Township of Puslinch Farmers Club

in the newspapers






Puslinch Farmer’s Club


A meeting to all those favourable to the formation of a Farmer’s Club in Puslinch will be held in the Town Hall, Aberfoyle, on Saturday, 4th April, next, 2 p.m.  Professor McCandless, of the Provincial Farm, has consented to attend the meeting.  All interested are requested to attend.  By order of the Provisional Committee.


Puslinch, March 25th 1874.





Puslinch Farmers’ Club


We call the attention of farmers in Puslinch to the advertisement of a meeting to be held in the Town Hall, Aberfoyle, on Saturday April 4th for the purpose of organizing a Farmers’ Club.  These clubs, if properly conducted, are the means of spreading much information relating to agriculture, and we hope the attempt to form a club in Puslinch will be successful.  Professor McCandless of the Provincial Farm has promised to attend.


Wed. March 25th 1874.




Puslinch Farmers’ Club

Meeting at Aberfoyle


A number of farmers in Puslinch, being anxious to organize in the township a Farmers’ Club, a meeting for that purpose was held in the Town Hall, Aberfoyle, on Saturday afternoon.  There was a fair attendance of leading farmers from nearly every section of the township.  Mr. James H. Glennie was appointed chairman and Mr. Joseph Grant, secretary.


 The chairman, in opening the proceedings, referred briefly to the objects of a club such as they proposed to organize, and the benefits that the farmers would derive from it in the interchange of ideas, in enlarging their knowledge, and in the advantages financial, social, and intellectual, which would follow.  He then introduced Professor McCandless, of the Provincial Farm, who had kindly consented to address them on the subject.  Professor McCandless then gave the following address:


The brief period that has elapsed since you favoured me with an invitation to meet you here today to express my views regarding the usefulness of Farmers’ Clubs, and to offer you any suggestions I could on the organization of your proposed club, has been, as some of you are aware, a period during which my official duties have made an unusual demand upon my time.  This fact has prevented me giving to the subject the thoughtful consideration that it deserves, and must be my excuse for the superficial and unstudied manner in which I am compelled to treat it.  The best that I can do under the circumstances is to offer a few suggestions that may possibly form a basis for discussion, and thereby elicit the views of those present.


A glance at the history of agriculture will, I believe, afford us strong arguments in favour of any organization that will have the effect of bringing together the farmers of a district for the interchange of ideas, and for the discussion of topics connected with their calling.  That history, when taken in conjunction with the histories of most other arts and sciences of civilization, proves beyond a doubt that there must exist, in connection with the pursuit of husbandry, some element inimical to progress and improvement, that does not, to the same extent, influence the other arts.  Those arts, unless when injuriously influenced by some external causes such as national wars, have steadily progressed from their primitive simplicity to their present advanced state; while it is an undeniable fact that agriculture remained for ages without any apparent improvement in its practice.  Like the other arts it has ever proved sensitive to external influences calculated to affect it injuriously; but, unlike them, it has always been slow to avail itself of opportunities favourable to progress.  This is the more surprising when we call to mind the fact that it is, and always has been, acknowledged the most important of arts, and the sheet-anchor of all national prosperity.  Notwithstanding, I repeat, it has until very recently failed to display that progressive tendency so obvious in the pursuit of the other arts.  As an instance of this, I may cite that the agricultural practice of the ancient Greeks and Romans, particularly of the latter, was superior in many respects to that of our British grandfathers, and indeed it would not be straining facts to say that it was superior to the husbandry now practised in many districts on both sides of the Atlantic.  This retrograde movement in the art of industry will be evident to everyone who will carefully read the works of these agricultural writers, a task that might with profit be undertaken by many who entertain no small opinion of their knowledge of agriculture.


The events which gave rise to the period known in history as the “Dark Ages” may account for and even excuse this retrogressive movement but they fail to account for the absence of progression which characterized its pursuit previous to that period, and which continued to characterize it up to the close of the last century.  For ages, it has stood still, the practice of one century was but a repetition of that of the preceding one, the practice of the son has been that of the father and the grandfather, and this too when the other arts were making rapid strides toward perfection.  This want of a progressive tendency in agriculture has been attributed to many causes, and no doubt is due to more than one, but it appears to me that one great cause of it is to be found in the fact that the cultivation of the soil has a tendency to isolate to a certain extent those engaged in that pursuit.  The economical pursuit of most of the other arts renders it necessary that they should be followed by communities, the members of which must live in close proximity to one another, and this proximity of men engaged in the same calling naturally gives rise to that interchange of ideas, that whetting of mind upon mind, which experience proves, and which reason suggests, as indispensable to advancement in any calling.  In every pursuit in life we find thoughtful, studious men, who are ever applying their reasoning faculties to the solution of the problems presented by the work in which they are engaged, and the man who can engage in any work calculated to present such problems, without copying his mind in their solution, must take but little interest in their pursuit.  Different minds will approach the solution of these problems by different trains of thought and will no doubt in many cases arrive at erroneous conclusions, from coming to these conclusions in ignorance of opposing facts known to others, and a knowledge of what would not only have prevented such a result but would have also enabled them to arrive at the correct solution of their difficulty much sooner.  So long then as man continues to grapple with such problems unaided by his fellow man, his progress must necessarily be slow, but so soon as he brings himself into contact with others, whose minds are similarly occupied, and an interchange of ideas takes place, he, as it were, multiplies his powers of observation, and proportionally increases the knowledge he can acquire in a given time.  Knowledge is power, and therefore by this increase of knowledge he increases his power to overcome the difficulties with which he may have to contend, or to understand and account for what would otherwise have remained a mystery.  This interchange of ideas, this multiplication of our powers of observation, this means of increasing our knowledge, cannot be listed in the advancement of agricultural practice so long as those following that pursuit continue to do so in the comparative isolation to which it is calculated to give rise.  I argue, therefore, that the pursuit of the other arts tending as it does to bring men together, is favourable to that interchange of thought so necessary to a rapid increase of knowledge, while that of farming being calculated to keep them apart, is not conducive to that end.  Hence, news ideas or innovations on old established customs are always slow to make way in an agricultural community.


It is true that of late years a more general spread of education has weakened this tendency to resist change so characteristic of all agricultural communities, as it enables the farmer to avail himself of the benefits to be derived from the printing press, which to some extent acts as a substitute for the interchange of ideas, and the personal intercourse that the pursuit of other callings gives rise to.  But the taking of a newspaper or an agricultural periodical is to large masses of the agricultural community a comparatively new idea, and the slowness with which it is being adopted is in itself proof of the conservative nature of the calling.  I use the word conservative in an English and not in a political sense, but even in a political sense, it undoubtedly in the vast majority of cases holds good.  It is a well-known fact that agricultural communities are as a rule conservative in politics, while towns and cities generally cast their vote for changes, which the agricultural districts are disposed to regard as dangerous innovations of time-honoured customs.  No doubt, there are some instances in which we find the farmers of a district ranked upon the side of politics opposed to what is known as Conservatism, but in such cases the conservatism to which they are opposed will generally be found to be the conservatism of customs and laws that are new to them, and which had their origin elsewhere.  Such opposition to conservatism by the farming community will, as a rule, be found to exist only in new countries like this that are to a great extent peopled by immigrants from other countries and it only tends to strengthen the position that I take in saying that agricultural communities are, as a rule, opposed to changes in politics as well as in the practice of their calling. 


Arguments in favour of the position I take might also be drawn from the slowness with which we adopt changes in our social and domestic habits and customs, and with which we admit of changes in our forms of religious worship, but I believe that I have said enough to sustain me in the assertion that the farming community is, throughout the world, characterized by a tendency to resist changes, and that this tendency is, in a very great measure, to be accounted for by the peculiar nature of their calling, which is unfavourable to their congregating together for the interchange of ideas and for mutual improvement.


It behoves us, as men interested in the advancement of one common calling, to aid by every means in our power, the introduction of any institution or organization that will tend to counteract the injurious influence of this comparative isolation, to which the pursuit of agriculture subjects those who follow it.  Many schemes have been devised to counteract this un-progressive element, and none have proved so successful as the organization of clubs in which farmers meet periodically for the discussion of agricultural topics.  These institutions afford opportunities for that interchange of ideas, that whetting of mind upon mind, so essential to advancement.  Friendly discussion is the crucible in which fact is separated from fiction, and in no pursuit is that friendly discussion more essential than in farming.  How often do we find farmers entertaining opinions, and pursuing a practice that they believe to be correct, but which if subjected to the test of dispassionate and friendly discussion, and to that of other men’s experience, would prove fallacious. For such discussions, Farmers’ Clubs are the most common sense organizations yet introduced, but this is only one feature of their usefulness.


They serve as mediums through which much useful information, that would otherwise remain hidden with those who possess it, is brought to the surface.  How often do we meet with practical farmers who have acquired by experience much valuable information which they deem unworthy of special publication, but which would be elicited and made public by means of Farmers’ Clubs, and would by this mode prove of much value to those a t a distance.  They serve too as incentives to thought and study.  Any man who takes an interest in such institutions will naturally give to the subject set apart for discussion more thought and study than he would if he was not expected to express his views upon it in public.  In this way they tend to make each of their members a more liberal contributor to the general stock of knowledge than he would otherwise be.


Another very important feature of their usefulness is that they are calculated to excite in the rising generation of farmers, or rather, in those that should be, but who are too often disposed not to be farmers, a taste for the pursuit of that calling.  It cannot be denied that our farmers’ sons are too often disposed to turn their backs upon the plough, and flock to our towns and cities in search of more inviting employment.  This has always seemed to me to be in a great measure due to the fact that of late years the introduction of a more general system of common school education than formerly prevailed has aroused the thinking faculties of our farmers’ sons, and as a consequence they are disposed to avoid a pursuit which, by the absence of such institutions as Farmers’ Clubs, they are lead to regard as one that will not afford them food for thought, or in other words, that will not give them occupation for the thinking faculties that education has aroused.


I need scarcely say that this impression so general in reference to farming is an erroneous one, for, if rightly viewed, there is no pursuit in life better calculated to afford the educated mind pleasanter occupation than that of agriculture.  Farmers’ Clubs are eminently calculated to lead our young farmers to see that this is so, and they thus become powerful agencies for enlisting in agricultural pursuits men of active minds, who would otherwise be disposed to transfer their abilities to another calling.


We have yet another standpoint from which to view their usefulness, and that is the fact that they are convenient mediums through which farmers can give public expression to their views on any important question that may in the course of events render it desirable that they should do so.  In this way the views of a district can be put forward with some weight, and brought to bear where they are most likely to have the desired effect.  This unity of action that they are calculated to give rise to is a matter of very great importance in several respects.  Suppose, that the farmers of a district desire to improve their breed of horses, cattle, sheep, or swine, the united action of a farmers’ club would enable them to bring into the district superior sires for that purpose, which so long as they acted individually they could not accomplish with the same economy.  In the same way, the introduction of new or improved implements, of seeds, manures, etcetera, can be brought about, and supplies of these obtained upon more favourable terms by a club acting together, than they could by the independent action of individuals.


These, gentlemen, are but a few of the benefits that Farmers’ Clubs are calculated to give rise to, and they are more than enough to warrant you in sparing no pains to complete the organization of the one you contemplate.  And now, a few words on the necessary steps to be taken in organizing and conducting it.  I need scarcely say you will first require to call a preliminary meeting of the farmers of the district, if you have not already done so.  This meeting should select a committee of five or seven active, intelligent men to draft a constitution.  This constitution should, among other things, set forth in plain, unmistakable language the objects of the proposed club, the number of officers necessary to conduct it, the mode of electing them, the length of time they are to hold office, and the duties of each.  Let your president and secretary be men upon whom you can rely to take an active interest in its success, for that success will largely depend upon them.  The constitution should then proceed to state the qualifications necessary for membership, the yearly fee to be paid, which should not, in my opinion, exceed half a dollar, the number of meetings to be held annually, the time and place for holding them, the order in which the business of each meeting is to be conducted, and a general statement of the nature of the subjects that will be admissible for discussion, with a clear and unmistakable definition of those topics that will not be admissible.


This being done, call another meeting to adopt or amend this draft constitution, and then let a clause be inserted making it necessary that at least two-thirds of the whole members should vote for any desired change, before it can be made.  Let this constitution be printed and circulated, and make it the duty of your president, or the chairman of any of your meetings, to see it rightly enforced.  Select at each meeting, a subject for discussion at the succeeding meeting, and also two or three members to take the lead in that discussion.  I would not recommend that you should be too rigid in requiring formal speeches from your members; you should rather conduct your meetings and debates in a conversational way.  Farmers are not generally good public speakers, and I have often met with men who could speak effectively upon a subject while seated upon a chair, but who were dumb when required to stand up before a meeting.  If therefore, any of your members prefer to give their views while sitting, let them do so, and in this conversational way, much useful information would be given that would not be otherwise elicited.  Let no member be backward in expressing his views upon the subject under discussion because he may not be well posted upon it.  Even the expression of an erroneous opinion is better than silence because it is sure to provoke an expression of opinion from those who may understand the subject better.  Your secretary should propose and send to the local press a brief outline of your proceedings, giving prominence to any matter of interest that may have presented itself.


Your meetings for discussion should be more frequent during the winter than during the summer season, and those held during the spring may often be turned to your account by your making arrangements for the joint purchase of seeds, artificial manure, implements, etcetera.  All the members need not necessarily join to these orders.  If any five, ten or twenty desire to club together to give a joint order for seeds they can do so, and through the secretary ask for any samples and tenders from the seed merchant with whom they wish to deal.  In the same way, you can club together to import labour when circumstances render it necessary, and even to obtain more favourable terms from insurance societies for the insurance of your like stock and buildings.


In conclusion, permit me to mention one other desirable object that you can accomplish by means of such an organization as you propose.  You can make it a valuable agency for rendering the life of a farmer a little more agreeable than it usually is.  I am a firm old believer in the adage that all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy, and it is just as applicable, to a certain extent, to men and women as to boys.  Why should not we who lead the laborious life of farming have our amusements and social gatherings as well as those who follow other pursuits?  We yearly hear of or see parties of people belonging to different trades and callings organizing excursions and picnics for amusement and recreation but who ever heard of a farmers’ picnic?  Can our wives and daughters not enjoy a trip to Niagara or elsewhere as well as those of merchants and traders, and do they not work harder for this indulgence?  I say therefore that you should make your club an agency for introducing amongst your members such healthful and beneficial customs, by using it to obtain favourable terms for such trips from railway companies.  Any railway company will, in response to your secretary’s letter, give you very favourable terms for a trip along their lines, and in this your industrious wives and daughters will be only too glad to take part. 


Make it another point to hold a dinner, and let one of the prominent features connected with it be that a few invitations be sent to the neighbourhood of Guelph, where, I think, you will always find a few of us ready to meet you.  You will find our M.P.’s and M.P.P.’s, as well as the members of our local press, to be the right men in the right place on such occasions.


And now, gentlemen, trusting that my hurried remarks may be subjected to a severe discussion, I beg to thank you for the patient hearing that you have been good enough to accord me.


Mr. Gow, M.P.P., and Mr. Innes followed with a few remarks, both highly approving of the proposal to organize a farmers’ club, and wishing them every success in starting and carrying it on.


A vote of thanks was then passed to Prof. McCandless for his admirable address, and to the other speakers.


The following gentlemen were appointed a committee to draft a constitution, by-laws, etcetera, J. Glennie, chairman, J. Grant, secretary, Messrs. D. McFarlane, Robert Beattie, P. Mahon, W. Nicoll, J. Anderson, R. Little, and J. Scott.  The report of this committee will be submitted at the meeting to be held in the Agricultural Hall, Aberfoyle on Saturday, the 25th instant, when the club will be formally organized.






Puslinch Farmers’ Club

May 6th 1874.


A meeting of the committee appointed to draft a constitution, by-laws, etcetera, of the Township of Puslinch Farmers’ Club was held in the town hall, Aberfoyle on Saturday last.  The committee has drawn a very good and comprehensive constitution, which is to be submitted at a public meeting to be held at the town hall, Aberfoyle, on Saturday, the 16th of May, at 3:00 o’clock p.m., when all of those interested in agriculture are requested to attend.






Puslinch Farmers’ Club

May 20th 1874.


A meeting of the Puslinch Farmers’ Club was held in the Town Hall, Aberfoyle, on Saturday last.  There was a good attendance.  Mr. J. H. Glennie was appointed chairman and Mr. Joseph Grant secretary.  The constitution, by-laws, etcetera were submitted to the meeting, and after being read over and carefully considered, were adopted.  The following gentlemen were then chosen office-bearers for the current year:


Duncan McFarlane


Peter Mahon


Joseph Grant

Board of Managers

John Iles, J. H. Glennie, Robert Little, Hugh Cockburn, John Marshall, John Scott, Peter McLean Jr.


The next meeting of the club will be held in the Town Hall, Aberfoyle, on Saturday the 30th of May, at 2:00 p.m., when the following subjects will be discussed: 


“Turnip culture in Canada and in Britain”, with Mr. James Anderson to lead.


“The best variety of turnip seed adapted for light soil”, Mr. Alex Smith, J.P., to lead.


We are glad to learn that the club has been formed under the most encouraging auspices, and we trust that it will have a long and prosperous career.  If properly conducted, it will result in great good to the members, and tend to enlarge their knowledge on agricultural subjects.  We have seen the constitution, the by-laws and the rules, and think that they are ably drawn up and admirably adapted for the guidance of the club in the transaction of its business.  Quite a number of members have already joined, with the prospect of several more joining at the next meeting.




Puslinch Farmers’ Club

June 3rd 1874.


A meeting of this club was held in the Town Hall, Aberfoyle, on Saturday last, and was well attended by farmers from all sections of the township.  The president, Mr. Duncan McFarlane, occupied the chair.


The first business was the reading of an essay on turnip culture in Britain and in this country by Mr. James Anderson.  It was a very able paper and treated on the subject not only from a scientific but also from a practical point of view, and contained many valuable suggestions that it would be well for farmers generally to know and put into practice.


Quite a long discussion followed on the essay, the different speakers giving their views freely on the points discussed in it, and all parties agreed generally on Mr. Anderson’s conclusions and spoke in the highest terms of the ability manifested in the essay.


The questions discussed were as to the quantity and nature of manure required for turnips, mode of applying it, the kind of seed most suitable for this country, when to sow it and in what quantity, and the mode of preparing the land, etcetera.


The subject chosen for discussion at the next meeting is “Will our mode of mixed farming practised in Canada pay?”, Mr. Robert Beattie to lead in the discussion.


The next meeting will be held in the same place on the last Saturday of June, that being the 27th, at 2:00 p.m.






Puslinch Farmers’ Club

July 2nd 1874.


The regular monthly meeting of the Puslinch Farmers’ Club was held in the Town Hall, Aberfoyle, on Saturday last, and was well attended, showing that the farming community is fully alive to the benefit derived from social intercourse of this nature, the shake of the “wise-heads” as to its failure notwithstanding.  The subject for discussion was “Is mixed farming the best system to pursue?”,  Robert Beattie, Esquire, leading.  The subject was ably handled by the speaker who showed that farmers, especially in this section, do not pay that attention to mixed farming essential to success, and that in order to keep up the fertility of the soil, more root crops must be raised, and that the failure of our fall wheat is mainly attributable to impoverished soil rather than to the change of seasons. 


The next meeting of the club will be held in the same place on Saturday 26th September next.  The subjects for discussion will be the best means of supplying agricultural labourers, Mr. Glennie to lead, also the best mode of feeding cattle for beef, and consideration of the prospects of the beef markets, Mr. McFarlane to lead.





Puslinch Farmers’ Club

Dec. 1st 1874.


A meeting of the Puslinch Farmers’ Club was held at the Town Hall, Aberfoyle, on Friday evening, for the purpose of hearing a lecture by Mr. J. T. Brill, of Guelph, on “The Manufacture of Butter and the manner in which it is made in the factories”.  Mr. H. Reid, Vice-President occupied the chair.  Mr. Alexander Smith acted as secretary in the absence of Mr. Peter Mahon.


Mr. Brill, after being introduced, stated that he had no written address to make, but would give them the result of his own experience as a manufacturer of creamery butter.  The following will show the cost of running factories in this section of the province.


Paid for milk

Working expenses














St. Jacob’s




New Dundee












New Hamburgh

















The speaker said that he was owner of the latter factory and that he had run it for three years in a successful and profitable manner.  He had also bought the butter from eight of the foregoing factories and shipped all to England.  The amount of creamery butter shipped out of Ontario during the past season was 345, 000 pounds.  Mr. Brill remarked that he usually made a voyage to England once in two years to make proper arrangements for the disposal of the butter there.


 Reference was made to the profits arising from the factories to the farmers.  Those who have tried them would not give them up for any other mode of making money from the farm.  It was claimed that the butter selected or bought from farmers was a loss to Canada, that is, a missed opportunity, to the extent of one million dollars annually.  He urged on the farmers to make a start.  He would give them all his assistance, and even on the promise of a good many cows, he would run it at his expense and pay for their milk monthly.  He maintained that butter making, when properly manufactured, paid better than cheese. 


He thought that Puslinch was a very likely place for the establishment of a factory, and he pointed out the great depreciation in the value of butter promiscuously bought from farmers and which had to be packed in kegs for shipment.  Milk could easily be brought in for a distance of five miles by farmers in a locality uniting. 


The way to test the milk was explained.  Milk not coming to a proper standard was rejected.  A factory could be run at least six months every year.  The manner in which factories were built and the probable cost were entered upon at some length.  The cost would be between $800 and $1,000. 


A source of profit would be found in fattening hogs with the milk.  Hogs were boarded at twenty-five cents each per week.  The milk feeding made pork extra good.  Or, if farmers preferred it, they could get the skim milk back in their cans.  Five cents would be paid per gallon for the milk, which would be returned after the cream had been taken off.  He knew of one factory that fed calves on the premises.  This had proved very remunerative, as the animals would readily sell at $7 or $8 each. 


In concluding a very interesting address, which was listened to with the greatest attention, he remarked that so great was the demand for creamery butter that he had not any in stock and that he was constantly receiving orders from merchants which he could not supply.


A cordial vote of thanks was given Mr. Brill for his kindness.  The meeting then adjourned, every farmer present being well satisfied.





Puslinch Farmers’ Club

December 9th 1874.


The club held its adjourned meeting at Downey’s School House, on Saturday, the 5th instant.


On account of the unavoidable absence of Duncan McFarlane, Esq., President, Mr. Mahon, Vice-President, was called to the chair, Mr. James Anderson acting as secretary.


Mr. Little then opened the meeting with an elaborate address on dairy farming.  We will be able to find room for it next week.


Mr. Knowles, Secretary of the Cheese Factory, made a few remarks.  He recommended dairy farming as being necessary to recuperate our worn-out soils, and that in average years it will pay well.  Notwithstanding the late dry season, from the milk of four cows, $128 was realized, and good common cows were as good and sometimes better than thoroughbreds.  Of course, the past season being so dry, the proceeds were not as good as could have been expected.


Mr. Glennie finds that from his experience the milk required to make one pound of butter will make three pounds of cheese and that where we could get within the limits of a cheese factory, it would pay to send the milk there.  On account of the late dry seasons, we must grow more forage crops such as Indian corn, etcetera, for keeping up a supply of feed for the cows when the pastures fail.


Mr. Kirkland found great difficulty in getting the grass seeds to grow and that farmers would be compelled to grow something for summer feed for their cows.


Mr. Buchanan said he had milked twelve cows this summer, and that in some seasons he had got as much from six cows as he done from twelve this season, and that had it not been for the swamps his cattle would have starved, and that it was his intention to grow Indian corn to cut green for his cows next summer.





Puslinch Farmers’ Club

Second Annual Dinner

January 21st 1876.


Yesterday was a red letter day in the history of the Puslinch Farmers’ Club, an institution that during the period of its existence, short as it has been, has become so well established and achieved such an excellent reputation that the people of that good old township point to it with a feeling of justifiable pride, as the first thing of the kind established in this section of the country, and the deliberations of which are extensively copied, not only in the Dominion but also by leading agricultural journals of Britain.


Last Thursday night, the club held its second annual dinner in Mooney’s Hotel, Aberfoyle, and the grand success of that demonstration omens for its future a yet brighter prospect than has ever cheered and encouraged its promoters in the past.


About eight o’clock, the members of the club and a large number of others, from Guelph and elsewhere, in all between sixty and seventy persons, sat down to the repast which had been provided, and in this connection, it is but proper and just to say that the spread was such as is seldom witnessed even in our more pretentious towns and cities.  The tables fairly groaned under the load of everything necessary to supply the wants of the inner man, beautifully and tastefully arranged, while the smiling faces and beautiful forms of the young ladies, who acted as waitresses, flitting to and fro in the discharge of their duties, gave an additional charm to the scene.


Mr. Peter Mahon, President of the Club, occupied the chair and discharged the duties devolving upon him with credit and ability.  He was supported on the right by Mr. D. Stirton, M.P., and Mr. J. P. MacMillan, of Guelph, while on his left were Mr. Johnston, Principal of the Ontario School of Agriculture, and Mr. M. J. Doran, Guelph.  The vice chairs were ably filled by Mr. James Anderson of Springfield Farm, who had on his right Col. Higinbotham, M.P., and on his right, Mr. J. H. Glennie, and by Mr. James Grant, Secretary, and Mr. D. McFarlane, ex-President.


Ample justice having been done to the substantial repast, the table was cleared and the more serious business of the evening entered upon or, “the feast of reason and the flow of the soul”, as one gentleman of a poetical turn of mind was pleased to term it.


Letters of apology for not being present were read from Mr. T. Bain M.P. and from Mr. Brown, lecturer on agriculture at the Model Farm.


The Chairman gave the usual loyal and patriotic toasts, which were drunk with all the honours.  Mr. Anderson proposed “The Army and the Navy”, to which Col. Higinbotham, M.P., and Lieut. Nicol of the Wellington Field Battery responded in excellent speeches, the former also singing the “Red, White, and Blue”.


 Mr. Anderson proposed “The House of Commons and the Legislative Assembly”.  Mr. Stirton, M.P., responded.  He thanked the company for the honour done that body, of which he was a member, and stated that he was sorry that there were not more present to respond to the toast.  From what he saw there, he was satisfied that there was still lots of good material in the old Township of Puslinch, of which he had been, for many years, a resident.  As members of Parliament they strived to do what is right and in the best interests of the country, and if they did at times error it was not from any desire to do wrong.  He stated that it was a great pleasure to meet so many familiar faces and to be present at the annual gathering of the Puslinch Farmers’ Club.  Such organizations were wanted in Canada.  He had always felt that the farmers were backward in associating themselves together to further their own interests.  Men in all other branches of business or profession in life had their organizations, and why should not farmers, the most important class in the community, be slow in coming to the front and asserting their position.  He was glad to see that the farmers of Puslinch had taken a step in that direction by the establishment of this club, the members of which could meet for the purpose of discussing matters of importance to all.  He felt a lively interest in the prosperity of the club.  The farmers in Puslinch had much to contend with during the last year or two, in the dryness of the season and owing to the grasshopper pest.  Such difficulties often produce a beneficial effect; they sharpen the intellect and brighten the idea, and by this means they become a greater credit to themselves and to the world.  The manufacturers had suggested that farmers should look more alive to their interests and had suggested protection as something that would be beneficial to them.  If he could be convinced that protection would in any way enhance the value of the products of the farm, he would endorse it.  He failed to see how the farmers would be benefited thereby.  The price of grain here, as also in the United States, is regulated by the British market.  It was better to seek to live in harmony with the Americans, as anything calculated to raise a feeling amongst them towards us would be productive of harm.  We want Reciprocity if we can get it, and the way to obtain it is not to impose a duty on what comes from them to us.  Nature intended Canada for a manufacturing country, and as the grand outlet, by means of our rivers and lakes, for the produce of our great West.  Millions of dollars are being spent in enlarging our canals for the purpose of increasing that trade, and he failed to see how we could be benefited by anything like a retaliatory measure.  The secret of the success of Montreal was securing the American trade.  We want to get the raw material brought into our country, manufacture it here, and then dispose of it.  There were certain articles of produce that could be grown cheaper and to greater advantage in the United States than in Canada.  On the other hand, we could produce certain kinds of produce better than in the United States.  Will it not be an advantage to us to sell what we produce at an increased rate to the Americans, and buy from them what we want at a rate cheaper than we could produce it ourselves?  At the meeting of the Dominion Board of Trade, now in session at Ottawa, a delegate from New York stated that the feeling in favour of reciprocity was increasing among the American people.  They were beginning to open their eyes to the fact that reciprocity was as much a gain to them as to us.  In conclusion, he wished the Puslinch Farmers’ Club all success; he hoped that it might go on and prosper.  By determination, all obstacles would be overcome.  Again thanking them for the honour done the toast, he resumed his seat amidst applause. 


Colonel Higinbotham was next called upon.  On rising, he expressed the great pleasure it afforded him to be present with them.  Last year, he had received an invitation to attend their annual dinner, but he could not possibly attend.  He had then resolved that if opportunity again offered he would do himself the honour to be present, and he had done so.  Such gatherings as the present are much needed, and such institutions as the Puslinch Farmers’ Club cannot but be productive of much good.  He then proceeded to speak of the agitation for protection.  Talented men on both sides of politics differed on this question.  He believed, with Mr. Stirton, that the less restriction the better.  He, however, believed that entire free trade was an impossibility.  The government has expenditures to meet and the money to do so must be provided from revenue.  The question is what description of articles can the revenue be taken from so as to least oppress the people.  Many things it would be folly to tax.  The Dominion Board of Trade now in session at Ottawa was a very respectable body and one whose deliberations the government has to take cognizance of.  One of the American delegates attending the present meeting at Ottawa said that what is being done by Canada in enlarging the canals is softening down the feeling against free trade and all was tending towards reciprocity.  If we can manufacture cheaper here than can be done in the United States, then reciprocity is just the thing we want, and the sooner we have it the better.  He again expressed his pleasure at being present with them, and was glad to know that the discouragements that they had met with during the past year or two had not affected the ardour of the people.


The chairman proposed “the educational interests of Ontario” coupled with the “Ontario School of Agriculture” in very appropriate terms.  The School of Agriculture was an institution that was calculated to do a great deal of good to the class with which they were most directly interested, the farmers.   It supplied a want long felt.  In the early days of our country the land produced abundant crops without any particular regard being paid to farming.  Now it was different.  The soil was becoming in a measure exhausted and it required some system of farming by which to keep the soil so as not to lose its productiveness.  At the School of Agriculture experiments would be carried out which individually very few farmers were able to do.  The results of these experiments would be made known to the public and the whole country would derive a direct benefit.  Immediate results could not be expected, but time would be required for its development.  He was glad that the site for that institution had been selected in Wellington, the banner agricultural county of Ontario.


Mr. Johnston, principal of the Ontario School of Agriculture, responded in an eloquent speech.  He thanked them for the manner in which they had responded to the toast, and for the honour they had done him in tendering him an invitation to the second annual dinner of the Farmers’ Club.  He was sorry that his colleague, Mr. Brown, was not present.  It would have afforded that gentleman much pleasure to have been present with them but circumstances had prevented him doing so.  He was certain that Mr. Brown would be found ready and willing to do all in his power to further the interests of the club.  He was pleased to see the hearty manner in which the toasts of the educational interests was responded to, thereby showing that they have its interests at heart.  He referred to the report, just issued, of the Chief Superintendent of Education, which shows that three million and a half dollars had been spent in the province of Ontario during the year by a population of less than a million and a half people, to the number of schools of all trades established in the country, as an indication of how truly alive to the importance of education are the people of Ontario.  Those of our youth who distinguish themselves and show marked ability in our common schools are sent to our colleges and universities where they can get a training for any profession that they may choose to follow in life.  Why should there not be an institution where the sons of farmers who intend to follow the calling of their fathers can receive advantages similar to what is enjoyed by those following other avocations in life, and fit them to take a position in life.  To supply such a want the Ontario School of Agriculture has been established.  He was well aware that there was an opinion largely held throughout the country that the institution, if not needed, is at least premature, but he did not believe that either was the case.  It is the duty of the parent to educate the child, and when the government undertakes the task, in this way, it shows that agriculture has reached such a stage in our country that it is thought advisable to take in lands which at one time it was not thought advisable to cultivate.  The area of arable land is limited, and people are obliged to take to others less so in order to keep up the produce.  One thing lies at the bottom of agriculture.  When a certain amount of labour is expended on land it produces a certain return, but if double the amount of labour be put on, double the return will not be received.  This is because there has been taken up and made use of that which is not so productive.  Lands less productive have now been taken up, and we must see by which means we can counteract the law of diminishing return.  Every improvement in agricultural skill is invention and antagonistic to this law.  Every advancement in scientific knowledge, by which we become acquainted with the nature of soils and know the laws that govern the production of crops is an important means of increasing the produce of this country.  The young men of today stand on a different footing, and must go to work on a different and improved system from that pursued by their fathers.  The establishment of the School of Agriculture and of Farmers’ Clubs, all help to this end.  They may be able and no doubt will be able to show an improved system of cultivation on the Model Farm.  The students would see the experiments made and would be in a position to judge for themselves as to what is correct and what is not.  Labour and capital would be thus saved to the country.  When an intellectual training is given in connection with all this, its good effect cannot but make itself felt.  The whole farming community will be benefited and they will exert an influence such as their proud position entitles them to.  Again thanking them for the honour done him, he resumed his seat amidst loud applause.


Mr. D. McFarlane proposed the “agricultural interests of Ontario”.  Al other interests depended upon it and prospered only as the farming community prospered.


Mr. George Norrish, of Nassagaweya, responded.  He was pleased to be present...






Puslinch Farmers’ Club

March 28th 1876.


Owing to the inclemency of the weather, the regular meeting of the Puslinch Farmers’ Club stands adjourned until Saturday, the first day of April, at Downey’s School House, at 3:00 p.m.  All those anxious to procure seeds at reduced rates are requested to attend.







Puslinch Farmers’ Club

April 12th 1876.


The subject of the lecture to be delivered by Mr. Brown, Professor of Agriculture at the Model Farm, at the next meeting of the above club, on the 29th instant, is to be “Inconsistencies in Farm Practice”.  No farmer within a reasonable distance should miss the opportunity of hearing this lecture.







Puslinch Farmers’ Club

April 26th 1876.


A meeting of the Puslinch Farmers’ Club will be held at Aberfoyle on Saturday afternoon, when a lecture will be delivered by Mr. William Brown, Professor of Agriculture at the Model Farm, on the “Inconsistencies of Farming”.






Puslinch Farmers’ Club

September 20th 1876.


The regular monthly meeting of the Puslinch Farmers’ Club will be held in Downey’s School House, on Saturday, the 30th instant, at three p.m.  The subject for discussion is “The best mode of feeding cattle”, J. H. Glennie to open the debate.






Puslinch Farmers’ Club

December 12th 1876.


An adjourned meeting of the above club was held in the Temperance Hall, School Section 11, on Saturday, the 9th instant, Mr. Robert Little, Director, in the chair.  The meeting was well attended by the farmers in the neighbourhood.  The subject for discussion was “the necessity for systematic agriculture”, upon which Mr. P. Mahon, according to appointment, read an essay, and upon motion, he was requested to have it published.  An animated discussion was kept up for a considerable time, after which the meeting adjourned.  The feeling now appears to be general among the farmers in Puslinch that, by thus associating, much may be done towards the advancement of their calling and of agricultural interests generally.






Puslinch Farmers’ Club

January 24th 1877.


The annual dinner of this club will be held this evening at the Aberfoyle Hotel, at eight o’clock.  Guests are requested to be there punctually so that there may be no delay in the commencement of the proceedings, and consequent curtailment of the speeches.






Puslinch Farmers’ Club

The Annual Gathering a Complete Success

January 26th 1877.


The Puslinch Farmers’ Club since its inauguration has been of a steady growth, and the great impetus received by it through the annual gathering held on Thursday evening, the 24th instant, will doubtless be marked.  Heretofore, it has been usual to have the annual celebration take the shape of a dinner.  This, too, was considered all well enough, but then the wives and daughters of farmers could not be expected to take part in a dinner, one of the main features of which is to propose and respond to toasts and honour them in the usual way. 


It was finally decided to hold a social at which a few short addresses would be delivered after all had enjoyed a good tea.  The committee appointed to see after all necessary arrangement succeeded in making it turn out one of the grandest gatherings of the kind ever held in the good township of Puslinch.


The Town Hall at Aberfoyle was fitted up for the occasion, and some time before seven o’ clock it was completely filled with old and young, in all, about three hundred.  The mottoes on the wall attracted considerable attention, and favourable comment.  Over the stage, at the extreme end, was the greeting extended by the club, “Puslinch Farmers’ Club — Welcome to all!”.  Around the sides could be read, “Agriculture, the mainstay of the commonwealth”, “Peace and plenty”, “Agricultural progress is national greatness”, “Prince and peasant depend on the farmer”, “Agriculture, manufactures, and commerce”, and “Colonize our wild lands”.


Besides nearly all of the prominent farmers in the township, a number of gentlemen from other townships and Guelph was present, among whom were Messrs. D. Guthrie, M.P., James Massie, M.P.P., Mayor George Howard, Wm. Johnston, President of the Ontario School of Agriculture, D. McCaig, Mr. Tolton, President of the Erin Farmers’ Club, Henry Dunbar, Vice-President, and others.


After an excellent tea had been partaken of by all, the meeting was called to order by Mr. James Glennie, President, who briefly remarked on the great pleasure he felt to find that the efforts of the club had been so liberally recognized by the people of Puslinch.  He took much pleasure in introducing Mr. Tolton, President of a sister society.


Mr. Tolton paid a high compliment to the people of Puslinch and the club of that township, in particular.  He pointed out the benefits to be derived by farmers meeting together for counsel and advice, and considered that it was only by united action and careful study on their part that they would become fitted for positions of eminence.


Mr. Henry Dunbar, Vice-President of the Erin club, followed with a few congratulatory remarks.


Mr. David McFarlane sang with excellent effect “Building Castles in the Air”, which created unbounded enthusiasm.


Mr. D. McCaig, of Eramosa, referred to the new feature in the Puslinch Club’s annual gatherings.  He considered the change was a desirable one.  One remark made by the speaker is worthy of more than a passing thought.  He considered that the proceeds of the present entertainment could not be put to a better use than for purchasing what would form the nucleus of an excellent library.


Some excellent music was next furnished by Mr. Peter Henderson’s quadrille band.


Mr. George Howard, Mayor of Guelph, was next called upon.  He said that it was with considerable pleasure that he congratulated them on the success of their entertainment.  Although living for so many years adjacent to the township of Puslinch, he was not acquainted with very many of those before him.  The town of Guelph always felt interested in the prosperity of the township and looked upon it as their right hand in all laudable undertakings.  The mottoes, which he observed around the hall, would constitute an excellent text for a speech.  He, however, would leave such to be dealt with by those who followed.  In conclusion, the speaker complimented the farmers’ wives and daughters for the way in which they had carried out their part of the programme.


“The Farmers’ Girls”, a glee, was next, given by Messrs. D. McFarlane, John Cox and F. W. Willoughby, and in response to an encore, sang “Buy a Broom”.


Mr. James Massie, M.P.P., paid a high compliment to farmers in general and those connected to the Puslinch Club in particular, for the very liberal and intelligent manner in which they dealt with all questions that came up before them.  Judging from the present meeting, there was no class in the community better calculated to enjoy themselves outside of business cares.  The speaker touched on the great benefits to be derived by farmers associating together, expressing ideas and giving counsel to one another.  As a people, those living in Ontario had great reason to feel thankful for the many blessings bestowed upon us.  We should loudly rejoice for the great peace and prosperity with which we are blessed.  Reference was made incidentally to the fact that the honourable Provincial Treasurer had that day shown in the House of which he was a member, that the Province had now on hand a surplus of $5,000,000.  In concluding, the speaker highly complimented the ladies for the active part which they had taken in making the present gathering a successful one.


Mr. Donald McLaren sang “The Green Wood” and in response to a second call, gave, very sweetly, “Far Away”.


Mr. William Johnston, President of the Ontario School of Agriculture, was next called upon.  After congratulating the club on the successful gathering, and complimenting the ladies who so nicely carried out all of the arrangements in regard to the refreshments, he delivered an able and eloquent address on the duty farmers owed to themselves and country, and the necessity of their being as thoroughly educated for their profession as a lawyer, doctor, or any person desirous of receiving a mercantile training.  It was a duty, he held, for farmers to strive by every legitimate means, and devote their entire energies to place farming on a footing such as it really demands, and thereby increase the wealth of the nation.  This should even be done at the sacrifice of individual interests.  For our agricultural interests to stand still is virtually commercial death.  It was forcibly shown how necessary it was not only for farmers to keep pace with the age in which we live but also to get ahead, if possible, in the improvements in agriculture.  It was forcibly shown how the work of farmers’ clubs, by the members reading and studying together, could be utilized to the benefit of the profession.  The speaker ably showed to what a great degree the prosperity of the country depended on its yeomanry, and how necessary it was for them to hold their lands rather than embark in commercial enterprises.  The French nation was cited as one that swept off an immense war indemnity by the peasant population.  The disappearance of the yeomanry from England by the absorption of all small farms by the landed interest was spoken of as a matter of regret and the evil result that would follow if Canada should be placed in a similar position.  The speaker earnestly appealed to the fathers and mothers to disabuse themselves of the idea that some appeared to be possessed of, that the most clever son of the family was better fitted for some easier occupation than farming.  Keep such on the farm, for the tome is surely coming when the highest positions of honour and influence in the country will be filled by those who are now interested in the greatest of all occupations in the country.  The speaker wound up his admirable address amid much applause.


Mr. D. Guthrie, M.P., followed with a short and interesting address.  Although not a farmer, he was a representative of a farming community.  He recounted the pleasures connected with the life of farming, among which the present gathering was a fair sample.  The great benefits to be derived from farmers’ clubs were spoken of.  The speaker concluded by paying a compliment to the members of the Puslinch club, as well as to their wives and daughters, who had done so much towards making the present social a success.


Mr. William Black made a stump speech and sang a comic ditty.


Mr. Peter Mahon, Secretary of the club, made a very effective speech, detailing the working of the club, and how great the benefit was to be received by members consulting together on different subjects appertaining to the farm.


The meeting closed with music by the band, after which the hall was cleared of seats, and about ninety couples entered spiritedly into dancing, which was kept up until morning.


The entertainment committee was constituted as follows: Messrs. James Glennie, Peter Mahon, W. Rae, T. Carter, R. Hammersley, James Eagle, James Scott, A. McIntyre, H. Reid, and others, besides a corps of young ladies who were unremitting in their attention to the wants of those at the tables.






Puslinch Farmers’ Club

January 24th 1877.


The annual meeting of the Puslinch Farmers’ Club will be held in the Town Hall, Aberfoyle, on Saturday, the 27th instant, at 3:00 o’ clock p.m.  The subject for discussion will be the “application of artificial manures and its results; will it pay?”, Mr. James Anderson to lead.






Puslinch Farmers’ Club

The Annual Dinner

January 24th 1877.


The Puslinch Farmers’ Club held its third annual dinner on Tuesday evening, at Mooney’s Hotel, Aberfoyle.  Among the many successful gatherings of this large and constantly growing organization, there is no doubt but that the one referred to will have the effect of impressing upon the minds of those who were present, and not members, that these clubs themselves and the objects that they have in view as well as the practical results which follow are of such a nature as will commend themselves for their real intrinsic worth to that class of the community termed in the stereotyped phrase, but not the less true for being so called, the bone and sinew of the country.  Since the institution of the organization in the township of Puslinch some three years ago, it has been steadily growing in influence and now numbers over seventy members, among which are included many of the most prominent farmers in the municipality.


Although the dinner was announced for eight o’ clock, it was nearly an hour later before the company had all arrived and were ready to sit down to the tables set out in an excellent manner, for which Mr. Mooney’s hotel has acquired a deserving reputation.  Among those present were a number of the residents of Guelph, including Messrs. D. Guthrie, M.P., James Massie, M.P.P., Mayor Chadwick, D. Stirton, J. P. MacMillan, Charles Sharpe, E. O’Connor, Caleb Chase, R. Parker, W. Mitchell, A. Weir, Archibald Mitchell, James Galbraith, also A. Cowan and Wm. Edington of the North Dumfries Farmers’ Club, James Anderson, P. Mahon, James Glennie, Thomas Carter, John Iles, D. McFarlane, Wm. Rea, Hugh Reid, R. Beattie, D. Gilchrist, Wm. McDonald, R. Little, R. Buchanan, A. Gerrie, and fully sixty others.


After dinner and time had been allowed for clearing the board, the company, with Mr. James Anderson, President of the Club, as chairman, and Messrs. James Glennie and P. Mahon as vice-chairmen, was prepared to drink and respond to such toasts as had been laid down in a programme prepared.  The chairman proposed the customary loyal and patriotic toasts, “God Save the Queen” honoured by the company singing the national anthem with unbounded enthusiasm.  The “Governor General” was toasted.  The toast, “the Army, Navy and volunteers” was loyally drunk and on Mr. W. J. Watson, late of the Wellington Field Battery, being called upon by the chairman, briefly responded.  “The House of Commons and the Legislative Assembly” was proposed, coupled with the names of the members for South Wellington, Messrs. Guthrie and Massie.


Mr. Guthrie, in speaking of the position he occupied as the successor of Mr. Stirton, paid a high compliment to that gentleman, and stated that he, along with everyone present, was pleased to see their old member in attendance, giving his countenance to the proceedings. (Applause)  After the speaker had referred to the little practical experience he was possessed of as a member of the House of Commons, he said that he perhaps could hardly say that he would very ably fill Mr. Stirton’s shoes in the House, but he would at all events follow in his footsteps in trying to improve the country, and for advancing the best interests of the Dominion.


In referring to the very successful speech that the member for the Local House had made in seconding the address, he expressed a wish that it would be his good fortune to make as good a one.  He did not look upon the toast as a personal one, although coupled with the names of Mr. Massie and himself.  By the very enthusiastic manner in which the toast had been honoured, it showed that they were all strongly in favour of our present monarchical government.  Aside from politics, Canadians were able to express a complete confidence in the laws that govern the institutions of the country, and from past experience know full well that our laws were of a highly beneficial character.  The Americans, who are at the present time in a complete muddle and who profess to sneer at things that transpire in this country, have not, at any time, found our institutions wanting.  There was no doubt in the speaker’s mind that in the House, on both sides, the one common desire was that the policy of the government would be so framed as to make the country more free, more glorious, and more great.  In returning thanks for the honour that had been conferred on him, he expressed himself satisfied that such measures would be submitted as would tend to the prosperity of the Dominion, and to foster our civil and religious liberties.  Notwithstanding the House being composed of a strange admixture of nationalities, it was more than pleasing to know that they were all Britons who loved the same Queen and were all animated by the same patriotic desires.  After expressing his pleasure at being present at the Farmers’ Club dinner, he stated that he had enrolled his name as a member, that a greater prosperity for the club was hoped for, and that the effect would be to bind farmers closer together for their mutual benefit.  The worth of some of the essays written by the members of the club could be well estimated when it was known that one of the essays had been copied into the “Mark Lane Express”, the leading produce journal in England.  Although the club at the present time had seventy members, he hoped that by the next annual meeting there would be at least double that number of farmers who would take an interest in its welfare. (Loud applause)


Mr. Massie said the occasion constituted his first meeting with the farmers of Puslinch at their club dinners.  He had enjoyed himself very much and he did not know but what he had been set a good example by the previous speaker in the matter of becoming a member of the club.  No one could tell what change might be brought about, and it was among the possibilities that he some day might become a farmer and therefore it would be to his benefit to be associated with such a body of men as the Puslinch farmers.  In referring to the Local House, he said that if he did not represent South Wellington as well as it might be he could doubtless claim that it was for the want of ability and not the want of will.  Without introducing political issues, he said that within the time that the province had a local legislature in this great Dominion, none had a greater future before it than Ontario.  Our early inhabitants were such as made good settlers, and by their untiring energy and perseverance they had converted a wilderness into fruitful fields.  The one single objective of the government of Ontario was to secure its advancement and pursue such a policy as would enable it to retain the proud position of always being in the vanguard.  The speaker said that the greatest pleasure he had in being in the House was when he was busy and not when there was very little for him, as a young member, to attend to.  However, he could always employ himself profitably by spending what spare time he had in studying the political history of the country which would enable him, if his duties were discharged to the satisfaction of the Riding, to be able to better represent them and their views in the legislature.  The speaker concluded by referring to the benefits to be derived by farmers’ clubs throughout the country.  Their meetings could not help but have the effect of cultivating the farmers’ minds and bringing out their different ideas on subjects in which all would be interested, by having them fully discussed, and this was the surest mode of imparting much information.  The speaker took his seat amidst great applause.


The toast, “Our late member, Mr. David Stirton” was next proposed, and the Chairman made a neat speech in referring to the honour that Puslinch had always felt in having had at one time such a respected representative.  In replying, Mr. Stirton said that although retired from public life, the manner in which the toast had been honoured had the effect of warming his old blood.  In referring to farmers’ clubs organizations, he said if there was a class in the community that should be bound together by ties that would enable them to work more harmoniously, it should be the farming community.  From the isolated manner in which farmers lived, they could be not very much together, and in consequence of this some farmers were in the habit of indulging in the idea that their occupation amounted to very little.  Whoever felt so were grievously mistaken, as no human being could hold a higher position than that which was an honest farmer’s by right.  There was no other profession or business that was higher in any sense.  He advised farmers to continue meeting together for the purpose of having an interchange of ideas.  One of the great objects of organization was to impart information to one another, and by so doing much would be learned in a short period, which by actual experience would have taken years to acquire.  Farmers should have pride in their position and by a careful study of the essays before the club, and an intelligent observation of what is discussed, they would of a necessity become better farmers than they were.  It was only now that many farmers were beginning to realize the fact that they required more information than they were at present possessed of, and that certain descriptions of grain, stock, etcetera needed improving.  These would all have to be looked after or the profession would go down.  Farming in this country was assuming the position of that in the old country.  Difficulties for successful tillage of the soil were constantly increasing, but not withstanding such being the case, all that was necessary was to face them in a good old Anglo-Saxon way, and they would quickly vanish away.  In many respects the Township of Puslinch was not naturally very advantageous to farmers, but it was very often the case where nature did the most for a countryman did the least.  A good trait in a man’s character was when it was shown that he was willing to assist his fellow man in every possible manner.  This was a good rule for members of farmers’ clubs to act upon.  In the speaker concluding, he thanked the company for the very hearty manner in which the toast had been honoured and assured them that they could rely on his heart being with them.  Although not a member of the club, they could count on him hereafter as such. (Great cheering)


Mr. James Glennie, vice-chairman proposed the “Agricultural interests”, coupling the same with the names of Mr. D. McCaig, D. McFarlane, and Peter Mahon.


Mr. McCaig said he fully recognized the importance of the toast.  A graphic sketch of the speaker’s early life in the wilderness of Puslinch was narrated.  With his father and family he had moved into the township some thirty-seven years ago.  At that time, it was almost impossible to get off what was then a miserable excuse for a main road.  Farmers at that period, in battling for a bare subsistence, had difficulties that they would never see the like of again.  The change from what was then could be seen in their having a farmers’ club of the respectable dimensions that the Puslinch organization had assumed.  The Puslinch Club was known throughout the length and breadth of the land, and essays written by its members had been copied far and wide by the public press.  The all-absorbing question was what can best be done to strengthen the soil that had been impoverished by too great a cropping.  This country depended largely upon its agricultural interests and it was necessary for farmers to organize themselves and by research and argument bring out conclusions that would inform the farming community what will bring the soil back to its virgin richness.  Farming was the most intellectual of all professions.  The farmers had commercial interests to be studied; they had successful breeding of stock to look after, which was a very complicated affair and required much study.  In conclusion, the social position of the farmer was referred to and a very pleasing picture was drawn of the independence of a farm life compared with that in a city.  (Applause)


Mr. D. McFarlane briefly responded, and spoke of the interest that he had always manifested in agricultural pursuits since he was connected with them.  He was the first president of the club and was pleased to see it in such a flourishing state.


Mr. P. Mahon considered the toast that had just been honoured to be the most important of all Canadian industries.  When the farming interests became dull, all other industries languished.  It necessarily followed that the agricultural interests should be fostered and encouraged.  The reason, as everyone was aware, that the land had been impoverished was that much more had been taken out than was put in.  It was by repeated cropping of one cereal that the strength was wrung out of the land.  The only correct way to arrive at a conclusion as to what best should be done to address this wrong state of affairs was by farmers meeting together and discussing the question in an intelligent manner.  The speaker referred to the Agricultural College and the great good it would accomplish if it received the encouragement that it deserved.  Every farmer should encourage this institution devoted exclusively to the benefit of farmers, and as many as possible should send their sons to it.  In conclusion, he stated that the farmers’ interests were so diversified that it would be a very long task even to enumerate them.  The Puslinch Farmers’ Club was organized to benefit the condition of the farmers and he had no doubt that it would have a greater effect towards such an object than had even been anticipated.  (Applause)


The vice-chairman proposed in a very neat speech “Our Educational Interests”, coupling the toast with the name of Mr. William Johnston, Principal of the Ontario School of Agriculture.


Mr. Johnston ably responded and made a speech that contained many hard facts and from the eloquent manner in which the educational interests of the country, including agriculture interests, were dealt with, this was certainly the speech of the evening.  He said that although the word interests itself was suggestive of a division, all should feel as common patriots, that no matter what our calling might be, the interest of one should assist those of another.  In the particular interests that he was responding to, it was not a special pursuit but one that lay at the basis of all interests.  (Cheers)  The necessity of the thorough education of people was of vital importance, much more so than of any particular line of business.  If the oldest nations had reason to feel proud of their educational system then we had even more cause to be proud of our own.  Even our mother country had found that she could better herself by copying from us, and she had done so.  Our educational system was not only as complete as any in the world but also our institutions for imparting higher instruction were quite as great, excepting a few in England and Germany.  Education means more than mere instruction; it means thorough training.  What was wanted was more intelligent training and less of cramming instruction.  Each farmer should see to it that their children had not merely the name of an education but a reality.  No less than three-fifths of 315 rural districts of the province employed third-class female teachers, a large proportion of the public school pupils after finishing their course were unable to pass a high school examination, and a very large number of the children do not attend school more than one hundred days in a year.  In referring particularly to the educational institution with which he was connected, the speaker forcibly showed how necessary it was for farmers’ sons to receive a technical training, equally as well as other professions.  Because some lawyers or some ministers who were very successful had not gone through a regular course of training, no one would for a moment argue that such a training was unnecessary.  The same would apply to the occupation of farming.  As agricultural affairs stood perhaps at the head of all others, it was plainly to be seen the ends that were to be served by giving those who follow such a pursuit an education that would fit them with minds well trained for our councils and legislatures.  The farmers were not true to their own interests if they did not see that their sons took advantage of the training to be imparted at the Agricultural College. This institution was striving to increase the knowledge of farmers by experimenting and giving the results to them.  By the thorough education of the young men who purposed following the occupation of a farmer, it raised the social standing of the pursuit.  It was to be hoped that the Agricultural College would ere long be looked to as the head centre of all agricultural interests.  It had been said that the institution was largely in advance of what the country required, which had a tendency to lower its status.  He had heard very lately that some parties were strongly in favour of changing the Agricultural College into an asylum.  He could plainly state to them that if such a thing should ever come to pass it would do so through the indifference of the farming community in regard to their own interests.  In concluding, the speaker said that he hoped that the Puslinch Farmers’ Club would go on and prosper and that the agricultural interests would be established in the manner that they should and attain the end that they served.  (Cheers)


“The town and trade of Guelph” was honoured with great enthusiasm and Mayor Chadwick was called upon to respond.  The Mayor, in a very neat speech, spoke of being an old farmer and having helped to clear the wilderness that existed in Puslinch at one time.  In comparing the old times with the present, he said that he did not think the farmers were any worse now than formerly, but the farmers wanted to spend more money than they were in possession of.  He characterized the speech just delivered by Mr. Johnston as an able one and thought that in occupying the position that he did at the Agricultural College, he was the right man in the right place.  He concluded by thanking the company for the honour done the Town of Guelph.


Mr. Chas. Sharpe followed in a humorous speech.


Mr. P. Mahon proposed the toast to the “Dumfries Farmers’ Club”, and after being drunk, Messrs. A. B. Cowan and W. Edington, representatives of the club, responded.  “The Learned Professions” brought forth short and interesting speeches from Messrs. E. O’Connor, D. McCaig, and J. P. MacMillan.


“The Puslinch Farmers’ Club” was proposed in an introductory speech of considerable interest by Mr. D. McCaig, and was responded to by Messrs. James Anderson, James Glennie, Peter Mahon, and others.


A number of volunteer toasts followed and were responded to.  The gathering broke up about four o’ clock a.m.







Puslinch Farmers’ Club

January 31st 1877.


At the last meeting of the Puslinch Farmers’ Club held at Aberfoyle, Mr. James Anderson read the following essay on “Artificial Manures”:


The term “artificial manures”, I would consider, applies to all manures except barnyard, which is the “ne plus ultra” of fertilizers.  When the soil is exhausted of plant food it must be returned in some way and when we have not sufficient barnyard manure, which very few of us have during these dry seasons, to supply the want, the question naturally arises, “What is the next best substitute?”  Let us take a look for a moment at the elements entering into the composition of cultivated plants and we will see what the soil requires to give us good crops.  We will arrange them as follows, 1st, the gaseous elements, oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen and chlorine, 2nd, elements combining with oxygen to form acids, silicon, carbon, phosphorous, and sulphur, 3rd, elements combining with oxygen to form bases, calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium, and sodium.  The combinations of potassium and soda are called alkalies.  Now, when all or nearly all of these are present, we could call the soil perfect.  What is the best thing we can apply then to recuperate the soil when exhausted of these elements?  I emphatically bones, either in the shape of bone dust or superphosphate.  I have tried several tons of the former, and found it one of the best artificial manures.  Some ten years ago there was a bone mill on the adjacent lot run by the Messrs. Sharpe of Guelph and I got several tons at the small figure of $25 per ton, and I consider that it was the best investment that I ever made, as it is telling to this day on my fields and especially on the grass.  The next best preparation of bones is superphosphate, which is bones dissolved with diluted sulphuric acid, and when got pure is one of the best fertilizers, but there is nothing in which the farmer is more apt to be swindled in than in this.  I got some of Coe’s superphosphate several years ago from Montreal.  The first lot that I got was excellent, the last was a perfect fraud, and many other farmers in this section can testify to the same thing.  I have this past year tried some of Jarvis Hooper’s phosphate, manufactured in Detroit, Mr. George Balkwill being an agent in Guelph.  If they continue to supply the article as pure as this year, it is decidedly good.  I tried two acres with it alone, two acres with salt and plaster, and the rest, some four or five acres of turnips, with barnyard manure.  The dung is generally put into the drills as I think that in these dry years it retains the moisture better.  I use a double mould board plough, which economizes labour a good deal.  In preparing the land for the superphosphate, salt and plaster, I worked the soil until it was thoroughly pulverized and free from weeds.  Then I sowed “broad cast” 200 lbs. of the former and 400 lbs. of the latter to the acre.  I would prefer drilling the phosphate with the seed if I had a machine.  Of the two acres of the phosphate sown, turnips came away far ahead of even the barnyard manure, and were fit for thinning a week before any of the others.  They kept ahead until the bulbs were about the size of a hen’s egg, when we had a severe spell of dry weather, some six weeks without a shower, they seemed to get stunted, while the others kept greener in the leaves and seemed to stand the drought better.  I really believe that if we had got plenty of rain they would have done as well as with barnyard manure.  I had some 400 bushels of turnips to the acre from the dung, of which I put about fifteen loads to the acre, well decomposed, and 350 bushels from the salt and plaster, and about the same from the phosphate.  Of course, there was not much more than half a crop grown anywhere in the section last season.  I have had as much as 900 bushels to the acre, manure in the fall and phosphate applied in the spring, which I consider the best way when it can be managed.  I can never get sufficient dung ahead.  I would recommend to all farmers that where they can the ground bones convenient to make their own superphosphate.  Pure phosphate of lime should contain one equivalent of phosphoric acid, one of lime, and two of water, containing about sixty parts phosphoric acid, twenty-three parts of lime, and fifteen parts of water in the hundred.  When phosphates are applied to the soil they come in contact with the alkalies.  The phosphoric acid in excess combines with them and phosphate of lime is precipitated in a gelatinous condition, being the finest plant food imaginable.  I have great faith in salt and plaster as a manure in dry seasons on light soils.  I had just as good a crop last season as with the phosphate, and it did not cost half the price.  Had it been a wet season, the case would, I am convinced, been different, however.  Land plaster or gypsum, when pure, contains 46 per cent of sulphuric acid, which enters into the composition of all cultivated plants, and is found more or less in all soils.  I have also tried some of the Brockville chemical manures on a small scale, but as the season was so dry I can say very little about them.  Those who have tried them on a large scale recommend them highly.  Mr. Peter Mahon is, I believe, the agent here.  I have also got some excellent bone dust from Mr. Mr. Maroon, Guelph.


In conclusion I would say let no one let his land run out if he has an unlimited supply of good swamp muck at his disposal.  I have for years composted several hundred loads of this with lime, salt, and barnyard manure, when I had it, and I find that it is equal to any fertilizer that we can use.  It is best to lie composted and turned occasionally, a year or even two before using as the lime takes some time to act and sweeten the muck.  Ashes are about as good as lime but the trouble is to get sufficient quantity.  I have used this compost successfully to fruit trees, top dressing grass, turnips, and, in fact, for anything, as you have the humus of the muck to mix with the silica of our light sandy soils, which is excellent food for our cereals.  I must conclude, hoping that these few hints may induce some of my brother farmers to endeavour to make two blades of grass grow where one grew before.






Puslinch Farmers’ Club

March 13th 1877.


A meeting of the club took place at Downey’s schoolhouse on the 10th instant.  A thorough discussion of the subject as to the best mode of raising grass took place.  The tender of Mr. Levi Cossitt, of Guelph, for furnishing members of the club with gang plows, was accepted.  The secretary, Mr. Joseph Grant, was instructed to ask for tenders for furnishing the following seeds: clover, timothy, turnip, mangold wurtzel, carrots, rape, Hungarian and orchard grass.  It was decided that the next meeting would be held at Dickie’s schoolhouse, on Saturday, 31st inst., at three o’ clock.  The subject for discussion will be the breeding of sheep and the prevention of cotted wool, Mr. Glennie to open the debate.  Salt and plaster as a top dressing for grass will also be discussed.






Puslinch Farmers’ Club

April 4th 1877.


The regular monthly meeting of the Puslinch Farmers’ Club was held in Dickie’s schoolhouse, on Saturday last, and was largely attended.  The subject for debate was the breeding of sheep, also the relative merits of salt and plaster on grass, Mr. A. H. Glennie leading.  After the debate, the secretary read several tenders received for seeds, etcetera, when on motion made, the tender of Mr. J. E. McElderry was accepted, it being the lowest.  All members of the club will get their seeds at the above establishment. — J. Grant, Secretary.





Puslinch Farmers’ Club

May 2nd 1877.


An adjourned meeting of the above club will be held in Arkell’s schoolhouse on Saturday, the 12th instant, at three o’ clock p.m.  The subject for discussion will be “the desirability of procuring fresh seeds and “the relative merits of salt and plaster on grass”.  Mr. R. Buchanan will open the debate.





Puslinch Farmers’ Club

June 21st 1877.


A meeting of the Puslinch Farmers’ Club will be held at the Town Hall, Aberfoyle, on Saturday, 30th of June, at half-past three o’ clock p.m.  Mr. D. McFarlane will deliver an address on agricultural chemistry.  A secretary will have to be elected and other important business transacted.  A large meeting is requested.






Puslinch Farmers’ Club


At a meeting of the club on June 30th, Mr. D. McFarlane read the following essay:


Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen:  There are difficulties to be encountered and overcome in every path of life, some more formidable than others, and some more fanciful than real.  A distinctive characteristic of the Anglo-Saxon race, of which we, as Canadians, constitute no unimportant part, is their ability to grapple with and overcome difficulties.  So numerous and varied are their achievements in whatever they have attempted, whether peace or war, art or science, agriculture or commerce, being as familiar as household words, it will be needless for me to enumerate them.  Let one suffice.  From a small settlement planted by our ancestors on the James River in the beginning of the seventeenth century we have spread over the confines of a continent.  What was then a dense, impenetrable forest is now cultivated farmland.  Thriving towns and villages now occupy the sites of Indian encampments.  The waters skimmed by the bark canoe of the fisher is now plowed by vessels laden with the produce of our soil, and instead of the terrific war-whoop of scalping bands, we are startled by the scream of the iron horse as he rushes over the land with his load of merchandise or devotees of pleasure.


But the difficulties overcome by the early settler, even fancy would fail to enumerate, hard toil, frosts, burnings, murder and rapine, headaches and longings for home, and shrinking of spirits, almost verging to despair.  But there was no give up, “Onward” was their cry, as it is ours.  The difficulties of the first settlers are now among the things that were.  But new ones are continually springing up, some looming in the dim distance, while others stand forth as stern realities.  That they will be ultimately overcome, no one doubts, but they can be much more easily vanquished in their incipient state than when fully developed.


Perhaps, one of the most formidable questions of the day is the exhaustion of our soil, a self-evident fact.  Our crops scarcely reach fifty per cent of what they did a quarter of a century ago.  Now, it is much better to cope with this difficulty while we have yet resources than to wait till they become depleted.  Various reasons have been assigned for this deterioration such as over working the land, cutting down too much of the forest, thus occasioning an infrequent and irregular rainfall, rendering the climate more subject to droughts, with accompanying insect pests.  But whatever is the cause, the fact exists and must be met.  Practical experience has in a great measure failed.  Other aids must be called in.  Scientific farming, carried out thoroughly, is perhaps too expensive for most farmers, yet we find that those who are adopting the results of experimental farming as far as it is expedient for them to do so, are succeeding better than those whom stick closely to the old routine.


Agriculture is the tilling of the fields, but the term as now used has a broader significance, it may be defined as that system by which the farmer can take the greatest amount from the soil at the least expense to himself, and with the least exhaustion of the soil.  It also includes the rearing and feeding of stock, buying and selling to the best advantage, a knowledge of the most economical and advantageous buildings, and a good idea of the best implements and machines as aids in agriculture.


The importance of a thorough knowledge of everything belonging to agriculture is now felt to be a desideratum by everyone aiming a t excellence in his profession.  The old theory that a man unfit for any other occupation under the sun was fit to farm is now exploded.  It is not enough that he can hold the plow, sow and reap.  He must know what crops will suit his land, what rotation to follow, what elements he must retain so as to bring his land up to as a high state of perfection as possible, and then keep it so.  Many a one who has followed farming for years knows little of the art, and far less of the science of agriculture.  In fact, until within the last few years anything which had the least resemblance to a formal treatise on agriculture was condemned as “book farming” that should not be listened to.  Some even yet will sneer at results of experiments and unless they are attempted and carried out by neighbours, they would never try them themselves.  It is true that some may write on agriculture who know little about it but every farmer ought to know enough of the science of agriculture to enable him to understand what he reads and detect the true from the false.


The science of agriculture deals with first principles.  It investigates the action of matter upon matter, deduces rules by which certain results may be accomplished.  Now, the successful farmer must know enough of the science to enable him to understand the why and the wherefore of the action of the different elements, and follow intelligently the investigation of scientific men, so that he may adopt whatever will be of benefit to him.  To enable him to do so he must be better educated than the generality of the class at the present day.  Some contend that a higher education will make farm work distasteful.  I do not think so.  If every farmer’s son was capable of taking a third class certificate before leaving school none can doubt but that agriculture would be advanced.  But I am sorry to say, and my experience as a teacher extends over a quarter of a century, that farmers’ sons do not get the education that they might.  As soon as they are able to do chores their school time is limited to the winter months.  And what with fall work, fixing up for cattle, threshing, etcetera, these months soon dwindle down to the first three of the year.  And they are generally withdrawn altogether just as their reasoning powers are beginning to develop, when they grapple with difficult subjects, and when they might be led to feel what pleasure and benefit they could derive from being educated.  Reasons innumerable, I suppose, could be produced why such a state of things exists.  I am not going to combat them.  I would far rather impress the necessity of giving the boys enough schooling to enable them to get admittance into the Agricultural College.  I know that there are objections to this college; so there are to all new institutions.  Our school system in general, and the Normal School in particular, received more than their share of commendation.  Yet, who will say when comparing the present state of education with the past that Ontario has not been benefited.   Our school system stands second to none.  And I have no doubt that, with the Agricultural College as an adjunct of the public schools, in another quarter of a century, we will stand among the first educated agricultural nations of the world.  And so we should, as the greater part of our people are employed in agriculture and will continue to be so.  It may be true, as some say, that we have too little capital, but a great deal may be done with a small capital, aided by a knowledge of agriculture.







Puslinch Farmers’ Club

October 9th 1877.


A meeting of this club was held on the 29th ult., but was adjourned till Saturday the 18th, when Mr. J. H. Glennie will read an essay on “How best to make the profession of agriculture more profitable, popular, and attractive to the rising generation”.





Puslinch Farmers’ Club

January 16th 1878.


The fourth annual gathering of this club is to be held in the Town Hall, Aberfoyle, on Thursday evening, 24th instant.  This year the entertainment takes the form of a social and that popular form of entertainment gives the ladies an opportunity to attend, their more especial province, however, being caterers for the occasion.  When ladies have anything to do with an entertainment there is sure to be a rich treat in store for those who attend.





Puslinch Farmers’ Club

February 13th 1878.


The annual meeting of the Puslinch Farmers’ Club was held in the Town Hall, Aberfoyle, on Saturday, 26th of January.  Mr. James Glennie, President, occupied the chair.  The secretary read the financial report, showing the club to be in a flourishing condition.  The report, on motion, was received and adopted.  The election of officers for the current year was proceeded with and resulted as follows:  President, Wm. Rae; Vice-President, Robert Buchanan; Secretary-Treasurer, Peter Mahon; Directors, D. McFarlane, D. Gilchrist, Jas. Scott, Neil Marshall, Jas. Anderson, Thomas Carter, James Scott (Arkell), James Eagle, Wm. Kerr, Alex. Smith, and Jas. Glennie; Auditors, Jas. Scott, John Iles.


An animated discussion followed as to the propriety of continuing the present practice of holding meetings at different places in the township, resulting in a motion that was carried, that the next meeting of the club be held, as pre-arranged, in the Temperance Hall, S.S. No. 11, on Saturday 23rd of February, at three o’ clock p.m., and after that the perambulating system be discontinued, and henceforth the meetings of the club be held in the Town Hall, Aberfoyle, at six o’ clock p.m., commencing on the 15ht of March next.


The subject for discussion at the next meeting will be “Potato Culture”, Mr. Charles Barrett to lead, and on the 15th of March, at Aberfoyle, “Agriculture as a profession” is the chosen subject, P. Mahon to open the debate.  All desirous of advancing the interests of agriculture are cordially invited to attend the meetings of the club.





Puslinch Farmers’ Club

March 6th 1878.


The regular monthly meeting of this club was held in the Temperance Hall, School Section 11, on Saturday, 23rd February.  In the absence of the president, Mr. Robert Little was called to the chair.  The subject under consideration was “potato culture”.  There was a large attendance of members who thoroughly discussed the most approved modes of cultivation, together with the merits of the various varieties of this valuable and indispensable esculent.  Altogether, a profitable evening was spent.  A number of new members joined the club, besides old members renewing their connection therewith.  All retired to their homes impressed with the opinion that by thus associating much may be gained of practical benefit, and also result in actual profit to the farmer.  The next meeting of the club will be held in the Town Hall, Aberfoyle, on Friday, the 15th instant, at 6 o’ clock p.m.





Puslinch Farmers’ Club

March 15th 1878.


The regular meeting of the Puslinch Farmers’ Club was held in the Town Hall, Aberfoyle, on Friday evening, 15th March.  The attendance was large.  The President, Mr. William Rae, occupied the chair.  Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.  The subject under consideration was “agriculture as a profession”.  Mr. P. Mahon opened the debate followed by Messrs. Gilchrist, Patterson, Cauper, Smith, Reid, Glennie, and others.  The Secretary laid before the meeting two samples of seed wheat, forwarded by Mr. James Goldie, one imported from Manitoba, the other of the golden drop variety, grown at Barrie.  Price $1.75 per bushel.  Also, a sample sent by Mr. J. S. Armstrong, imported from Minnesota.  Price $1.75.  Subsequently, the Secretary received a sample of the Ohio club variety, grown by Mr. F. W. Stone, which he offers at $1.50 per bushel.  These samples were all good, and members desiring a change of seed would do well to examine them.





Puslinch Farmers’ Club

June 18th 1878.


The regular monthly meeting of this club was held in the Town Hall, Aberfoyle, on Friday evening, the 14th instant.  Mr. Wm. Rae, President of the club, occupied the chair.  There was a good attendance, all of whom manifested a lively interest in the debate which was opened by Mr. Duncan Gilchrist reading an essay on the importance of a judicious rotation of crops.  An instructive discussion followed on this important subject in which most of those present took part.


The committee appointed to draft rules and regulations to govern the semi-annual Seed Fair presented their report, which was, on motion, adopted.  The subject chosen for debate at the next meeting is whether the soiling or the pasture system is the most profitable to the farmer, Mr. David McFarlane to lead.  The next meeting of the club will be held on the 12th of July, at the usual hour and place.





Puslinch Farmers’ Club

May 22nd 1878.


The regular monthly meeting of this club was held in the Town Hall, Aberfoyle, Friday, 10th May, Mr. Wm. Rae, President, in the chair.  The subject for debate was “the advisability of establishing a Farmers’ Convention for the Province of Ontario”.  A very able essay was read on the subject by Mr. Peter McLaren, which was well received by the meeting.  Speeches were delivered by Messrs. McFarlane, Gilchrist, Smith, David McFarlane, Glennie, Mahon, and others.  The general tenor of the remarks made was in favour of the establishment of such an institution. 


The question of establishing a semi-annual seed fair in connection with the club was then considered, and on motion, the establishment of such a fair was unanimously agreed upon and a committee appointed the President and the Directors to draft rules and regulations to govern the fair and report at the next meeting. 


The subject for the next meeting is “the importance of a judicious rotation of crops”, Mr. D. Gilchrist to open the debate.  The next meeting of the club will be held at the same place on Friday, the 14th of June.





Puslinch Farmers’ Club

July 3rd 1878.


As Mr. David McFarlane, who was to read the essay at the meeting that was appointed to be held on the 12th inst., will be unable to be present, the meeting is postponed until further notice.  P. Mahon, Secretary.






Puslinch Farmers’ Club

August 21st 1878.


The Puslinch Farmers’ Club has decided to hold its annual fall seed fair in the Town Hall, Aberfoyle, on Tuesday August 27th.  Prizes will be given for Clawsons’ silver chaff, any other variety of white wheat, and the red winter wheat.  There will be excellent facilities for the sale and exchange of wheat.  The fair is open to all comers.  Full particulars can be learned from posters that have been issued.





Puslinch Farmers’ Club

August 21st 1878.


An adjourned meeting of this club was held in the Town Hall, Aberfoyle, on the 16th inst.  There was a good attendance notwithstanding the unfavourable state of the weather.  In the temporary absence of the president, Mr. James Glennie was called to the chair.  Matters in connection with the seed fair were considered and the holding thereof fixed for Tuesday, the 27th of August, in the Town Hall, Aberfoyle.  Mr. David McFarlane opened the debate by reading a paper on the soiling system.  He dealt very ably and exhaustively with the subject and, on motion, was unanimously accorded the thanks of the meeting.  The subject chosen for the next meeting is drilling versus broadcast seeding, Mr. H. Arkell to lead.  The next meeting will be held on September 6th, at the usual hour and place.





Puslinch Farmers’ Club

October 9th 1878.


The regular monthly meeting of the above society will be held on Friday, the 11th inst., at the Town Hall, Aberfoyle, at six o’ clock p.m.  The subject for discussion will be “Drilling versus broadcast seeding”, Mr. Henry Arkell to lead.






Puslinch Farmers’ Club

October 23rd 1878.


An adjourned meeting of this club was held in the Town Hall, Aberfoyle, on the 18th instant, the President, Mr. William Rae, occupying the chair.  Mr. H. Arkell read a very concise and practical essay on “Drilling versus broadcast seeding”.  An interesting discussion followed, taken part in by most of those present.  Reverend W. F. Clark, late editor of the “Canada Farmer” has consented to deliver a lecture on “Agriculture” at the next meeting of the club, which takes place on the 8th of November, at the usual hour and place.




Puslinch Farmers’ Club

December 12th 1878.


The regular monthly meeting of this club was held in the Town Hall, Aberfoyle, on Friday evening last.  The President, Mr. Wm. Rae, occupied the chair.  There was a large attendance of leading farmers present.  Mr. Robert Little read an essay on “Clover raising and its value as a fertilizer”, which was well received by those present.  A lively discussion followed and altogether a profitable evening was spent which well repaid those present for their trouble in turning out.


The question of the annual gathering of the club was then considered, when a social such as that held last year, was found to be most popular.  A committee was appointed to make the necessary arrangements, committee to meet on Saturday evening next at Mooney’s Hotel.


The following is the essay referred to above that was read by Mr. Robert Little:


Mr. President and Gentlemen:


At our last meeting it was decided that the merits of clover should be discussed this evening.  Professor Brown, of the Agricultural College, once stated in this hall that a thorough practical man, with a little science, was the most successful.  I will now discuss the science of clover raising but will confine myself to my own experience.  Among the many benefits that accrue from the cultivation of clover, one is that the long tap roots of the plant penetrate deeply into the earth, keep the ground open, and admit the air, which brings about a chemical action below that helps to destroy many noxious roots that may previously have existed in the ground, and the decomposition of which will help to enrich the soil.  Clover is styled in some agricultural work as a lime plant so that the decomposition of its own roots and parts when plowed under fertilizes to a great extent.  As clover forms a prominent part in the past history of the farm on which I live, “Willowgrove”, I will go back to my earliest connection with this farm.  My first crop was in 1859.  Many will remember that as the year of the great June frost that destroyed the fall wheat in the shotblade.  Clover, corn, beans, potatoes, and even the leaves on the trees of the forest were destroyed and everything wore a forlorn aspect.  A neighbour remarked to me one day that he pitied those that had their farms to pay for.  I had some knowledge of the extent of his sympathy and answered him by saying that we would have to do like the hibernating animals, get into a hollow tree and suck our paws.  He afterwards remarked to a friend that Robert Little would suck his paw till his head would be grey before he would pay forty dollars an acre for willow groves.  This excited my ambition and strengthened my muscle.  I therefore put my hand to the plough and my shoulder to the wheel with fresh vigour, determined that if any man would pay for his farm I would.  The majority of farmers in this section turned their clover field to pasture after the frost, but I let mine grow for a second crop, and observed, after the refreshing rain of the 19th of June, fresh shoots from the roots.  I had two fields of clover that I will describe here as fields No. 1 and No. 2.  Field No. 1, I cut about the first of September and cured for hay.  It yielded about one and a half tons per acre, and as “Willowgrove” is in the midst of markets, being situated about midway, having Aberfoyle and Morriston on the east, Hespeler and Preston on the west, Galt on the south and Guelph on the north, I sat about looking for the best market.  This I found in Preston and sold my hay at $18 per ton.  Field No. 2, I left to ripen for seed and allowed it to get some frost before harvesting to make it thresh easily.  It yielded four bushels per acre.  This, I sold in Guelph for $6 per bushel.  I plowed field No. 2 in the fall and sowed in peas in the following spring, had a good crop, and sowed fall wheat after peas.  There was a quantity of clover seed that fell in harvest time.  This being plowed under in the fall it lay dormant until plowed up again.  It grew with the fall wheat, was a good even catch, and yielded two tons of hay to the acre first crop.  I raised clover seed the first six years and found it to be a self seeder.  I have plowed clover sod in the spring for potatoes, dropping in every third furrow, and secured a yield of 150 bushels per acre.  I have plowed clover sod in the fall, cultivated in the spring for turnips, and secured 600 bushels to the acre.  I have raised mangolds and carrots on clover sod and have plowed down clover in June for fall wheat, when it was necessary to put a chain on to turn the clover under, and had an excellent crop.  I value clover sod of two years growth, to plow under, equal to ten loads of barnyard manure per acre on a stubble field.  What I have found to be a good rotation is as follows: plow clover sod in June and cultivate for fall wheat; plow wheat stubble in the fall and manure with ten loads of barnyard manure to the acre the following spring for roots; plow in the fall after the root crop, cultivate in the spring following and sow with two bushels of barley and six pounds of clover seed to the acre, and with such treatment I have never failed to get a catch even in our most extremely dry season.  I have never found any difficulty to get a catch of clover with a grain crop, when put in properly.  But I have lost a great deal of seed by sowing on fall wheat after the earth got packed and dry in the spring.  I have found it best to sow in the spring on fall wheat when it is still freezing at night and thawing in the day, as the seed gets into the small crevices made by the frost.  If not freezing, run a light harrow over it for I have found, to my cost, that clover seed requires to be covered.  My grass seed sower is in front of my grain drill so that when I sow with the drill the grass seed is covered by the drill.  I prefer sowing with the drill as the seed is sown all the same depth and covers up evenly.  In 1876, I sowed three fields of clover; field No. 1 was my orchard.  This had been in oats the previous year, without any manure.  Clover seed was sowed with the oats and it came up well, but disappeared when the drouth of the summer and grasshoppers came on.  This I plowed with a gang plow in the spring, and sowed with clover alone.  It came up strong and bloomed in the same year, and I let it rot on the field for the good of the orchard.  Field No. 2, I sowed with peas and clover.  It came up regular but did not put in much of an appearance until fall.  It then grew strong and was a good crop the following year.  Field No. 3 had been in roots the previous year; two-thirds of it was manured with barnyard manure and the remainder with salt and plaster.  This field I sowed with barley and clover seed.  It all came up evenly but when the barley was cut that part that had barnyard manure was strong and healthy while the other was yellow and small.  The grasshoppers then made a raid on the weak clover and took it root and branch.  The following year I had a good crop of hay on two thirds of the field but the other was as barren of grass as the great desert of Sahara is of vegetation.


Some men are prejudiced against feeding clover hay to horses.  They think it hurts their lungs.  But I find no difficulty in feeding it.  I feed all from mangers and not from racks.  I have seven horses and a dairy of twenty-three cows in the stable at this present moment and all feed from mangers.  I drove one team fourteen years and they were sound when I parted with them.  I have a pair of horses now that I have driven for six years and fed a great deal of clover, and they are as sound as when I got them.  Mr. W. F. Clarke stated in this hall at our last meeting that the proper mode of curing clover was to cock it as soon as cut, if the dew was off.  But I have found, to my loss, that the operator has to use his own judgement in curing, as some is much easier cured than others.  I have cut clover and housed it the same day, and I have frequently cut and put it in the barn the day following, and I have also cut clover so full of sap in damp weather that it would heat and spoil in the cock before it would cure.  I find clover dries much quicker when cut with the mowing machine than with the scythe.  The machine leaves it evenly spread.  The only artificial manures I have used on clover were salt and land plaster.  This should be sowed as soon as the soil is dry in the spring, as the clover receives its strength from the subsoil.  There is nothing on the farm more beautiful than a field of clover in full bloom but the mowing machine has deprived us of the reality of that old familiar haymaker’s song that we so often sung —



We mowers so gay

Cut the flowers and hay,

Our scythes, they are swinging,

Our voices are ringing,

When mowing the flowers and hay,

When mowing the flowers and hay.






Puslinch Farmers’ Club

February 5th 1879.


The annual meeting of the above club was held in the Town Hall, Aberfoyle, on Friday evening, the 31st ult.  The President, Mr. Wm. Rae, occupied the chair.  There was a good attendance of leading farmers present, which shows that the farmers of Puslinch at all events are fully alive to the necessity of associated action for the advancement of agricultural interests.


The Treasurer presented the financial statement of the club for the past year, which showed, after paying current expenses, a handsome balance in favour of the club, which is to be devoted principally to the payment of prizes at the semi-annual seed fairs instituted by the club, the first of which was successfully held in August last.  The report was received and adopted.


The election of officers for the current year was then proceeded with, resulting in the election of the following office bearers: /Robert Buchanan, President/ Hugh Reid, Vice-President/ P. Mahon, Secretary-Treasurer/ Directors, Duncan McFarlane, Wm. Rae, D. Gilchrist, Neil Marshall, Wm. Black, John Clark, Jas. Eagle, John McFarlane, J. H. Glennie, Thos. Carter, and Jas. Patterson/Auditors, Messrs. Jas. Scott and Wm. Kerr/


The meeting unanimously agreed to invite Mr. W. Brown of the Agricultural College to address the club at its next meeting, which will be held at Aberfoyle on Friday the 7th of March.


On motion, Mr. Rae vacated the chair, which was taken by Mr. Buchanan, when a cordial vote of thanks was accorded the retiring President, which was suitably acknowledged by that gentleman.






Puslinch Farmers’ Club

February 26th 1879.


The regular monthly meeting of this club will be held in the Town Hall, Aberfoyle, on Friday evening, 7th March, at six o’ clock.  Mr. William Brown, Professor of Agriculture, Agricultural College, Guelph, has kindly consented to address the meeting, taking for his subject, “Why the manure heap only?”.  This important subject is sure to be ably dealt with by Mr. Brown.  The subject to the ordinary farmer is suggestive of reflection, together with their experience on the merits of manuring, and their application.  Suggestions as to the time and manner of procuring articles and supplies for the club will be seasonable at this meeting.  All are invited, ladies not excepted.






Puslinch Farmers’ Club

March 12th 1879.


The regular monthly meeting of this club was held in the Town Hall, Aberfoyle, on Friday evening, 7th inst.  The President, Mr. Robert Buchanan, occupied the chair.  There was a large attendance of the leading and more progressive farmers of the township, who turned out, as it was known that Prof. Brown of the Agricultural College was to be present and address the meeting.  Mr. Brown took for his subject “Why the manure heap only?”.  It is needless to say that Mr. Brown treated the subject in a masterly manner, dealing with cultivation as the mechanical preparation of the soil, its purpose and action, the action of the air, water, heat, manures, their quality, application and action, plant food in the soil, and its assimilation by plants, and the absolute necessity of systematic rotation.  In short, treating the many points glanced at in a lucid, clear, practical, and yet scientific manner, which was very instructive and gratifying to those present.  The lecturer invited discussion and criticism upon his remarks, which had the desired effect, and afterward replied to the remarks made and questions put by the audience, in a very concise and explicit manner.  A cordial vote of thanks was tendered Mr. Brown for his attendance and discourse.


A communication was read by the secretary from an adjoining township asking co-operation in relation to abuses existing on the Guelph market.  A committee was accordingly appointed to confer with the other committees in the matter.


Members requiring plaster or salt will please send in their orders to the secretary and parties selling members’ tickets, please send in a list of names.


The subject for the next meeting will be “Market fees and markets generally”, Mr. John Murray to lead.  Mr. Brown, of the Agricultural College, has extended an invitation to the club to visit that institution in a body on the occasion of the closing exercises of the winter session, which take place about the latter part of this month, examining the stock and other departments of interest in the forenoon, and attending the examination in the afternoon.





Puslinch Farmers’ Club

March 18th 1879.


This club will hold its spring seed fair for the sale and exchange of seed in the Town Hall, Aberfoyle, on Wednesday the 26th inst.  The fair is open to all comers on very liberal conditions.  Parties bringing seed are requested to have it in before twelve o’ clock as the judges will commence their inspection at that hour.  Scales and other facilities for doing business will be provided.






Puslinch Seed Fair

April 2nd 1879.


The Puslinch Farmers’ Club held their spring seed fair in the Town Hall, Aberfoyle, on Wednesday, 26th March.  The quantity of seed brought out for sale and exchange was very fair.  There was a large attendance of farmers who manifested a keen interest in the inspection of the various samples entered for the competition.


Mr. Chas. Sharpe showed a collection of grass seed, which was much admired.  Whilst the judges were proceeding with their work of inspection, a meeting was held in the Council Chamber adjoining the hall, for the purpose of considering tenders received by the Secretary, offering to supply the club, grass seeds.  The President, Mr. Robert Buchanan, occupied the chair.  After due consideration, the tender of Messrs. Hallet & Co. was accepted, seed to be taken away by the members not later than May fair day.


The following gentlemen acted as judges; Messrs. James Laidlaw, Evan McDonald, and Chas. Sharpe.

Prize List


1st — Henry Arkell — $3

2nd — Alex McCaig — $2

3rd — Joseph Smith — $1


1st — Alex McCaig — $3

2nd — Jas. Patterson — $2

3rd — John Smith — $1


1st — Jas. Glennie — $3

2nd — John Mulroony — $2

3rd — Donald McKarraher — $1


1st — Joseph Smith — $3

2nd — Alex McCaig — $2

3rd — John Featherstone — $1

Indian corn

1st — John Featherstone — $2

2nd — John Worthington — $1

3rd — Jas. Patterson — 50 cents


1st — Joseph Smith — $5

2nd — John Worthington — $2


The greater portion of the grain brought changed hands.  The success that has attended these seed fairs, although only recently established, is very gratifying to the club, and now that they are established, they will be looked forward to with increasing interest by the farming community.


The next regular meeting of the club will be held in the Town Hall, Aberfoyle, on Friday, 4th April, at six o’ clock p.m., subject “Markets and market fees in general”.  Mr. John Murray will open the debate.





Puslinch Farmers’ Club

November 26th 1879.


The regular monthly meeting of this club will be held in the Town Hall, Aberfoyle, on Friday, the 28th inst., at six o’ clock p.m..  Mr. J. T. Brill has consented to address the meeting on the system of conducting butter factories.  The importance of the subject, whether this important article of agricultural produce should continue to be made on the old or upon the new system, should ensure a large audience.






Puslinch Farmers’ Club

April 24th 1879.


An adjourned meeting of this club was held in the Town Hall, Aberfoyle, on the 18th inst..  In the absence of the president, Mr. Wm. Rae was appointed chairman.  Mr. John Murray read an elaborate essay on the subject of markets and market fees, which was well received by the meeting.  The essayist dealt with the presumptive principle upon which the collection of market fees is based, showing that the farmer is the only class of manufacturer who has to pay a direct tax upon the products when entering the market, in the shape of market fees.  Other matters more directly relating to the Guelph market were dealt with.  The absurdity of the 11 o’ clock by-law was pointed out, and if fees are to be imposed, pending their abolition, it was held by the essayist and the meeting that they should be collected at the wagon or other vehicle, and in proportion to the value of the produce offered for sale therein.


The subject for the next meeting will be “Grasses”, their cultivation, nature, and value, upon which, Mr. Charles Sharpe will be invited to address the meeting.  The next meeting will be held in the same place on Friday, the 2nd of May, at six o’ clock p.m.


Members wanting salt or plaster will please send their address to the secretary at once.






Puslinch Farmers’ Club

May 21st 1879.


An adjourned meeting of this club was held in the Town Hall, Aberfoyle, on the 9th inst.  There was a very large attendance of farmers present.  The President, Mr. Robert Buchanan, occupied the chair.  The subject for discussion was “The various varieties of grasses, their nature and cultivation”.  Mr. Charles Sharpe, who had kindly responded to the invitation of the club, read a very able, practical, and comprehensive paper on the subject, which was well received by the meeting.  An interesting and practical discussion followed and the subject was the means of eliciting a great deal of practical information.  At the conclusion, a cordial vote of thanks was tendered Mr. Sharpe for his able essay.  Tenders, offering to supply the club with turnip and other root seeds, were then opened and considered by the meeting.  On motion, the tenders of Messrs. Hallett & Co., seedsmen, Guelph were accepted.  Members can therefore procure their seed at the above establishment, in Guelph, on special terms.  The subject for the next meeting will be “artificial manures”, Mr. Hugh Reid to open the debate.  Next meeting will be held on the 30th May, at the usual time and place.






Puslinch Farmers’ Club

July 10th 1879.


The regular monthly meeting of this club was held in the Town Hall, Aberfoyle, on Friday evening, 4th inst.  In the absence of the president, Mr. John Worthington was appointed chairman.  Mr. Hugh Reid opened the debate by reading an able paper on “artificial manures”.  Mr. P. Mahon, who has for some time occupied the position of secretary of the club, but owing to his inability to continue to devote that attention to the performance of the duties of the office, which in the interest of the club is absolutely required, tendered his resignation, which was accepted, on condition that he continue to act “pro tem.”, until his successor was appointed.  The club discontinued its usual monthly meeting for the space of two months.  At next monthly meeting, due notice will be given.






Puslinch Farmers’ Club

January 7th 1880.


The Puslinch Farmers’ Club purposes holding a social this year as usual, and if we are to judge of the coming entertainment by the success which attended those that are past, a grand treat is in store for those who can make it convenient to attend.  The spread provided on former occasions would have done credit to more pretending localities and was a proof that the ladies of Puslinch understand how to act the part of caterers when their services are required.







Puslinch Farmers’ Club

The Sixth Annual Reunion at Aberfoyle

January 28th 1880.


The sixth annual reunion of the Puslinch Farmers’ Club took place in the Town Hall, Aberfoyle, on Wednesday night, 21st inst.  To say that the affair was a success would be too mild a term.  The reunion in former years was a success but this year the club has to congratulate itself insomuch as it had a larger audience while the programme was as varied and quite as interesting as on any previous occasion.  By seven o’ clock in the evening every seat in the Town Hall was occupied, and those who came after that hour had either to stand or find a seat on the platform.  The audience first gave their attention to a repast, prepared by the ladies interested in the club.  The spread was a most excellent one, the catering being done in a manner that could not prove otherwise than satisfactory.  The highest credit is due to the ladies for the way that they did their share of the work, and some of them deserve special praise for the very fine cakes that graced the tables.  When the good things had been amply discussed, Mr. Robert Buchanan, President of the Club, took the chair, and after some music, introduced Mr. Mills, President of the Agricultural College, who said he was honest in saying that he was pleased to be present.  He felt at home among such an audience for he had followed their occupation and had known no other until twenty-one years of age.  He had learned to “chuck” wood at 50 cents a cord and to dig drains at a very small figure per foot.  He was, however, at a disadvantage in having to follow so able a man as the late President of the Agricultural College.  He then congratulated them on their occupation and showed the error of changing from one business to another.  At farming, there was room for a man to make a living, and perhaps a competency.  Farmers were entirely independent if industrious.  There were some people who got tired of a business they knew very thoroughly and tried some other business, their partial knowledge of which made it attractive.  Some farmers’ sons after attending high school for a while thought that they would like to study for a profession, and some farmers had gone so far as to give their sons only a partial education in order to keep their interest in farming.  This was not right.  The Ontario School of Agriculture was the place where farmers should send their sons.  There they could get a good education, which besides making them better farmers would improve them socially, and enable them to take an active part in municipal matters.


Mr. Glennie, in an appropriate address, explained the object of the Farmers’ Club, which was to discuss the means for deriving the greatest gain from their participation.


Mr. D. Guthrie, M.P., afterwards spoke a few words expressing his belief in the division of labour and co-operation of principles.  He was sure that the discussions at the Farmers’ Club would have good results.  He advised them to form a library without delay.  Every farmer should subscribe for an agricultural journal.  Though he did not go so far with regard to newspapers as some did, he thought perhaps that they were a more powerful source of education to children than school books.


Mr. Wm. Rae, ex-President of the society, and Mr. P. Mahon, Secretary, also made a few remarks, referring to its previous history, its objects, and success.


The musical part of the entertainment was quite an attractive feature.  During the evening, Mrs. H. Arkell sang “Father will settle the bill” and the “Keel row”, Mr. Glennie, “Come under my plaidie” and “John Grumlie”, and Mr. Charles Cockburn sang “Castles in the Air” and “Craiglea”.  These pieces were well rendered and well received.  Messrs. Glennie and Henderson gave an admirable duet on the organ and violin.  Mr. James Maitland also gave some selections on the organ, and Mr. Wm. Black recited, with effect, his famous stump speech.


At the close of the entertainment, the hall was cleared and dancing was commenced in earnest and kept up with great spirit till an early hour in the morning.






Puslinch Farmers’ Club

February 18th 1880.


The regular monthly meeting of the Puslinch Farmers’ Club will be held in the Town Hall, Aberfoyle, on Thursday, the 26th inst., at six o’ clock p.m.  Mr. J. H. Panton, of the Agricultural College, will deliver a lecture on “The Chemistry of Superphosphate”.







Seed and Horse Show at Aberfoyle

Under the Auspices of the Farmers’ Club

April 2nd 1880.


The third semi-annual Seed Show, under the auspices of the Farmers’ Club, was held at Aberfoyle on Thursday.  It was very well attended, there being about three hundred people present, showing that an interest is felt by the farmers in the show.  The show of seed grains, including all kinds of cereals grown in the township, was good, and there was also a fine display of potatoes.  There were quite a number of entries and the articles occupied the greater part of the Town Hall.  A variety of oats known as the “Jersey Black”, shown by Nicholas Norrish, of Nassagaweya, was rare and attracted considerable attention.  They sold at 45 cents a bushel after the show.  Some varieties of choice wheat sold as high as $1.50 a bushel, and the barley brought 75 cents.  The following is the prize list:



Alex Smith — 1st

Duncan McFarlane — 2nd


John Evans — 1st

Alex McCaig — 2nd

W. Kerr — 3rd


John Smith — 1st

Alex Smith — 2nd

R. Beattie — 3rd


Hugh Stewart — 1st

Alex McCaig — 2nd


John Evans — 1st

Hugh McDermid — 2nd

John Mulrooney — 3rd


The Horse Show


By the exertions mainly of Messrs. Robert Erron, Leonard Blain, John Foster, and Peter McGibbon, an entire horse show was held in connection with the seed show.  There was offered $50 in prizes and the farmers’ Club added a prize of $12 for the best general-purpose horse.  The show was the best ever held in that section, the entries numbering fourteen.  Following is the prize list.


Heavy draught class

John Place — 1st prize — “Lord Lorne”

John Hill — 2nd — “Farmer’s Friend”

George Gilmour — 3rd — “Wentworth”

General Purpose Class

Peter Bieber — 1st prize — “England’s Glory”

Brock Swackhammer — 2nd — “Dusty Miller”

Carriage class

Charles Austin — 1st prize — “British Champion”

Thomas Arkell — 2nd — “Eclipse”

Maulin Cassin Jr. — 3rd — “Black Hawk” 


James Scott — 1st prize — “Young Venture”

J. H. Fox — 2nd — “Hambletonian Tippoo”

Gilbert McCaig — 3rd —


Sweepstakes — The extra prize of $12, given by the Farmers’ Club, was carried off by Peter Bieber’s “England’s Glory”.


Judges — The judges in grain were Messrs. M. Sweetnam, Evan MacDonald, and John McCorkindale.  Those for horses were Messrs. James Plamer, J. Joseph, and Edwin Grey.







Puslinch Farmers’ Club

June 9th 1880.


An adjourned meeting of this club will be held in the Town Hall, Aberfoyle, on Friday, the 18th June, at 7 o’ clock.  The subject for discussion is “the best mode of seeding down for hay and pasture.  Alex Smith will lead in the debate.






Puslinch Farmers’ Club

October 22nd 1880.


A meeting of this club was held in the Town Hall, Aberfoyle, on Tuesday, the 19th inst., when Mr. William Brown, Professor of Agriculture at the Agricultural College, gave an address on the subject of the improvement of grade sheep, in view of the British market.  The speaker was in favour of crossing the Southdown or Oxford-down with the common grades in the province both as regards mutton and wool.  From the nature of the address it was clear that Mr. Brown had thoroughly studied up the subject, as it conveyed a great deal of information, not only with respect to the production of mutton, but also as to the best and most profitable yield of wool.  The address was highly appreciated, and at the close, a vote of thanks was passed to Mr. Brown for his able and instructive lecture.  Mr. Hugh Reid, President of the Farmers’ Club, occupied the chair.






Puslinch Farmers’ Club

The Annual Reunion a Grand Success

January 26th 1881.


On Wednesday evening of last week, the Puslinch Farmers’ Club held their annual reunion in the Town Hall at Aberfoyle.  Like its predecessors, it was a pronounced success in point of attendance, which is a good indication that the work of the club has not lost any of its interest for the farmers of Puslinch.  Among the audience, which occupied every foot of space in the room, were several persons from the city and surrounding townships.


To prepare the way for the more thorough enjoyment of the intellectual programme, the audience was regaled with an abundant and seasonable repast by the ladies of the club.  As an evidence that the good things were appreciated, it is only necessary to state that the tables had to be supplied with provisions repeatedly until, when the cravings of the inner man had been satisfied, there was scarcely a morsel left.


When the repast had been amply partaken of, the programme of music and recitations was commenced.  Mr. Hugh Reid, President of the Farmers’ Club, occupied the chair, and in a befitting way, opened the proceedings.  The programme consisted of songs and recitations, interspersed with a short address occasionally, all of which seemed to be appreciated.  One song in particular deserves reference, it being sung with much sweetness, precision, and taste, while the majority of the singers were little children.  The selection was “Nellie Gray”, and was sung by Mr. Cockburn and his family.  The singers of the evening were Mr. Glennie, John Little, Charles G. Cockburn, Miss McLaren, W. McCormick, Miss Borthwick, and R. T. Kilgour.  Recitations were given by Donald Duff of Erin, which were also an interesting feature in the programme and caused a good deal of amusement.  A few happy words fell during the evening from Messrs. James Innes, Wm. Brown of the Agricultural College, John Duff of Erin, and Wm Rae.  Miss Brownlow of Guelph played most of the accompaniments for the singing, showing ability and good taste.  The entertainment closed shortly after 11 o’ clock with the National Anthem.


The hall was immediately cleared and dancing commenced to the enlivening music of the violin.  The crowd was so large at first that scarcely space enough could be obtained to form the sets, and the dancers jostled in their intricate manoeuvres.  By and by, however, the number began to decrease and those remaining had the benefit of their departure.  The fun raged fast and furious until an early hour the following morning when the assembly broke up.  The programme was lengthy and well selected and the dance is pronounced one of the best held in Puslinch for a long time.







Puslinch Farmers’ Club

March 17th 1881.


The regular monthly meeting of the Puslinch Farmers’ Club takes place in the Town Hall, Aberfoyle, on Friday evening, at 7 o’ clock.  The subject for discussion is “Salt as fertilizer”.  Mr. D. Gilchrist will lead.  Those wishing to get salt should attend.





Puslinch Seed Fair

April 9th 1881.


This seed fair, held under the auspices of the Puslinch Farmers’ Club, at Aberfoyle, on Friday, passed off very successfully.  Under circumstances so favourable as fine weather and good roads, it was not surprising that the attendance was large.  The exhibition took place in the Town Hall, and the display of cereals was really good.  After the show, most of the seed that had been exhibited changed hands, and the following figures ruled:  Barley, $1 per bushel/ peas, 80 cents/wheat, $1.25 per bushel.


The prizes are as follows:

Spring wheat

1st — John Atkinson

2nd — William Kerr

3rd — Alex Smith


1st — J. C. Evans

2nd — James McLaren

3rd — Alex Reid


1st — Robert Buchanan

2nd — William Kerr

3rd — Robert Buchanan


1st — J. C. Evans

2nd — Jas. Mason

3rd — J. Atkinson


1st — Jas. Black

2nd — Nicholas Norris

3rd — Jas. Black


Messrs. Robert Kirby, Jas. Glennie, and Jas. Hewer acted as judges.





Puslinch Farmers’ Club

June 8th 1881.


The regular monthly meeting will be held in the Town Hall, Aberfoyle, on Friday the 17th inst., at 7 o’ clock p.m., James Laidlaw, M.P.P., to address the meeting on the subject “Our position and duty”.





Puslinch Farmers’ Club

December 19th 1881.


The Puslinch Farmers’ Club will hold its annual reunion on the 5th of January in the Town Hall, Aberfoyle.






Puslinch Farmers’ Club

February 1st 1882.


The annual meeting of the Puslinch Farmers’ Club was held in the Town Hall, Aberfoyle, on Friday the 27th ult.  The accounts were audited and the club found to be in a very satisfactory state financially. 


The following officers were then elected for the current year. — William Black, President/ James Hume, Vice-President/Wm. Rae, Secretary/ Directors — Duncan Gilchrist, John Iles, Henry Arkell, Peter Mahon, Alex Smith, John Laing, Neil Marshall, Allan Stewart, James Scott, Hugh Reid, James Glennie, Robt. Little, John Smith, Charles Cockburn, John Scott/ Auditors — James Glennie, John Smith/


A vote of thanks was tendered to the retiring President, Mr. James Gilchrist.  The meeting then adjourned.





Puslinch Seed Fair

April 1st 1882.


This fair was held at Aberfoyle, on Friday.  There were a large number of farmers present with the object of purchasing grain, but as there was not much shown, many were disappointed.  There were no entries in peas or potatoes.  The following is the prize list:


Spring wheat

2 entries

1st — Jas. Patterson

2nd — Alex Smith


5 entries

1st — Jas. Patterson

2nd — J.C. Evans & Bro.

3rd — Jas. Barclay


6 entries

1st — Alex Watts

2nd — John Smith

3rd — Alex Smith


The judges were Messrs. Jas. Hewer of Guelph and A. Ramsay and Josiah Norrish of Nassagaweya.






Puslinch Farmers’ Club

April 4th 1882.


A meeting was held on Friday afternoon in the Town Hall.  The subject of discussion was “summer fallowing”.  Mr. John Worthington led the discussion, giving his views on the subject.  His opinion was that where thistles were bad summer fallowing was the only effectual method of getting rid of them.  Mr. Glennie held to the view that by summer fallowing a crop was lost, that it did not materially enrich the land, and that a root crop with thorough and repeated hoeing, will be equally effectual in killing the thistles.  The discussion was continued by Messrs. Mahon, Reid, and others, each one giving his opinions on the mode that he thought best of getting rid of thistles, the pest of the Canadian farmer.





Puslinch Seed Fair

August 26th 1882.


The annual seed fair under the auspices of the Puslinch Farmers’ Club was held at Aberfoyle yesterday.  There was a large attendance.  The quality of wheat shown was splendid but a little on the damp side.  A good deal of grain changed hands at paying prices.  Messrs. Evan MacDonald, James Hewer of Guelph, and John Meyers of Waterloo, acted as judges, and had considerable difficulty in deciding upon the grains.  In the white wheat class there were nine entries and the prices were awarded as follows: 1st — Elijah Eagle/ 2nd — Donald McCorragher/ 3rd — Duncan McFarlane/ 4th — James Glennie.


In the red winter variety there were six entries and the following prizes were awarded: 1st — H. Gray of Beverly/ 2nd — Duncan McFarlane of Puslinch/ 3rd — G. Atcheson of Guelph Township/ 4th — N. Norris of Nassagaweya.


John Long won the prize given by James Glennie for the best sheaf of wheat.






Puslinch Farmers’ Club

December 14th 1882.


A meeting will be held in the Town Hall, Aberfoyle, on Friday, the 15th December, at 7 o’ clock p.m.  The subject for discussion is “the best breed of pigs to keep and the best system of fattening them”, Mr. Douglas to lead.





Puslinch Farmers’ Club

February 7th 1883.


The annual meeting of the above club was held in Singular’s Hotel, Aberfoyle, on Tuesday the 30th January, at 7 p.m., the President in the chair.  The following officers were elected: — President, James Hume/ Vice-President, Joseph Smith/Secretary-Treasurer, William Black/ Directors — William Rae, Duncan Gilchrist, John Iles, James H. Glennie, John Smith, Henry Arkell, Wm. Kerr, Donald McKaracher, Alexander Watt/ Auditors — J. H. Glennie and Wm. Rae/





Puslinch Farmers’ Club

March 28th 1883.


A seed fair under the auspices of the Puslinch Farmers’ Club will be held in the Town Hall, Aberfoyle, on Friday, the 6th of April.


Directly below in the same newspaper:  “The horse, bull, and seed fair to be held in Guelph on Thursday, the 12th of April promises to be a success.  Something in the neighbourhood of $70 is offered for horses and bulls and about $30 for seed grain.”





Puslinch Seed Fair

April 10th 1883.


The spring seed fair, under the auspices of the Puslinch Farmers’ Club, was held in the Town Hall, Aberfoyle, on Friday, the 6th instant, and was one of the most successful ever held by the club, the entries of seed grain and potatoes for competition being very large.  After the prizes were awarded quite a lively business was done in the sale and exchange of seed grain, which brought good prices.  The following is the prize list:


Spring wheat

1st — John Gilchrist

2nd — Duncan McFarlane

3rd — Alex Smith


1st — Thomas Evans

2nd — Joseph Smith

3rd — J. S. Patterson


1st — T. Evans

2nd — J. S. Patterson

3rd — James Mason


1st — James H. Glennie

2nd — T. Evans

3rd — Alex Smith

Nicholas Norrish — recommended


1st — J. Mason

2nd — T. Evans

3rd — John Laing





Puslinch Farmers’ Club

March 5th 1884.


The next meeting in connection with the above club will be held in the Town Hall, Aberfoyle, on Friday evening, March 14th, at 7 p.m.  The subject under discussion is “the breeding and most suitable breed of sheep for the country”, Mr. Glennie to lead, Charles Kilner, Secretary.





Puslinch Seed Fair

September 3rd 1884.


The annual Fall Wheat Seed Fair, under the auspices of the Puslinch Farmers’ Club, was held at the Town Hall, Aberfoyle, on Thursday, 28th Aug.  There were a larger number of entries than in former years.  All the samples shown were unexceptionally good and well cleaned.  A large quantity changed hands, the ruling price being $1.


White winter wheat

1st — Jacob Schultz

2nd — Alex McCaig

3rd — James Mason

4th — Smith Evans

Red winter wheat

1st — Alex J. McPherson

2nd — Elijah Eagle

3rd — John Kitching

4th — Duncan McFarlane





Puslinch Farmers’ Club

September 3rd 1884.


The regular monthly meeting of the above club will be held in the Town Hall, Aberfoyle, on Friday evening, September 5th, at 7 p.m.  The subject under discussion is “the best method of fall plowing”, Mr. Joseph Smith to lead.  Also for discussion are arrangements for holding a plowing match in the fall in connection with the club.





Puslinch Farmers’ Club Reunion

January 21st 1885.


The annual reunion of the above club came off in the Township Hall, Aberfoyle, on Tuesday night.  It was, as usual, very largely attended, the hall being crammed to the door by people not only from the township but also from Guelph and other places.  The ladies, as in former years, made ample provision of excellent refreshments, which were heartily enjoyed by all.  This part of the programme over, the tables were cleared and every inch of room was used for seats, but after all, many had to stand during the evening.


Mr. Joseph Smith, President of the club, made an excellent chairman.  The entertainment consisted of a delightful variety of speaking, music, and recitations.  The speakers were Dr. McPhatter, Mr. Laidlaw, M.P.P., Mr. D. McCaig, Mr. Cunningham of Hespeler, Mr. Innes, M.P., and Mr. P. Mahon.  Instrumental pieces were well rendered by Miss Cunningham on the organ and Miss McCaig of Eramosa and her brother on the organ and violin.  There was quite a variety of singing, and it was well done and appreciated by the audience, several of the pieces being encored.  The singers were Miss Reynolds of Hespeler, Mrs. Cross of Guelph, Miss Scott of Killean, Mr. Vollick, Mr. Scott, Messrs. Chisholm, Mr. Andrew Mutrie, Mr. Worthington and Mr. Brown of Campbellville.  Mr. Kennedy of Toronto gave several comic recitations that were admirably done and greatly enjoyed by all.  He is quite a master in this line and will always be sure of a welcome by a Puslinch audience.


At the close, the usual votes of thanks were given to the musicians, the ladies who got up the refreshments, the speakers, and the chairman, and the entertainment was brought to a close with “Auld Lang Syne” and “God Save the Queen”.


This reunion was the most successful that has yet been held under the auspices of the club.  At the close, the customary dance followed, which was kept up until an early hour the next morning to the stirring music by Mr. B. McQuillan.





Puslinch Farmers’ Club

February 23rd 1885.


The regular monthly meeting of the Puslinch Farmers’ Club will be held in the Town Hall, Aberfoyle, on Monday evening, March 2nd, at 7:30 p.m.  The subject under discussion is “the best and most profitable way of fattening cattle”, Mr. Wm. Rae to lead.





Puslinch Seed Fair

Sept. 1st 1885.


The annual fall wheat seed fair, held under the auspices of the Puslinch Farmers’ Club, was held in the Town Hall, Aberfoyle, on Monday August 31st.  The day was fine and a large attendance was present, several of whom were from the city.  Samples of wheat under the red class, known as the Michigan Amber, stood over 60 lbs. to the bushel, one sample going as high as 65 lbs.  Those known as the Clawson variety stood the standard weight of 60 lbs, one sample going as high as 62 lbs.  A large quantity of wheat changed hands at one dollar per bushel.  Mr. Alexander Marshall showed a small sample of a new wheat of the white variety, named Bonnell or Landreth, from which he threshed seventy-five bushels of first-class wheat, grown from two bushels and forty lbs. of seed.  The judges pronounced this the best sample of wheat that they had seen for a number of years.  The judges were Messrs. J. Laidlaw, M.P.P., James McLaren, and Frank O’Connor.  The following are the awards:


White wheat

1st prize — Alexander McCaig

2nd — Smith Evans

3rd — John Moffatt

Red wheat

1st prize — Jacob Schultz

2nd — John Moffatt

3rd — Geo. Johnson





Puslinch Farmers’ Club

January 19th 1886.


The annual reunion of the Puslinch Farmers’ Club takes place tomorrow evening at Aberfoyle.  From the energy displayed by the officers of the club and the committee that has charge of the arrangements, it promises to be one of the most successful meetings ever held under the auspices of the club.  The Guelph Thespian amateur club will be present and will no doubt add to the enjoyment of the evening.  Addresses will likely be delivered by James Innes, M.P., Jas. Laidlaw, M.P.P., James Glennie, and others.  A number of people from the city will be present.





Puslinch Seed Fair

April 13th 1886.


The above fair took place at Aberfoyle under the auspices of the Puslinch Farmers’ Club, on Monday, at the Town Hall, and was well attended.  The grain exhibit was first class and the Directors of the Farmers’ Club say that this was the best exhibit made since the organization of the show.


Spring wheat

(8 entries)

1st prize — Joseph Smith of Puslinch

2nd — N. Norrish of Nassagaweya

3rd — James Mason, Puslinch


(3 entries)

1st prize — Charles Kilner, Puslinch

2nd — A. McCaig, Puslinch

3rd — Jos. Smith, Puslinch


(9 entries)

1st prize — Geo. Atkinson, Marden

2nd — Hugh McDermott, Puslinch

3rd — Jacob Schultz, Puslinch


(5 entries)

1st prize — Jas. Blair, Puslinch

2nd — Jas. Mason, Puslinch

3rd — Jos. Smith, Puslinch


Blue peas, shown by Jas. S. Patterson, were highly commended.



Robert Simmons of Beverly

Neil Marshall of Puslinch

 James Taylor of Mosboro.






Puslinch Seed Fair

August 26th 1886.


The annual seed fair, under the auspices of the Puslinch Farmers’ Club, was held in the drill shed, Guelph, on Wednesday.  It was two o’ clock before the judges, Messrs. John Phin of Waterloo, Thomas Waters of Rockwood, and John Kallfass of Morriston, made their awards.  The judges, who are old and experienced, remarked that they had never had the pleasure of judging such a fine collection of wheat.  It took them a long time to decide on the merits of the various exhibits, which they did to the best of their ability, and in numerous cases, it was a difficult task.


The entries in white wheat were more numerous than those in red wheat, but nevertheless the samples of the latter were equally good.  One thing which might be mentioned is that the exhibits were mostly confined to Puslinch, which made the largest show by long odds, and also Beverly, Flamboro, and Guelph Townships, there being no exhibits from Waterloo and Eramosa.  The following is the prize list:


White winter wheat

Clawson, 9 entries

1st prize — Jacob Schultz

2nd — Elijah Eagle

3rd — Smith Evans


5 entries

1st prize — G. Johnstone

2nd — Elijah Eagle

3rd — H. Gray

Any other variety

2 entries

1st prize — F. H. Wilcox

2nd — Smith Evans

3rd — W. Cowan

Red winter wheat

Michigan Amber

3 entries

1st prize — Alex J. McPherson

2nd — Jacob Schultz

3rd — Alex McCaig

Any other variety

1st prize — James Mason

2nd — H. Wilcox

3rd — Geo. Atkinson

Heaviest white wheat

F. H. Wilcox

Heaviest red wheat

Jacob Schultz

Purest and best cleaned white

Jacob Schultz

Purest and best cleaned red

James Mason


Mr. Kilner, secretary, says that this is the most successful show that has yet been held by the club, especially as regards the number of buyers and the quality of wheat, all the samples being uncommonly good and well cleaned.





Puslinch Farmers’ Club

February 3rd 1887.


The annual reunion of the Puslinch Farmers’ Club in the Town Hall, Aberfoyle, last Wednesday, was a great success.  There was a number form the city present.  In the absence of the President, Mr. James Innes, M.P., was called to the chair, the duties of which he performed to the satisfaction of all.  After ample justice had been done to the sumptuous repast, a programme of considerable length and interest was entered into.  Suitable addresses were given by the Chairman, Professor Brown, Mr. D. Guthrie, Q.C., M.P.P., and Mr. Cunningham of Hespeler, all of which were listened to with attention.  Songs were most acceptably rendered by Messrs. Gallagher, Flaherty, Scott, and J. Neslin, Guelph.  The others who took part in the program were Miss Cunningham, Miss Jeffrey, Miss Warren, Messrs. Scott, Chisholm, Dickie, McCaig, and Lamb.  The entertainment as a whole was a success.  After the concert, a social dance was entered into with great spirit and kept up until the early morning, Mr. B. McQuillan furnishing the music. 





Puslinch Farmers’ Club

February 15th 1887.


The annual meeting of the Puslinch Farmers’ Club was held in the Town Hall, Aberfoyle, on Saturday evening, February 5th, to appoint officers for the ensuing year.  Mr. Joseph Smith was elected President, Mr. John Foster, Vice-President, and W. J. Cockburn, Secretary-Treasurer.  The Board of Directors consists of Messrs. John Worthington, Chas. Keilnier, Jas. Scott, Geo. Fraser, H. Hammersley, Jacob Schultz, and John A. Smith.  The auditors are Messrs. Christopher McBeath and Matthew Martin.  The club has a good balance on hand and intends holding a seed show in the spring as usual which will give all farmers an opportunity of securing their seed grain.  All agree that the club since its institution has been a great benefit to the farmers of Puslinch.





Puslinch Seed Fair

April 2nd 1887.


The annual seed fair, under the auspices of the Puslinch Farmers’ Club, was held in the Town Hall, Aberfoyle, on Friday, April 1st.  There was a large representation of farmers present from Guelph Township, Flamboro, Beverly, Nassagaweya, Puslinch, and quite a few from the city.  The show was the best that has been held for several years, and more interest was manifested in it.  The exhibit of grain was No. 1 in all the classes shown, and was speedily bought up and exchanged, and in fact, far more could have been disposed of.  There was a falling off in the show of potatoes, however, there being only one entry, that being the “Beauty of Hebron” variety.  The quality of this exhibit was first class.  The prices paid were high.  The following is the prize list:



1st prize — Geo. G. Johnston

2nd  — Nicholas Norrish

3rd  — Alex. Reid


1st prize  — Alex. Reid

2nd  — Peter McLaren

3rd  — Nicholas Norrish


1st prize  — Geo. Atkinson

2nd  — James S. Patterson

3rd  — Joseph Smith


1st prize  — James Mason

2nd  — Walter Cowan

3rd  — Thos. Amos


(Beauty of Hebron)

1st prize  — James Mason


The judges were James Lennie of Puslinch, John Hawkins of Nassagaweya, and Chas. Kilner of Puslinch.  They discharged their duties to the apparent satisfaction of all.


The club will hold a fall seed fair some time about the end of August, when, it is hoped that it will be as successful as the spring fair.





Puslinch Farmers’ Club

August 8th 1887.


A meeting of the Puslinch Farmers’ Club and South Wellington Farmers’ Club was held at the Western Hotel on Saturday afternoon, the 6th inst.  There were quite a number of farmers present but not such a large attendance as might have been.  This is accounted for on the ground that the majority of those interested are at present busily engaged.  The President, Mr. Joseph Smith, occupied the chair.  The chief object of the meeting was to make arrangements for the holding of the annual fall wheat seed fair.  After some talk, it was decided that the fair should be held in the drill shed, Guelph, on Tuesday, August 23rd.  Prizes will be offered for all the different varieties of fall wheat, together with a number of special prizes.





Fall Seed Fair

August 24th 1887.


The fall seed fair, under the auspices of the Puslinch Farmers’ Club and the South Wellington Farmers’ Institute, was opened in the drill shed at ten o’ clock on Tuesday morning.  There were quite a number of farmers present from all the townships in the riding.  The entries made in all classes of grains were large, and it is pleasing to see that these are very fairly divided among the townships.  The largest entries and keenest competition was in Clawson, and the judges found it hard work to come to a decision.  The quality was good and would be about an average crop.  Some samples would go about as high as 65½ pounds to the bushel.  Mr. Capel Reeve, who took the first prize, calculates that he will have about 30 bushels to the acre.  There were only about half the entries in the Democrat variety that there were in the Clawson.  This variety of wheat was behind the Clawson in quality, and has a tendency to be smutty, and was lighter in weight.  In “any other variety of winter wheat” there were a number of entries.  Mr. E. Eagle carried off three first prizes, two of which were for the heaviest and best cleaned.  Mr. Schultz deserves credit for the large number of prizes that he won.  Scott, or red winter wheat, compared favourably with that shown in other years, but can scarcely be said to be up to the mark.  The Michigan amber seems to be losing favour.  There were only three entries in this class.  The quality nevertheless was very good.  In “any other variety of red wheat” there were six entries, and the samples were good and the competition keen.  The show was a great success and the Secretary, Mr. W. J. Cockburn, and the Directors have to be congratulated on this fact.  The quantity of wheat that was sold and exchanged hands was something unprecedented in the history of this show.  The prize list gives the names of the successful competitors.


White winter wheat

1st prize — Capel Reeve, Waterloo Road — $3

2nd — Jacob Schultz, Morriston — $2

3rd — James Mason, Puslinch — $1


1st prize — Geo. G. Johnson, East Flamboro — $3

2nd — Thos. Wilson, Knatchbull — $2

3rd — Hugh Reid, Puslinch — $1

Any other variety

of white


1st prize — E. Eagle, Puslinch — $3

2nd — F. H. Wilcox, Puslinch — $2

3rd — W. J. Rudd, Arkell — $1

Red Winter wheat

Scott or Red Winter

1st prize — A. Flewwelling, Nichol — $3

2nd — Geo. Atkinson, Marden — $2

3rd — Smith Evans, Puslinch — $1

Michigan Amber

1st prize — Jacob Schultz — $3

2nd — Alex. Reid, Crieff — $2

3rd — W. J. Rudd — $1

Any other variety

of red

1st prize — James mason, Puslinch — $3

2nd — Smith Evans — $2

3rd — James Mason —$1

Special prizes

Heaviest white wheat (sponsored by D. Guthrie, M.P.P.)

Winner — E. Eagle — $3


Heaviest red wheat (sponsored by James Innes M.P.)

Winner — Jacob Schultz — $3


Purest and best cleaned white wheat (sponsored by Jas. Goldie & Sons) — Winner — E. Eagle — $2


Purest and best cleaned red wheat (sponsored by E. & G. Presant) — Winner — Jacob Schultz — $2


The judges in making their awards handed in the following written comments to the Secretary:

The judges have much pleasure in saying that the wheat was nearly all of excellent quality and well cleaned, the whole reflecting great credit on the exhibitors and on the club under whose auspices the fair was held.


Signed — James Laidlaw, James Hewer, Wm. Rae





Puslinch Farmers’ Club Reunion

January 1888.


On Wednesday evening the annual reunion of the Puslinch Farmers’ Club and South Wellington Farmers’ Institute was held in the Town Hall, Aberfoyle.  As is usual on all such occasions, the hall was filled by a large gathering and the programme provided took the audience from the start.  It had been usual to depend on getting speeches and filling in with songs and recitations but this year the evening was entirely given up to the lighter amusement, and the ladies and gentlemen who furnished the programme, gave one of such an excellent character that will make it difficult for future entertainments to surpass that of 1888.  Mr. Joseph Smith, President of the Club, ably occupied the chair, and in a few introductory remarks, opened the evening’s proceedings.  The following programme was then rendered by the members of the Guelph Catholic Union:


Part I

Song-------“McCartey” by Mr. Thomas Duignan

Duet----“Matrimonial Sweets” by Miss Johns and Mr. Gallagher

Solo---“Always Take Mother’s Advice” by Miss Tillie Johns

Quartette----“The Lark” by Misses Johns and Messrs. Gallagher and Duignan

Recitation----“The Polish Boy” by Joseph P. Downey

Song----“Agricultural Irish Girl” by Mr. Jno. A. Gallagher

Reading---“Nothing to Wear” by Mr. G. W. Field


Part II

Instrumental Solo by Miss Gertie Johns

Song---“The Last Dream” by Mr. N. McPhail

Stump speech by Mr. Thomas Scanlon

Song---“Lighthouse by the Sea” by Miss Johns

Quartette----“The Lillies” by Misses Johns and Messrs. Gallagher and Duignan

Song----“How Paddy Stole the Rope” by Mr. Duignan

Song----“I’m Getting a Big Boy Now” by Mr. Gallagher

Song----“Jessie’s Dream” by Mr. McPhail

Farce by Messrs. Scanlon and Downey


Messrs. Gallagher, Duignan, and Scanlon, in their comic and Irish songs, were loudly encored, and responded.  The ladies and Mr. McPhail sang in splendid style, and, along with the duet and quartette, were very heartily appreciated.  Mr. Downey’s recitation was given with the dramatic power that always characterizes that gentleman’s efforts and Mr. Field’s humorous reading was capitally given.  The farce fittingly wound up a very entertaining programme.


After the hall had been cleared, some 75 couples remained to take part in a social dance, Mr. B. McQuillan furnishing the music, and the fun was kept up until the early hours.  To Messrs. W. J. Cockburn, Secretary, and Mr. P. Mahon, who were the committee appointed to get up the reunion of 1888, much credit is due for the successful issue of their efforts.






Puslinch Farmers’ Club

February 4th 1888.


The annual meeting of the Puslinch Farmers’ Club and South Wellington Farmers’ Institute was held in the Town Hall, Aberfoyle, on Saturday evening, 4th of February.  The attendance was no so large as it ought to have been, but those present took a lively interest in the meeting.  The President, Mr. Joseph Smith, occupied the chair.   The financial report was read, which showed a good balance on hand and the club in a flourishing condition.


The meeting then proceeded to the election of officers for the ensuing year and the following gentlemen were duly elected:



P. Mahon

Vice President

James Scott


W. J. Cockburn


B. Falconbridge and George Fraser


Joseph Smith, Matthew Martin, Wm. Rae, P. Falconbridge, and Joseph Little, Puslinch/ Thomas Waters, Eramosa/ John I. Hobson, Mosborough/ G. B. Hood and George Atkinson, Guelph Township/


It was resolve to hold a meeting of the Institute in Guelph at such a time as might be found convenient in March.  It was also decided that arrangements be made with the Commercial Union Club of Toronto to address a mass meeting in the Town Hall, Aberfoyle, about the 25th of February.







Puslinch Farmers’ Club Reunion

January 22nd 1889.


The annual reunion of the club took place at the Town Hall, Aberfoyle, on Friday night.  There was, as usual, a large attendance.  Mr. P. Mahon, President, occupied the chair, and introduced the proceedings with an appropriate address in which he extended a cordial welcome to all. 


An excellent programme was then gone through with, the music, both vocal and instrumental, being for the most part provided by the Guelph Catholic Union Minstrel Troupe.  The selections on the organ and violin by Messrs. Orton and Shehan were given with great spirit.  Messrs. Duignan’s and Scanlon’s songs were well rendered.  The character songs and dances by Mr. Brown, the banjo solo by Mr. Nesslin, the jig and sand dances by Mr. T. Brown, and the stump speech made by Mr. Flaherty, were admirably executed and delighted the audience, which called for frequent encores.  Mr. N. McPhail gave two songs with splendid effect.  He has a magnificent voice that is well trained. 


Mr. Duke, one of the students at the O.A.C., gave a spirited recitation, and Mr. Williams, another student, gave an excellent and well-delivered address on the advantages held out to farmers’ sons by attending the college.  Suitable and interesting addresses were also given by Messrs. James Innes, D. Guthrie, and G. W. Field.  An amusing and well-played farce wound up the programme, Messrs. Flaherty and Scanlon taking the lead parts. 


The entertainment altogether was much enjoyed by the audience, and at its close, the hall was cleared for a social dance, which was kept up with spirit to an early hour in the morning to the inspiring strains of Mr. B. McQuillan’s music.






Puslinch Farmers’ Club

January 28th 1889.


The annual meeting of the Puslinch Farmers’ Club and South Wellington Farmers’ Institute was held in the Western Hotel, on January 26th.  There were present Mr. P. Mahon, President, Messrs. Laidlaw, ex-M.P.P., W. W. Kenny, Major Hood, J. I. Hobson, Robt. Douglas, R. Buchanan, Wm. McCrae, Wm. Cousins, J. Worthington, Thos. Waters, D. Gilchrist, John Foster, John Moffatt, J. Little, M. Neiubauer, Wm. Rae, B. Falconbridge, Joseph Smith, H. Hammersley, John Scott, Chas. Austin, George Maxwell, John H. Doughty, H. Worthington, and the Secretary, Mr. W. J. Cockburn.


The election of officers was proceeded with and resulted as follows:

President — Mr. P. Mahon

Vice-President — Jas. Laidlaw

Secretary-Treasurer — W. J. Cockburn



Guelph Township — G. B. Hood, W. McCrae, A. Whitelaw, and W. Kenny

Puslinch — Joseph Smith, Wm. Rae, Jos. Little, and J. Worthington

Eramosa — Thos. Waters, E. Parkinson, H. Black, and A. Johnson


Messrs. B. Falconbridge and George Fraser were appointed auditors.


The meeting then adjourned.





Puslinch Farmers’ Club Concert

January 6th 1890.


The annual concert, under the auspices of the South Wellington Farmers’ Institute and the Puslinch Farmers’ Club, will be held in the Town Hall, Aberfoyle, on Wednesday evening, January 15th, and will be the best that has been given.  The talent secured are the Misses Scroggie, Miss Maude Scarff, Mr. Gallagher, comic, Mr. Brydon, Mr. Copeland, Mr. C. R. Strachan, Mr. Scarff, Mr. John Strachan, elocutionist, and Mr. H. C. Smith, violinist.  Nearly all of these have a well-earned and widespread reputation, and are very popular.  Messrs. James Innes, M.P., D. Guthrie, M.P.P., and Prof. Mills, O.A.C., have been invited to give addresses.  A social dance will take place after the concert, at which the music will be furnished by a first-class string band.






Puslinch Farmers’ Club

The Annual Concert a Grand Success

January 16th 1890.


The concert and entertainment given by the Puslinch Farmers’ Club, at Aberfoyle, Wednesday night was a great success.  Notwithstanding that the night was intensely dark and stormy the large hall was crowded, and there was noticeable a larger attendance than usual of the older element of the community.  It was the object of the managers of the club to present an entertainment that would please all the members, and above all to sustain a ____ elevation suitable to the aims and objects of the members.  The conduct of the musical part was therefore given to the Misses Stevenson, of Guelph, and these ladies and the assistants that came with them won golden opinions from the good people of the township.


Mr. Peter Mahon, President of the club, took the chair precisely at eight o’ clock, and in a few well-chosen words expressed his pleasure in seeing so many present.  Mr Guthrie, Mr. Innes, and Prof. Mills, he said, had not been able to attend, but they had supplied what substitutes they could.


The programme opened with a grand chorus, in which all the singers took part.  Miss Carrie Stevenson, Miss Maud Stevenson, Miss Scarff, Mr. Campbell Strachan, Mr. John Strachan, Mr. R. Smith, Mr. J. A. Gallagher, and the Misses Scroggie, then placed before the meeting a programme, which for general excellence, it was universally admitted, had never been excelled in Aberfoyle.  It was worthy of remark that it was not, as often is the case, only the comic parts of the programme that were enthusiastically received.  Those higher and tenderer emotions as rendered by the various young ladies and gentlemen, especially the plaintive Scottish airs and songs that are always old yet ever new, were rapturously received.


As usual, when he is present, Mr. John Strachan, in his comic readings and recitations was a host and was repeatedly encored, while Mr. Gallagher, in such comic songs as “Where did you get that hat?”, fairly brought down the house.


The members of the committee had everything admirably arranged and there was no hitch from start to finish.  Mr. G. W. Field and Mr. Jas. Laidlaw Jr., upon being called upon, closed the proceedings with a few words, congratulating the club on the success of its entertainment.


After the programme had been completed a bountiful repast was spread at Mr. John Doran’s and a pleasant time spent at and around the tables for about an hour, when those so inclined returned to the ball, where dancing to the lively strains of barney McQuillen’s fiddle was kept up until an early hour in the morning.  In every respect, the entertainment was one of the most successful in the history of the club.





Puslinch Farmers’ Club

March 18th 1890.


Puslinch Farmers’ Club and the South Wellington Farmers’ Institute will hold their annual seed fair, at Aberfoyle, on Thursday, April 3rd.  This fair has now become an established institution and is becoming more and more popular every year.






Puslinch Seed Fair

August 19th 1890.


The Puslinch Farmers’ Club Seed Fair will be held in Guelph on Saturday August 30th.  This fair is becoming more and more popular every year and the prizes offered this year cannot fail to bring out a large number of competitors.






Seed Wheat Fair

September 1st 1890.


The annual seed wheat fair, under the auspices of the Puslinch Farmers’ Club and South Wellington Farmers’ Institute, was held on Saturday in the implement wareroom of the Massey Manufacturing Company, on MacDonnell Street, in rear of Dudgeon’s seed store.  The agent for the company, Mr. W. Hartley, had the premises gaily decorated with bunting and evergreens, and did everything in his power to make the show a success, and it was a success, for it was the best fair ever held by the two societies.  There were 34 entries in each class.  There was a new variety shown by Mr. James Hewer called the “Velvet Chaff”, which attracted considerable attention.  As regarded the quality of the wheat, no better could be desired, and it sold from $1 to $1.10 per bushel, one sample bringing $1.15.  A great quantity of wheat that was not on exhibition was exchanged.  The following is the prize list:


White wheat —


Prizes sponsored by E. & G. Presant

1st — Malcolm Clark, Puslinch

2nd — James Mason, Puslinch

3rd — John Kitching, Nassagaweya

White wheat —


Prizes by James Goldie

1st — Jacob Schultz, Puslinch

2nd — Christian Norfolk, Puslinch

3rd — W. S. Cowan, Puslinch

White wheat —

Any other kind

Prizes by James Innes, M.P.

1st — Geo. Laycock, Puslinch

2nd — J. J. Carruchers, Puslinch

3rd — W. B. Cockburn, Puslinch

Red wheat — (Scott)

1st — A. J. Flewwelling, Nichol

2nd — H. Flewwelling, Nichol

Red wheat —

Michigan Amber

1st — D. Gilchrist, Puslinch

Red wheat —

Any other kind

Prizes by D. Guthrie, M.P.P.

1st — John Kitching, Nassagaweya

2nd — A. Riddell, Puslinch

3rd — Geo. Atkinson, Guelph Township

Any other variety not hitherto shown at Society shows.

Prizes by T. D. Day of Aberfoyle Mills

1st — James Hewer for “Velvet Chaff”


The judges were H. Hortop of Everton, Wm. Fisk of Waterloo, and Wm. Whitelaw of Guelph Township.





Puslinch Seed Fair

August 29th 1891.


The annual seed fair of the Puslinch Farmers’ Club and South Wellington Farmers’ Institute was held today in the wareroom of the Massey Manufacturing Company for which company, Mr. Wm. Hartley is agent.  The exhibit in all varieties of wheat is larger than ever shown in Guelph.  It is something extraordinary.  The miller and the farmer would be hard to please indeed who did not secure grain to suit him.  The judges commenced at one o’clock this afternoon.  The work before them will be hard, as there is about six in one and half-a-dozen in the other, of many of the samples.






Farmers’ Meetings

January 3rd 1894.


The annual meeting of the Puslinch Farmers’ Club and the South Wellington Farmers’ Institute will be held in the City Hall, Guelph on Thursday, 11th of January.  A programme of seven papers on subjects of interest to farmers will be read and discussed.  Amongst the speakers will be the Hon. Chas. Drury, Simpson Rennie, L. G. Jarvis, and others.  There will be three sessions, including the evening one, at which it is expected a musical programme will be given.






Puslinch Farmers’ Club

January 16th 1895.


The Puslinch Farmers’ Club and South Wellington Farmers’ Institute hold their annual meeting in the City Hall, commencing tomorrow afternoon.  A number of very interesting papers will be read of welfare to the farmers.






Puslinch Farmers’ Club and S. W. Farmers’ Institute

February 4th 1895.


The annual meeting of the Puslinch Farmers’ Club and South Wellington Farmers’ Institute was held in the parlour of the western Hotel on Saturday afternoon at two o’clock.  There were present Messrs. George A. Darby, President, P. Mahon, Secretary, W. W. Kenny, Neil Marshall, Archibald Marshall, Joseph Smith, John I. Hobson, John Mutrie, M.P.P., James Scott, Walter Buchanan, H. Wright, A. Whitelaw, Wm. Laidlaw, George Whitelaw, D. McNaughton, Major Hood, and others.


Mr. P. Mahon, Secretary-Treasurer, read the annual report, which showed a small balance on hand.  The report was adopted.  The election of officers was then proceeded with and resulted as follows:

President  — John I. Hobson

1st Vice-President — John Iles

2nd Vice-President — Wm. Rae

Secretary-Treasurer — P. Mahon



For Puslinch

 A. Marshall, W. Buchanan, D. McNaughton, James Hume

Guelph Township

 H. Wright, George A. Darby, W. W. Kenny, G. B. Hood, Wm. Laidlaw, Alex. Fyfe


A. S. D. Hill, John Mutrie, Norris Black, Thomas Waters, W. J. Rudd


Although Pilkington formerly has seen fit to affiliate with the Centre Riding Institute, it properly belongs to South Wellington, and the meeting, therefore, appointed Thomas O’Brien and Chas. Nicklin as directors.



James Scott and Andrew Whitelaw

Directors for the Central Institute:

Geo. A. Darby and P. Mahon,

alternate Major G. B. Hood


Remarks were made by several of those present on Institute work, and surprise expressed that the annual meetings held in the City Hall, Guelph were not as largely attended by the farmers of the riding as they are in other places throughout the province, in fact, the attendance being among the smallest in the province, especially by those who most needed to learn of improved methods and to take a step in advance, who were conspicuous by their absence.  The feeling is gaining ground that the Canadian farmer, if he desires to hold his own in the markets of the world, must adopt the latest ideas and most improved methods.


 Mr. John Mutrie, M.P.P., seconded by Mr. Joseph Smith, moved that the President leave the chair and that Mr. James Scott take the same.  Mr. Mutrie then moved a cordial vote of thanks to the retiring president and paid him a compliment for so well attending to the duties of the office during the past year.  Mr. Smith also paid a similar compliment to Mr. Darby.


Mr. Darby suitably replied.  He regretted that the institute had not had such a successful year as might have been desired.  Although the operations of the institute were up to the average, yet there was much that could have been done, and ought to have been done, and he hoped that the farmers generally would feel it to be in their best interest to associate themselves with the institute.  He referred to the important work being done by the semi-annual seed fairs and hoped that their usefulness would be increased.


The meeting then adjourned.






Spring Seed Fair

April 4th 1895.


The annual Spring Seed Fair of the Puslinch Farmers’ Club and South Wellington Farmers’ Institute was held in the warerooms of the Noxon Manufacturing Company, MacDonnell Street, on Wednesday, the company, as usual, having kindly granted the use of their premises for the occasion.  The number of exhibits this year is scarcely so large as last but there was a good showing in the various classes.  One thing that was remarked and regretted by the large number of farmers there, was the absence of Mr. P. Mahon, the former efficient secretary, through his untimely removal by death.  Major Hood occupied his position with great acceptance and to general satisfaction.


As regards the exhibits, the quality was very good all round.  The largest exhibit was in oats.  Mr. John Lamb’s exhibit, Nassagaweya, which took first prize, weighed 40 lbs. to the bushel.  The variety was Australian.  Mr. William Argo was the only exhibitor in wheat.  His samples of Colorado and Goose were very fine.  Peas and barley were about the average.  A large number of farmers exchanged.  Oats sold from 40¢ to 75¢, peas from 75¢ to 80¢, and wheat from 60¢ to 70¢.  There was little demand for barley.  The following is the prize list:


Spring wheat — Colorado

Wm. Argo, Eden Mills

Spring wheat — Goose

Wm. Argo

Barley, six-rowed

Wm. Mahon, Aberfoyle

Wm. Rudd, Eden Mills

Oats, short

John Lamb, Nassagaweya

A. Marshall, Puslinch

Oats, long

C. Nicklin, Ponsonby

John Kitching, Corwhin

Oats, black

Wm. Beattie, Ennotville

Peas, white, large

W. Buchanan, Gourock

Peas, white, small

C. Head, Guelph Township

J. Norrish, Nassagaweya

Other peas

Hugh Everleigh, Moffat

Potatoes, early, any variety

P. McNaughton, Gourock

Potatoes, late

Wm. Rudd, Eden Mills


The directors desire to return thanks to the Noxon Mfg. Co. for their courteous treatment and for kindly allowing them the use of their warerooms.






Annual Seed Fair

August 8th 1895.


The directors of the Puslinch Farmers’ Club and South Wellington Farmers’ Institute met on Wednesday afternoon in the Guelph Township boardroom.  Mr. John Iles, Vice-President, occupied the chair.  Those present were Messrs. Wm. Rae, Geo. A. Darby, Chas. Nicklin, Herbert Wright, A. Marshall, James Hume, W. W. Kenny, and G. B. Hood, Secretary.  The principal business was to make arrangements for the annual fall seed fair.


A communication was read from S. & G. Penfold, offering their warerooms.  They considered that the fair should be held in the implement warerooms in rotation.  Moved by A. Marshall and George A. Darby, that the seed fair be held on Saturday August 31st, in the Penfold carriage warerooms.  Carried.


The prize list was revised and some slight alterations made.


The holding of next winter’s meeting was left in the hands of Messrs. John I. Hobson, President, Major Hood, Secretary, and F. W. Hodson, Superintendent of Farmers’ Institutes.






Fall Seed Fair

September 3rd 1895.


The annual fall seed fair of the Puslinch Farmers’ Club and South Wellington Farmers’ Institute was held on Saturday afternoon in the commodious agricultural warerooms of Penfold Bros., MacDonnell Street.


As regards the exhibition, it was not so large as that of last year, nor was the quality so good.  This was to be expected from the setback that the crop got in the early part of the spring from the frost.  However, the samples were fairly good.  The keenest competition was in red and amber wheat.  A fine sample of long amber was shown by Mr. James Hewer, bought in the Niagara district.  Fine samples of Bulgarian were shown by Mr. James Millar.  Among the new varieties, there were some very good samples of Early Genesse Giant, Jones Winter Fife, Early Red Clawson, Long Amber, Jones Square Head, and Bulgarian.  Quite a quantity of grain was exchanged and bought.  The prices paid were from 75¢ per bushel to $2 and $2.25.  The latter prices were for new varieties.  The following is the prize list:


White wheat

1st prize — Paul Kennedy (Harvest Queen) — $2.50

2nd — John Kitching (White Leader) — $2.00

3rd — Alex Smith (Dawson’s Golden Chaff) — $1.50

White wheat

Any new variety

Jas. Millar (Bulgarian) — $2.00

Red wheat

1st prize — James Black (Jones Winter Fife) — $2.50

2nd — Jas. Millar (Genesse Giant) — $2.00

3rd — Paul Kennedy (Early Red Clawson) — $1.50

4th — James Adamson (Red Clawson) — $1.00

Red wheat

New varieties

1st prize — Robt. Elliott (Jones’ Long Amber) — $2.00

2nd — P. Kennedy (Genesse Giant) — $1.50

3rd — James Hewer (Genesse Giant) — $1.00


1st prize — Geo. J. Thorpe — $2.00

2nd — Alexander Smith — $1.00


Judge — Mr. C. A. Zavitz, experimentalist at the O. A. College.





Farmers’ Institute

Interesting Meetings in the Old City Hall

January 20th 1896.


The Puslinch Farmers’ Club and South Wellington Farmers’ Institute opened a two-day session in the old City Hall on Monday afternoon.  A large number of prominent agriculturalists were present and took part in the discussion on the different papers.


Mr. Wm. Rae, Arkell, occupied the chair.  There were also present Mr. G. B. Hood, Secretary, Messrs. Wm. Rennie, O.A.C., Prof. Shuttleworth, Prof. Dean, Mr. H. L. Hutt, O.A.C., John I. Hobson, James Laidlaw, A. McNeil, Windsor, John McPhee, Aberfoyle, W. S. Fraser, Bradford, A. Marshall, Puslinch.


Mr. Wm. Rae spoke briefly before calling on Mr. McNeil for his paper.  He referred to the advantage such meetings were to the farming community, the need of them, and how they should receive the attention of the farmers more than they do.  He expressed his pleasure at such a good attendance.


Spraying Fruit Trees


Mr. McNeil then gave an interesting talk on “How and when to spray for insects and fungus diseases”.  He said that apple culture was now unprofitable unless spraying was practised, but spraying must go along with good culture and careful pruning.  The net profit of spraying under these conditions was not less than $50 per acre.


Bordeaux mixture, composed of four lbs. of copper sulphate and four lbs. of lime in forty gallons of water was a remedy for all fungus diseases.  The first spraying was made just before the leaves opened, the second, just before the blossoms opened, and the third, immediately after the blossoms had fallen, with the fourth, two weeks later.


To destroy the coddling moth, add three ounces of Paris green to a barrel, at the third and fourth spraying.  If the bud moth is prevalent, add the same amount of Paris green, three ounces to the barrel, to the first spraying.  For the oyster shell-bark louse, spray the trees with the kerosene emulsion when the lice are moving, the latter part of May or the first of June.  The working parts of a pump should be made of brass and no leather should be used in valves or packing.  The McEwan and Vermorel nozzles are recommended.


Mr. John McPhee gave his experience in this work, and elicited some valuable information.


Prof. Hutt emphasized some of the points touched upon by Mr. McNeil and explained the method of spraying for the oyster shell bark louse, which is very prevalent in orchards in this part of the province.  Spraying trees, even when not in bearing, was recommended to increase the vigour of the trees.


Resolution of Condolence


Mr. James Laidlaw said that they had a duty to discharge with regard to their respected President.  While they were pleased to see Mr. Rae in the chair, a gentleman who was always identified with the farmers’ interests, still they regretted that he had been called upon to take the chair under the existing circumstances, viz., on account of the great cloud of affliction through which Mr. Hobson had so recently passed, and from which he was still suffering keenly.  A few weeks ago Mr. Hobson had lost his only son who was suddenly cut off in the prime of life with a malignant trouble.  He was the stay of his father and the hope of his mother.  Mr. John L. Hobson was known throughout the whole country as a man who had taken a deep interest in everything relating to the farmer’s welfare, and he hoped that they would not be deprived of his valuable service and advice, even if he saw fit to retire from active life, which was rumoured.  He moved that a committee composed of Messrs. Geo. A. Darby, Jas. Laidlaw Jr., A. Marshall, and W. W. Kenny, do draft a resolution of condolence and report tomorrow at one o’clock.  Mr. A. Marshall expressed his sympathy in seconding the motion.  Mr. Rae said that he was sure that Mr. Laidlaw had expressed the feelings of the meeting.  The motion was carried.




The discussion again reverted to Mr. McNeil’s paper on spraying.  In reply to a question, he said the spraying cost about $5 per acre and that two men and a horse could spray about 200 trees per day, at least.  Hand pumps were very convenient, he said, but they were no use for an orchard as the time spent would be too great.  If a number of neighbours with small orchards clubbed together for a sprayer it would be a good scheme.


Clover Growing and Curing


A very large part of the afternoon was taken up with discussion on this subject.  Some important facts were brought out by Mr. Rennie, O.A.C., who has had a long experience with clover.  Mr. W. S. Fraser, Bradford, said that many had handled this plant for a long time and still they did not understand it.  It was the farmer’s best friend.  The small red variety was the best.  Some liked the Lucerne, which grew well sometimes.  Alsike brought a big price some years when there was a good crop, but some years the crop would be poor and the price low also, when the growers were apt to get disgusted. 


The common clover, if sowed this spring, should prove a good crop next August.  The small red, however, was his stronghold.  It grew deep in the soil and stored up nourishment that other plants did not absorb, while it also used a lot of nitrogen from the air.  If properly cured, it made an excellent hay.  None made such an evenly balanced ration for feeding to stock.  It possessed the nourishing qualities that they would thrive on.  He usually sowed it in the spring.  It was risky sowing in the fall.  Sowed with other crops, barley, etcetera, gave splendid results.  He sowed liberally, eight or nine pounds per acre.  Some put in three, four, or five pounds per acre and expected a good crop.  Sometimes they would get it and often not.  It was penny wise and pound foolish.  He usually sowed with a seed drill.  The best time to cut was when the blossoms began to turn brown.  It should be stooked up and left for a few days, then stored.  Some thought that they got on faster by not stooking, but he did not think that it paid, as it was so much easier handled and gave better results all round.  It should be quite as green in winter as when cut, if properly cured.  Some allowed it to get too ripe and never turned it.  The difference between the good clover and the bad was so great that it paid to take pains to produce the best.  It was a splendid feed for sheep and cows, and even horses, if it was of good quality, while the residue of the crop was equal to fifteen tons of barnyard manure. 


Mr. A. Marshall, in thanking Mr. Fraser, said that they had heard a good deal that they knew, but if farmers acted up to what they knew, things would be different.  Some farmers left the clover until ripe, cut it down, and left it in the sun until crisp, and expected good hay from that.  Clover raising, unfortunately, had been very disappointing in Puslinch recently.  Many of the farmers had spent a lot of money on it and got very poor results.  It did not catch now the way that it used to.  He had sowed clover with fall wheat and was not successful.  Timothy grew all right but the clover did not do so well.  He had tried a couple of experiments in sowing clover, with fall rye, in spring however, and both times it was successful.  Fall rye would not spread out and shut out the air and sun from the clover, and afterwards the rye could be pastured.  How to make the clover grow was of importance, as when he failed to get a catch, it upset all of his plans.


Mr. Rennie said that clover was one of the most important crops that a man could cultivate.  It was a good plan to plow down the clover once in a while.  He tried that at the government farm and he raised a wonderful crop of oats off it afterwards.  It was one of the best and cheapest fertilizers.  If they would feed more clover to the cattle too, they would be healthier.  He did not believe in plowing too much, turning up cold sterile soil that the clover would not grow on.  They should do more cultivating.


In the general discussion, it was brought out that it was a good plan to have a fresh field seeded down each year.  In this part, they depended more on their timothy for hay than the clover.  Some thought that it was rather extravagant to plow down the clover instead of feeding it.  There was not sufficient vegetable matter in the soil when the clover would not catch.


Prof. Shuttleworth argued for manuring a small piece of land thoroughly in preference to half doing it all.


Mr. Jno. I. Hobson said that he had a better knowledge of the peculiar conditions under which the farmers here worked than the speakers.  The gentlemen who had been leading the discussion did not make allowance for the difference in conditions of the soil.  Mr. Rennie’s farm was thoroughly underdrained.  Our own farms needed underdraining, but in many cases they would not be recouped for the outlay.  Mr. McNeil’s farm was one of the richest in America, and he could grow almost anything on it.  He did not agree at all with Professor Shuttleworth in regard to the manuring.  It was not possible to carry it out and no ordinary farm either could possibly have the manure put on it that was put on the government farm.  He agreed entirely otherwise with the points that were emphasized.


Mr. H. L. Hutt said that there was such a thing as clover sickness in the old country and probably it had also got a hold in Canada.  It was caused by a lack of something in the soil that the clover required.


The Cheese Industry


The last paper was to have been taken by Mr. Robert Harcourt, O.A.C., but as he was not present, Prof. Dean was called on and gave a very interesting lecture on the cheese industry.  He said that one man had expressed his intention of going out of the cheese business on account of a poor season.  The reason for the bad season was that buyers the previous season had paid a higher price than the market warranted and they had lost.  Consequently, they were making it up this year.  It was a bad thing to have the price too high because the working-man would not buy it but would look for a substitute, and when he got this, he would not use the cheese.  Cheese contained the elements necessary to sustain the working-man and he would consume it, provided the quality was kept up and the price was kept down.  A great many of them were also making a great mistake in the butter business by keeping it for two or three months and then expecting to get a good price from “the Englishman”.  It was a great mistake to imagine that butter would retain its fine flavour after being stored, even in a cold storage warehouse, for any length of time.  It would have an old flavour and this they would find would not pay.  A suitable package to put the butter in was also a matter of vital importance as the butter when sent to the British markets had a woody flavour.  They were experimenting in this line now by shipping a quantity of butter in packages lined with paraffin wax.  Mr. Brill, of Guelph, was going to ship a quantity of it to Britain and they would soon know how it worked.  Furthermore, they should study to produce a fine flavoured milk, for good butter or cheese cannot be made if a man fed turnips to his cows, and it would be detected by an expert examining the butter or cheese.  He referred to the Swede turnip especially, as the common grey and white could be fed in moderation.  He then referred to the yield of cheese from different samples and the supposed standard of cheese, which was purely a matter of taste.


Mr. W. W. Kenny said the flavour of butter depended largely on the individual who ate it.  He showed the necessity of cleanliness about the cow stable, and the care which should be exercised in milking, for if the cow stepped in the milk pail, the milk would likely taste of what was on the cow’s foot.


After a short discussion on the feeding of the cows and the cost of producing milk, the meeting adjourned until 10:30 Tuesday. 






Seed Fair

August 31st 1896.


The Fall Seed Fair of the Puslinch Farmers’ Club and South Wellington Farmers’ Institute took place on Saturday.  It was one of the best shows that has been held for some time.  There were a large number of entries in wheat and the samples all around were above the average.  “Dawson’s Golden Chaff” takes the lead for the number of entries.  Genessee Giant, Red Clawson, and Egyptian Amber are the other principal varieties.  Considerable exchange was made.  The prices ranged from 65¢ to 85¢ per bushel.  The judges commenced their work at one o’ clock.  The following are the winners of prizes:


White wheat

Wm. Schultz, Puslinch

David Gordon, Arkell

Robt. Buchanan, Gourock

Paul Kennedy, Limehouse

All the samples were Dawson’s Golden Chaff.

White wheat

Any new variety

James Millar, Guelph (Pedigree Giant)

James Millar (Bulgarian)

Red or Amber wheat

Wm. C. & T. Shaw, Hespeler

Paul Kennedy, Limehouse

Wm. Kisk, New Germany (Early Genessee variety)

W. J. Rudd, Eden Mills, (Red Amber)

Red or Amber wheat

Any new variety

W. C. &  T. Shaw

Wm. Fisk

James Black, Rockwood

The samples were Early Genessee.


J. S. Patterson, Aberfoyle

Thomas Lush, Oustic






Puslinch Farmers’ Club

January 16th 1897.


The institute met at a quarter to eleven.  There was a fair attendance.  The President introduced Mr. D. W. Beadle M.A., Toronto who gave an interesting address on “Smut on the various grains and corn”, illustrated with drawings of implements used in the Jensen hot water treatment.  He divided his remarks under two heads, those classes of plants that have flowers and those that have no flowers.  He showed that flowerless plants produced spores and flowering plants seeds.  Spores did not have any germ such as seeds, but germinate from any part of the spore.  The smuts were fruit of the parasite.  The spores of these parasites adhere to the grain, and being sown with it, germinate at the same time and enter the growing oat and wheat plant and vegetate within it.  In order to prevent smutty grain the spores are killed by the following treatment.  First, the Jensen hot water method, which, in short, is the immersion of the grain in water heated to 130 to 135 degrees Fahrenheit for a sufficient length of time to kill the spores.  Second method is by soaking the wheat for ten minutes in a solution of bluestone, and afterwards washing it in lime-water.  In the case of the loose smut of oats, soak the grain in a solution of potassium sulphide for 24 hours.


Mr. Wm. McRae led the discussion.  He remarked that for four years he had not a crop of oats to suit him.  He considered that if he lost one day in the spring in sowing that it meant ten bushels of oats.  The matter with his oats was a smut or blight.  Then he stated that he had heard that if a stalk of corn was cut, by a crow for instance, it would cause smut, and inquired what would be the remedy to get away with smut on corn as well as oats.


The question was asked if the smut on corn was hurtful to stock.


Mr. Beadle, in reply, said that experiments had been made which went to show that it had no effect on the production of milk, nor upon cows in calf.  Smut had been fed to them in large quantities in all conditions for a considerable length of time and no harmful results had followed.


Mr. Rennie said the only safeguard against rust in oats was to sow salt.  He found that where salt was sown there was no rust.  In a field alongside, where he had sown no salt, rust prevailed.


Mr. Hobson thought that it was a very important thing to get oats in early.  If they were in early there would be a better crop of oats and straw.  He would rather put the oats in when the land was not favourable than wait for it to be in condition.


Mr. Laidlaw endorsed Mr. Hobson’s opinion and thought that Mr. McCrae had been late in sowing his oats.


The institute adjourned until 1:30.







Fall Seed Fair

The Prize Winners for the Best Varieties

August 31st 1897.


The fall seed fair of the Puslinch Farmers’ Club and South Wellington Farmers’ Institute was held in the Massey Harris warerooms, MacDonnell Street, on Saturday.


There were twenty-two entries in all.  The sprouted grain, which was general in the samples shown, prevented a great many from competing who would otherwise have done so.  In the red amber varieties alone there were twelve entries.


The prizes were awarded as follows:


White wheat

1st — Jas. Millar

2nd — Jno. Kitching, Corwhin

3rd — C. W. Head

All these samples were Dawson’s Golden Chaff.

Red or Amber

1st —W. C. & T. Shaw, Hespeler (Pride of Genessee)

2nd — Geo. Lacock (American Bronze)

3rd — John Kitching, Corwhin (Red Clawson)

4th — W. J. Rudd, Corwhin (Red Clawson)

Red or Amber

Any new variety

1st — Jas. Millar (Harvest King)

2nd — W. C. & T. Shaw, Hespeler (Pride of Genesee)


1st — Geo. & R. Laird, Guelph.

Specials —

Best Samples

Jno. Kitching, Corwhin, for Michigan Amber

Alex Smith, Aberfoyle, for Genesee Giant






Farmers’ Institute & Puslinch Farmers’ Club Annual Meeting

January 21st 1898.

Good speaking & Many Important Topics Discussed


The annual meeting of the Puslinch Farmers’ Club and South Wellington Farmers’ Institute commenced on Wednesday afternoon in the City Hall.  President, Wm. Rae, occupied the chair, and in his opening address he congratulated the institute on the progress that they had made.  The outlook for the farmers was much better this year as the price of stock and other farm produce had become considerable higher, the general commercial depression seemed to be gradually lifting, the farmer was now getting a better chance, but still there was never more need for the farmers to bestir themselves to try and get enlightened on matters pertaining to their calling, as the countries, obscure and undeveloped a few years ago, were now the most formidable competitors in the British market.  Canadian farms are not so fertile now as when new, and it required careful study, in all the elements, to restore and maintain the fertility.  He deeply regretted that Mr. Nelson Monteith and Mr. Patton were both unavoidably absent but took great pleasure in introducing Mr. J. McMillan, M.P., of Huron County, who he was satisfied would bring out some interesting topics for discussion.


Handling of Manure


Mr. McMillan took for his subject “handling of manure and care and feed of cattle”.  The manure, he said, was the best fertilizer that the land could have, and great care should be exercised in trying to preserve the moisture, which was most important for the land.  He thought that cattle would feed much better in the winter if allowed to run loose in box stalls and that they should never be turned out to drink from a frozen trough.  Much better results could be obtained by watering them in the stable.  He also recommended cement floors of any kind in the stable, which, if enough bedding was used, would be found not to be too cold.  Mixed feed was the most fattening and corn meal would be found to give better results, pound for pound, than any other.


Mr. Rennie, of the O.A.C., thought it was a mistake in having a large barnyard as it was harder to retain the fertility of the manure during the winter.  When the cattle were tied during the winter, he would advise having a large gutter to receive the droppings, and by using straw, the moisture, which was the most important part of the manure, could be retained.  In drawing the manure out in the fall, it would be best to plow it in drills, for in this way the water would run off  and it would be safe and snug in the spring, when a good cultivating would make the land ready to use.


Mr. McMillan, in reply to a question, said that he thought it was a great mistake to plough too often.


Corn Growing


Mr. McMillan, by special request of Mr. McCrae, told the results he had obtained in corn growing.  He thought that it would be impossible to say which was the best variety to plant as the soil had a great deal to do with the results.  It was best never to make the drills east and west, for if made north and south they could derive more benefit from the sun and corn required all the heat that it could get.  By scuffling the corn often, a much earlier crop could be obtained.  He had found it better to cut it before it was frozen, as he had experimented otherwise and found it to be a vast loss.


Mr. McCrae then said that he had cut his corn very late and got better results.  The corn was sweeter and made better ensilage.  He attributed it to the frost and the water he had put on when storing it in the silo.


The Dairy Cow


The next speaker was Mr. R. S. Stevenson, of Ancaster, who took for his subject, “The Selection and Use of the Dairy Cow”.  He said that to get the best results in every way from the dairy cow was to purchase the best animal, to take proper care of it, and not kick or abuse it.  He then explained, at some length, from a chart, the good points for a purchaser to note in buying a cow.  A good dairy cow was usually nervous and yellow in the skin.


How to Feed Them — In the spring, as early as he could get on the land, he always sowed a few acres of peas and oats mixed, as the pasture could not be depended on after the month of June, and when the pasture was scarce the peas and oats would be fit to cut and feed green.  He also planted a quantity of sweet corn, which he believed to be good.  He found that in his experiments that better results had been obtained from the pea meal than from the corn, but would also recommend mixing it.  The water given to cattle should be good wholesome water as bad water would taint the milk.  Salt should be fed to milch cows to obtain good results.  He too believed in watering the cattle in the stalls in winter.


President Mills, of the O.A.C., said that he could see no way to water the animals in the stalls as the watering boxes were always a receptacle for filth.   They had experimented at the farm and had gone to considerable expense in putting in the water boxes, but to avoid the filth, they were forced to take them out.


Mr. Rennie thought that it was very important to water the cows in the stable, if a suitable way could be found.  By experimenting, he had found that milch cows dropped off in their milk when they got chilled by running outside in the winter.  In regard to the winter food, for they were endeavouring to get it as near June grass as possible, it was surprising the good results that they had obtained.  By request, he gave the amount of food that they were feeding at the present time to each milch cow and also the cost per day, as shown in the following table.



20 lbs. ensilage

15 lbs. roots

10 lbs of cut clover and chaff

6 lbs. chopped grain and bran

20 lbs. roots

1.7 cents

1.7 cents

2.5 cents

4 cents

2 cents



Which makes a total of about 12 cents per day.



After considerable discussion, the meeting adjourned until 10:30 Thursday morning.


Thursday Afternoon Session


The inclemency of the weather is no doubt accountable fro the small turnout at the Thursday session of the Puslinch Farmers’ Club and South Wellington Farmers’ Institute.


President Rae, in opening the meeting, expressed his regret that Mr. Hobson was not present, as advertised, but expressed his pleasure that Mr. McMillan would address the meeting in his place.


The first speaker was Mr. R. S. Stevenson, of Ancaster, who took for his subject “The Breed and Pedigree of the Dairy Cow for Farm Use”.  He opened by saying that dairy cattle must be almost perfect so as to get the best results.  He would not advise the farmer to secure expensive cattle as they were harder to maintain, and his experience was that grade cattle, bred by a good sire, were the best for dairy purposes.  He would not advise the farmers to buy a young bull, however fine in appearance, for it was difficult to tell how they would mature by the time they were three or four years old.


The next speaker, Mr. Rennie, of the O.A.C., took for his subject “How to restore and maintain soil fertility”.  Through experiments, the farmer was now cultivating the land more scientifically than ever before, and he would try and show what results had been obtained in the past few years.  The object, at present, was to try and get the best results at the least cost so as to compete with other countries, where labour was so much cheaper.  At the college, they had divided one of the farms into four portions, and he explained fully how they retained the fertility of the soil on this farm.


Mr. J. McMillan took for his subject “How to retain boys on the farm”.  He gave a graphic description of his own farm life for the last 55 years that he had been farming in Canada, and he strongly advised all farmers to follow his example, and give their boys a chance by taking them into their confidence.  His own sons and grandsons were farmers and good ones too, he was proud to say.  Most fathers, in his opinion, were too strict with their boys in certain ways and too lax in others.  When a punishment was promised or a reward offered, it should be carried out to the full extent of the promise.  Home should be made the dearest spot on earth for the children for it was there that they received their first impressions, which would follow them through life.  When his sons grew up he took them fully into his confidence and they knew the price of every animal sold on the farm as well as his financial position.  He believed that farming was one of the noblest occupations on earth, but if the farmer came into the house without combing his hair and washing his face, the habit would be formed by the son, and the result would be anything but encouraging.  Care should also be taken in the choosing of literature as the majority of it in the land today was not fit for our boys to read.


He addressed the O.A.C. students present at some length, relating to them some of the history of his own life, and advised them to train themselves thoroughly and to believe that farming was the noblest occupation in the land and thereafter they would have no trouble in making a success of farming.  He urged them to be true to their native country and closed by reciting the words of the famous poet:



“Breaths there a man with soul so dead,

Who never to himself has said,

This is my own, my native land?

Whose heart has ne’er within him burned,

As home his footsteps he has turned,

From wandering on a foreign strand?

If such there be, go mark him well,

For him no minstrel raptures swell.

Living shall forfeit fair renown

And doubly dying shall go down,

To the vile dust from which he sprung,

Unwept, unhonoured and unsung.”



Dr. Mills, of the O.A.C., then made a few remarks, endorsing what Mr. McMillan had said.  Before bringing the meeting to a close, Mr. Wm. Hood moved, seconded by Mr. McCrae, a vote of thanks to the speakers present, which was unanimously carried.






Spring Seed Fair

March 29th 1898.

A Large Number of Exhibits of Excellent Quality


Judging from the large attendance and the increase in the number of exhibitors, the annual spring seed fair, under the auspices of the South Wellington Farmers’ Institute and Puslinch Farmers’ Club, is gradually growing in popular favour.  Many of the exhibitors arrived in the city at an early hour, and before noon, the street in front of Penfold’s Carriage Works was lined with wagons laden with grain.  Oats, as usual, were exhibited in abundance, and many consignments changed hands during the day.  Peas were not so plentiful but the samples were of excellent quality.  A few farmers complain that their crop was badly threshed by hailstorms, and as much as fifteen bushels per acre left on the ground after the crop was taken off.  Barley was not much in evidence, not a sample of the once-famous two-rowed barley was on exhibition.  The samples of spring wheat were very fine, but the growing of this grain has not advanced in popularity in the past few years.  A few samples of potatoes, mostly new varieties, were exhibited, but new varieties in grain were scarce.  The following is the prize list:


Spring wheat

5 entries

1st prize — Thos. Wilson, Knatchbull

2nd — Robert Talbot, Everton

Goose wheat

1 entry

1st prize — Rich. Mounce, Armstrong’s Mills

Barley, six-rowed

4 entries

1st prize — James Hume, Arkell

2nd — Joseph Wright, Moffat

White oats

12 entries

1st prize — Robert Talbot, Everton

2nd — E. Gilchrist, Aberfoyle

Black oats

2 entries

1st prize — Wm. Creighton, Guelph

2nd — Wm. Fisk, New Germany

Oats, new variety

1st prize — Wm. Fisk, New Germany for “Silver Mine” variety

White peas

6 entries

1st prize — Ben. Tolton, Eramosa

2nd — Robt. Talbot, Eramosa

Blue peas

1 entry

1st prize — David McEwen, Guelph

Potatoes, early variety

1 entry

1st prize — James Mason, Aberfoyle

Potatoes, late variety

4 entries

1st prize — R. Talbot, Everton

2nd — E. Gilchrist, Aberfoyle

Special prizes

For two-rowed barley, sponsored by Geo. J. Thorp

No entries

For early potatoes, sponsored by James Hewer

Winner — James Mason, Aberfoyle, for “McLean’s Early” variety.






Spring Seed Fair — Report II

March 31st 1898.


The Spring Seed Wheat Fair, held under the auspices of the Puslinch Farmers’ Club and the South Wellington Farmers’ Institute, was held on Saturday in Penfold’s Carriage Shop.  In addition to the samples entered for competition there was a large quantity of grain offered for sale or exchange.  There was a very large attendance of farmers.


Spring wheat was good.  There were five entries, with only one entry of goose wheat, and it was only medium.  Barley, six-rowed, had a large number of entries.  The quality was good but dark in colour, owing to the wet season last year.  There was no two-rowed barley there.


In white oats there was a large exhibit.  Several good varieties were thrown out, not being pure.  In black oats there were two entries and both were first class.


In white peas there were one or two varieties and only one variety of blue peas.  The first prize was given to the Multiplier variety and the second prize to the Prince Albert variety.


There were only three entries in the late varieties of potatoes and one in the early.


Mr. Wm. Rennie, Farm Manager at the O.A.C., was judge, and gave every satisfaction.


Altogether, the Spring Seed Fair on Saturday was a great success, and it was after five o’ clock before all the sales and exchanges were made.  From the following partial list of sales an idea of the prices paid will be gleaned.


Robert Talbot sold 5 bags to Peter Iles at 75¢ a bushel and a bag of Bonanza oats at 50¢.  James Auld, Eramosa, sold 5 bags of the Potter pea to Mr. Shaw, Hespeler, at 65¢, and 5 bags to John Adamson, Nassagaweya, at the same price.  E. Keenan, Puslinch, purchased from Wm. Hume, Puslinch, 14½ bushels of barley at 48¢.  W. J. Rudd, Eramosa, sold 15 bushels of Siberian oats to Geo. S. Sparks, Beverly, at 35¢.


T. Wilson, Knatchbull, sold 10 bushels Colorado spring wheat to M. Cummings for 95¢; 4 bushels to Mr. Thompson, Erin for 95¢; 5 bushels and a peck to James Scarrow, Eramosa; and 5 bushels to Wright & Calvert, Moffat.


Joseph Wright, Moffat, sold 12 bushels of Siberian oats to Peter Black, Aberfoyle, for 35¢; 50 bushels to C. McBeath, Puslinch; 50 bushels to Robert McFarlane, Puslinch, also at 35¢.


Geo. Hood, Guelph Township, sold to E.V. Thompson, Paisley Block, 30 bushels of peas at 70¢ and 70 bushels of oats to D. & O. Sorby at 35¢.







Puslinch Farmers’ Club

Annual Meeting and Election of Officers

June 9th 1898.


At the annual meeting of the Puslinch Farmers’ Club and South Wellington Farmers’ Institute, called at one o’ clock, in the old Town Hall, on Tuesday afternoon, there were very few present.  When the meeting opened at two o’ clock, there were only present the President, Mr. Wm. Rae, Wm. McCrae, acting secretary, A. S. D. Hill, John Scott, and James Millar.  There afterwards came in Neil Marshall, W. W. Kenny, Geo. H. Laird, Wm. Gordon, and D. Bailey.


Mr. Wm. Rae, President, took the chair and regretted that there were so few present.  He thought that it was not want of interest that kept people away, but the time of the year.


Secretary’s Report


Mr. McCrae acted as secretary, pro tempore, in the absence of Major Hood who is attending the meeting of the General Assembly in Montreal.  The report stated that during the past year the work of the Institute had gone quietly along the lines laid down at the last annual meeting.  The excursion to the O.A.C. on the 28th of June 1897 had been profitable.  The annual fall seed fair had been held on the 28th of August and was fairly well attended, about 200 being present.  The exhibit was not quite equal to former years as most samples were more or less sprouting.  Referring to the regular winter meetings, the report states that they were a failure on account of the weather.  The spring fair on the 20th of March, however, was a record-breaker for attendance and the demand for seed grain.  It was estimated that at least five hundred were present during some part of the day, and the quantity of seed that changed hands was unprecedented in the history of the show.


Concluding, the report says, “Your executive would here remark that while the more advanced farmers value highly the discussion at the regular meetings, the average farmer takes more interest in the seed fairs.  It is there that he meets with farmers from other townships, examines the grain, inquires as to mode of cultivation, time of sowing, etcetera.


In closing, your Executive expresses the hope that the directors for the coming year will take an active interest in the work of the Institute, and try and get a greater number to become members, so that the reports, which are of great value, may be more generally read.  Everyone who has a cow or a garden should have them.




The financial statement showed that when the grant was secured from the County Council, which should have been made at the January session, there would be a balance on hand of $14.64.  The receipts amounted to about $100.




The directors were elected as follows:


E. S. D. Hill, W. J. Rudd, J. C. Farrow, E. Parkinson, John Duff, D. Barclay, John Scott, W. Argo, Jas. Black, Thos. Waters

Guelph City

James Millar, A. Crosbie, S. Penfold, G. J. Thorp, Mayor Hewer, J. I. Hobson, J. Newstead, J. M. Duff, Jas. Goldie Jr.

Guelph Township

W. McCrae, Major Hood, W. W. Kenny, G. A. Darby, Geo. North, John Elliott, Herbert Wright, David McCuen, John McCorkindale, W. Laidlaw, W. Gordon, Neil Marshall


W. Rae, J. Hume, P. Iles, W. Buchanan, A. Marshall, D. McNaughton, John Scott, John Foster, M. P. Doyle, O. Sorby, Jas. Anderson


Jas. Scott, Aberfoyle & A. Whitelaw, Guelph Township




Considerable discussion arose over the date of holding the annual meeting.


Mr. Millar said that the annual meetings had been a failure and suggested a night session with a good musical programme.  Mr. McCrae said that they had tried night meetings before and never found it a success unless the talent was good enough to secure a city audience.  Mr. Hill supported the evening meeting.


Mr. Kenny supported the evening meetings.  He thought that they were a good thing and all that was necessary to make them a success was the active work of those in the immediate sections interested.  Mr. Kenny suggested that the Institute should have some say in the selection of speakers.


With regard to shipping rates, Mr. McCrae said that they were totally at the mercy of the ocean steamers as to the charges of shipping fat stock.  The price from Montreal was $26 a head for a 1300-weight steer, from New York, $20, and from Argentine Republic, $32.


Mr. Hill suggested that this was the wrong time of the year to hold the annual meeting.  Moved by Messrs. Millar and Hill, that the annual Fall Seed Fair be left in the hands of the Executive. — Carried.


Moved by Messrs. Hill and Millar, that the thanks of the meeting be tendered to the President for the manner in which he has filled the chair for the past two years. — Carried.


On the motion of Messrs. Millar and Hill, the invitation of Dr. Mills was accepted to visit the O. A. College on the 17th.  This wound up the business of the regular meeting.




At a meeting of the directors, immediately afterward, the following officers were elected:


President — Wm. Rae

First Vice-President — Wm. McCrae

Second Vice-President — W. W. Kenny

Secretary- Treasurer — Major Hood







Fall Seed Fair

September 1st 1898.


The annual Seed fair of the Puslinch Farmers’ Club and South Wellington Farmers’ Institute was held on Saturday in the warerooms of the Massey-Harris Company, here.  There was a large turnout of farmers and a great deal of seed changed hands.  The entries were numerous and the seed good.  There were twenty entries of Amber wheat and Mr. C. A. Zavitz had quite a task in awarding the premiums.  The prices ranged from 75¢ to 80¢.  New varieties, however, brought a higher figure.  “Harvest King” sold for $1 a bushel, and the whole lot was bought by Mayor Hewer.  The wheat was grown by Mr. James Mason, Aberfoyle.  Wm. Scott, Killean, bought two bushels of “Golden Coin” from Mayor Hewer for $2 a bushel.  The following is the prize list:


White wheat

1st prize — Paul Kennedy, Limehouse for “Early Arcadian”

2nd — C. Morlock, Morriston for “Dawson’s Golden Chaff”

3rd — Wm. Schultz, Puslinch P.O., “Dawson’s Golden Chaff”

4th — Alex Smith, Aberfoyle, “Dawson’s Golden Chaff”

White wheat

Any new variety

1st prize — Paul Kennedy, “Early Arcadian”

2nd — John Scott, Killean, “Golden Coin”

Red or Amber

1st prize — Wm. Hinds, Gourock, “Michigan Amber”

2nd — Peter Beaver, Morriston, “Genesee Giant”

3rd — Paul Kennedy, Limehouse, “Genesee Giant”

Red or Amber

Any new variety

1st prize — James Millar, Guelph, “Diamond Grit”

2nd — James Mason, Aberfoyle, “Harvest King”


Sponsored by James Goldie

Michigan Amber — $2 — Wm. Hinds, Gourock

Genesee Giant — $2 — Peter Beaver, Morriston


Sponsored by Geo. Thorp, Seedsmen

Dawson’s Golden Chaff — $1 — C. Morlock, Morriston

Early Red Clawson — $1 — John Kitching, Corwhin






Puslinch Farmers’ Club

May 17th 1900.


The annual meeting of the Puslinch Farmers’ Club and South Wellington Farmers’ Institute will be held in the Guelph Township Council boardroom on Saturday, June 2nd at half-past one for the election of officers, etcetera.  Excellent addresses will be delivered.