M. P. Doyle ─ Public school taxes for S.S. No. 3


Dec. 10th

J. Lennie ─ spreading gravel at Lots 15 & 16, 5th Conc.







Dec. 10th

J. Millar ─ grant to Fat Cattle Show


Dec. 10th

W. McKay ─ Public school taxes for S.S. No. 5


Dec. 10th

A. McKenzie ─ Public school taxes for S.S. No. 10


Dec. 10th

A. Marshall ─ Public school taxes for S.S. No. 8


Dec. 12th

R. Moody ─ Public school taxes for S.S. No. 2


Dec. 12th

W. Cowan ─ Public school taxes for S.S. No. 9


Dec. 12th

J. Lennie ─ school taxes for Protestant Separate School Section No. 3


Dec. 12th

D. Gordon ─ Public school taxes for S.S. No. 1


Dec. 12th

S. Evans ─ Public school taxes for S.S. No. 12


Dec. 12th

J. McRobbie ─ Public school taxes for S.S. No. 6


Dec. 12th

J. Scott ─ Public school taxes for S.S. No. 7


Dec. 13th

E. Taylor ─ Public school taxes for S.S. No. 4


Dec. 14th

J. McLean, Clerk ─ his salary for 1895


Dec. 12th

B. Falconbridge, Treasurer ─ his salary for 1895










A.D. 1895

Abstract of Financial Statements






Balance on hand per auditors’ report



Taxes in full for 1894



Rent of Hall



Non resident land taxes



Statute labour returned unpaid












Legislative grant to schools



Grant from county



Taxes on account of 1895



Balance due Treasurer














County rates in full for 1894



Roads and bridges



Relief of indigents



Stationery et cetera






Tile drainage



Municipal grant to schools



Legislative grant to schools






Traders’ Bank



Taxes refunded ─ Protestant Separate S. Section No. 3



Jam in River Speed



Grant to Mechanics Institute



Grant to Fat Cattle Show










A.D. 1895

Assets and Liabilities ─ Dec. 14th 1895.






Land, buildings, furniture, et cetera



Cash in Traders’ Bank at interest



Taxes outstanding






Total amount of Collector’s Roll




Cash received from Collector










Municipal grant to schools



County rates ─ total amount



Collector’s salary



One school to pay



Balance due Treasurer














Municipal Loan or School Fund ─ Dec. 14th 1895.





Jan. 1st

Balance on hand per auditors report


Jan. 2nd

Guelph & Ontario Investment & Savings Society interest on debenture


Mar. 11th

Interest on certain mortgage


Apr. 4th

Interest on certain mortgage


May 13th

Interest on certain mortgage


July 4th

Guelph & Ontario Investment & Savings Society interest on debenture


Dec. 2nd

W. Cowan ─ interest on debenture S.S. No. 9


Dec. 12th

W. Cowan ─ interest on debenture S.S. No. 9


Dec. 12th

R. Moody ─ interest on debenture S.S. No. 2











Jan. 2nd

M. P. Doyle ─ surplus to S.S. No. 3 for 1894


Jan. 4th

J. Lennie ─ surplus to S.S. No. 3 for 1894


Dec. 14th

Balance on hand










A.D. 1895

Municipal Loan or School Fund ─ Dec. 14th






Two mortgages ─ $2200.00 and $540.00



One debenture of S.S. No. 2



One debenture of S.S. No. 9



Eleven debentures of the Guelph & Ontario Investment & Saving Society



Cash on hand












Thirteen schools to pay









(signed) Allan Stewart ─ Reeve

(signed) B. Falconbridge ─ Treasurer







B. Falconbridge in account with the Township of Puslinch


A.D. 1895



Dec. 16th

J. Smith, Collector on a/c of taxes for 1895


Dec. 19th

J. Smith, Collector on a/c of taxes for 1895


Dec. 30th

C. F. Neubauer ─ taxes and costs, S½ Lot 7 in the 4th Concession


Dec. 30th

J. Smith, Collector on a/c of taxes for 1895


Dec. 30th

J. Smith, Collector on a/c of taxes for 1895


Dec. 30th

J. Smith, Collector on a/c of taxes for 1895


Dec. 30th

S. McAllister ─ timber of sideline 5 & 6 in 2nd Conc.


Dec. 31st

J. Smith, Collector on a/c of taxes for 1895











Dec. 16th

Balance due Treasurer as per statement


Dec. 16th

T. J. Day ─ for Collector’s receipts


Dec. 16th

W. E. Leslie ─ building culvert on Beverly line


Dec. 16th

J. Davidson ─ Insurance on Hall and shed


Dec. 16th

A. McPherson ─ building culvert in the 3rd Concession


Dec. 16th

M. Kennedy ─ gravel and plank for township


Dec. 16th

C. H. Barrett ─ public school taxes for S.S. No. 11


Dec. 16th

A. McIntyre ─ refund of statute labour tax



Amount carried forward







A.D. 1895

To amount brought forward


Dec. 19th

J. Kennedy ─ sewer pipe for the township


Dec. 30th

J. McLean ─ expenses of Local Board of Health


Dec. 30th

J. Welsh ─ railing on bridge at Lot 3, 9th Concession


Dec. 30th

S. Smith ─ culvert at Lot 22, 3rd Concession


Dec. 30th

A. Munroe, Sanitary Inspector ─ his salary


Dec. 30th

J. Patterson ─ repairing road scraper


Dec. 31st

Wm. Reynolds ─ taxes for S½ Lot 7, 4th Conc. for 1893


Dec. 31st

Wm. Reynolds ─ on a/c for county rates for 1895



Balance on hand









Assets & Liabilities on 31st of December 1895






Land, buildings, furniture, et cetera



Cash in Traders’ Bank at interest



Taxes outstanding



Cash on hand












Municipal grant to schools



County rates



Collector’s salary














Municipal Loan or School Fund ─ 31st December 1895





Dec. 16th

Balance on hand per statement to Council








Dec. 23rd

Wm. McKay ─ surplus to S.S. No. 5



E. Taylor ─ surplus to S.S. No. 4


Dec. 30th

J. Scott ─ surplus to S.S. No. 7



J. McRobbie ─ surplus to S.S. No. 6



Amount carried forward





A.D. 1895

To amount brought forward


Dec. 30th

J. Murray ─ surplus to S.S. No. 1


Dec. 30th

C. H. Barrett ─ surplus to S.S. No. 11


Dec. 30th

W. Cowan ─ surplus to S.S. No. 9


Dec. 30th

A. Marshall ─ surplus to S.S. No. 8


Dec. 31st

R. Moody ─ surplus to S.S. No. 2


Dec. 31st

J. Lennie ─ surplus to Protestant Separate S.S. No. 3


Dec. 31st

M. P. Doyle ─ surplus to S.S. No. 3


Dec. 31st

S. Evans ─ surplus to S.S. No. 12



Balance on hand











Assets and Liabilities ─ 31st of December 1895






Two mortgages of $2200.00 and $540.00



One debenture of S.S. No. 2



One debenture of S.S. No. 9



Eleven debentures of Guelph & Ontario Investment & Saving Society



Cash on hand












One school to pay









To the Municipal Council of Puslinch:


This is to certify that we have, this day, audited the accounts of the Township of Puslinch, up to and including December 31st 1895, have compared vouchers with payments made, have examined the different assets, and find the same quite correct, as per the Treasurer’s books and statements.


R. B. Morison & John A. McDonald ─ auditors

Aberfoyle, February 1st 1896.






Municipality of Puslinch

March 9th 1896.


Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met in the Council Room, at Aberfoyle, on Monday March 9th at 10:00 o’ clock a.m.  The members were all present, the Reeve in the chair.  The minutes of the last meeting were read and sustained.



Moved by Mr. McKenzie, seconded by Mr. Hume, that a bylaw to appoint overseers of highways, fence-viewers, and pound-keepers be now introduced and read a first and second time.



Moved by Mr. McKenzie, seconded by Mr. Gilchrist, that the bylaw appointing overseers of highways, fence-viewers, and pound-keepers be numbered 339 and read a third time and passed.



Moved by Mr. McKenzie, seconded by Mr. Gilchrist, that the following accounts be passed and ordered to be paid, namely, the accounts of John Kennedy, Guelph, for sewer pipe ─ $8.72, and Allan McIntyre for 3 cords of wood ─ $8.70.







Moved by Mr. Gilchrist, seconded by Mr. McKenzie, that as the City Clerk of the City of Toronto has referred to the Municipal Council of Puslinch a draft bill entitled “The Municipal Fire Insurance Act” to enable municipalities to establish and provide for Municipal Bureaus of Fire Insurance, to insure rate-payers of such municipalities against loss by fire, and to provide for, regulate, and govern such Bureaus of Insurance, that the Council does approve of the principles of the said bill and would be pleased to see the Legislative Assembly pass a general act founded on the principles of the said draft bill, and that copies of this motion be forwarded John Mutrie, Esq., M.P.P., and to John Blevius, City Clerk, Toronto.



Moved by Mr. McKenzie, seconded by Mr. Gilchrist, that the Council does now adjourn, to meet again on Tuesday May 26th at 10:00 o’ clock a.m., then to sit as a Court of Revision, and afterward, for general business.


(signed by) Allan Stewart ─ Reeve

May 26th 1896.





The Municipality of Puslinch

May 26th 1896.


Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met in the Council Room, at Aberfoyle, on Tuesday May 26th, at 10:00 o’ clock a.m.  The members were all present, namely Messrs. Allan Stewart ─ Reeve, Peter McKenzie ─ Deputy-Reeve, and John Gilchrist, James Hume, and Angus Stewart, Councillors, and being duly sworn, constituted as a Court of Revision, the Reeve in the chair. 


The following list of appeals were heard and determined, namely, the appeals of Chas. and Robert Vanfleet, George W. Leslie, James Cook, Francis McDonald, William Jackson, Jacob Fritz, Mrs. Thomas Robertson, and D. C. Campbell, each to have their dog struck off the Roll, were granted.  Charles Granger, assessed for bitch, assessment confirmed.  Daniel McNaughton appealed against over assessment of Aberfoyle Creamery, at $550.00, assessment reduced to $500.00; Thomas D. Day, against over assessment of Aberfoyle Mill property, at $3200.00, assessment confirmed; Joseph Myres (possibly Myers), against over assessment of Lots 11 & 12, front of the 5th Concession, 170 acres, $3700.00 assessment, assessment confirmed; John McCormick, against over assessment of Lot 16, front of 2nd Concession, 100 acres, at $2600.00, reduced to $2500.00.  The assessment of Lot 2 in the 11th Concession was transferred from the assessment of James Love to Hugh Wharton.  The assessment of Lot 17, rear of the 8th Concession, 55 acres, was transferred from the assessment of Neil Black to Robert Marshall.


Moved by Mr. McKenzie, seconded by Mr. Gilchrist that the assessment Roll, as now revised, be and is hereby confirmed.






Immediately after Revision, the Council resumed ordinary business.  The minutes of the last meeting were read and sustained.  Instructions were issued to Pathmasters who were present, and mailed to those who were absent.  The tender of Mr. B. Falconbridge for the season’s pasture of the Hall grounds was accepted.



On motion of Messrs. Hume and McPherson, Donald C. Campbell was appointed overseer of Road Division No. 103, in place of William H. Ross.



Moved by Mr. Gilchrist, seconded by Mr. McPherson, that Bylaw No. 339 be amended so as to authorize E. A. Panabaker, John McAninch, John Eggert, W. W. Ball, and Joseph Miller to perform their statute labour on the accommodation road, between the south corner of Mr. Ball’s lot and Barbers corner, and that E. A. Panabaker be and is hereby appointed overseer.



Moved by Mr. McKenzie, seconded by Mr. Gilchrist, that the following accounts be passed and ordered to be paid, namely, the accounts of Archibald Currie for gravel ─ $6.35, Innes & Davidson for Pathmasters schedules and printing ─ $4.40, Wm. Foster for cutting firewood ─ $1.50, James Mason for repairing gate ─ 50 cents, Robert Little for conveying one indigent to the House of Industry ─ $3.00, W. J. Ellis for repairing wash-out at Lot 1 in the 2nd Concession ─ $3.50, and the Corporation of Guelph Township for share of work on boundary line ─ $3.00.







Moved by Mr. McKenzie, seconded by Mr. McPherson that the following petitions be referred to the respective Standing Road & Bridge Committees, namely, the petition of Robert McFarlane and others, James McCartney and others, John A. Cockburn and others, John Laing and others, John Grant and others, John Swartzenberger and others, Reverend Robert Watt and others, Arthur Byrnes and others, William Nicoll and others, Isaac Hume and others, Wm. J. Laing and others, Walter McWilliams and others, Donald Stewart and others, Thomas Cooper and others, Fred Bartels and others, Wm. Paddock and others, Wm. Moran and others, John W. Gilchrist and others, and E. A. Panabaker and others.


The Council adjourned, to meet again on Monday June 1st, at 6 o’ clock p.m.


(signed by) Allan Stewart ─ Reeve

June 1st 1896.






The Municipality of Puslinch

June 1st 1896.


Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met in the Council Room, at Aberfoyle, on Monday June 1st, at 6 o’ clock p.m.  The members were present, except Mr. Hume, the Reeve in the chair.  The minutes of the last meeting were read and sustained.



Petitions from A. Munroe and others, A. McDonald and others, and Thomas Bedford and others were presented, read, and referred to the respective Standing Road & Bridge Committees.



Moved by Mr. McKenzie, seconded by Mr. McPherson, that the following accounts be passed and ordered to be paid, namely, the accounts of Donald McGeachy for building a culvert on the Beverly Townline ─ $2.00 and Samuel Smith for building a culvert at Lot 21 in the 3rd Concession ─ $2.00.






The Standing Road & Bridge Committees, having inspected roads and bridges in their respective divisions, reported, recommending the following expenditures:

Western Division:


On sideline between Lots 10 & 11 in the Gore ─ $15.00


On the 1st Concession at Lot 1 ─ $40.00


On the 2nd Concession, repairing sinkholes at Lake ─ $25.00


On the 2nd Concession at Lot 8 ─ $40.00


On the sideline between Lots 10 & 11 in the 2nd Concession ─ $20.00


On the sideline between Lots 10 & 11 in the 3rd Concession ─ $40.00


For cutting hill at the schoolhouse of Section 12 ─ $25.00


On the 7th Concession at Lots 4 & 5 ─ $40.00


In regard to the petition of Angus Stewart and others, in re-opening the sideline between Lots 20 & 21 in the 2nd Concession, we cannot in the meantime recommend any action.


Your committee has instructed M. P. Doyle to build a new culvert at Lot 11 in the 5th Concession, as the old one is washed out.


All of which is respectively submitted,

(signed) John Gilchrist & Angus McPherson ─ committee






Standing Road & Bridge Committee ─ Eastern Division:


For building bridge at Lot 19 in the 9th Concession ─ $15.00


For cutting hill on the 9th Concession at Lot 23 ─ $45.00


For cutting hill on the 9th Concession at Lot 33 ─ $70.00


For cutting hill on the 9th Concession at Lot 15 ─ $45.00


For grading the sideline between Lots 6 & 7 in the 8th Concession ─ $17.00


For grading in the 11th Concession at Lot 35 ─ $15.00


For cutting hill on sideline between Lots 10 & 11 in the 9th Con. ─ $20.00


For cutting on the 11th Concession at Lot 14 ─ $15.00


For cutting hill on sideline between Lots 15 & 16 in the 10th Con. ─ $25.00


For cutting hill at Lot 27 in the 7th Concession ─ $25.00


With regard to the petition of John Laing and others, your committee recommends that no action be taken.


With respect to the petition of Reverend Robert Watt and others, your committee considers that a culvert will be necessary for the proper drainage of the locality, but until the parties interested make a proper outlet, a culvert would be of no value.


For grading sideline between Lots 30 & 31 in the 8th Concession ─ $25.00


For repairing hill on the 11th Concession at Lot 37 ─ $5.00



Moved by Mr. McKenzie, seconded by Mr. Gilchrist, that the reports of the Standing Road & Bridge Committees be received and adopted.


The Council adjourned, to meet again on Monday July 13th at 2 o’ clock p.m.


(signed) Allan Stewart ─ Reeve

July 13th 1896.






The Municipality of Puslinch

July 13th 1896.


Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met in the Council Room, at Aberfoyle, on Monday July 13th at 2 o’ clock p.m.  The members were all present, the Reeve in the chair.  The minutes of the last meeting were read and sustained.



Moved by Mr. McKenzie, seconded by Mr. Hume, that the communication of Walter Buchanan re bridge on the 6th Concession be referred to the Standing Road & Bridge Committee ─ Western Division



Moved by Mr. Hume, seconded by Mr. Gilchrist, that Messrs. McKenzie and McPherson be a committee to call for tenders to fence the Show Grounds according to agreement with the Agricultural Society.



Moved by Mr. McKenzie, seconded by Mr. Hume, that the taxes charged against the east corner of Dundas and Mill Streets, Lot 4, Aberfoyle, for the years 1893 and 1894 be cancelled, and that the Clerk notify the County Treasurer of the same.



An influential deputation of Guelph citizens appeared before the Council, zealously advocating the claim of the Guelph Fat Stock Show to support from the Municipality of Puslinch.  The Council, after hearing the deputation, agreed to contribute their usual quota to the show.







Moved by Mr. McKenzie, seconded by Mr. Hume, that the following accounts be passed and ordered to be paid, namely, the accounts of Hugh Reid for 30 yards of gravel ─ $1.50, Mrs. McKenzie, of Nassagaweya for 39 yards of gravel ─ $1.95, Arthur Byrne for gravelling at Lots 10 & 11 in the 8th Concession ─  $8.00, William Maltby for labour between Lots 15 & 16 in the 7th Concession ─ $5.00, Capel Reeve for repairing culvert at Lot 1 in the 2nd Concession ─ $1.00, Thos. Barrett for 120 yards of gravel ─ $6.00, damage to wheat ─ 75 cents, John Douglas for 100 yards of gravel ─ $5.00, Frederick Brickel for building culvert at Lot 14 in the 4th Concession ─ $7.00, William Steffler for 40 yards of gravel ─ $2.00, Thos. Bedford for building culvert at Lot 10 in the 5th Concession ─ $4.00, for gravelling ─ $4.40, George Scott for repairing two culverts at Lots 10 & 11 in the Gore ─ $5.74, Innes & Davidson for printing and advertising ─ $33.50, H. Gummer for advertising ─ $6.40, Hart & Riddell for Register for Births, Marriages, & Deaths ─ $5.00, Hugh Currie for 100 yards of gravel ─ $5.00, and William Jackson for removing stones at Lot 1 in the 7th Concession ─ $2.00


The Council adjourned, to meet again on Monday Aug. 24th, at 10 o’ clock a.m.


(signed by) Allan Stewart ─ Reeve

August 24th 1896.






The Municipality of Puslinch

August 24th 1896.


Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met in the Council Room, at Aberfoyle, on Monday August 24th at 10:00 o’ clock a.m.  The members were all present, the Reeve in the chair.  The minutes of the last meeting were read and sustained.



Moved by Mr. McKenzie, seconded by Mr. Hume, that a bylaw be now introduced to tax the township for county, school, and municipal purposes for the current year, and that it be now read a first and second time.



Moved by Mr. McKenzie, seconded by Mr. Hume, that the bylaw to tax the township for county, school, and municipal purposes be numbered 309, read a third time, and passed.



Moved by Mr. McKenzie, seconded by Mr. Gilchrist, that the following accounts be passed and ordered to be paid, namely, the accounts of Edward Keenan for cutting brush on Guelph Townline ─ $4.00, and for ditching ─ $2.00, Alexr Fleming for work at Lots 15 & 16 in the 9th Concession ─ 50 cents, Alexr McEdward for building a culvert at Lot 36 in the 10th Concession ─ $3.00, S. & G. Penfold for 2 rod scrapers ─ $16.00, Hugh Watson for replacing bridge at Lot 36 in the 10th Concession ─ $2.00, Dr. Hilliard for examination in lunacy ─ $4.00, Dr. Howitt for examination in lunacy ─ $4.00, M. P. Doyle for tile culvert and grading ─ $6.00, Jas. Campbell for work on Hall grounds and for repairing Hall door lock ─ $3.25, W. B. Telford, V.S., for diagnosing and reporting the nature of a disease in certain cattle ─ $1.00, Wm. Aikens for repairing Glennie’s bridge ─ $1.50, and Jas. Land for 20 yards of gravel ─ $1.00.







Moved by Mr. McPherson, seconded by Mr. Hume, that the petition presented by George W. Leslie and others, re slaughtering cattle affected by a contagious disease to prevent it from spreading, be laid over for further consideration.



Moved by Mr. Gilchrist, seconded by Mr. McKenzie, that in response to a communication from the municipal clerk of Guelph, the Reeve and Councillors Gilchrist, Hume, and McPherson be a committee to meet the Reeve and Deputy-Reeve of Guelph, on the boundary line at Gordon hill on Friday, the 11th day of September, at 2 o’ clock p.m.


The Council adjourned, to meet again on Monday October 5th at 2 o’ clock p.m.


(signed by) Allan Stewart ─ Reeve

October 5th 1896.






The Municipality of Puslinch

September 28th 1896.


Pursuant to intimation from the Reeve, the Council met in Special Session at the Council Room, at Aberfoyle, on Monday September 28th at 7 o’ clock p.m., members present A. Stewart ─ Reeve, P. McKenzie ─ Deputy-Reeve, J. Gilchrist and A. McPherson ─ Councillors, the Reeve in the chair.  The Reeve, addressing the Council, said that the bridge over Mill Creek, near Killean, has become unsafe for public traffic and must either be renewed or a more substantial one built in its place.  The Council considered that the primitive structure has been a continual bill of expense to the municipality and should give place to a bridge of modern construction.


Moved by Mr. McKenzie, seconded by Mr. Gilchrist that the Reeve, together with the Standing Road & Bridge Committee ─ Western Division, be and is hereby authorized to take immediate steps to build a new bridge over Mill Creek at Killean.      


(signed by) Allan Stewart ─ Reeve

October 5th 1896.






The Municipality of Puslinch

October 5th 1896.


Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met in the Council Room, at Aberfoyle, on Monday October 5th at 2 o’ clock p.m.  The members were all present, the Reeve in the chair.  The minutes of the last regular and the special meeting were read and sustained.



Moved by Mr. Hume, seconded by Mr. McKenzie, that the Collector be and is hereby instructed to remit $1.00 dog tax to Duncan Campbell, of Corwhin.



Moved by Mr. McPherson, seconded by Mr. Gilchrist, that the petition of D. C. Campbell and others be referred to the Standing Road & Bridge Committee ─ Eastern Division.







Moved by Mr. McKenzie, seconded by Mr. Gilchrist, that the following accounts be passed and ordered to be paid, namely, the accounts of Archibald Marshall for building a culvert at Lot 35 in the 7th Concession ─ $5.50, John Rudel for 75 yards of gravel supplied to Road Division No. 49 ─ $3.75, John Cook for repairing bridge at Lot 3 in the 10th Concession ─ 50 cents, John Laing for gravel ─ 40 cents, Innes & Davidson for printing and advertising ─ $6.00, John Kennedy for sewer pipe ─ $48.38, Mrs. Stewart for gravel at Lot 30 in the 10th Concession ─ $2.25, N. Hunter for 560 feet of cedar ─ $6.16, Donald McMillan for repairing culvert at Lots 15 & 16, Gore ─ $3.00, Allan McIntyre for repairing roots shed windows ─ $1.35, and James Land for gravel ─ $2.00.



Moved by Mr. McKenzie, seconded by Mr. Gilchrist, that in regard to the petition of George W. Leslie and others, laid over from last meeting, no action be taken.


The Council adjourned, to meet again on Monday November 16th 1896, at 10:00 o’ clock a.m.

(signed by) Allan Stewart ─ Reeve

November 16th 1896.






The Municipality of Puslinch

November 16th 1896.


Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met in the Council Room, at Aberfoyle, on Monday November 16th, at 10:00 o’ clock a.m.  The members were all present, the Reeve in the chair.  The minutes of the last meeting were read and sustained.



Moved by Mr. Gilchrist, seconded by Mr. McPherson, that a bylaw to determine the time and place for nominating and electing Reeve, Deputy-Reeve, and three Councillors, and to appoint Deputy-Returning Officers for the year 1897 be now introduced and read a first and second time.



Moved by Mr. McKenzie, seconded by Mr. Gilchrist, that the bylaw to determine the time and place for nominating and electing Reeve, Deputy-Reeve, and three Councillors, and to appoint Deputy-Returning Officers, be numbered 341, read a third time, and passed.



Moved by Mr. Gilchrist, seconded by Mr. McPherson, that the Clerk be and is hereby instructed to communicate with Mr. A. W. Campbell, C. E., Provincial Road Instructor, with a view of getting him to address the ratepayers of the township on the subject of road making.



Moved by Mr. McKenzie, seconded by Mr. Gilchrist, that the Collector be instructed to remit one dollar dog tax to each of the following parties, namely, John R. Dickson, James McLean, Alexander McAllister, James Mason, James Hanning, Donald Hanning, Peter Hume, James Anderson, David Gordon, and Mrs. Duncan Stewart.







Moved by Mr. McKenzie, seconded by Mr. Hume, that the following accounts be passed and ordered to be paid, namely, the accounts of James Black for 85 yards of gravel supplied to the Beverly Townline ─ $4.25, Neil Campbell for 80 yards of gravel at Lot 27 in the 11th Concession ─ $4.00, Neil Campbell for five days shovelling gravel ─ $5.60, Guelph Township for one half of expenditure on Townline at Gordon’s Hill ─ $11.75, Louis Kribs for 24 yards of gravel ─ $1.20, Andrew Scott for 112 yards of gravel supplied to Pathmaster ─ $5.60, Galt Reformer (newspaper) for advertising Killean Bridge ─ $3.00, William Foster for repairing fence and closets on Hall grounds ─ $4.50, Malcolm Kennedy for 140 yards of gravel at Lot 34 in the 10th Concession ─ $7.00, John I. Hobson for grant to the Guelph Fat Cattle Show ─ $25.00, John Davidson Insurance assessment ─ $9.91, John Smith for 8 quires of Collector’s receipts ─ $4.20, and B. Falconbridge for postage and sundries ─ $16.92.


The Council adjourned, to meet again on Tuesday Dec. 15th at 10 o’ clock a.m.


(signed by) Allan Stewart ─ Reeve






The Municipality of Puslinch

December 15th 1896.


Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met in the Council Room, at Aberfoyle, on Tuesday December 15th, at 10:00 o’ clock a.m.  The members were all present, the Reeve in the chair.  The minutes of the last meeting were read and sustained.



Moved by Mr. McKenzie, seconded by Mr. Hume, that the Municipal Treasurer be and is hereby authorized to pay all monies collected under bylaw for general school purposes, together with the statutory requirements from the general funds of the township, to the Secretary-Treasurer of each Board of School Trustees, and that the Reeve place his order for payment of the increment of the Municipal Loan Fund, $40.00, to each section, except Section No. 3, which has two schools, giving $20.00 to each school.



Moved by Mr. McKenzie, seconded by Mr Hume, that the Bond furnished by the Municipal Treasurer to the Reeve and Council be accepted and that the Clerk be instructed to have it registered.



Moved by Mr. Hume, seconded by Mr. Gilchrist, that in regard to the account presented by Dr. W. L. Hilliard for medical attendance on Mrs. Frederick Hewer and James Nicoll that no action be taken by the Council.



Moved by Mr. Hume, seconded by Mr. McPherson, that the time for collecting taxes for 1896 be and is hereby extended to the first day of February 1897.







Moved by Mr. McKenzie, seconded by Mr. Gilchrist, that the annual financial statement of the Treasurer be received and adopted, and that the Clerk get 200 copies thereof printed for distribution to ratepayers.



Moved by Mr. McKenzie, seconded by Mr. Gilchrist, that Allan McIntyre be paid the sum of $6.60, and William Brown, the sum of $3.60, refund of statute labour tax charged on Collector’s Roll for their respective divisions.



Moved by Mr. McKenzie, seconded by Mr. McPherson, that the following accounts be passed and ordered to be paid, namely, the accounts of Alexr Fleming for repairing culvert at Lots 15 & 16 in the 9th Concession ─ $4.00, Walter Cowan for advertising impounded sheep ─ $1.00, John Ross for removing stone from road at Lot 10 in the 2nd Concession ─ $1.50, annual expenses of Local Board of Health ─ $20.00, Sanitary Inspector’s account ─ $38.00, Hugh McDiarmid for 2 culverts at Lots 20 & 21 in the 7th Concession ─ $3.00, James A. Black for gravel ─ $1.65, Allan McDiarmid for 2 culverts at Lot 25 in the 11th Concession ─ $5.00, and with regard to the accounts of Andrew Munroe and Hugh Campbell for attendance on and burial of the late Donald McDonald, we recommend that the account be laid over for further information.






On motion, the Reeve vacated the chair and the Deputy-Reeve occupied it.  Moved by Mr. Hume, seconded by Mr. McPherson that a cordial vote of thanks be tendered to the Reeve for the courteous, able, and impartial manner in which he presided over the deliberations of the Council during the current year.


The Reeve responded, thanking the Council for the expression of their confidence, and said that it was a pleasant duty to preside over men whose only desire was to cheerfully perform every duty devolving upon them in the interest of the municipality.  He thanked the officers of the Council for the diligent and careful attention given by them to their share of municipal business.  He was always of the opinion that no man should monopolize the office of Reeve for a lengthy period of time, and in accordance with that opinion, it is his intention to step down and out, to make room for some new aspirant.  There are many eligible and efficient men in the municipality to fill the office of Reeve.


The Council adjourned, to meet again on Monday Dec. 28th at 10 o’ clock a.m.


(signed by) Allan Stewart ─ Reeve

December 28th 1896.






The Municipality of Puslinch

December 28th 1896.


Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met in the Council Room, at Aberfoyle, on Monday December 28th, at 10:00 o’ clock a.m.  The members were all present, the Reeve in the chair.  The minutes of the last meeting were read and sustained.



Moved by Mr. McKenzie, seconded by Mr. Gilchrist, that the following accounts be passed and ordered to be paid, namely, the accounts of Hugh Campbell for funeral expenses of Donald McDonald ─ $10.00, Andrew Munroe for attendance and necessaries supplied to Donald McDonald ─ $2.00, expenses of City Ambulance to convey McDonald to Guelph General Hospital ─ $5.00, John Cook for lumber to repair bridge at Lot 2 in the 10th Concession ─ $1.50, John McPhatter for gravel and repairing culvert on Beverly Townline ─ $5.00, of which the Corporation of Beverly is entitled to pay one half.



Moved by Mr. Gilchrist, seconded by Mr. Hume, that the Collector be instructed to remit the $1.00 dog tax each to Peter Steffler and John Tolton.


The Council adjourned, sine die.


(signed by) James Scott ─ Reeve

January 11th 1897.






The Municipality of Puslinch


Municipal election held on January 4th 1897.


For Reeve


No. 1

No. 2

No. 3

No. 4

No. 5



McLean, Peter








Scott, James










For Councillors


No. 1

No. 2

No. 3

No. 4

No. 5



Gilchrist, John








McKenzie, Archibald








McPherson, Angus








Panabaker, Samuel








Scott, John








Welsh, John










Mr. James Hume ─ Deputy-Reeve ─ elected by acclamation



Aberfoyle, January 5th 1897.

James McLean ─ Municipal Clerk


(Initialled) J.M.L.






The Municipality of Puslinch

January 11th 1897.


The inaugural meeting of the Council was held in the Council Room, at Aberfoyle, on Monday January 11th, at 11:00 o’ clock a.m.  The members were all present, namely, Messrs. James Scott ─ Reeve, James Hume ─ Deputy-Reeve, and John Gilchrist, Archibald McKenzie, and Angus McPherson ─ Councillors, and having made and subscribed the declaration of qualification and office, they took their respective seats at the Council Board.  The minutes of the last meeting were read and sustained.



The Reeve nominated and appointed Mr. Richard B. Morison for auditor, and the Council, on motion, appointed Mr. John A. McDonald as auditor.



Moved by Mr. Hume, seconded by Mr. McKenzie, that a bylaw to appoint a Local Board of Health and a Sanitary Inspector be now introduced and read a first and second time.



Moved by Mr. Gilchrist, seconded by Mr. McPherson, that Messrs. Hume and McKenzie be and are hereby appointed a Standing Road & Bridge Committee for that portion of the township lying and being east of the 7th Concession line and the Gore line between Lots 30 & 31, and that Messrs. Gilchrist and McPherson be and are hereby appointed a Standing Road & Bridge Committee for that portion of the township lying and being west of the said described line.



Moved by Mr. McPherson, seconded by Mr. Gilchrist, that the bylaw to appoint a Local Board of Health and a Sanitary Inspector be numbered 342, read a third time, and passed.







Moved by Mr. McKenzie, seconded by Mr. McPherson, that the Treasurer be and is hereby instructed to invest the surplus of the Municipal Loan Fund, in his hand, in debentures of the Guelph & Ontario Saving Society, and to re-invest all other debentures maturing during the year in the said society.



Moved by Mr. Hume, seconded by Mr. Gilchrist, that the following accounts be passed and ordered to be paid, namely, the clerk’s account for election expenses ─ $43.00 and for express and stage charges ─ 80 cents, Marshall Ferguson for filling at Killean bridge ─ $1.00, A. J. McPherson, Civil Engineer, for preparing specifications and inspecting building of Killean bridge ─ $12.00, Guelph Township refund on one half of damage sustained by D. McLeod by overflow of water from boundary line at Gordon’s hill ─ $2.60, the Clerk for registering the Treasurer’s bond ─ $1.40, Christian Becker for boarding an indigent man for four days ─ $2.80 and for stage fare to Guelph ─ 40 cents.  The account of Robert Sims and the communication from the civil engineer are laid over for further orders.


The Council adjourned, to meet again on Monday Feb. 8th, at 10 o’ clock a.m.


(signed by) James Scott ─ Reeve

February 7th 1897.






Municipality of Puslinch

February 8th 1897.


Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met in the Council Room, at Aberfoyle, on Monday February 8th, at 10:00 o’ clock a.m.  The members were all present, the Reeve in the chair.  The minutes of the last meeting were read and sustained. 



Moved by Mr. Gilchrist, seconded by Mr. Hume that the auditors report, now read, be received, adopted, and engrossed.



Moved by Mr. McPherson, seconded by Mr. McKenzie that the action of the Reeve in settling the adjusted account of Robert Sims and the iron bridge concept, laid over at last meeting, be approved and sustained.



Moved by Mr. Gilchrist, seconded by Mr. McPherson that James Campbell be and is hereby re-appointed caretaker of the Township Hall and grounds for the current year, and until his successor is appointed, and that his salary shall be $25.00 per annum and perquisites.  His duties shall be cleaning, heating, and lighting the Hall and Council Room for all municipal purposes such as Council, Agriculture, Judicial, Insurance, and Political meetings, and to cut down all noxious weeds growing on the Hall grounds.  The caretaker may grant the free use of the Hall to any Christian denomination for religious services.  To parties requiring the use of the Hall for concerts, lectures, or socials, he shall let it for $2.00 per day or night, as the case may be, and to parties requiring it for self interest or gain, for $4.00 per day or night.  The caretaker shall be entitled to retain 25 per cent of all monies required as Hall hire for his own benefit, the balance he shall, at the time being, deposit with the Treasurer.







Moved by Mr. Gilchrist, seconded by Mr. Hume, that the Reeve issue his order in favour of Messrs. Morison and McDonald, auditors, the sum of $10.00.



Moved by Mr. Hume, seconded by Mr. Gilchrist, that the following accounts be passed and ordered to be paid, namely, the accounts of Innes & Davidson for printing ─ $10.00, Hart & Riddell for blank stationery ─ $11.23, Mr. James Heron for digging grave for the late D. McDonald ─ $2.00, George D. Stratton for quarantine service in a case of diphtheria in Morriston ─ $10.40, Dr. Hilliard for inspection of contagious disease ─ $4.00, and John Smith for advertising for payment of taxes ─ 75 cents.



Moved by Mr. McKenzie, seconded by Mr. Hume, that the Collector be instructed to refund $2.16 to Michael and Thomas Welsh, being a surcharge of their school tax.



Moved by Mr. McPherson, seconded by Mr. McKenzie, that the Collector be and is hereby authorized to collect arrears of the taxes for 1896, if need be, by distress.


The Council adjourned, to meet again on Monday March 8th, at 10 o’ clock a.m.


(signed by) James Scott ─ Reeve

March 8th 1897.






The Municipality of Puslinch

March 8th 1897.


Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met in the Council Room, at Aberfoyle, on Monday March 8th, at 10:00 o’ clock a.m.  The members were all present, the Reeve in the chair.  The minutes of the last meeting were read and sustained.  Mr. Watt, of Messrs. Guthrie, Watt, and Guthrie, presented a bylaw to stop up and sell a part of the original allowance for road between the townships of Puslinch and Guelph, and asked the Council to read it a first and second time.  The Reeve read a petition, signed by the executors of the late Alfred Howitt, W. E. May, A. R. Cunningham, and John M. Eagle, against stopping and selling the said original road allowance.



Moved by Mr. McKenzie, seconded by Mr. McPherson, that the bylaw for stopping up a part of the original allowance for road between the townships of Puslinch and Guelph be not read now, but laid over and referred to a committee of the whole Council, to investigate and report at a future meeting.



Moved by Mr. Gilchrist, seconded by Mr. Hume, that a bylaw to appoint overseers of highways, fence-viewers, and pound-keepers, for the current year, be now introduced and read a first and second time.



Moved by Mr. Gilchrist, seconded by Mr. McPherson, that the bylaw appointing overseers of highways, fence-viewers, and pound-keepers be numbered 343, read a third time, and passed.



Moved by Mr. Hume, seconded by Mr. Gilchrist, that the Reeve issue his order for $30.50, in favour of Henry Keleher, for board, medicine, and attendance on Robert Wilson, a sick indigent person.







Moved by Mr. McPherson, seconded by Mr. Gilchrist, that the Reeve issue his order in favour of Jas. Campbell, caretaker, for $1.00, being his percentage of Hall rents paid to the Treasurer by Col. Nicoll.



Moved by Mr. McPherson, seconded by Mr. McKenzie, that the petition of James Laird and others be laid over for further information.



Moved by Mr. McPherson, seconded by Mr. Gilchrist, that all parties requiring grants for road improvement will please take notice that all petitions for grants must be presented on or before the 26th day of May in order to have due consideration from Council.  After the 26th day of May, no petition, except in a case of emergency, will be considered.



Moved by Mr. Gilchrist, seconded by Mr. Hume, that the Council adjourn, to meet again on Wednesday May 26th, then to sit as a Court of Revision, and after Revision, for general business.


(signed by) James Scott ─ Reeve

May 26th 1897.






Township Accounts for 1896.




Jan. 1st

Balance on hand per auditors report


Jan. 3rd

J. Smith, Collector of taxes for 1895


Jan. 7th

J. Smith, Collector of taxes for 1895


Jan. 16th

J. Smith, Collector of taxes for 1895


Jan. 18th

J. Smith, Collector of taxes for 1895


Jan. 23rd

J. Smith, Collector of taxes for 1895


Jan. 30th

J. Smith, Collector of taxes for 1895


Feb. 5th

J. Smith, Collector of taxes for 1895


Feb. 10th

P. Falconbridge ─ rent of Hall for 1895


Feb. 10th

J. Smith, Collector of taxes for 1895


Feb. 17th

J. Smith, Collector of taxes for 1895


Mar. 19th

J. Campbell ─ rent of Hall


Apr. 10th

J. Smith, Collector of taxes for 1895


May 26th

B. Falconbridge ─ rent of Hall grounds


June 19th

W. S. Cowan ─ final distribution of license fund 1895-96


June 19th

W. S. Cowan ─ final distribution of license fund 1896-97


June 19th

W. Reynolds ─ grant from county


July 2nd

Wm. Reynolds ─ Legislative grant to schools


July 2nd

Traders Bank ─ interest on open account


July 2nd

Traders Bank ─ Saving interest on special deposit


Aug. 22nd

J. Campbell ─ rent of Hall







Oct. 14th

J. Campbell ─ rent of Hall


Oct. 14th

J. Smith ─ Collector of taxes for 1896


Nov. 3rd

J. Smith ─ Collector of taxes for 1896


Nov. 5th

J. Gilchrist ─ proceeds of sale of old bridge, Killean


Nov. 6th

Traders Bank Saving Township purposes


Nov. 16th

J. Smith, Collector ─ $160.00, Nov. 25th ─ $120.00


Dec. 2nd

J. Smith, Collector ─ $450.00, Dec. 7th ─ $570.00


Dec. 7th

Traders Bank interest ─ $24.14, Special ─ $12.33


Dec. 9th

J. Smith, Collector ─ $606.00, Dec. 10th ─ $420.00


Dec. 12th

J. Smith, Collector of taxes for 1896


Dec. 14th

Balance due Treasurer













Jan. 10th

J. S. Patterson for culvert at Lot 21, Concession 7


Jan. 15th

Innes & Davidson for printing


Jan. 20th

Wm. Reynolds on county rates


Jan. 20th

J. McLean for election expenses


Jan. 22nd

J. McLean for registering births, marriages, & deaths


Feb. 6th

Wm. Reynolds in full of county rates for 1895


Feb. 10th

R. B. Morison, auditor ─ $5.00, J. A. McDonald, auditor ─ $5.00


Feb. 29th

Municipal grant to trustees


Mar. 9th

D. McIntosh for repairing Killean bridge


Mar. 9th

T. Aikens ─ timber for Killean bridge


Mar. 9th

A. McIntyre ─ wood for township Hall


Mar. 15th

P. Falconbridge ─ salary as caretaker for 1895


Mar. 28th

Hart & Riddell ─ municipal stationery


Mar. 28th

J. Lennie ─ as an equivalent to school grant


Mar. 31st

J. Kennedy ─ sewer pipe for culvert


Apr. 10th

J. Smith, Collector ─ his salary


May 5th

D. Martin ─ building bridge at Lots 30 & 31, 10th Conc.


May 26th

R. Little ─ conveying W. Simmons to House of Industry


May 26th

A. Currie ─ gravel for township purposes


May 26th

J. Mason ─ repairing gates at Hall grounds


May 26th

Wm. Foster ─ cutting wood for Hall


May 26th

W. J. Ellis ─ repairing washout at Lot 1, 2nd Concession


May 26th

J. E. McLean, Assessor ─ his salary for 1896


June 1st

S. Smith ─ building culvert at Lot 21, 3rd Concession


June 1st

D. McGeachy ─ building culvert on Beverly Line







June 17th

Innes & Davidson printing account


June 17th

J. McCorkindale ─ repairs on Guelph Line


July 2nd

Traders Bank Saving a deposit


July 2nd

George Evans ─ cutting hill at Lot 14, 11th Concession


July 4th

D. Martin ─ grading hill at Lot 35, 10th Concession


July 4th

J. Foley ─ cutting hill at Lot 24, 9th Concession


July 10th

J. A. Ord ─ overseeing work at Lot 24, 9th Concession


July 13th

H. Reid ─ gravel for township purposes


July 13th

Mrs. A. McKenzie ─ gravel at Lots 20 & 21, Concessions 10 & 11.


July 13th

J. Douglas ─ gravel at Lot 22, 2nd Concession


July 13th

H. Currie ─ gravel for township purposes


July 13th

D. Holm ─ gravel at Lot 6, 3rd Concession


July 13th

T. Barrett ─ gravel and surface damage, 2nd Concession


July 13th

W. Steffler ─ 40 yards of gravel, Lot 2, 7th Concession


July 13th

Thomas Bedford ─ 88 yards of gravel, Lot 10, 5th Conc.


July 13th

G. Metcalf ─ superintending work, Lots 10 & 11, 5th Con.


July 13th

W. Maltby ─ labour between Lots 15 & 16, 7th Conc.


July 13th

T. Moran ─ repairing sinkhole at lake


July 13th

M. Bulger ─ gravelling & cutting hill, Lots 10 & 11, 2nd Concession


July 13th

J. Foley ─ cutting hill, Lots 10 & 11, 10th Concession.


July 13th

F. Brederick ─ building culvert, Lot 14, 4th Conc.


July 13th

C. Reeve ─ repairing culvert, Given Road, 2nd Conc.


July 13th

G. Lamb ─ cutting hill, Lots 15 & 16, 10th Concession


July 13th

P. Cassin ─ filling sinkhole, Lot 15, 9th Concession







July 13th

J. Little ─ superintending gravelling, 3rd Conc.


July 13th

A. Burne ─ gravelling at Lots 6 & 7, 8th Concession


July 13th

P. R. Stewart ─ building bridge at Lot 19, 9th Conc.


July 13th

G. Scott ─ repairing 2 culverts at Lots 10 & 11, Gore


July 13th

R. Burmaster ─ cutting hill & stumping, Lots 10 & 11, Gore


July 13th

F. Bartel ─ spreading gravel at Lots 1 & 2, 1st Concession


July 13th

W. Ellis ─ spreading gravel at outlets


July 13th

M. Ferguson ─ spreading gravel, Lots 10 & 11, Gore


July 13th

W. Paddock ─ spreading gravel at sinkhole, 8th Conc.


July 13th

C. Richardson ─ cutting hill at Lot 23 in the 9th Conc.


July 13th

J. Paddock ─ cutting hill at No. 12 schoolhouse


July 13th

J. Paddock ─ cutting hills, Lots 10 & 11, 3rd & 5th Conc.


July 13th

W. Jackson ─ removing stone at Lot 1, 7th Concession


July 13th

E. Murphy ─ spreading gravel at Lots 10 & 11, 3rd Conc.


July 24th

Innes & Davidson ─ printing & advertising


July 24th

H. Gummer ─ printing & advertising


Aug. 3rd

C. Richardson ─ cutting hill at Lot 27, 7th Concession


Aug. 3rd

W. Moran ─ grading at Lots 10 & 11, 3rd Concession


Aug. 14th

R. Sim ─ cutting hill, Beverly Line, county grant


Aug. 24th

A. McEdward ─ repairing culvert, Lot 36, 10th Conc.


Aug. 24th

H. Watson ─ repairing bridge at Lots 35 & 36, 10th Conc.


Aug. 24th

W. B. Telford, V.S., ─ examining Leslie’s cattle


Aug. 24th

J. A. Howitt ─ examining patient as to lunacy







Aug. 24th

W. L. Hilliard ─ examining patient as to lunacy


Aug. 24th

A. Fleming ─ work at Lots 15 & 16 in the 9th Conc.


Aug. 24th

J. W. Gilchrist ─ superintending contract, Lots 10 & 11, 2nd Concession


Aug. 24th

J. Paddock ─ cutting hill, Lots 10 & 11, 2nd Conc.


Aug. 24th

E. Keenan ─ cutting brush and drain on Guelph line


Aug. 24th

M. Bulger ─ cutting hill, Lots 15 & 16, 2nd Conc.


Aug. 24th

A. McLean ─ work on Beverly Line, county grant


Aug. 24th

S. & G. Penfold ─ 2 steel scrapers


Aug. 26th

Hart & Riddell ─ for B.M.D. Register ( i.e. births, …)


Aug. 26th

A. Ord ─ grading, Lot 30 & cutting hill, Lot 23, 9th Conc.


Aug. 29th

E. Gilchrist ─ overseeing contract, Lots 15 & 16, 2nd Con.


Sept. 1st

W. Aikens ─ repairing bridge over river Speed


Sept. 7th

J. Campbell ─ cutting weeds & repairing locks at Hall


Sept. 10

T. Mason ─ gravelling at Lots 4 & 5 in the 7th Conc.


Sept. 10th

W. Gilmour ─ ditching & culvert at Lot 25, 9th Conc.


Sept. 10th

Trustees of 12 schools ─ Legislative grants 1896


Sept. 10th

M. P. Doyle ─ culvert & grading, Lot 12, 5th Conc.


Oct. 5th

J. J. Chrysler ─ spreading gravel, Lots 15 & 16, 4th Conc.


Oct. 5th

M. Bulger ─ grading & gravelling, Lots 15 & 16, 4th Conc.


Oct. 5th

G. H. Laird ─ spreading gravel, Lots 4 & 5, 7th Conc.


Oct. 5th

H. Currie ─ gravelling at Lots 15 & 16, Gore


Oct. 5th

D. McMillan ─ repairing culvert at Lots 15 & 16, Gore


Oct. 5th

J. Cook ─ repairing bridge at Lot 3 in the 10th Conc.







Oct. 5th

N. Hunter ─ timber for culvert, Lots 15 & 16, Gore


Oct. 5th

J. Barclay ─ laying sewer pipe at Lots 15 & 16, 4th Conc.


Oct 5th

J. Land ─ gravel for township purposes, 2 orders


Oct. 5th

Mrs. D. Stewart ─ gravel for township purposes


Oct. 7th

J. Rudel ─ gravel for Road Division No. 49


Oct. 7th

A. McIntyre ─ repairing roots shed windows


Oct. 7th

Innes & Davidson for printing


Oct. 7th

J. Kennedy ─ sewer pipe for culverts


Oct. 13th

J. Cook ─ superintending work on Beverly Line


Oct. 14th

R. Ord ─ building fence on Hall grounds


Oct. 15th

R. Sim ─ filling sinkhole on Beverly Line


Oct. 17th

J. McLean, Clerk ─ selecting jury lists


Oct 21st

G. Evans ─ drain & cutting hill, Lots 20 & 21, 10th Conc.


Oct. 26th

J. F. McPherson ─ gravelling East Flamboro Line


Oct. 27th

J. Swartzenberger ─ cutting hill at Lot 15, 9th Conc.


Nov. 3rd

J. Laing ─ gravel for township purposes


Nov. 4th

J. Wirsching ─ building piers Killean bridge


Nov. 6th

Trustees of S.S. No. 3 ─ Legislative grant 1896


Nov 16th

J. Dooly ─ repairing wire fence Hall grounds


Nov. 16th

J. Smith for Collector’s receipts


Nov. 16th

W. R. Foster ─ repairing Hall fence and closets


Nov. 16th

J. McLean, Clerk ─ remuneration to Councillors


Nov. 16th

B. Falconbridge ─ coal oil and postage


Nov. 16th

A. Marshall ─ building culvert at Lot 35 in the 7th Conc.


Nov. 16th

P. Moran ─ repairing sideline Lots 15 & 16, 3rd Conc.


Nov. 16th

C. Richardson ─ cutting hill at Lot 33, 9th Conc.


Nov. 16th

E. Murphy ─ culvert at Lot 11 in the 3rd Concession







Nov. 16th

J. S. Patterson ─ building wire fence, Lot 24, 3rd Conc.


Nov. 16th

J. Black ─ gravel for Beverly Line (bonus)


Nov. 16th

M. Kennedy ─ gravel for township purposes


Nov. 16th

L. Kribs ─ 24 yards of gravel


Nov. 16th

E. A. Panabaker ─ superintending work at S.S. No. 12


Nov. 16th

R. Watson ─ superintending work on East Flamboro Line


Nov. 16th

P. R. Stewart ─ superintending at Lot 15, 9th Conc.


Nov. 16th

W. Elliott ─ superintending at Lot 33, 9th Concession, special grant


Nov. 18th

Galt Reformer (newspaper) ─ advertising for tenders ─ Killean bridge


Nov. 21st

J. I. Hobson ─ grant to Guelph Fat Stock Club


Nov. 21st

Treasurer, Guelph Township ─ ditching at Gordon’s hill


Nov. 23rd

A. Scott ─ gravel for township purposes


Nov. 24th

T. Mason ─ building approaches to Killean bridge


Nov. 27th

J. Davidson ─ insurance of Township Hall


Nov. 27th

Neil Campbell ─ for gravel and shovelling


Dec. 7th

Traders Bank savings deposits







Dec. 9th

A. McKenzie ─ school taxes and grant for S.S. No. 10


Dec. 10th

G. L. Laycock ─ school taxes and grant for S.S. No. 4


Dec. 10th

W. R. Cowan ─ school taxes and grant for S.S. No. 9


Dec. 10th

J. McRobbie ─ school taxes and grant for S.S. No. 6


Dec. 10th

J. Lennie ─ school taxes and grant for P.S.S. No. 3


Dec. 10th

G. McGill ─ school taxes and grant for S.S. No. 2


Dec. 10th

C. H. Barrett ─ school taxes and grant for S.S. No. 11


Dec. 10th

S. Evans ─ school taxes and grant for S.S. No. 12


Dec. 10th

J. Murray ─ school taxes and grant for S.S. No. 1


Dec. 12th

J. McLean, Clerk ─ his salary for 1896


Dec. 12th

B. Falconbridge, Treasurer ─ his salary for 1896


Dec. 12th

A. Marshall ─ school taxes and grant for S.S. No. 8











Abstracts of Financial Statements to Dec. 14th 1896






Balance on hand per auditors report



Taxes in full for 1895



Legislative grant to schools






Rent of Hall and grounds






Traders Bank (Saving) withdrawal



Grant from county



Old bridge sold



Taxes on account of 1896



Balance due Treasurer











Abstracts of Financial Statements to Dec. 14th 1896






Roads & bridges



County rates in full for 1895



Election expenses



Legislative grant to schools



Repairs to Hall fencing et cetera



Municipal grant to schools



Traders Bank



Taxes refunded to Protestant S.S. No. 3



Refunded statute labour






Relief and lunacy examinations






Stationery et cetera



Grant to Fat Stock Club



Board of Health veterinary examination






Public school rates & statutory grant











Assets & Liabilities on December 14th 1896






Land, buildings, furniture, et cetera



Cash in Traders Bank



Taxes outstanding






Total amount of Collector’s Roll




Cash received from Collector




Taxes outstanding










Municipal grant to schools



County rate ─ total for 1896



Collector’s salary



Three schools to pay



Balance due Treasurer














Municipal Loan Fund to December 14th 1896





Jan. 1st

Balance on hand per auditors report


Jan. 11th

Guelph & Ontario Saving Society ─ interest on 11 debentures


Jan. 17th

Guelph & Ont. Saving Society ─ interest on 1 debenture


Jan. 22nd

Guelph & Ont. Saving Society ─ for 1 of their debentures


Apr. 11th

Guelph & Ont. Saving Society ─ interest on 6 debentures


Apr. 13th

Interest on certain mortgage


May 9th

Interest on certain mortgage


Apr. 14th

Guelph & Ont. Saving Society ─ for 6 debentures


July 11th

Guelph & Ont. Saving Society ─ interest on debenture


Dec. 10th

G. McGill ─ for debenture S.S. No. 2


Dec. 10th

G. McGill ─ interest on debenture, S.S. No. 2


Dec. 10th

W. R. Cowan ─ 8th instalment ─ debenture ─ S.S. No. 9


Dec. 10th

W. R. Cowan ─ interest on debenture ─ S.S. No. 9











Municipal Loan Fund to December 14th 1896





Jan. 7th

A. McKenzie ─ surplus to S.S. No. 10


Jan. 21st

Guelph & Ont. Saving Society for 1 debenture


Feb. 22nd

Guelph & Ont. Saving Society for 1 debenture


April 14th

Guelph & Ont. Saving Society for 5 debentures


Dec. 14th

Balance on hand












Two mortgages ─ $2200.00 and $540.00



One debenture ─ S.S. No. 9



Eleven debentures ─ Guelph & Ont. Saving Society



Cash on hand












Thirteen schools to pay









(signed by) A. Stewart ─ Reeve

B. Falconbridge ─ Treasurer







Accounts from December 15th to December 31st 1896





Dec. 15th

John Smith, Collector of taxes for 1896


Dec. 17th

John Smith, Collector of taxes for 1896


Dec. 19th

John Smith, Collector of taxes for 1896


Dec. 21st

John Smith, Collector of taxes for 1896


Dec. 26th

John Smith, Collector of taxes for 1896


Dec. 28th

John Smith, Collector of taxes for 1896


Dec. 29th

John Smith, Collector of taxes for 1896


Dec. 30th

John Smith, Collector of taxes for 1896


Dec. 31st

John Smith, Collector of taxes for 1896


Dec. 31st

Balance due Treasurer











Dec. 15th

Balance due Treasurer per statement to Council, this date


Dec. 15th

J. Black ─ gravel for township purposes


Dec. 15th

J. Ross ─ removing stone from given road, 2nd Conc.


Dec. 15th

A. McDiarmid ─ building 2 culverts, Lot 25, 11th Conc.


Dec. 15th

A. Ord ─ building culvert, Lots 15 & 16, 10th Conc.


Dec. 15th

A. Fleming ─ repairing culvert, Lots 15 & 16, 9th Conc.


Dec. 15th

H. McDiarmid ─ building culvert, Lots 20 & 21, 7th Conc.


Dec. 15th

W. Rae ─ filling and grading Beverly Line


Dec. 15th

T. Aikens ─ cedar posts to Killean bridge







Dec. 15th

R. McCormick ─ superintending setting posts ─ Killean bridge


Dec. 15th

W. Brown ─ refund of statute labour tax


Dec. 15th

Galt Reporter (newspaper) advertising tenders ─ Killean bridge


Dec. 15th

W. Cowan ─ impounding ram et cetera


Dec. 16th

J. McLean, Clerk ─ Board of Health expenses


Dec. 16th

Innes & Davidson printing


Dec. 17th

A. McIntyre ─ refund of statute labour


Dec. 21st

J. Scott ─ school taxes and grant for S.S. No. 7


Dec. 21st

A. McCaig ─ school taxes and grant for S.S. No. 5


Dec. 28th

M. P. Doyle ─ school taxes and grant for S.S No. 3


Dec. 28th

J. McPhatter ─ gravel and repairs on Beverly Line


Dec. 28th

J. Cook ─ repairing bridge at Lot 2, 10th Concession


Dec. 28th

H. Campbell ─ funeral expenses of D. McDonald


Dec. 29th

W. Reynolds ─ county taxes for 1896


Dec. 31st

W. Reynolds ─ county taxes in full for 1896









Abstracts of Financial Statements to December 31st 1896






Taxes on account for 1896



Balance due Treasurer














Balance due Treasurer per statement to Council



Relief of poor



Board of Health expenses






Refund of statute labour



Roads and bridges



Public school taxes and grants



County rates in full












Land, buildings, furniture, et cetera



Cash in Traders bank at interest



Taxes outstanding






Total amount of Collector’s Roll




Cash received from Collector














Collector’s salary for 1896



Balance due Treasurer














Municipal Loan Fund ─ December 31st 1896





Dec. 15th

Cash on hand per statement to Council








Dec. 17th

G. McGill ─ surplus to School Section No. 2


Dec. 21st

J. Scott ─ surplus to School Section No. 7


Dec. 21st

A. McCaig ─ surplus to School Section No. 5


Dec. 21st

G. L. Laycock ─ surplus to School Section No. 4


Dec. 26th

S. Evans ─ surplus to School Section No. 12


Dec. 28th

J. Murray ─ surplus to School Section No. 1


Dec. 28th

M. P. Doyle ─ surplus to School Section No. 3


Dec. 28th

A. Marshall ─ surplus to School Section No. 8


Dec. 28th

W. Cowan ─ surplus to School Section No. 9


Dec. 28th

A. McKenzie ─ surplus to School Section No. 10


Dec. 31st

Balance on hand












Two mortgages ─ $2200.00 and $540.00



One debenture ─ S.S. No. 9



Eleven Guelph & Ontario Saving Society debentures



Cash on hand












Three schools to pay













To the Municipal Council of the Township of Puslinch:


Gentlemen ─ This is to certify that we have audited the township accounts, gone over all of the entries in the Treasurer’s books and reports, of assets and liabilities, compared the vouchers with payments made, and find the same quite correct.


(signed by) John A. McDonald & R. B.  Morison ─ auditors

Aberfoyle, Feb. 2nd 1897.






Municipality of Puslinch

May 26th 1897.


Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met in the Council Room, at Aberfoyle, on Wednesday May 26th, at 10:00 o’ clock.  The members were all present, namely, Messrs. James Scott ─ Reeve, James Hume ─ Deputy-Reeve, John Gilchrist, Archibald McKenzie, and Angus McPherson ─ Councillors and, being duly sworn, constituted as a Court of Revision, the Reeve in the chair. 


The following list of appeals was heard and determined, namely, the appeal of John Ryder for over assessment ─ a reduction of $200.00 granted, the appeal of John Douglas for over assessment ─ a reduction of $300.00 granted, the appeal of Peter R. Stewart for over assessment on property transferred from James Haney to him ─ a reduction of $140.00 granted, the appeal of Israel Adams for transfer of his assessment from the Protestant Separate School, in Section No. 3, to the Public School in Section No. 3., and the appeal of James Barclay for transfer of his assessment from the Protestant Separate School, in Section No. 3, to the Public School in Section No. 3, ─ both cases referred to the County Judge.


The following dog appeals were granted, namely, Frances McDonald, Peter Petty, Andrew Laing, John Bell, John McAllister, John Tawse, and Duncan Martin.


Moved by Mr. Gilchrist, seconded by Mr. McPherson that the Assessment Roll for 1897, as now revised, except for appeals to the County Judge, be confirmed.


(Signed by) James Scott ─ Reeve

May 31st 1897.






In the afternoon, the Council resumed ordinary business, and instructions were issued to Overseers who were present and mailed to absent ones.



Moved by Mr. Hume, seconded by Mr. McKenzie, that the Clerk be and is hereby instructed to order John Carter to remove his fence from the road allowance at Lots 15 & 16 in the 11th Concession, and to stop dumping stone and other rubbish on the road allowance.



Moved by Mr. McKenzie, seconded by Mr. McPherson, that with reference to the resolution of the Nassagaweya Township Council, the Council of Puslinch agrees to contribute the sum of $15.00 towards building the proposed snow fence on the Townline between Puslinch and Nassagaweya.



Moved by Mr. Hume, seconded by Mr. Gilchrist,  that James White be and is hereby appointed Overseer of Highways, instead of Angus McDonald, resigned.



Moved by Mr. McPherson, seconded by Mr. Gilchrist, that, with reference to the proposed bylaw to close up and sell a portion of the original road allowance between the Townships of Guelph and Puslinch, no further action be taken.



Moved by Mr. McPherson, seconded by Mr. McKenzie, that the accounts received from Dr. Brock, James Palmer, and T. D. Elliot, of Guelph, be laid over for further information.







Moved by Mr. McKenzie, seconded by Mr. Hume, that the following accounts be passed and ordered to be paid, namely the accounts of John McPhatter for filling sinkhole at Lot 13 on the Townline between Beverly and Puslinch ─ $12.50 ─ Beverly to pay one half thereof, Peter Stewart for grading sideline between Lots 20 & 21, in the 8th Concession ─ $9.00, M. Elliott for 2 culverts ─$3.00, Dr. J. A. Howitt for medical attendance on Robert Wilson ─ $18.75, C. A. Jelly for gravel ─ $2.00, Donald McIntosh for railing at Killean bridge ─ $7.25, and Innes & Davidson for printing ─ $2.50 ─ the item “notice closing road allowance” is rejected.



Moved by Mr. Gilchrist, seconded by Mr. McPherson, that the tender of Ignatius Lehman for the season’s pasture of the Hall grounds, $6.00, be accepted.







Moved by Mr. Gilchrist, seconded by Mr. McPherson, that the following petitions be received, read, and referred to the respective Standing Road and Bridge Committee, namely, the petition of Neil Stewart and others, John Martin and others, Alexr Ramsay and others, A. A, McPherson and others, Donald McPherson and others, Peter Gilchrist and others, Thomas Cooper and others, Wm. Paddock and others, Donald McLean and others, Samuel Smith and others, Wm. Little and others, Wm. Moran and others, M. P. Lynch and others, Martin Spruhan and others, James Lennie and others, George Metcalf and others, George Lamb and others, John A. Cockburn and others, Neil Campbell and others, Andrew Munroe and others, John Cook and others, Reverend Robert Watt and others, Henry Carter and others, Philip Cassin and others, William Nicoll and others, Arthur Byrne and others, John Swartzenberger and others, Wm. J. Laing and others, Peter McLean and others, John Lamb and others, and Donald Campbell and others.


The Council adjourned, to meet again on Monday May 31st at 6:00 o’ clock p.m.


(signed by) James Scott ─ Reeve

May 31st 1897.






Municipality of Puslinch

May 31st 1897.


Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met in the Council Room, at Aberfoyle, on Monday May 31st, at 6:00 o’ clock p.m.  The members were all present, the Reeve in the chair.  The minutes of the last meeting were read and sustained.


The Standing Road & Bridge Committees, East and West, reported their inspection of all road improvements that were petitioned for, and recommend the following expenditures.


Eastern Division:


For grading road between Lots 7 & 8 in the 9th Concession ─ $40.00


For gravelling on given road at Lot 5 in the 9th Concession ─ $30.00


For gravelling sideline between Lots 6 & 7 in the 8th Concession ─ $8.00


For cutting hill at Lot 5 in the 10th Concession ─ $35.00


For grading sideline between Lots 10 & 11 in the 11th Concession ─ $10.00


For gravelling at Lot 12 in the 11th Concession ─ $10.00


For gravelling sideline between Lots 20 & 21 in the 10th Concession ─ $15.00







For gravelling at Lot 28 in the 11th Concession ─ $30.00


For cutting hill at Lot 37 in the 11th Concession ─ $25.00


For cutting hill and building culvert on sideline between Lots 35 & 36 in the 9th Concession ─ $30.00


For cutting hill at Lot 27 in the 7th Concession ─ $25.00


For grading at Lot 23 and gravelling at Lot 26 in the 9th Conc. ─ $50.00


For cutting hill on sideline between Lots 20 & 21 in the 8th Conc. ─ $15.00


For cutting hill on sideline between Lots 15 & 16 in the 9th Conc. ─ $40.00


Your committee recommends that the petition of Reverend R. Watts be laid over until the drain is finished to sideline.


All of which is respectfully submitted,

(signed) James Hume & Archibald McKenzie ─ committee






Western Division:


For Beverly Townline at Lots 5 & 9 ─ $25.00, and at Lot 13 ─ $20.00, on condition that Beverly pay one half.


For Waterloo Townline at Lot 1, Gore ─ $20.00, on condition that Waterloo pay one half.


On 1st Concession at Lot 28 ─ $50.00


On 2nd Concession at Lot 9 ─ $25.00 and at Lot 16 ─ $25.00


On 3rd Concession accommodation road at Lots 9 & 10 ─ $15.00, and at Lot 17 ─ $10.00, also at Lots 24 & 25 ─ $15.00


On the 4th Concession at Lot 10 ─ $15.00 and at Lot 18 ─ $20.00


On sideline between Lots 10 & 11 in the 3rd Concession ─ $15.00, and in the 5th Concession ─ $25.00


On sideline between Lots 15 & 16 in the 2nd Concession ─ $10.00, in the 3rd Concession ─ $25.00, in the 4th Concession ─ $10.00, and in the 5th Concession ─ $20.00


On the sideline between Lots 20 & 21 in the 3rd Concession ─ $25.00


With regard to the petition of Donald McPherson and others, we recommend that it be laid over for future consideration.


In regard to the petition of D. McLean, we recommend no action until the premises be investigated by the whole Council. 


In regard to the petition of Peter Gilchrist, we refer it to the judgement of Council.


All of which is respectively submitted,

(signed) John Gilchrist & Angus McPherson ─ committee







Moved by Mr. McPherson, seconded by Mr. Gilchrist, that the reports of the respective Standing Road & Bridge Committees, now read, be received and adopted.



Moved by Mr. Gilchrist, seconded by Mr. Hume, that the account of A. Ramsay for cutting brush and building culvert on the boundary line between Beverly and Puslinch be paid $9.00, and that the Clerk bill Beverly for one half thereof.



Moved by Mr. Gilchrist, seconded by Mr. Hume, that as the bridge over the River Speed at the 6th Concession of Puslinch, close to the boundary line between Guelph and Puslinch, has hitherto been maintained by Puslinch, and that as it is too burdensome for Puslinch to maintain, especially as we have to maintain another bridge over the Speed, a little to the southwest of the said bridge, and that owing to age and decay, the bridge is not safe for public traffic and must be replaced by a new structure, now therefore, we respectively submit that the County Council should assume charge of the said bridge and maintain it as a County Bridge, and that the Reeve and Clerk be instructed to sign and seal a copy of this motion and transmit it to Mr. Stewart for submission to the County Council.


The Council adjourned, to meet again on Monday July 12th at 2 o’ clock p.m.


(signed by) James Scott ─ Reeve

July 12th 1897.






The Municipality of Puslinch

July 12th 1897.


Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met in the Council Room, at Aberfoyle, on Monday July 12th at 2:00 o’ clock p.m.  The members were all present, the Reeve in the chair.  The minutes of the last meeting were read and sustained.


Mr. Watt, of Messrs. Guthrie, Watt, and Guthrie, presented a petition, signed by a large number of ratepayers, resident in the neighbourhood of that portion of the boundary line between Guelph and Puslinch that had been advertised for sale, praying the Council to pass a bylaw to give effect to proceedings already taken.  Mr. Cunningham appeared before the Council, forbidding the sale of the said portion of the boundary line, and alleging that if time was given, he would present a petition from interested ratepayers, forbidding the sale of the said portion of the boundary line.



Moved by Mr. Hume, seconded by Mr. McKenzie, that consideration of the petitions for and against selling a portion of the boundary line between Guelph and Puslinch be referred to a special meeting of Council, to be held on Monday July 26th at 2:00 o’ clock p.m.


A deputation of gentlemen, interested in upholding and promoting the annual Fat Stock Show in the Royal City, appeared before the Council, earnestly and eloquently setting forth the benefits and advantages derived from the show, and asking for a donation to its funds.







Moved by Mr. Hume, seconded by Mr. McKenzie, that in view of the benefits and advantages derived by the farming community from the Fat Stock Show, this Council does now grant the sum of $50.00 to its funds.



Moved by Mr. Hume, seconded by Mr. Gilchrist, that the Reeve issue his order in favour of D. Campbell, Overseer, for $8.40, commuted statute labour of Road Division No. 106, to be expended in road repairs in said division under contract with a responsible party.



Moved by Mr. McPherson, seconded by Mr. Gilchrist, that Donald McLean, Lots 20 & 21, front of the 2nd Concession, be permitted to perform his statute labour on the open portion of sideline between the said lots.



Moved by Mr. Gilchrist, seconded by Mr. McPherson, that the Clerk be instructed to communicate with the Council of Beverly, with a view to arrange for a meeting of a committee from Beverly Council with a committee of Puslinch Council, at some convenient place on the boundary line, to dispose of certain grants to improve said boundary line, and to consider the propriety of dividing the boundary line into adequate portions, to be placed under the exclusive jurisdiction of each municipality, for future maintenance.



Moved by Mr. Gilchrist, seconded by Mr. McKenzie, that with regard to the petitions of John R. Clark and others, and of S. Panabaker and others, no action be taken, as public notice was given that no petitions for road improvements would be considered after the 26th day of May, except in a case of emergency, and that the petition of J. Petty and others be laid over for future consideration, and that the communication of McLean & McLean, re James Barclay, be referred to the Standing Road & Bridge Committee ─ Western Division. 







Moved by Mr. Hume, seconded by Mr. McPherson that the following accounts be passed and ordered to be paid, namely, the accounts of Peter McLaren for cutting hill at Lot 22 and building culvert at Lot 25 in the 11th Concession ─ $4.00, Hugh Currie for 144 yards of gravel ─ $7.20, and for surface damage ─ 50 cents, Samuel Panabaker for building culvert on the 4th Concession ─ $6.00, James Black for 80 yards of gravel ─ $4.00, John Kennedy for sewer pipe ─ $9.36, Daniel McFarlane for 3 days spreading gravel on the 7th Concession ─ $3.38, Wm. McKay for 50 yards of gravel ─ $2.50, Joseph Little for 2 culverts ─ $12.00, Innes & Davidson for printing ─ $10.50, H. Gummer for printing ─ $7.60, John McDonald for removing stumps on 2nd Concession, Lots 10 & 11 ─ $2.00, Judge Jamieson for holding Court of Appeal ─ $6.50, Tolton Bros. for repairing plough broken at statute labour ─ $3.00, John Douglas for 147 yards of gravel ─ $7.35, Hugh Reid for 20 yards of gravel ─ $1.00, John Laing for 60 yards of gravel ─ $3.00, John Ord for repairing plough broken at statute labour ─ $1.00, and with regard to the accounts of Chas. Mast for plank, John C. Grant for gravel, and Gotleib Stunns for damage to wheat, that they be laid over for further information.


The Council adjourned, to meet again on August 23rd at 10:00 o’ clock a.m.


(signed) James Scott ─ Reeve

August 23rd 1897.







Municipality of Puslinch ─ July 26th 1897.


Pursuant to appointment of Council at its meeting on the 12th instant, a special meeting of the Council convened at the Council Room, Aberfoyle, on Monday July 26th, at 2:00 o’ clock p.m.  The members were all present, the Reeve in the chair.  The meeting is called specially to hear petitions and resume consideration of the arguments for and against the stopping up and selling parts of the original allowance for road between the Townships of Guelph and Puslinch.  Mr. Cunningham presented petitions, from ratepayers of both municipalities, against selling the said road allowance if it interfered with the rights of any person.  Mr. Mowat, Barrister of Guelph, appeared for Mr. Cunningham and addressed the Council.


Moved by Mr. Gilchrist, seconded by Mr. McPherson, that the bylaw for stopping up parts of the original allowance for road between the townships of Guelph and Puslinch, and selling the same, be now read a first and second time.


Mr. McKenzie, seconded by Mr. Hume, moved, in amendment, that no action be taken to sell the road allowance between the townships of Guelph and Puslinch.  The Reeve sustained the motion, and the bylaw was read a first and second time.


Moved by Mr. McPherson, seconded by Mr. Gilchrist, that the Reeve and Council be a committee to meet the Council of Guelph, at an early date, to fix a price per acre, to fill in the blank of the bylaw.


Moved by Mr. Gilchrist, seconded by Mr. McPherson, that the bylaw, for selling parts of the allowance for boundary line between Guelph and Puslinch, be read a third time at the next regular meeting of Council.


(signed) ─ James Scott ─ Reeve

August 23rd 1897.  






Municipality of Puslinch

A.D. 1897, August 23rd.


Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met in the Council Room, at Aberfoyle, on Monday August 23rd, at 10:00 o’ clock a.m.  The members were all present, the Reeve in the chair.  The minutes of the last regular meeting and of the special meeting were read and sustained.



Moved by Mr. Gilchrist, seconded by Mr. Hume, that the account of H. Merewether, County Constable, be referred back to him for explanation.



Moved by Mr. McPherson, seconded by Mr. Gilchrist, that a bylaw to tax the township for county, school, and municipal purposes be now introduced and read a first and second time.



Moved by Mr. McKenzie, seconded by Mr. McPherson, that a bylaw be introduced and read a first and second time to appoint a member of the Local Board of Health, in place of Dr. Wm. Hilliard, removed to another county.



Moved by Mr. McKenzie, seconded by Mr. Hume, that the communication received from Marshall Ferguson be referred to the Standing Road and Bridge Committee ─ Western Division.



Moved by Mr. McPherson, seconded by Mr. McKenzie, that the bylaw appointing Mr. Archibald Marshall a member of the Local Board of Health be numbered 346, read a third time, and passed.



Moved by Mr. Gilchrist, seconded by Mr. Hume, that the bylaw, providing by way of assessment, to defray the expenses of the current year be numbered 345, read a third time, and passed.







Moved by Mr. McPherson, seconded by Mr. Hume, that the petition of James Petty and others, praying the Council to set apart the dog tax as a fund to protect sheep, be laid over and referred to the ratepayers at the annual nomination meeting.



Moved by Mr. Hume, seconded by Mr. McKenzie, that the report of the Standing Road & Bridge Committee ─ Western Division, in regard to dividing the boundary line between Beverly and Puslinch into adequate portions, to be placed under the exclusive jurisdiction of each municipality, be received and adopted.



Moved by Mr. McKenzie, seconded by Mr. Hume, that the following accounts be passed and ordered to be paid, namely, the accounts of John Ames for gravel ─ $3.75, John A. Ord for spreading gravel ─ $6.13, Robert J. McFarlane for culvert in sideline, 10th Concession ─ $1.00, Gotleib Stunns for damage to wheat ─ $2.00, John Rudel for 65 yards of gravel ─ $3.25, George Evans for railing a bridge at Lots 35 & 36 in the 10th Concession ─ $1.75, Thomas Bedford for 20 yards of gravel ─ $1.00, George Metcalf for 5 days spreading gravel ─ $5.53, James Devlin for 24 yards of gravel ─ $1.20, James Lennie for culvert ─ $2.00, and for 4½ days spreading gravel ─ $5.07, Martin Spruhan for 2 days spreading gravel ─ $2.25, David Milroy for 30 yards of gravel ─ $1.50, Walter Elliott for culvert at Lot 35, 9th Concession ─ $2.00. Hart & Riddell for blank stationery ─ 42 cents, Captain Clark, Sanitary Inspector, for removing a putrid carcass from a farm in Puslinch ─ $2.50. 







Moved By Mr. McPherson, seconded by Mr. Gilchrist that the petition of the ratepayers of Aberfoyle, praying for a grant to purchase lumber to extend the village sidewalk in front of the Township Hall and buildings, be granted, that $25.00 be granted on condition that County Commissioner Stewart supplement the grant by an equivalent sum.


The Council adjourned, to meet again on Monday Sept. 27th at 1 o’ clock p.m.


(signed by) ─ James Scott ─ Reeve 

September 27th, A.D. 1897.






The Municipality of Puslinch

A.D. 1897, September 27th.


Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met in the Council Room, at Aberfoyle, on Monday September 27th 1897, at 1:00 o’ clock p.m.  The members were all present, the Reeve in the chair.  The minutes of the last meeting were read and sustained. 



Moved by Mr. Gilchrist, seconded by Mr. McPherson, that the Clerk be instructed to advise the Municipal Council of Waterloo that the contract for gravelling the Townline between Puslinch  and Waterloo has been completed and that Puslinch has paid the account of $34.40, of which the Waterloo share is $17.20.


Moved by Mr. McKenzie, seconded by Mr. McPherson, that the following accounts be passed and ordered to be paid, namely, the accounts of John Robertson for 40 yards of gravel ─ $2.00, A. Laing for saw broken at statute labour ─ 40 cents, Evan Gilchrist for railing at Lots 15 & 16 in the 2nd Concession ─ $10.15, and for spreading gravel ─ $2.25, J. S. Lehman for cutting and burning weeds on Hall grounds ─ $6.00, Wm. Steffler for 40 yards of gravel ─ $2.00, John Martin for spreading gravel ─ $4.50, Norman Ramsay for 18 yards of gravel on Beverly line ─90 cents, James Bryce for spreading gravel at sinkhole ─ $2.50…







…Wm. Rae for spreading gravel ─ 50 cents, David Milroy for spreading gravel on Waterloo line ─ $3.28, Thos. Barrett for 75 yards of gravel and for surface damage ─ $4.00, H. D. Merewether for service as Constable ─ $14.29, Thos. Mason for pulling stumps and railing ─ $6.50, Innes and Davidson for printing Voters List and advertising ─ $36.00, John Kennedy for sewer pipe ─ $21.98, Witness mileage and fees re Charles Black ─ $26.20, Dr. Brock medical attendance on Mrs. May ─ $5.00, T. D. Elliott for attendance on Mrs. May ─ $4.50, James Palmer for ambulance for Mrs. May ─ $3.00, and John McDonald for removing stones on 2nd Concession ─ $2.00.


The Council adjourned, to meet again on Monday November 15th at 10:00 o’ clock a.m.


(signed by) ─ James Scott ─ Reeve

November 15th 1897.






Municipality of Puslinch

November 15th 1897.


Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met in the Council Room, at Aberfoyle, on Monday November 15th, at 10:00 o’ clock a.m.  The members were all present, the Reeve in the chair.  The minutes of the last meeting were read and sustained.



Moved by Mr. Gilchrist, seconded by Mr. McPherson, that with regard to the communication and petition of F. S. Spence, Secretary of the Dominion Alliance, re License Law Amendment, that no action be taken by the Council.



Moved by Mr. Gilchrist, seconded by Mr. Hume, that in consideration of a report from the Sanitary Inspector that a woman and her five children, in Morriston, are in a famishing condition, that the Reeve issue his order in favour of Andrew Munroe for $6.00 to provide for their immediate wants.



Moved by Mr. McPherson, seconded by Mr. McKenzie, that the Collector be instructed to remit the statute labour tax charged against the under-noted parties, namely, John R. Clark, John Grant, John McPherson, Alexr. McLean Junior, Donald G. Hanning, Chas. Taafe, Duncan Clark, John E. Kennedy, and Alexr. Kennedy, of Road Division No. 108.



Moved by Mr. Hume, seconded by Mr. Gilchrist, that the Collector be instructed to remit the statute labour tax charged against John Welsh.







Moved by Mr. Gilchrist, seconded by Mr. McPherson, that a bylaw be now introduced and read a first and second time, to determine the time and place for nominating and electing Reeve, Deputy-Reeve, and three Councillors, and to appoint Returning Officers for 1898.



Moved by Mr. Gilchrist, seconded by Mr. Hume, that the sum of $1.00, dog tax, be remitted to each of the following parties, namely, James Petty, John Bond, and Henry Pearce.



Moved by Mr. Gilchrist, seconded by Mr. McPherson, that the bylaw to determine the time and place for nominating and electing Reeve, Deputy-Reeve, and three Councillors, and to appoint Returning Officers for the year 1898, be numbered 347, read a third time, and passed.



Moved by Mr. Gilchrist, seconded by Mr. McPherson, that the agreement entered into by the Standing Road & Bridge Committee ─ Eastern Division and Mr. John Laing for the rights of a roadway through a portion of the front half of Lot No. 20 in the 10th Concession be approved, and when Mr. Laing removes his fence and delivers a proper title for the land required for the roadway, the Reeve shall issue his order in favour of Mr. Laing for $50.00.







Moved by Mr. McKenzie, seconded by Mr. McPherson, that the following accounts be passed and ordered to be paid, namely, the accounts of Neil Campbell for 85 yards of gravel ─ $4.25, and for fourteen days shovelling gravel at Lot 28 in the 11th Concession ─ $14.00, John Hardie for repairing culvert, Lots 20 & 21 in the 10th Concession ─ $1.00, Chas. Richardson for cutting hill on the Nassagaweya Townline ─ $20.00, Nassagaweya to pay one half, Thomas Robertson for overseeing and spreading gravel ─ $5.07, James Laird for 35 yards of gravel ─ $1.75, H. Gummer for advertising ─ $4.80, Andrew Scott for 167 yards of gravel ─ $8.35, W. J. Little for 4½ days spreading gravel and 1 day removing stone at Lots 10 & 11 in the 4th Concession ─ $6.07, Thomas E. Welsh for 5½ spreading gravel ─ $5.50, and for 120 yards of gravel ─ $6.00, Peter Hume for culvert at Lot 14 in the 10th Concession ─ $1.00, A. Munroe, Sanitary Inspector, for sundries ─ $7.35, Blair Falconbridge for postage and sundries ─ $17.36, Joseph Smith for 40 yards of gravel ─ $2.00, T. J. Day for Collector receipts ─ $4.00, James Campbell for stepladder for Hall ─ 75 cents, Wm. Moran for repairing plough broken at statute labour ─ $1.20, and A. Munroe, to provide sustenance for a poor family in Morriston ─ $6.00.


The Council adjourned, to meet again on Wed. Dec. 15th at 10 o’ clock a.m.


(signed by) James Scott ─ Reeve

December 15th 1897.






The Municipality of Puslinch

December 15th 1897.


Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met in the Council Room, at Aberfoyle, on Wednesday December 15th, at 10:00 o’ clock a.m.  The members were all present, the Reeve in the chair.  The minutes of the last meeting were read and sustained.



Moved by Mr. Gilchrist, seconded by Mr. Hume, that the annual report and account of the Sanitary Inspector, together with the account of the yearly expenses of the Local Board of Health, be received and adopted.



Moved by Mr. Hume, seconded by Mr. Gilchrist, that the annual financial statement, extending from the 14th day of December 1896 to the 14th day of December 1897, be received and adopted, and that the Clerk get 400 copies thereof printed for distribution to ratepayers.



Moved by Mr. Hume, seconded by Mr. Gilchrist, that the time for collecting municipal taxes be and is hereby extended to the first day of February 1898.



Moved by Mr. McPherson, seconded by Mr. McKenzie, that in accordance with instructions from Mr. J. B. Laing, Provincial Auditor, Mr. B. Falconbridge, Treasurer, be and is hereby instructed to procure a “Municipal Cash Book”, in accordance with section 6 of the Ontario Act 60 Vic cap. 48 for the Corporation of Puslinch.



Moved by Mr. Gilchrist, seconded by Mr. McPherson, that the Collector be and is hereby instructed to remit the statute labour charge against Walter McWilliams, he having since performed his labour.







Moved by Mr. Gilchrist, seconded by Mr. Hume, that the Municipal Treasurer be and is hereby authorized to pay all monies collected under bylaw for general school purposes, together with the statutory requirements from the general funds of the township, to the Secretary-Treasurer of each Board of School Trustees, and that the Reeve place his order for payment of the increment from the Municipal Loan Fund, $40.00 to each school section, except Section No. 3, which has two schools, giving $20.00 to each school.



Moved by Mr. McKenzie, seconded by Mr. McPherson, that the deed received from Mr. John Laing, for road allowance between Lots 20 & 21 in the 10th Concession, be delivered to the Treasurer for safe-keeping, and that he be requested to have the same registered.



Moved by Mr. McKenzie, seconded by Mr. Hume, that the following accounts be passed and ordered to be paid, namely, the accounts of S. & G. Penfold for road scraper ─ $8.00, Samuel Hunter for lumber for culvert on the 1st Concession ─ $2.72, John Hardie for lumber for culvert and removing stone from sideline between Lots 20 & 21, in the 10th Concession ─ $1.00, John McKenzie for tile culvert on Nassagaweya Townline ─ $2.50, Nassagaweya to pay one half, Andrew Munroe ─ his annual account ─ $38.50, Hart & Riddle for order book ─ 56 cents, Board of Health for yearly expenses ─ $18.00, Samuel Smith for culvert at Lots 20 & 21 in the 3rd Concession ─ $2.75, and John Myers for 30 yards of gravel, sideline between Lots 10 & 11 ─ $1.50.






On motion, the Reeve vacated and the Deputy-Reeve occupied the chair.  Moved by Mr. Gilchrist, seconded by Mr. McPherson that a hearty vote of thanks be tendered to the Reeve for the able, courteous, and efficient manner in which he presided over the deliberations of the Council during the current year.


The Reeve responded, thanking the Council for the diligent and careful attention given to municipal business during the year, and for the agreeable manner in which all municipal matters were discussed at the Council board.  He also thanked Council officers for their assistance and careful attention to municipal business.


(signed) James Scott ─ Reeve

December 27th 1897.






The Municipality of Puslinch

December 27th 1897.


Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met in the Council Room, at Aberfoyle, on Monday December 27th, at 10:00 o’ clock a.m.  The members were all present, the Reeve in the chair.  The minutes of the last meeting were read and sustained.



Moved by Mr. McKenzie, seconded by Mr. McPherson, that the following accounts be passed and ordered to be paid, namely, the accounts of the Wellington Fire Insurance Group ─ renewal ─ $13.00, Malcolm Kennedy for 120 yards of gravel ─ $6.00, and for 40 yards of gravel on the 10th Concession ─ $2.00, Robert Maddaugh for building and railing culvert on Beverly Townline ─ $10.00, Beverly to pay one half, Archibald Curie for 133 yards of gravel delivered to Pathmaster ─ $6.65, B. Falconbridge for registering deed and discharge ─ $1.90, and J. S. Lehman for 2 cords of wood for Hall ─ $7.50.


The Council adjourned, sine die.


(signed by) James Scott ─ Reeve

January 10th 1898.






Nomination of Candidates for Municipal Council


The nominations:


Mr. John A. Cockburn, seconded by Mr. A. Munroe, nominated Mr. James Scott for Reeve.


Mr. Joseph Little, seconded by Mr. M. P. Doyle, nominated Mr. James Hume for Deputy-Reeve.


Mr. Alexr. McCaig, seconded by Mr. J. T. Cooper, nominated Mr. Angus McPherson for Councillor.


Mr. John Tovell, seconded by Mr. Joseph Little, nominated Mr. John Gilchrist for Councillor.


Mr. J. W. Gilchrist, seconded by Mr. P. Laing, nominated Mr. Arch’d McKenzie for Councillor.


There being no more nominations made, the Council was duly declared elected by acclamation.


(signed) James McLean ─ Clerk






The Municipality of Puslinch

January 10th 1898.


The inaugural meeting of the Council was held in the Council Room, at Aberfoyle, on Monday January 10th, at 11:00 o’ clock a.m.  The members were all present, namely, Messrs. James Scott ─ Reeve, James Hume ─ Deputy-Reeve, John Gilchrist, Archibald McKenzie, and Angus McPherson ─ Councillors, and having made and subscribed the declaration of qualification and of office, resumed their respective seats at the Council Board.  The minutes of the last meeting were read and sustained. 



Moved by Mr. Gilchrist, seconded by Mr. McPherson, that a bylaw to appoint a Local Board of Health and a Sanitary Inspector be now introduced and read a first and second time.



The Reeve nominated and appointed Mr. Richard B. Morison for auditor, and on motion of Messrs. Hume and McKenzie, the Council appointed Mr. John A. McDonald for auditor.



Moved by Mr. McPherson, seconded by Mr. McKenzie, that the bylaw to appoint a Local Board of Health and a Sanitary Inspector for the current year be numbered 348, read a third time, and passed.







Moved by Mr. Gilchrist, seconded by Mr. Hume, that Messrs. Hume and McKenzie be and are hereby appointed a Standing Road & Bridge Committee for the portion of the township being east of the line of the 7th Concession and the sideline between Lots 30 & 31 in the Gore, and that Messrs. Gilchrist and McPherson be and are hereby appointed a Standing Road & Bridge Committee for the portion of the township west of the said described line, and that the Reeve be chairman for both committees.



Moved by Mr. McKenzie, seconded by Mr. McPherson, that the account of Innes & Davidson, for printing, $12.50, be passed and ordered to be paid.


The Council adjourned, to meet again on Monday Feb. 7th, at 10:00 o’ clock a.m.

(signed) James Scott ─ Reeve

February 7th 1898.






The Municipality of Puslinch

February 7th 1898.


Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met in the Council Room, at Aberfoyle, on Monday February 7th, at 10:00 o’ clock a.m.  The members were all present, the Reeve in the chair.  The minutes of the last meeting were read and sustained.



Moved by Mr. Gilchrist, seconded by Mr. Hume, that the auditors annual report, now read, be received and adopted.



Moved by Mr. McPherson, seconded by Mr. McKenzie, that the Collector be and is hereby authorized to remit the statute labour tax charged against Duncan R. Clark, William McCrory, and John McPhee, of Road Division No. 92.



Moved by Mr. McPherson, seconded by Mr. McKenzie, that the Reeve issue his order for $15.00 in favour of B. Falconbridge to pay for re-arranging the interior of his fire-proof safe so as to make room for the new Municipal Cash Book and other documents belonging to the municipality.



Moved by Mr. Hume, seconded by Mr. Gilchrist, that the Municipal Collector be and is hereby authorized to collect the arrears of taxes for the year 1897, if need be, by warrant and distress.



Moved by Mr. McPherson, seconded by Mr. Gilchrist, that the Reeve issue his order for $10.00 to Messrs. R. B. Morison and John A. McDonald, auditors, being $5.00 to each auditor.







Moved by Mr. McKenzie, seconded by Mr. Hume, that the Reeve issue his order for $4.00, in favour of Mr. John Hardie, to provide sustenance for Mrs. Robert Dunn, who is in destitute circumstances.



Moved by Mr. McKenzie, seconded by Mr. Gilchrist, that in consideration of the depleted state of the funds of the Puslinch Township Agricultural Society, as set forth by the deputation now present, soliciting some aid from the Council, that the Reeve issue his order in favour of the Secretary-Treasurer of the society, for the sum of $50.00.



Moved by Mr. Gilchrist, seconded by Mr. Hume, that James Campbell be and is hereby re-appointed caretaker of the Township Hall and grounds, for the current year, at a salary of $20.00 and perquisites, his duties to be the same as last year, save and except cutting weeds on Hall grounds.







Moved by Mr. McKenzie, seconded by Mr. McPherson, that the following accounts be passed and ordered to be paid, namely, the accounts of McKay Brothers for Council Room window blinds ─ $4.74, B. Falconbridge for the Municipal Cash Book ─ $3.70, James McLean for express charges ─ $1.00, Hart & Riddle for blank stationery ─ $10.60, Lewis Kribs for lumber for culvert on Flamboro Townline ─ $8.56, James Campbell for cutting wood and hanging curtains ─ $1.35, and Peter Sayers lumber for snow-fence on Nassagaweya Townline ─ $5.27.



Moved by Mr. McPherson, seconded by Mr. Hume, that the tender of Mr. Donald McKenzie, $6.50, for making twelve benches for Township Hall, be accepted.



Moved by Mr. Gilchrist, seconded by Mr. McKenzie, that the caretaker be and is hereby authorized to lend a few Hall benches to the Aberfoyle Temperance Society for their meetings, and also to the I.O.F. Society, of Morriston, and to see that the same are duly returned in good order.


The Council adjourned, to meet again on Monday March 21st at 10 o’ clock a.m.


(signed by) James Scott ─ Reeve

March 21st 1898.






Municipality of Puslinch

A.D. 1898, March 21st.


Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met in the Council Room, at Aberfoyle, on Monday March 21st, at 10:00 o’ clock a.m.  Members present were Messrs. James Scott ─ Reeve, James Hume ─ Deputy-Reeve, and Archibald McKenzie and Angus McPherson, Councillors.  The minutes of the last meeting were read and sustained.



Moved by Mr. McPherson, seconded by Mr. Hume, that a bylaw to appoint overseers of highways, fence-viewers, and pound-keepers, for the current year, be now introduced and read a first and second time.



Moved by Mr. Hume, seconded by Mr. McKenzie, that for the account of Alexander Fleming for care and attendance on James Cathra, an indigent, and for medical attention and conveyance of patient to hospital, $15.00 be paid, and that the Reeve issue his order for the same.



Moved by Mr. McKenzie, seconded by Mr. McPherson, that the account of expenses incurred for investigating the case of Charles Black, an idiot, dangerous to be at large, and the expenses for attendance on his old and helpless mother, amounting to $33.49, be referred to the executor of the Black estate, Robert McFarlane, for liquidation.



Moved by Mr. McKenzie, seconded by Mr. Hume, that the bylaw to appoint overseers of highways, fence-viewers, and pound-keepers, be numbered 349, read a third time, and passed.







Moved by Mr. McKenzie, seconded by Mr. McPherson, that the following accounts be passed and ordered to be paid, namely, the accounts of George Watson for polling booth for electoral subdivision No. 1 ─ $2.00, Archibald Marshall for polling booth for electoral subdivision No. 3 ─ $2.00, Donald Stewart for polling booth for electoral subdivision No. 4 ─ $2.00, Wm. J. Little for polling booth for electoral subdivision No. 5 ─ $2.00, Donald McKenzie for 12 Hall benches ─ $6.50, J. M. Bond & Co. for 3 ballot box locks ─ 60 cents.



Moved by Mr. Hume, seconded by Mr. McPherson, that in consideration of the representation of a respectable deputation from St. Joseph’s Hospital, Guelph, showing the extensive and hospitable treatment afforded to the suffering public, generally without distinction of class or creed, the Council does hereby, on behalf of the Municipality of Puslinch, contribute the sum of twenty-five dollars to the funds of the said institution.



Moved by Mr. McPherson, seconded by Mr. Hume, that parties requiring grants for road improvements will please take notice that all petitions therefor must be presented on or before the 26th day of May in order to have due consideration from the Council.  After the 26th day of May, no petition, except in a case of emergency, will be considered.  According to statutory requirements, appeals against assessment must be placed in the hands of the Clerk before the 15th day of May.



Moved by Mr. McKenzie, seconded by Mr. McPherson, that the Council does now adjourn, to meet again on the 26th day of May, at 10:00 o’ clock a.m., and sit as a Court of Revision, and after revision, for general business.  


(signed by) James Scott ─ Reeve

May 26th 1898.






The Municipality of Puslinch

A.D. 1898 May 26th


Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met in the Council Room, at Aberfoyle, on Thursday May 26th, at 10:00 o’ clock a.m.  The members were all present, namely, Messrs. James Scott ─ Reeve,  James Hume ─ Deputy-Reeve, John Gilchrist, Archibald McKenzie, and Angus McPherson, Councillors, and being duly sworn, constituted as a Court of Revision, the Reeve in the chair.


The following list of appeals was heard and determined: the appeal of Alexander Kean for over-assessment, assessment confirmed, the appeal of Patrick Phelan and James Phelan for over-assessment, assessment confirmed, the appeal of Wm. Young for over-assessment, a reduction of $50.00 granted, and the appeal of James Starkey for over-assessment, a reduction of $200.00. 


The assessment of Lots 7, 8, 9, & 10, front of the 9th Concession, was transferred from William T. Haines to Peter Orme, the proprietor thereof, and Lot 7, rear of the 10th Concession, was assessed to Henry T. Haines, as tenant thereof.  The assessment of Lot 10, rear of the 10th Concession, was transferred from Isaac Hume, the owner thereof, to Lemuel West, as tenant thereof, and a reduction of $300.00 was granted in the assessment of the said Lot 10.






The following parties had, each, one dog struck off their assessment, namely, Charles Currie, John Porter, William Clair, William Bell, Thomas Tolton, and William G. Leslie.


Moved by Mr. Gilchrist, seconded by Mr. Hume that the Assessor be and is hereby instructed to add to the Assessment Roll a list of thirty-one names of Manhood Franchise voters, whose names were omitted from the Roll.


Moved by Mr. Gilchrist, seconded by Mr. McPherson that the Assessment Roll, as now revised corrected, be passed and confirmed. 


(signed by) James Scott ─ Reeve

July 11th 1898.






The Municipality of Puslinch

May 26th 1898.


In the afternoon, the Council resumed ordinary business.  Instructions were issued to Pathmasters who were present, and mailed to absent ones.



Moved by Mr. Gilchrist, seconded by Mr. Hume, that the petitions, now read, be received and referred to the respective Standing Road & Bridge Committees, namely, the petitions of Michael Neubauer and others, Edward Crawley and others, George Metcalf and others, Samuel Panabaker and others, James Ross and others, Wm. Rae and others, Capel Reeve and others, Alexander Ramsay and others, Daniel McNaughton and others, Patrick McGarr and others, George Collins and others, John R. Clark and others, Walter S. Elliott and others, James F. McPherson and others, John McRobbie and others, Thomas Arkell and others, James Clark and others, Alexander McLean and others, Donald C. Campbell and others, Robert Watt and others, George Evans and others, Charles Mast and others, Peter A. Patterson and others, Alexander McAllister and others, John Philpot and others, Peter Hume and others, James Tavernor and others, John Welsh and others, E. A. Panabaker and others, and Alexr. Wilkinson and others.







Moved by Mr. McKenzie, seconded by Mr. McPherson, that the statute labour of Neil Black be transferred from Road Division No. 88 to Road Division No. 89.



Moved by Mr. McPherson, seconded by Mr. McKenzie, that the tender, $6.25, of Ignatius Lehman, for the season’s pasture of the Hall grounds be accepted.



Moved by Mr. McKenzie, seconded by Mr. McPherson, that the following accounts be passed and ordered to be paid, namely, the accounts of Moses Burns for 78 yards of gravel ─ $3.90, John Kennedy for drain tile ─ $8.73, Wm. Bell for a culvert on the 9th Concession between Lots 6 & 7 ─ $4.00, John Bond for 20 yards of gravel ─ $1.00, and Wellington Mutual Fire Insurance Group assessment ─ $6.15.


The Council adjourned, to meet again on Monday July 11th, at 2:00 o’ clock p.m.


(signed by) James Scott ─ Reeve

July 11th 1898.






Municipality of Puslinch

May 31st 1898.


According to appointment, the Council convened at the Council Room, at Aberfoyle, on Tuesday May 31st at 5:00 o’ clock p.m.  The members were all present, the Reeve in the chair.  The Standing Road & Bridge Committees, East and West, presented their reports of appropriations for expenditure on roads and bridges. 


The eastern committee recommended the following expenditures:


For gravelling sideline between Lots 10 & 11 in the 10th Concession ─ $30.00


For the Townline between Nassagaweya and Puslinch ─ $35.00


For gravelling at Lot 5 in the 10th Concession ─ $30.00


For grading sideline between Lots 20 & 21 in the 9th Concession ─ $50.00


For cutting hill and grading at Lots 23 & 24 in the 10th Concession ─ $75.00


For gravelling sideline between Lots 30 & 31 in the 10th Concession ─ $30.00


For gravelling at Lots 31 & 32 in the 10th Concession ─ $20.00


For cutting hill on sideline between Lots 35 & 36 in the 9th Conc. ─ $50.00


For gravelling Flamboro Townline ─ $20.00


For grading at Lots 22 & 23 in the 9th Concession ─ $30.00


For cutting hill on sideline between Lots 30 & 31 in the 8th Conc. ─ $50.00


For cutting on the 7th Concession at Lot 28 ─ $ 30.00


For gravelling sideline between Lots 20 & 21 in the 10th Conc. ─ $20.00


For ditching at Lots 15 & 16 in the 10th Concession ─ $10.00, on the 9th Conc. at Lots 7, 8, & 9 ─ $40.00


For cutting hill on the sideline between Lots 30 & 31, Gore ─ $20.00


Your committee reasoned that the petition of Alexr. McLean and others be laid over for future consideration.


All of which is respectively submitted,

(signed by) Arch’d McKenzie & James Hume (committee)






The Western committee reports the following appropriations for expenditure on roads and bridges:


For sideline between Lots 25 & 26 in the Gore ─ $25.00


For the 2nd Concession at Lots 18 & 19 ─ $30.00


For the 2nd Concession at Lot 11 ─ $25.00


For the sideline between Lots 10 & 11 in the 2nd Concession ─ $20.00


For the sideline between Lots 5 & 6 in the 2nd Concession ─ $15.00


For accommodation road in the 2nd Concession at Lot 1 ─ $30.00


For the 3rd Concession at Lots 2 & 6 ─ $25.00


For sideline between Lots 15 & 16 in the 3rd Concession ─ $25.00


For sideline between Lots 20 & 21 in the 3rd Concession ─ $25.00


For the 4th Concession at Lots 4 & 5 ─ $25.00


For the sideline between Lots 10 & 11 in the 4th Concession ─ $15.00


For the sideline between Lots 15 & 16 in the 5th Concession ─ $15.00


For the 7th Concession at Lot 3 ─ $10.00


For the 7th Concession at Lots 8 & 9 ─ $35.00


For the 7th Concession at Lot 13 ─ $15.00


For the 7th Concession at Lot 14 ─ $15.00


For the 2nd Concession at Lot 27 ─ $30.00


For Beverly Townline at Lots 3, 6, & 8 ─ $20.00







On the Waterloo Townline, opposite the 1st Concession ─ $20.00, on condition that Beverly and Waterloo supplement the grant by an equitable sum.


Your committee recommends that the petition of Daniel McNaughton and others be considered at a future session of Council.


Your committee recommends that with regard to the petition of James Ross and others, no action be taken.


Your committee recommends that the Corporation procure a Title to a small portion of road on the 2nd Concession, at the junction of said concession road with the sideline between Lots 10 & 11, at an expense not to exceed $16.00, and that no public money be expended on said portion of road until a Title is obtained.


All of which is respectively submitted,

(signed) John Gilchrist & Angus McPherson ─ committee


Moved by Mr. McPherson, seconded by Mr. Hume, that the reports of the Standing Road & Bridge Committees, East and West, now read, be received, adopted, and engrossed on the minutes.


(signed by) James Scott ─ Reeve

July 11th 1898.






The Municipality of Puslinch

July 11th 1898.


Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met in the Council Room, at Aberfoyle, on Monday July 11th, at 2:00 o’ clock p.m.  The members were all present, the Reeve in the chair.  The minutes of the last meeting were read and sustained.



Moved by Mr. McPherson, seconded by Mr. Gilchrist, that in response to a communication from the Municipal Council of Eramosa requiring the appointment of a committee of this Council to meet a similar committee of Eramosa Council, to inspect an unopened portion of road between Eramosa and Puslinch, Messrs. Scott, Hume, and McKenzie be that committee, to meet the Eramosa Council at the indicated place on Friday July 22nd at 2:00 o’ clock p.m.



Moved by Mr. Gilchrist, seconded by Mr. McPherson, that the Clerk be instructed to notify Mr. James McNaughton to remove his fence off the given road allowance at Lot 3 in the 4th Concession of Puslinch.



Moved by Mr. Gilchrist, seconded by Mr. Hume, that the petition of George L. Metcalf and others be laid over until next meeting of Council.



Moved by Mr. Gilchrist, seconded by Mr. Hume, that the application of the Hespeler Bicycle Club for permission to build a cinder path from Waterloo Townline to Puslinch Lake, to run parallel with, but outside of the travelled highway, be granted, on condition that the said cinder path shall not interfere with the travelled highway or obstruct any watercourse, culvert, or ditch by which the highway is drained.







Moved by Mr. McPherson, seconded by Mr. McKenzie that the Reeve be and is hereby instructed Messrs. Guthrie, Watt, & Guthrie re writ served on him with regard to Bylaw No. 344, a bylaw to close up and sell a portion of the original road allowance between the townships of Guelph & Puslinch.



Moved by Mr. McKenzie, seconded by Mr. McPherson that the following accounts be passed and ordered to be paid, namely, the accounts of J. Smith for 55 yards of gravel ─ $2.75, Benjamin Munch for filling gravel ─ $2.25, Edward Lehman for filling gravel ─ $2.25, James Sheriff for 80 yards of gravel ─ $4.00, John McGeachy for overseeing contract ─ $4.50, James Devlin for 42 yards of gravel and surface damage ─ $2.50, Alexr. McKay for 67 yards of gravel ─ $3.35, James Laird for 292 yards of gravel ─ $9.00, George H. Laird for overseeing ─ $7.00, Arthur Byrne for shovelling gravel ─ $6.00, Chas. Robertson for shovelling gravel ─ $1.13, Duncan Martin for overseeing ─ $4.00, Joseph Little for overseeing ─ $6.75, Joseph Little for opening gravel pit and making road thereto ─ $6.00, Hugh Currie for 72 yards of gravel ─ $3.60, George Elvin  for 51 yards of gravel ─ $2.25, John McDonald for overseeing ─ $1.68, John McLarty for repairing bridge ─ $1.25, Thomas Barrett for 90 yards of gravel ─ $4.50, Capel Reeve for overseeing ─ $3.38, D. McKenzie for building and repairing bridge ─ $20.80, Allan McIntyre ─ balance due for plank and nails ─ $4.00, Charles Laing for overseeing ─ $4.50, Dun. Cameron for overseeing ─ $4.78, John Laing for 71 yards of gravel and surface damage ─ $4.70, Duncan McPherson for overseeing ─ $6.75, Isaac Roszell for shovelling ─ $1.50, H. Gummer, Guelph Herald for printing and advertising ─ $13.60, and Innes & Davidson, Guelph Mercury for printing and advertising ─ $42.90.


The Council adjourned, to meet again on Monday Aug. 22nd at 10 o’ clock a.m.


(signed by) James Scott ─ Reeve

August 22nd 1898.






The Municipality of Puslinch

August 22nd 1898.


Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met in the Council Room, at Aberfoyle, on Monday August 22nd, at 10:00 o’ clock a.m.  The members were all present, the Reeve in the chair.  The minutes of the last meeting were read and sustained.



Moved by Mr. Gilchrist, seconded by Mr. Hume, that a bylaw to tax the township for county, school, and municipal purposes be now introduced and read a first and second time.



Moved by Mr. McPherson, seconded by Mr. Gilchrist, that the report of the committee of Eramosa Council, in rē a portion of the boundary line between the townships of Eramosa and Puslinch, be received, adopted, and engrossed on the minutes of Council, and that the Clerk be instructed to report the action taken to the Council of Eramosa.






“Report of a Committee

 Appointed to Meet a Committee of the Council of Puslinch

 with Regard to the Boundary Line Between Lots 1, Eramosa and Puslinch”


It is hereby decided that the said Townline be opened for four rods south of the east corner of the Gore owned by Wm. Duffield, and that Wm. J. Rudd fence the northeast side of the road allowance, from the south corner of Lot number two (2) Eramosa, to a stake planted at the point mentioned, the east corner of the Gore, and also across the said road allowance; and further, that the said road allowance remain closed from said point to the south corner of Lot 1, Eramosa, and a centre fence be erected and maintained by the property owners on each side of said road allowance.


─ Report concurred in by

James Scott, Arch’d McKenzie, & James Hume, committee.







Moved by Mr. Gilchrist, seconded by Mr. McPherson, that the bylaw, taxing the township for county, school, and municipal purposes, be numbered 350, read a third time, and passed.



Moved by Mr. McKenzie, seconded by Mr. McPherson, that the Council grant $50.00, as a donation from Puslinch to the Guelph Fat Stock Show.



Moved by Mr. McKenzie, seconded by Mr. McPherson, that the following accounts be passed and ordered to be paid, namely, the accounts of John McRobbie for overseeing on Road Division No. 10, 4½ days ─ $5.06, John Laing for 114 yards of gravel on sideline, Lots 20 & 21 in the 10th Concession ─ $5.70, George Lamb for 12 yards of gravel on Townline ─ 60 cents, Wm. J. Laing for 1½ days of shovelling gravel ─ $1.50, Hart & Riddell for blank stationery ─ 56 cents, Lewis Kribs for 60 yards of gravel ─ $3.00, James Black for 110 yards of gravel delivered to Pathmaster ─ $5.50, Capel Reeve for 1 day overseeing ─ $1.13, William Scott for 72 yards of gravel for Road Division No. 18 ─ $3.60, and Blair Falconbridge for recording a Deed ─ $1.46.


The Council adjourned, to meet again on Monday Oct. 3rd, at 2 o’ clock p.m.


(signed by) James Scott ─ Reeve

October 3rd 1898.






The Municipality of Puslinch

October 3rd 1898.


Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met in the Council Room, at Aberfoyle, on Monday October 3rd, at 2 o’ clock p.m.  The members were all present, the Reeve in the chair.  The minutes of the last meeting were read and sustained.



Moved by Mr. Gilchrist, seconded by Mr. Hume, that the Reeve be and is hereby authorized to serve notice upon the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, showing that the cattle guards of their railway at the highway crossings in the Gore of Puslinch are practically of no value as a safe guard to prevent cattle from trespassing on their road allowance, and if the company neglects or refuses to put the said cattle guards in an efficient state of repair, he will take the necessary steps, under the statute, to compel them to repair.



Moved by Mr. McKenzie, seconded by Mr. McPherson, that the following accounts be passed and ordered to be paid, namely, the accounts of Neil Campbell for 60 yards of gravel ─ $3.00, and for putting in culvert ─ $1.00, and for 4 days of shovelling gravel ─ S4.50, John Arkell for 75 yards of gravel ─ $3.75, McIntosh & Galbraith for advertising ─ $2.50, N. A. McPherson for repairing plough broken at statute labour ─ $3.50, Matthew Elliott for building culvert on Beverly Townline ─ $3.00, Chas. Lehman for cutting weeds on Hall grounds ─ $7.25, George Collins for posts and railings on Waterloo Townline ─ $2.50, N. Ramsay for 2 days spreading gravel ─ $2.25, and for 2 days spreading gravel ─ $2.25, and J. W. Gilchrist for 4 days spreading gravel ─ $4.50,


The Council adjourned, to meet again on Monday Nov. 14th, at 10 o’ clock a.m.


(signed by) James Scott ─ Reeve

November 14th 1898.






The Municipality of Puslinch

A.D. 1898, November 14th.


Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met in the Council Room, at Aberfoyle, on Monday November 14th, at 10:00 o’ clock a.m.  The members were all present, the Reeve in the chair.  The minutes of the last meeting were read and sustained.



Moved by Mr. McPherson, seconded by Mr. Gilchrist, that a bylaw to determine the time and place for nominating and electing a Reeve and four Councillors, and to appoint Deputy-Returning Officers for the year 1899, be now read a first and second time.



Moved by Mr. Gilchrist, seconded by Mr. Hume, that the bylaw to fix the time and place for nominating and electing a Reeve and four Councillors and appointing Deputy-Returning Officers, be numbered 351, read a third time, and passed.



Moved by Mr. Gilchrist, seconded by Mr. McPherson, that the annual report and account of the Sanitary Inspector be accepted, and that the Reeve issue his order for payment of his annual account, $43.50, and for the annual expenses of the Local Board of Health, $20.00.



Moved by Mr. Gilchrist, seconded by Mr. McPherson, that the Reeve issue his order for $50.00, donated to the Guelph Fat Stock Show, in favour of J. M. Duff, President of the County Agricultural Society.



Moved by Mr. McKenzie, seconded by Mr. Gilchrist, that the Council grant $35.00, as a gift from Puslinch, to the Guelph General Hospital.







Moved by Mr. McKenzie, seconded by Mr. Hume, that he following accounts be passed and ordered to be paid, namely, the accounts of L. H. Snyder for surface damage on Lot 16 in the 5th Concession ─ $3.00, Peter Steffler for 14 days spreading gravel on the Townline ─ $15.75, and 6½ at Lots 15 & 16 in the 6th Concession ─ $7.31, James Devlin for 54 yards of gravel at Lots 33 & 34 in the 11th Concession ─ $2.70, Chas. Mast for 3 days spreading gravel and for repairing culvert ─ $4.88, Malm. Wilkinson for building bridge, sideline between Lots 15 & 16 in the 5th Concession ─ $5.00, J. M. Bond for 113 feet, 6 inches of sewer pipe ─ $29.00, Samuel Panabaker for 5½ days spreading gravel ─ $6.19, and for building culvert at Lot 3 in the 3rd Concession ─ $6.50, Andrew Scott for 97 yards of gravel and for surface damage ─ $6.85, H. Gummer for printing ─ $1.60, John Philpot for 40 yards of gravel on the Beverly Townline ─ $2.00, McIntosh & Galbraith for printing ─ $3.90, B. Falconbridge for postage and sundries ─ $18.55, Wellington Mutual Insurance Group assessment ─ $12.00, A. Munroe, Sanitary Inspector, annual account ─ $43.50, Joseph Smith for 110 yards of gravel ─ $5.50, annual expenses of Local Board of Health ─ $20.00, Joseph Bell for spreading gravel ─ $4.50, and John Scott Junior for 4¼ cords of timber for sinkhole on Beverly line ─ $4.25.


The Council adjourned, to meet again on Thursday Dec. 15th, at 10 o’ clock a.m.


(signed by) James Scott ─ Reeve

December 15th 1898.






Municipality of Puslinch

A.D. 1898 November 22nd.


According to verbal agreement, the Council met in the Council Room, at Aberfoyle, on Tuesday November 22nd at 2:00 o’ clock p.m.  The members were all present, the Reeve in the chair.  The special meeting was convened to consider the propriety of abolishing the present system of statute labour, and to provide for the adoption of a more practical and economical system of road making.


Moved by Mr. Hume, seconded by Mr. McPherson, that on and after the 31st day of December 1898, the present system of statute labour be abolished, and in lieu thereof, that a rate, not exceeding one and one half mill in the taxes, be levied and collected, together with the yearly rate, to be expended under commissioners appointed and directed by the Council, to make and keep in repair all the municipal roads and bridges, and that the Clerk be instructed to prepare and publish a bylaw to give effect to this motion, and for submission to ratepayers at the annual meeting.


The Council adjourned.


(signed by) James Scott ─ Reeve

December 15th 1898.






The Municipality of Puslinch

A.D. 1898, December 15th.


Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met in the Council Room, at Aberfoyle, on Thursday December 15th, at 10:00 o’ clock a.m.  The members were all present, the Reeve in the chair.  The minutes of the last meeting were read and sustained.  The Treasurer presented the annual financial statement.



Moved by Mr. Gilchrist, seconded by Mr. Hume, that the Treasurer’s financial statement be received, adopted, and published for distribution to ratepayers.



Moved by Mr. Gilchrist, seconded by Mr. Hume, that the Clerk be instructed to render an account for $32.08, to the Council of Nassagaweya, being one half of the expenditure on the boundary line between Puslinch and Nassagaweya during the year, and also an account for $20.10 to the Council of Waterloo, being for expenditure on the boundary line between Puslinch and Waterloo during the year.



Moved by Mr. Hume, seconded by Mr. Gilchrist, that the Clerk be instructed to notify Ignatius Lehman to pay the rent, $12.25, for the Hall grounds, now past due, immediately.



Moved by Mr. Gilchrist, seconded by Mr. McPherson, that a bylaw to abolish statute labour be now introduced and read a first and second time.



Moved by Mr. McPherson, seconded by Mr. McKenzie, that the Collector be instructed to remit $1.00 dog tax each to W. S. Cowan, Daniel McFarlane, Wm. Rae, George Evans, D. Wildfong, and to John Foster, $2.00 for a bitch.







Moved by Mr. McKenzie, seconded by Mr. McPherson, that the following accounts be passed and ordered to be paid, namely, the accounts of John Cook for repairing bridge at Lot 3 in the 10th Concession ─ $2.00, James Clark for building culvert at Lot 31 in the 9th Concession ─ $8.00, John Laing for 7 yards of gravel ─ 35 cents, D. C. Campbell for filling pond at Lot 20 in the 11th Concession ─ $7.00, F. Foley for 1 day shovelling gravel ─ $1.13, McIntosh & Galbraith for printing ─ $2.50, J. M. Bond for sewer pipe ─ $2.40, Robert Stewart for cedar plank for bridge ─ $22.61, Alexr. Stewart for work and gravel at sinkhole on boundary line between Puslinch and Beverly, Puslinch share ─ $18.80, Jas. F. McPherson for repairing sinkhole on boundary line ─ $4.75, Hector Gilchrist for repairing culvert at Lot 13 in the 10th Concession ─ $1.00, David Milroy for spreading gravel on the Waterloo line ─ $5.07, George Scott for culvert on sideline, Lots 10 & 11, Gore ─ $1.05, Malcolm Kennedy for 222 yards of gravel supplied to overseer ─ $11.10, John Jeffrey for culvert at Lots 15 & 16, in the 8th Concession ─ $1.50, and Samuel Smith for spreading gravel on the 3rd Concession ─ $4.50.






On motion, the Reeve vacated and Mr. Hume occupied the chair.



Moved by Mr. Gilchrist, seconded by Mr. McKenzie, that a cordial vote of thanks be now tendered to the Reeve for the able and courteous manner in which he has discharged his duties as chairman of the Council during the current year.

The Reeve responded, thanking the Council members for their cordial vote of thanks, referring briefly to the agreeable manner in which the business of the year was transacted, and also thanking the officials for their assistance and careful attention to business.



Moved by Mr. McKenzie, seconded by Mr. McPherson, that the time for collecting municipal taxes be and is hereby extended to the first day of February 1899.


The Council adjourned, to meet again on December 26th, at 10:00 o’ clock a.m.


(signed by) James Scott ─ Reeve

December 26th 1898.






The Municipality of Puslinch

A.D. 1898, December 26th.


Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met in the Council Room, at Aberfoyle, on Monday December 26th, at 10:00 o’ clock a.m.  The members were all present, the Reeve in the chair.  The minutes of the last meeting were read and sustained.



Moved by Mr. Gilchrist, seconded by Mr. McPherson, that the Municipal Treasurer be and is hereby authorized to pay all money collected under bylaw for general school purposes, together with the statutory requirements from the general funds of the township, to the Secretary-Treasurer of each School Board of Trustees, and that the Reeve place his order for payment of the increment from the Municipal Loan Fund, $40.00 to each school section, except Section No. 3, which has two schools, giving $20.00 to each school.



Moved by Mr. Gilchrist, seconded by Mr. Hume, that the Clerk be instructed to render the following account to the Municipal Council of Beverly, rē expenditure on boundary line between Beverly and Puslinch, the total amount expended being $183.73, of which Puslinch paid $95.83 and Beverly paid $87.90, leaving a balance due to Puslinch of $3.96.







Moved by Mr. Hume, seconded by Mr. McPherson, that I. S. Lehman be exempt from payment of one year’s rent of the Hall grounds, in lieu of fence being out of repair.



Moved by Mr. McKenzie, seconded by Mr. Hume, that the following accounts be passed and ordered to be paid, namely, the accounts of Walter Elliott for two days’ work with the grader on the 1st Concession ─ $3.00, building culvert at Lots 35 & 36 in the 9th Concession ─ $2.00, Peter Hume for building culvert at Lots 35 & 36 in the 10th Concession ─ $5.00, John A. Cockburn for cedar for culvert ─ $2.00, Wm. Hamilton for building culvert at Lots 6 & 7 in the 8th Concession ─ $2.00, and Alexr. McAllister for spreading gravel at Lots 5 & 6 in the 2nd Concession ─ $1.50.


The Council adjourned, sine die.


(signed by) James Scott ─ Reeve

January 9th 1899.






Municipal Election Held January 2nd 1899.

Statement at the Close of the Poll



For Councillors









Electoral Division No.









Gilchrist, John









Meldrum, George









McKenzie, Arch’d









Welsh, John


















Bylaw rē Statutory Labour




































Messrs. Gilchrist, Meldrum, McKenzie, and Welsh were declared Municipal Councillors for the current year, 1899.


(signed) James McLean ─ Clerk


January 3rd 1899.






Municipality of Puslinch

A.D. 1899, January 9th.


The inaugural meeting of the Councillors was held in the Council Room, at Aberfoyle, on Monday January 9th, at 11:00 o’ clock a.m.  The members elect were all present, namely, James Scott ─ Reeve, and John Gilchrist, George Meldrum, Archibald McKenzie, and John Welsh, and having made and subscribed the Declaration of Qualification, and of office, took their respective seats at the Council Board. 


The minutes of the last meeting were read and sustained.  Communications from Messrs. Wm. Reynolds, County Treasurer, and from John McCorkindale, Municipal Treasurer, Guelph, were received and read.



Moved by Mr. Gilchrist, seconded by Mr. Meldrum, that a bylaw to appoint municipal auditors for the current year be now introduced and read a first and second time.



Moved by Mr. Gilchrist, seconded by Mr. Welsh, that a bylaw to appoint a Local Board of Health and a Sanitary Inspector for the current year be now introduced and read a first and second time.



Moved by Mr. Meldrum, seconded by Mr. McKenzie, that the bylaw to appoint a Local Board of Health be numbered 352, read a third time, and passed.



Moved by Mr. Welsh, seconded by Mr. Gilchrist, that the bylaw to appoint municipal auditors be numbered 353, read a third time, and passed.







Moved by Mr. Gilchrist, seconded by Mr. Welsh, that Messrs. McKenzie and Welsh be and are hereby appointed a Standing Road & Bridge Committee for that portion of the township being north of the 3rd Concession line, and the sideline between Lots 20 & 21, from the line of the 7th, across the old survey, to the Townline of Nassagaweya, and that Messrs. Meldrum and Gilchrist be and are hereby appointed a Standing Road & Bridge Committee for that portion of the township being south of the above described line, and that the Reeve act as chairman of both committees.



Moved by Mr. McKenzie, seconded by Mr. Meldrum, that the following accounts be passed and ordered to be paid, namely, the Clerk’s account for election expenses ─ $44.00, and Municipal World for stationery ─ $1.72


The Council adjourned, to meet again on Monday Feb. 6th, at 10:00 o’ clock a.m.


(signed by) James Scott ─ Reeve

February 6th 1899.






The Municipality of Puslinch

A.D. 1899, February 6th.


Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met in the Council Room, at Aberfoyle, on Monday February 6th, at 10:00 o’ clock a.m.  The members were all present, the Reeve in the chair.  The minutes of the last meeting were read and sustained.



Moved by Mr. Gilchrist, seconded by Mr. Welsh, that the report of the municipal auditors for the year ending December 31st 1898 be received and adopted.



Moved by Mr. Meldrum, seconded by Mr. McKenzie, that the caretaker be and is hereby instructed to lend to the I.O.F., of Morriston, the number of Township Hall benches required for their entertainment, on condition that they return the same safe and sound.



Moved by Mr. Welsh, seconded by Mr. McKenzie, that the Reeve and Clerk be authorized …. the petition to the Legislative Assembly …. fees in cities and towns and to trans…. (text missing)



Moved by Mr. Meldrum, seconded by Mr. Gilchrist, that whereas there have been many narrow escapes from serious accidents at the crossing of the Canadian Pacific Railway on the Brock Road, at Schaw, for it is impossible for people driving on the Brock Road to perceive a train approaching from the east until their horses are upon the crossing, be it resolved that the Clerk be and hereby is instructed to notify the Company, calling their attention to the dangerous character of the crossing and requesting them to make some provision for obviating such danger in the future, said communication to be addressed to T. Williams, C.P.R. Superintendent, London, Onto.







Moved by Mr. Gilchrist, seconded by Mr. McKenzie, that the Reeve issue his order in favour of Messrs. R. B. Morison and John A. McDonald, municipal auditors, for $5.00 each as remuneration for their services.



Moved by Mr. Gilchrist, seconded by Mr. McKenzie, that Messrs. Gilchrist, Meldrum, and Welsh be a committee to examine the propriety of the Treasurer’s claim for an increase of salary and report.

Report:  Your committee, appointed to investigate the Treasurer’s claim for increase of salary, reports that after interviewing the Treasurer and having a look at his books, we consider that he has no claim for increase in the matter of going over the Collector’s Roll; he undoubtedly has more work in keeping the “Cash Book”, authorized by provincial statute to be used in the various municipalities; we also find that his books are kept in a legible _____ (word missing) manner, but taking into consideration the amount of salary already paid, we do not feel justified in recommending an increase.



Moved by Mr. McKenzie, seconded by Mr. Gilchrist, that the report of the committee to investigate the Treasurer’s claim for increase of salary be received and adopted.







Moved by Mr. McKenzie, seconded by Mr. Gilchrist, that Robert Foster and Andrew Laing be refunded $1.00 each for dog tax, omitted to be struck off the Roll last year, by an oversight.



Moved by Mr. Gilchrist, seconded by Mr. Meldrum that Mr. James Campbell be and is hereby re-appointed caretaker of the Township Hall and grounds, at a salary of $20.00 per annum, his duties to be the same as last year.



Moved by Mr. McKenzie, seconded by Mr. Meldrum, that the following accounts be passed and ordered to be paid, namely, the accounts of McIntosh & Galbraith for printing ─ $12.00, T. J. Day for collector’s receipts ─ $4.00, James Lennie for building culvert ─ $1.67, Hugh McDiarmid for shovelling gravel ─ $1.00, and Municipal World for stationery and stamp ─ $9.87.


The Council adjourned, to meet again on Monday Feb. 27th at 2:00 o’ clock p.m.


(signed) James Scott ─ Reeve

February 27th 1899.






Municipality of Puslinch

A.D. 1899, February 27th.


Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met in the Council Room, at Aberfoyle, on Monday February 27th, at 2:00 o’ clock p.m.  The members were all present, the Reeve in the chair.  The minutes of the last meeting were read and sustained.



Moved by Mr. Meldrum, seconded by Mr. Welsh, that a bylaw be prepared by the Clerk to appoint J. A. Howitt, M.D., as public vaccinator for the Township of Puslinch, in accordance with the provincial statute relating to vaccination.



Moved by Mr. McKenzie, seconded by Mr. Welsh, that the following accounts be passed and ordered to be paid, namely, the accounts of McIntosh & Galbraith for printing ─ $2.00, and Municipal World for Collector’s Roll ─ $1.25.


The Council adjourned, to meet again on Monday March 27th, at 10 o’ clock a.m.


(signed by) James Scott ─ Reeve

March 27th 1899.






Municipality of Puslinch

A.D. 1899, March 27th.


Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met in the Council Room, at Aberfoyle, on Monday March 27th, at 10:00 o’ clock a.m.  The members were all present, the Reeve in the chair.  The minutes of the last meeting were read and sustained.



Moved by Mr. Meldrum, seconded by Mr. Gilchrist, that a bylaw to appoint a public vaccinator be now introduced and read a first and second time.



Moved by Mr. Welsh, seconded by Mr. Gilchrist, that the caretaker be and is hereby instructed to lend to the Literary Society of School Section No. 2, as many of the Hall benches as they may require for their meeting, on condition that they return them safe and sound.



Moved by Mr. Gilchrist, seconded by Mr. McKenzie, that a bylaw to appoint overseers of highways, fence-viewers, and pound-keepers be now introduced and read a first and second time.



Moved by Mr. Gilchrist, seconded by Mr. McKenzie, that a bylaw to appoint a public vaccinator for the municipality be numbered 254, read a third time, and passed.







Moved by Mr. Meldrum, seconded by Mr. Gilchrist, that in rē communication from the C.P.R Company, referring to a former motion of the Council, and requesting information as to what the Council would suggest under the circumstances, that the Clerk be and hereby is instructed to state that the Council does not wish to put the Company to unnecessary expense in the matter of public protection at Schaw crossing.  The Council would suggest that an automatic electric signal gong be erected, to give warning of trains approaching the crossing from the east, which, in the opinion of the Council, would be a reasonable safety to the public.



Moved by Mr. Welsh, seconded by Mr. Gilchrist, that the bylaw to appoint overseers of highways, fence-viewers, and pound-keepers be numbered 255, read a third time, and passed.



Moved by Mr. Gilchrist, seconded by Mr. Meldrum, that all parties requiring road improvements will please present their petitions on or before the 26th day of May, so that portions of road requiring improvements may be investigated before appropriations are made.  After the 26th day of May, no petitions, except in case of emergency, will be entertained, and all appeals against the Assessment Roll, to receive attention, must be placed in the hands of the Clerk on or before the 14th day of May.



Moved by Mr. McKenzie, seconded by Mr. Gilchrist, that the Council does now adjourn, to meet again, and sit as a Court of Revision on Friday May 26th, at 10:00 o’ clock a.m., and after Revision, for general business.


(signed by) James Scott ─ Reeve

May 26th 1899.






Municipality of Puslinch

A.D. 1899, May 26th.


Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met in the Council Room, at Aberfoyle, on Friday May 26th, at 10:00 o’ clock a.m.  The members were all present, namely, Messrs. James Scott ─ Reeve, John Gilchrist, George J. Meldrum, Archibald McKenzie, and John Welsh ─ Councillors, and being duly sworn, constituted as a Court of Revision, the following list of appeals was heard and determined:


The appeal of Edward J. Crawley for over-assessment of land and no personal property ─ assessment reduced $100.00, and Lot 19 in the 11th Concession, assessed to Wm. H. Ross, was sold and the assessment thereof transferred to the buyer, Daniel Barbaree, at the instance of the assessor.


Each of the following parties had one dog struck off their assessment, namely, Joseph Bell, Prince W. Laing, James Reddick, and T. F. & W. Jackson.


Moved by Mr. Gilchrist, seconded by Mr. McKenzie, that the Assessment Roll, as now corrected and revised, be passed and confirmed.


(signed by) James Scott ─ Reeve

July 10th 1899.






Puslinch Council

A.D. 1899, May 26th.


In the afternoon, the Council resumed ordinary business.  Instructions were issued to Pathmasters who were present, and mailed to absent ones.



Moved by Mr. Meldrum, seconded by Mr. Gilchrist, that the name of Donald J. McLean be substituted for Alexander McLean on Bylaw No. 255, as Pathmaster for Road Division No. 93, and that the name of Daniel McFarlane be added to the List of Pound-keepers on the said bylaw.



Moved by Mr. Welsh, seconded by Mr. Gilchrist, that the caretaker be and is hereby instructed to lend as many of the Township Hall seats as may be required for the examination in School Section No. 4, on condition that the same be returned safe and sound.



Moved by Mr. Gilchrist, seconded by Mr. Welsh, that the tender of George H. Kidd for the season’s pasture of the Township Hall grounds, $5.00, and to keep all noxious weeds cut during the season, be accepted.







Moved by Mr. Gilchrist, seconded by Mr. Meldrum, that the following petitions, now read, be referred to the respective Road & Bridge committees, namely, the petitions of John Cameron and others, Robert Watson and others, Charles Currie and others, Michael Neubauer and others, Robert Burdon and others, William Kerr and others, James Tavernor and others, Anthony Bowman and others, John R. Clark and others, Alexr. McLean and others, John Robertson and others, Peter Gilchrist ─ Evan J. Gilchrist and others, William Rae and others, Michael Welsh and others, Samuel Panabaker and others, Arthur Byrns and others, Daniel Barbaree and others, J. R. Ball and others, John A. Cockburn and others, Edward Crawley and others, James Harmer and others, D. Campbell and others, John A. Wilkinson and others, William Moran and others, Samuel Smith and others, William J. Laing and others, David Gordon and others, Peter Hume and others, Robert Watt and others, and the claim of J. R. Ball, John Eggert, and G. Stunns for damage to crop and fences by winter travel.  Each committee is to inspect the portions of road petitioned for and report to a special meeting of Council on May 30th at 6 o’ clock p.m.







Moved by Mr. Meldrum, seconded by Mr. Gilchrist, that the Clerk be and is hereby instructed to state, in reply to the communication from the C.P.R. Company, of April 28th 1899, asking if the Municipality of Puslinch is prepared to bear the expense of the erection of an electric signal gong, that the Council would emphatically say “No”, and in the meantime, should any accident occur at said crossing, the C.P.R. Company will be held responsible.



Moved by Mr. McKenzie, seconded by Mr. Welsh, that the Council grant the sum of $50.00, as a donation from Puslinch, to the Guelph Fat Stock Show.



Moved by Mr. Gilchrist, seconded by Mr. Meldrum, that, having heard of the needs and necessities of the Guelph General Hospital, set forth by a respectable deputation therefrom, the Council does grant the sum of $35.00, as a donation from Puslinch to the hospital.



Moved by Mr. McKenzie, seconded by Mr. Meldrum, that the following accounts be passed and ordered to be paid, namely, the accounts of J. M. Bond & Co. for sewer pipe ─ $1.92, George Collins for building culvert at Lot 1 in the 3rd Concession ─ $3.75, and McIntosh & Galbraith for printing advertising ─ $6.90.


The Council adjourned, to meet again on Monday July 10th, at 2:00 o’ clock p.m.


(signed by) James Scott ─ Reeve

July 10th 1899.






The Municipality of Puslinch

May 30th, A.D. 1899.


According to appointment, the Council met in the Council Room, at Aberfoyle, on Tuesday May 30th, at 6:00 o’ clock p.m.  The members were all present, the Reeve in the chair.  The respective Road & Bridge Committees, having inspected the portions of road petitioned for, presented their reports.


The Standing Committee for the Southern Division recommends the following expenditures: at Lot 2, Beverly Townline ─ $10.00, at Lot 1 in the 3rd Concession ─ $10.00, on sideline between Lots 5 & 6 in the 2nd Concession ─ $10.00, on the sideline between Lots 15 7 16 in the 2nd Concession ─ $20.00, at Lots 6 & 7 in the 2nd Concession ─ $25.00, at Lot 10 in the 2nd Concession ─ $15.00, at Lot 26 in the 1st Concession ─ $15.00, at the sideline between Lots 30 & 31, Gore ─ $20.00, at Lot 29 in the 7th Concession ─ $40.00, at Lot 28 in the 2nd Concession ─ $20.00, at sideline between Lots 30 & 31, in the 7th Concession ─ $15.00, on sideline between Lots 30 & 31 in the 8th Concession ─ $75.00, at Lot 22 in the 9th Concession ─ $25.00, at Lot 34 in the 10th Concession ─ $10.00, at Lot 36 in the 10th Concession ─ $20.00, and on sideline between Lots 35 & 36 in the 10th Concession ─ $25.00.


All of which is respectively submitted,

(signed) John Gilchrist & George J. Meldrum ─ committee






The Standing Committee for the northern division recommends the following expenditures: at Lot 13, front of the 7th Concession ─ $30.00, at Lots 20 & 21, rear of the 3rd Concession ─ $30.00, at Lots 15 & 16, front and rear of the 3rd Concession ─ $50.00, at Lots 4 & 5, rear of the 3rd Concession ─ $25.00, at Lot 4 in the 4th Concession ─ $10.00, at Lots 15 & 16 in the 5th Concession ─ $35.00, on the sideline between Lots 6 & 7 in the 9th Concession ─ $40.00, on the sideline between Lots 10 & 11 in the 10th Concession ─ $30.00, at Lot 11 in the 11th Concession ─ $15.00, on Townline at Lot 16 ─ $20.00, at Lots 15 & 16, rear of the 9th Concession ─ $30.00, on the sideline between Lots 20 & 21 ─ $15.00, on the sideline between Lots 20 & 21 in the 9th Concession ─ $25.00, at Lot 19 in the 9th Concession ─ $25.00, at Lots 15 & 16, rear of the 10th Concession ─ $10.00, G. Stunns for damage to wheat ─ $4.00, J. R. Ball for damage to wheat ─ $3.50, John Eggert for damage to wheat ─ $3.50, and George Laird ─ $3.50.


All of which is respectively submitted,

(signed) Archibald McKenzie & John Welsh ─ committee


Moved by Mr. Meldrum, seconded by Mr. Welsh, that the reports of the respective Standing Road & Bridge Committees be received and adopted.


(signed by) James Scott ─ Reeve

July 10th 1899.






The Municipality of Puslinch

A.D. 1899, July 10th.


Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met in the Council Room, at Aberfoyle, on Monday July 10th, at 2:00 o’ clock p.m.  The members were all present, the Reeve in the chair.  The minutes of the last meeting were read and sustained.



Moved by Mr. Welsh, seconded by Mr. Gilchrist, that a bylaw to appoint a member  of the Local Board of Health, in place of the late Allan McIntyre, deceased, be now introduced and read a first and second time.



Moved by Mr. Welsh, seconded by Mr. Meldrum, that the bylaw, appointing a member of the Local Board of Health, be numbered 256, read a third time, and passed.



Moved by Mr. Gilchrist, seconded by Mr. Meldrum, that this Council, having notified the C.P.R. Company concerning the inefficiency of the cattle guards through the township, also the necessity of some protection to the public against accidents on the railway crossing at Schaw Station, without any steps being taken by the company to rectify the grievances, does now hereby instruct the Reeve to lay the matter before the Inspector of Railways, asking him to take the matter in hand.



Moved by Mr. Welsh, seconded by Mr. Gilchrist, that the Reeve issue his order for $25.00 in favour of St. Joseph’s Hospital, at Guelph, as a donation from Puslinch to said hospital.







Moved by Mr. McKenzie, seconded by Mr. Meldrum, that the following accounts be passed and ordered to be paid, namely, the accounts of Donald Grant for repairing culvert on sideline between Lots 20 & 21 in the 8th Concession ─ $2.50, James Moran for overseeing contract on sideline between Lots 20 & 21 in the 5th Concession ─ $6.19, D. McFarlane for shovelling gravel on Road Division No. 37 ─ $1.50, James Carruthers for filling washout at Lots 20 & 21 in the 3rd Concession ─ $1.50, and for overseeing contract at Lots 20 & 21 in the 3rd Concession ─ $4.50, James Devlin for 84 yards of gravel for Road Division No. 107 ─ $4.20, Henry Snyder for damage to crop by contractors taking out gravel at Lot 16 in the 5th Concession ─ $4.00, Wm. J. Laing for overseeing contract on Road Division No. 112 ─ $2.81, E. Panabaker for overseeing contract on Lot 4 in the 4th Concession ─ $4.50, Edward Keenan for building culvert on the Guelph Townline at Lot 1 in the 8th Concession ─ $2.00, Alexr. Fleming for overseeing contract on sideline between Lots 15 & 16 in the 9th Concession ─ $4.50, John McGeachy for overseeing contract on the sideline between Lots 30 & 31, Gore ─ $4.50, John Laing for 54 yards of gravel on Road Division No. 103 ─ $2.70, and for damage to wheat ─ $1.00, McIntosh & Galbraith for printing and advertising ─ $38.25, Wm. A. McKenzie for material and repairing Council Room ─ $6.30, John M. Bond for sewer pipe ─ $25.50, John Rudel for 62 yards of gravel on Road Division No. 49 ─ $3.10, H. Gummer for advertising ─ $4.80, A. Byrn(s) for shovelling ─ $3.00, and for 45 yards of gravel on Road Division No. 74 ─ $2.25, James Mason for shovelling on Road Division No. 70 ─ $4.00, (continued below)







M. Neubauer for building culvert at Lot 27 in the 2nd Concession ─ $4.00, Alexr. McKay for gravel supplied to Road Division No. 44 ─ $2.55, George Collins for overseeing at Lot 1 in the 1st Concession ─ $2.25, M. McNulty for building culvert on sideline between Lots 6 & 7 in the 8th Concession ─ $2.00, and for overseeing contract on 8th Concession at Lot 7 ─ $2.25, Wm. Scott for gravel to Road Divisions No. 18 & 20 ─ $6.35, L. Kribs for 245 yards of gravel to Road Division No. 47 ─ $12.25, Thos. Robertson for overseeing contract of Road Divisions No. 30 & 33 ─ $5.62, John Bond for overseeing contract of Road Division No. 29 ─ $1.13, Samuel Panabaker for overseeing contract on Road Division No. 47 ─ $4.50, and for shovelling gravel ─ $4.00, Hugh Currie for 35 yards of gravel on Road Divisions No. 22 & 23 in the 1st Concession ─ $1.75, and Peter Hume for 57 yards of gravel for Road Division No. 112 ─ $2.85.


The Council adjourned, to meet again on Monday Aug. 21st, at 10 o’ clock a.m.


(signed) James Scott ─ Reeve

August 21st 1899.






The Municipality of Puslinch

A.D. 1899, August 21st.


Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met in the Council Room, at Aberfoyle, on Monday August 21st, at 10:00 o’ clock a.m.  The members were all present, the Reeve in the chair.  The minutes of the last meeting were read and sustained.



Moved by Mr. Gilchrist, seconded by Mr. Welsh, that a bylaw to tax the township for county, school, and municipal purposes be now introduced and read a first and second time.



Moved by Mr. Welsh, seconded by Mr. Gilchrist, that the bylaw taxing the township for county, school, and municipal purposes be numbered 257, read a third time, and passed.



Moved by Mr. McKenzie, seconded by Mr. Meldrum, that the following accounts be passed and ordered to be paid, namely, the accounts of R. J. McFarlane for 50 yards of gravel ─ $2.50, George Lamb, Division 110, for 15 yards of gravel ─ 75 cents, Municipal World for blank forms ─ 72 cents, Hugh Campbell for painting Council Room and glass ─ $18.20, Archibald McAlister for removing stones at Lots 5 & 6 in the 2nd Concession ─ $1.50, James Starkey, Division 97, for 60 yards of gravel ─ $3.00, Edward Crawley for overseeing contract at Lot 13 in the 7th Concession ─ $5.63, Thos. E. Welsh, Division 82, for 112 yards of gravel and for 4 days shovelling gravel ─ $9.60, James Black, Division 81, for 112 yards of gravel ─ $5.60, Jas. Black for 25 yards of gravel on Townline ─ $1.25, (continued below).







Robert Ord, Division 78, for 3 days shovelling gravel ─ $3.00, John Ord, Division 78, for 64 yards of gravel ─ $3.20, Capel Reeve, Division 31, for 75 yards of gravel ─ $3.75, and for building culvert ─ $3.42, Wm. Steffler for building culvert at Lot 3 in the 7th Concession ─ $8.00, and for opening ditch ─ $2.00, and for 40 yards of gravel ─ $2.00, James Laird for 67 yards of gravel on Division 63 ─ $3.35, and John Blake, Division 5, for building 2 culverts ─ $5.00.



Moved by Mr. Meldrum, seconded by Mr. Gilchrist, that the Clerk communicate with Mr. J. J. Craig, P.S.I. (Public School Inspector), inquiring if clause 66 ─ 1 & 2, page 3353, of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, referring to the payment of $100.00 additional for each assistant teacher, was in force in 1898.



Moved by Mr. McKenzie, seconded by Mr. Meldrum, that the statute labour tax for the current year be remitted to Mrs. John McLean and Mrs. Jacob Bowman.


The Council adjourned, to meet again on Monday Aug. 28th, at 6 o’ clock p.m.


(signed by) James Scott ─ Reeve

August 28th 1899.






The Municipality of Puslinch

A.D. 1899, August 28th.


Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met in the Council Room, at Aberfoyle, on Monday August 28th, at 6:00 o’ clock p.m.  The members were all present, the Reeve in the chair.  The minutes of the last meeting were read and sustained.



Moved by Mr. Gilchrist, seconded by Mr. Welsh, that a bylaw to appoint a municipal engineer be now introduced and read a first and second time.



Moved by Mr. Gilchrist, seconded by Mr. McKenzie, that the bylaw appointing a municipal engineer be numbered 258, read a third time, and passed.



Moved by Mr. McKenzie, seconded by Mr. Meldrum, that the following accounts be passed and ordered to be paid, namely, the accounts of J. M. Bond for 16 feet of sewer pipe ─ $1.92, Municipal World for blank forms and Municipal Lawyer ─ $2.75, George Evans for railing at Lot 24 in the 10th Concession ─ $10.00, F. W. Stone for plough share broken at statute labour ─ 35 cents, D. R. Clark for 120 yards of gravel at Lots 27 & 28 in the 9th Concession ─ $6.00, W. S. Elliott for 4 days work with grader ─ $14.00, and for 50 yards of gravel at Lots 35 & 36 in the 9th Concession ─ $2.50, David Gordon for overseeing contract on the sideline, Lots 6 & 7 in the 9th Concession ─ $3.94, and John Boyle for 188 yards of gravel on Road Division 57 ─ $9.40.  


The Council adjourned, to meet again on Monday October 2nd, at 2:00 o’ clock.


(signed by) James Scott ─ Reeve

October 2nd 1899.






The Municipality of Puslinch

A.D. 1899, October 2nd.


Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met in the Council Room, at Aberfoyle, on October 2nd, at 2:00 o’ clock p.m.  The members were all present, the Reeve in the chair.  The minutes of the last meeting were read and sustained.



Moved by Mr. Meldrum, seconded by Mr. Gilchrist, that the request of the Trustees of School Section No. 8 be granted, that the Reeve issue his order in favour of said Trustees for $50.00, which the Council, not knowing the amendment to the School Act, omitted to levy and collect for the year 1898.



Moved by Mr. McKenzie, seconded by Mr. Gilchrist, that the following accounts be passed and ordered to be paid, namely, the accounts of Malcolm Kennedy for 278 yards of gravel, delivered to Pathmaster ─ $14.35, and for surface damage ─ $1.50, McIntosh & Galbraith for advertising ─ $2.50, Neil Campbell for 65 yards of gravel and 4 days spreading gravel ─ $7.25, Municipal World for blank stationery ─ 54 cents, Executors of the Black estate for 30 yards of gravel ─ $1.50, Hugh Watson for repairing culvert ─ $1.25, Edward Kinsella for repairing bridge railing ─ $5.00, George Elvin for 65 yards of gravel on Waterloo Townline ─ $3.25, and John Rudell for 120 yards of gravel, supplied to Pathmaster ─ $6.00.







Moved by Mr. Gilchrist, seconded by Mr. Welsh, that in compliance with the wishes of Messrs. Little and Strang, of Nassagaweya, asking the co-operation of the Council in opening a portion of the boundary line between Nassagaweya and Puslinch, the Council apportions a sum not exceeding $50.00 for that purpose.


The Council adjourned, to meet again on Monday Nov. 20th, at 10 o’ clock a.m.


(signed by) James Scott ─ Reeve

November 20th 1899.






The Municipality of Puslinch

November 20th 1899.


Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met in the Council Room, at Aberfoyle, on Monday November 20th, at 10:00 o’ clock a.m.  The members were all present, the Reeve in the chair.  The minutes of the last meeting were read and sustained.



Moved by Mr. Welsh, seconded by Mr. Gilchrist, that a bylaw to determine the time and place for nominating and electing a Reeve and Councillors, and to appoint Deputy-Returning officers for the year 1900, be now introduced and read a first and second time.



Moved by Mr. Meldrum, seconded by Mr. McKenzie, that the caretaker be instructed to lend the Sons of Scotland, at Morriston, as many of the Hall benches as may be required for their entertainment, on condition that the same be promptly returned in good condition.



Moved by Mr. Gilchrist, seconded by Mr. Welsh, that the bylaw to fix the time and place for nominating and electing a Reeve and Councillors, and to appoint Deputy-Returning officers for the year 1900, be numbered 259, read a third time, and passed.







Moved by Mr. McKenzie, seconded by Mr. Gilchrist, that the following accounts be passed and ordered to be paid, namely, the accounts of Peter Laing for repairing bridge at Lot 2 in the 10th Concession ─ $4.50, R. Stewart for lumber for bridge at Lots 10 ─ 11 in the 5th Concession ─ $2.72, J. M. Bond for sewer pipe ─ $1.12, H. Gummer for advertising ─ $3.20, H. D. Dalmer for tile for sideline for Lots 30 ─ 31 in the 8th Concession ─ $6.60, B. Falconbridge for postage and sundries ─ $15.05, Wellington Mutual Insurance Company assessment ─ $12.00, Wm. Brown for lumber and nails for culvert in the village of Morriston ─ $9.13, M. McNulty for building culvert at Lot 4 in the 9th Concession ─ $1.00, Thos. Aikens for overseeing contract at Lots 20 ─ 21 in the 2nd Concession ─ $3.38, Daniel McLean for overseeing contract at Lots 20 ─ 21 in the 2nd Concession ─ $3.38, J. W. Johnston for damage to buggy ─ $2.75, Neil Stewart for plough broken at statute labour ─ $1.50, Edward Murphy for overseeing contract in Road Division No. 43 ─ $2.25, and James Aikens for building culvert at Lots 12 ─ 13 in the 3rd Concession ─ $4.00.



Moved by Mr. McKenzie, seconded by Mr. Welsh, that Messrs. John Gilchrist and George J. Meldrum be and are hereby appointed delegates to the meeting to be held in the Town of Galt on the 12th day of December next, in rē cattle guards on the C.P.R.


The Council adjourned, to meet again on Friday Dec. 15th, at 11 o’ clock a.m.


(signed by) James Scott ─ Reeve

December 15th 1899.






The Municipality of Puslinch

A.D. 1899, December 15th.


Pursuant to statutory appointment, the Council met in the Council Room, at Aberfoyle, on Friday December 15th, at 11:00 o’ clock a.m.  The members were all present, the Reeve in the chair.  The minutes of the last meeting were read and sustained.



Moved by Mr. Meldrum, seconded by Mr. McKenzie, that the Reeve issue his order for $1.20 in favour of Mary Heffernan, that being her tax for the current year.



Moved by Mr. Meldrum, seconded by Mr. Welsh, that the following parties be remitted their dog taxes, namely, John Scott ─ $1.00, Arch’d Smith ─ $1.00, John Douglas ─ $1.00, John Smith ─ $1.00, George Evans ─ $2.00, and John Tawse ─ $1.00, and that the Reeve issue his orders for the same.



Moved by Mr. Gilchrist, seconded by Mr. Welsh, that the Municipal Treasurer be and is hereby authorized to pay all monies collected under bylaw for general school purposes, together with the statutory requirement from the general funds of the township, to the Secretary-Treasurer of each school board, and that the Reeve place his order for the payment of the increment of the Municipal Loan Fund, amounting to $40.00 to each school section, except No. 3, which has two schools, in which case $20.00 is allotted to each school.



Moved by Mr. Gilchrist, seconded by Mr. Meldrum, that on account of an error in the estimate made by the trustees of Protestant School Section No. 3, the Council does hereby instruct the Clerk to recast the assessment on the Collector’s Roll according to the revised estimate. 







Moved by Mr. Meldrum, seconded by Mr. Gilchrist, that in reply to the circular from the Law Clerk of the Legislative Assembly in rē Justice Act, to change the municipal financial year from the 31st to the 1st day of December, the Council, having considered the matter, are of the opinion that the Reeve and the Clerk should reply in the affirmative to the said circular.



Moved by Mr. Welsh, seconded by Mr. McKenzie, that the time for collecting municipal taxes be and is hereby extended to the 1st day of February 1900.



Moved by Mr. Welsh, seconded by Mr. Meldrum, that the annual financial statement of the Municipal Treasurer be received and adopted, and that 200 copies thereof be printed, for distribution to ratepayers.



Moved by Mr. McKenzie, seconded by Mr. Meldrum, that the following accounts be passed and ordered to be paid, namely, the accounts of John M. Clark for building culvert, Road Division 79, ─ $1.50, John Murray for building culvert, Road Division 99, ─ $1.50, Wm. Mahon for 113 yards of gravel, Road Division 89, ─ $5.65, Wellwood Cowan for 2¼ days shovelling gravel, Road Division 116, ─ $2.25, Peter Petty for damage to crop by drawing gravel, Road Division 83, ─ $5.00, John Cook for repairing bridge at Lot 2 in the 10th Concession ─ $1.25, Joseph Smith for 50 yards of gravel, Road Division 69, ─ $2.50, McIntosh & Galbraith for printing ─ $2.80, James E. Doyle for building culvert, Division 56, ─ $3.22, George Metcalf for building culvert, Division 50, ─ $2.50, John Linderman for repairing bridge, Division 109, ─ $1.50, James Moran for repairing railing, Division 43, ─ $1.50, Robert Moran for plough broken at statute labour ─ 35 cents, Hugh Currie for 34 yards of gravel, Division 6, ─ $1.70, and E. D. Thompson for plough broken at statute labour, Division 64, ─ 35 cents.






On motion, Mr. Scott vacated and Mr. McKenzie occupied the chair.


Moved by Mr. Gilchrist, seconded by Mr. Meldrum, that a cordial vote of thanks be tendered to the Reeve, for the able and courteous manner in which he has discharged his duties as chairman of the Council and Reeve of the township for the current year, and also that the Clerk and Treasurer be commended in the same connection.


The Reeve responded, thanking the Council members for their cordial vote of thanks, and referring briefly to the quiet and agreeable manner in which all the business coming before the Council was conducted.


The Clerk acknowledged the compliment to himself and the Treasurer, and returned thanks for the same.


The Council adjourned, sine die.


(signed) James Scott ─ Reeve

January 8th 1900.







Puslinch Township Council

 Minutes of Council Meetings

June 3rd 1892 ─ December 15th 1899.


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