The Township of Puslinch in the The The spelling is as it appears in the publication. |
A village in the Archibald, John, weaver Bell, Wm., farmer Black, John, farmer Couzens, C., shoemaker Falconbridge, S., postmaster Fleming, R., prop. Anglo-American Hotel Grant, Joseph, farmer Hammersley, J., J. P. (Justice of the Peace) Ingram, Thomas, auctioneer & bailiff Little, R., carpenter Little, Thos, labourer McBeath, Malcolm, farmer McGibbon, Peter, blacksmith McIntosh, James, tailor McIntyre, Allan, blacksmith and wagon maker McIntyre, C., wagon maker McKenzie, J., J.P., farmer McLean, George, miller McLeod, Alex., shoemaker McLeod, R., shoemaker Miller, William, huckster Ross, William, miller Smith, A, J.P. Watson, Alex., blacksmith |
Arkell A village in the
Arkell, Thos., prop. woollen factory Arkell, Thomas, J.P., farmer Burgess, James,
prop. Farmers' Haines, Henry, farmer Hutton, John, wagon maker Hess, John, sen., farmer Hess, John, jun., farmer King, David, farmer King, David, jun., butcher McFarlane, Duncan, J. P. Neville, John, shoemaker Nichols, George, blacksmith Petty, John, farmer Stone, F.W., farmer Watton, William, postmaster and genl. Merchant Willoughby, Charles, farmer |
Crieff A post-office of the Baker, Henry, general merchant Fraser, Alex., postmaster Kercher, Jacob, hotel Moffatt, C., blacksmith Munro, K., blacksmith |
Killean A post village on the Mill Creek (which joins the Grand River at
Galt), Begrow, F., prop Highland Chief Hotel Curran, John, carpenter Ferguson, Donald, postmaster, commission merchant Fordyce, Thomas, weaver Hall, George, blacksmith Hodge, James, broker McIntyre, John, prop Western Star Hotel McLean, Rev. Andrew, Church of Scotland McLennan, Malcolm, shingle manufacturer McMaster, Rev. John McPherson, Peter, machinist Stuart, James, ploughmaker Young, Adam, machinist |
Puslinch A small place in the township of the same name. Distant from Leslie, Wm., J. P., postmaster, commissioner in B. R., merchant, etc. Paxton, Mr., tailor Pirie, Wm., hotel-keeper |
Farmers of Note ─ The letter f
signifies freeholder and h householder Adams, James, 3 13 f Akins, James, 3 13 f Amos, M. Thos., 5 14 f Anderson, James, 5 12 f Archibold, John, 7 19 f Askill, John, 9 1 f Askill, Thos., 9 8 f Atkins, Joseph, 8 31 f Aviss, James, 9 6 f Bach, Valentine, 7 27 f Ballantine, John, 8 29 f Bannatyne, Alex, 7 36 f Barber, George, 4 6 f Barrett, Charles, 2 5 f Beattie, Francis, 8 14 f Beaver, Nicholas, 8 27 f Beattie, Robert, 9 15 f Beaver, Peter, sr., 8 25 f Beaver, Peter, jr., 8 27 f Bicker, Henry, 1 6 f Bill, Joseph, 10 7 f Bigarrean, Bill, Richard, 8 17 f Beese, Wm., 7 31 f Blain, Harriet, 8 25 f Blake, John, gore 19 f Blain, John, g 15 f Black, John and Hugh, 7 20 f Black, James, 9 18 f Black, John 9 24 h Black, James, 9 23 h Black, Thos., 10 21 f Black, Wm., 8 28 f Black, Wm., 9 20 f Bond, John, 2 6 f Bond, Richard, 1 18 f Borthwick, Mrs., 3 22 f Borthwick, John, 3 22 f Bott, George, 7 26 f Bowman, Joseph, jr., 7 28 f Bowman, Joseph, sr., 7 28 f Bradley, Dominick 7 12 f Brinnan, John, 8 5 f Brickil, Brown, Michael, 1 3 h Brown, Robert, 4 6 f Brown, Bernard, 8 30 f Bridjion, Benjamin, 6 12 f Beiber, Phillip, 7 28 f Buchanan, Robert, 5 11 f Burns, Arthur, 8 7 f Burt, George, 7 32 f Burns, John 5 4 f Burmeister, Ludwig, 1 5 f Burns, Wm., 7 7 f Cain, Daniel, 8 22 h Cameron, Colin, 10 22 f Cameron, Donald, 3 21 f Cameron, Kenneth, gore 28 f Campbell, A. and Donald, 10 28 h Campbell, Alex., 11 14 f Campbell, Donald, 10 31 h Campbell, Campbell, James, 9 2 f Campbell, John, 9 31 f Campbell, John, 10 20 f Campbell, John, gore 25 f Campbell, Mrs., 1 25 f Campbell, Neil, 10 27 f Cantwell, John, 3 13 f Cantwell, Patrick, 3 14 h Carter, James, jr., 7 1 f Carter, Jas. And Thos., 9 6 f Carter, John, 7 8 f Carter, Phillip, 8 2 f Carroll, Brian, 5 4 f Carruthers, John, 7 20 f Cassion, Martin, 7 17 f Cassion, Robert, 7 16 f Chadwick, Chapman, Mungo, 7 19 f Clare, Wm., 8 10 f Clark, Donald, 9 27 f Clark, James, gore 1 f Clark, John, 8 30 f Clark, Malcolm, 8 29 f Clark, Mrs. Peter, gore 3 f Clark, Theodore, 9 7 f Clemence, Saml., 2 3 h Cober, Jacob, 3 3 f Cober, Jacob B., 3 4 f Cober, John and Jacob 3 2 f Cober, Nicholas, 4 3 f Cober, Nicholas P., 2 5 f Cockburn, Chas., 8 17 Cockburn, Hugh, 9 19 f Colfas, Peter, 7 31 f Colfas, Charles, 7 3 f Collins, John, 7 8 f Collius, Thos., 2 4 f Cook, Robert, 7 10 f Cook, W., 9 6 f Cope, Wm., 1 5 f Cousins. Chas., 7 22 f Cowan, Walter, sen. and Walter jr., 7 30 f , g 29 f Crane, Jas., 5 16 f Crighton, David, 8 5 f Cromlesk, Phillip, 8 15 f Cross, John 7 22 f Cummins, Daniel, 10 2 f Cunningham, James, 4 9 f Currie, Alex., sr., and Alex., jr., 7 25 f Currie, Daniel, g 15 f Currie, Malcolm & Arch., gore 34 f Cuttanach, James, 2 23 f Cuttin, John, 3 13 f Crissin, Wm., and Cathrine, 9 17 f Daniels, John and Liver, 10 7 f Dewar, Jas., sen. and Jas. Jr., 4 11 h, 5 13 h Dichie, Mrs. Jas., 1 1 f Dickson, David, 8 34 f Dickson, Jas., 2 10 f Dickie, John 2 7 f Decker, W. H., 11 4 f Dooley, Joseph, 4 19 f Duffield, Wm., 11 1 f Dun, Thos., 10 24 h Dunn, Robert and Adam, 10 25 f Dunker, Dunbar, Hugh, 11 20 f Eagle, Elijah, 7 6 f Eagle, James 1 7 f Eagle, Wm., 4 7 h Eastron, Daniel, 10 13 h Eaton, Levi, 4 1 h Eckert, John, 9 1 f Elford, George, 8 31 h Elliott, John sen. and John, jun, 3 18 h Elliott, Robert, g 21 f Elliott, Mathew, 7 31 f Elliott, Mathew, jr., 8 33 h Ellis, Edward, 2 9 f Ellis, Richard, 8 19 h Ellis, Thos., 2 19 f Engle, Jochim, 2 4 f Eustace, Simon and John, 7 11 f Evans, James, 2 20 h Evans, Smith, 4 4 h Falconbridge, Blair, 7 22 f Falconbridge, Samuel, 7 21 f Falconer, Wm., 8 28 h Farrell, Michael, 9 25 h Farrell, Walter, 9 35 h Fanwer, Mathew, 7 29 h Fauner, Bernard, 7, 29 f Finlay, James, 8 11 h Fink, John, 1 1 f Fisher, G., 7 31 f Fitzmaurice, William, 9 12 h Fleming, Alex., 9 16 f Fleming, Robt., 7 22 h Flynn, Thos., 5 2 f Forbes, Mrs. Wm., 2 20 f Fordyce, Thos., 1 20 f Forbes, Robert, 10 32 f Foster, Henry, 7 1 f Foster, John, 7 1 h Foster, Robert, 7 1 f Fowler, Jas., 8 27 f Fraser, Alex., 2 17 f Fraser, Alex., 1 26 h Fritts, Jacob, 7 31 f Fulton, James, 10 1 f Fyfe, Thos., 3 8 f Galbraith, Robert, 8 31h Galloway, Jas., 1 28 f Gayer, John, 8 31 f Gerrie, Adam, 4 17 f Ghan, Byron N. R., 8 31 f Gilchrist, Arch., 2 16 f Gilchrist, Gilchrist, John, 2 15 f Gilchrist, Malcolm, 1 11 f Gilchrist, Peter, 1 10 f Gilfillan, Wm., 1 24 f Gilmour, Joseph, 9 25 h Gooding, Solomon and Mathew, 9 1 h Gordon, James, 8 26 f Gordon, Wm., 10 1 f Gowdie, David, 3 6 f Graham, Wm., 8 12 f Grant, Donald and Joseph, 10 20 f Grant, John and Peter, 9 32 f Grant, Peter, Jr., 9 32 f Grant, Phillip, 8 30 h Grattan, John, 9 18 h Gregor, Benj., 8 31 f Grape, John, 2 16 h Gregor, Peter, 8 29 f Grieve, John, 3 7 h Guppy, George, 9 6 f Hagarty, Andrew, 8 22 h Haines, A. and W., 9 6 f Hall, Wm., 1 2 f Halligan, Pat, 9 16 f Hamilton, James, 10 1 f Hamilton, Mary and James, 8 7 f Hammersly, John, 8 17 f Hamersly, Mrs. and Robert, 3 12 h Hanlon, Patrick, 8 8 f Hart, Chas., 2 1 f Hart, Michael, 7 4 f Hath, Chas., 8 1 h Hayen, Robert, 10 35 f Heath, Edmund, 5 11 f Heath, Lewis, 1 29 f Heban, Jas., 5 11 f Helm, George, g 13 f Henning, Donald, 8 32-33 f Henning, George, 8 31 h Henning, Joseph, 10 29 f Henning, Margaret, 10 29 f Herbert, Wm., 8 5 h Hewer, James, 9 6 f Hewer, Wm., 9 10 f Hoeberger, Einhart, 8 31 f Hockin, John and Thos., 8 2 f Hogg, James and John, 2 21 f Hohendel, Nicholas and Mike, 7 4 f Holm, Daniel, 3 6 f Holm, David, 3 1 f Holm, Neil, 3 6 f Holm, P.G., 3 1 f Howey, Robert, 9 6 f Howitt, Alfred, 5 7 f Howitt, John, 4 7 f Howitt, Richard, sen., and Richard, jr., 5 14 f Hughes, John, 8 21 f Hume, David, 10 13 h Hume, Gavin, 4 4 f Hume, James, 10 12 f Hume, John and James, Adam, Peter and Wm., 10 9 f, 11 10 f Hume, Peter, 10 11 f Hume, Wm., and Thos., 10 10 f Hume, Wm., 10 11 f Hunlon, Patrick, 7 14 f Hunton, James, 8 11 f Hutton, John, 9 6 f Hutton, Thos., 9 6 f Inglis, John, 8 36 f Ingram, Thos., 7 18 f Iles, John, 9 6 f Jacob, Benj., 7 30 h Jeffrey, John, 8 16 f Kelso, Alex., 7 16 f Kelcher, Henry, 9 15 h Kelly, Michael, 8 31 f Kennedy, Alex., 9 35 h Kennedy, Andrew, 8 30 f Kennedy, Donald 7 10 h Kennedy, Jas., sen., and Jas., jr., 9 33 h, 34 h Kennedy, John, 4 3 h Kennedy, John, 9 22 f Kennedy, L., 9 36 f Kennedy, M., 10 38 f Kennedy, Robt., 9 35 f Kent, Kennan, E., 8 2 f Kercher, Jacob, 1 25 f Kernigan, Thos., 4 6 f Kerr, Wm., 1 11 f Kerr, Wm., 9 20 f Kidd, James, 7 14 f Kinchler, Mrs. E., 2 14 f King, David, 10 6 f King, Geo., 10 5 f Kinchler, John, 3 13 f Kirby, Robt., 9 9 f Kisell, Henry, 2 4 h Kitts, John, 7 22 h Laing, Andrew, 10 14 f Laing, John, 10 19 f Laird, Laird, Jas., 7 9 f Laird, Joseph, 7 10 f Lamb, Arthur, 7 20 f Lamb, Gid., 11 12 f Lamb, Robert, 11 12 f Lamb, Walter, 11 37 h Lamont, Peter, 2 5 f Langdon, Ebenezer, 7 21 f Lavan, Pat, 6 15 h Lennie, John and Jas., 5 15 f Leslie, Wm., gore 37 f Little, John, 10 28 f Little, Robert and Joseph, 3 9 f Little, Robert, 2 10 f Little, Robert, 7 22 h Lundy, Thos., 7 16 h Lynch, James, 4 14 f Lynch, John, 4 12 f Lynch, Joseph, 8 9 f Lynch, Joseph 3 20 f Lynch, Joseph, sen., and Joseph, jr., 7 11 f Lynch, Martin, 7 14 h Lynch, Michael, 8 8 h Lynch, Michael, 4 11 f Lynch, Thos., 4 13 f McAlister, Arch. and Alex., 2 5 f McAllister, Hector, g 9 f McArdle, Henry, 7 6 f McBeath, Duncan and Malcolm, 7 23 f McBride, Thos., 8 1 f McBride, Francis, 10 26 f McBride, Peter, 11 25 f McBride, James, 11 25 McBride, Neil, g 6 h McCague, John, 8 23 f McCaig, Donald, 2 17 f McCaig, Donald, 3 17 h McCaig, Hector, 2 17 f McCaig, Jas. and Alex., 2 18 f McCaig, Malcolm, 3 10 h McCormac, Alex., 3 15 f Mc Cormac, John, sen., and John, jr., 3 16 f McCormack, Malcolm, g 18 f McCormack, Mrs., g 16 f McCormack, Neil and Jno., 1 6 f McCormack, Wm., and Donald, g 19 f McCullum, Alex., 1 21 h McCullum, John, g 35 f McDonald, Allen, 10 31 h McDonald, Donald, g 26 h McDonald, McDonald, John, g 25 f McDonald, John and Peter, g 23 f McDonald, Roderick, 10 15 f McDonald, Wm., 1 26 f McDiarmid, John and Arch., 1 24 f McEdwards, McEdwards, James, 10 37 h McFarlane, McFarlane, Alex., 7 24 f McFarlane, David, 8 20 f McFarlane, John and Peter, 2 25 f McFarlane, John, 8 32 h McGeachy, John, g 30 f McGibbon, Peter, 7 22 f McGinnis, Pat., 3 18 h McGrunnis, Jas., 3 10 h McGrunnis, Jos., 3 11 f McIntosh, Chas., 10 23 f Mc Intyre, Allen, 10 30 h McIntyre, Allen, 7 19 f McIntyre, Allen, 7 22 h McIntyre, John, g 9 f McIntyre, Wm., g 6 f McKay, Alex., 3 18 f McKellar, Angus, 1 7 f McKellar, Alex., g 2 f McKellar, Angus, g 3 f McKeracher, Donald and McKenzie, Arch., and Kenneth, 10 16 11 17 18 f McKenzie, McKenzie, McKenzie, Donald, 7 26 f McKenzie, John, 1 25 f McKenzie, John and Wm., 7 21 f McKenzie, K., 2 21 f McKenzie, Wm., 10 17 f McKersie, John, 8 14 f McLean, Angus, 11 34 h McLean, Alex., 7 30 f McLean, Alex., 9 31 f McLean, Donald, 10 27 h McLean, Geo., 7 21 f McLean, James, 7 23 f McLean, John, 9 29 f McLean, John, 8 35 f McLean, Malcolm, 8 31 f McLean, Neil, 7 20 f McLean, Peter, 9 31 f McLean, Peter, 9, 31 f McLean, Peter, 10 26 f McLarty, Donald, g 7 f McLarty, D., g 8 f McLarty, Mrs. John, g 17 f McLeish, Jas., 8 24 f McLennan, Donald, 3 21 f McLennan, Wm., 3 20 h McLeod, Donald, 8 30 f McLeod, Murdock, 7 20 f McLeod, Robert, 7 21 f McMillan, Donald, 2 15 f McMillan, McMaster, Arch., and John, 1 8 f McMaster, Jas., 1 8 h McNab, Mrs. Duncan, g 20 f McNair, Hugh, 8 31 f McNaughton, Hugh, 2 25 f McNaughton, James, 4 3 f McNaughton, Malcolm, g 33 f McPhatler, Matthew, 1 14 f McPhatler, Neil, g 17 f McPherson, Angus and John, g 24 f McPherson, Alex., g 27 f McPherson, A., 9 33 h McPherson, McPherson, Donald, 8 38 f McPherson, James, g 23 f McPherson, John, g 27 f McPherson, Peter, 1 3 f McQuillan, Wm., g 8 f McRobie, Andrew, jr., and Andrew, sen., 9 26 f, 10 22 f MaRae, Chas., 9 28 f McTaggart, Arch., g 16 f McWilliams, Chas., 5 17 f McWilliams, John D., 5 17 f Macklin, Jas., 8 36 f Maddock, Richard, 4 16 f Magill, Geo., 8 15 f Martin, Angus, 9 37 f Martin, Catherine, 9 30 f Martin, Donald and Jas., 9 27 f Martin, Charles, g 36 f Martin, Martin, Martin, George, 2 1 h Martin, George, 9 9 h Martin, John, 10 30 h Marshall, James, 7 5 h Martin, John, sen., and John, jr., 1 17 h Marshall, John, 7 34 f Mast, Bernard, 9 37 f Mast, Frank, 7 29 f Mason, Jas., 2 14 h May, W. E., 5 6 f Meadow, John, g 38 f Melvin, Hugh, 1 27 h Menzies, Peter, 9 23 f Mitzer, Geo., 7 31 f Milvin, Arch., 2 27 h Miller, Wm., 7 22 f Milroy, John, g 16 f Mitchell, Jas., B., 8 31 f Moffatt, Chris, 1 26 f Monk, Joseph, 9 6 h Mooney, Bridget and J., 9 18 f Mooney, Jas., 8 9 f Mooney, Patrick, g 11 h Mooney, Peter, 9 13 h Morlock, Chris, 7 32 f Morton, David, sen., and David, jr., 7 24 h, 7 21 f Morrison, R.B., 9 22, 8 31 f Moran, Patrick, 3 15 h Mulroney, John, 8 12 f Mulroney, Jas., 10 14 f Muldoon, Thos., 7 1 h Mukle, Chas., g 35 f Munch, Henry and Wm., 1 27 f Munch, John and Geo., g 30 f Munro, Donald, 1 26 f Munroe, John and Andrew, 7 2 f Munroe, Murdock, g 26 f Murchison, Donald, g 3 f Murphy, John, 4 16 f Murchison, R. and Wm., g 32 f Mutton, Fred., 3 13 f Neagle, Richard, 5 15 f Neaubauer, Chas., 2 5 f Neville, John, 9 6 f Nichols, George, 9 6 f Nicoll Wm., 8 35 f Nulty, Michael, 8 8 h O'Keife, Dennis, 9 14 f O'Neil, Thos., 7 2 f O'Rourke, Thos., 10 37 h Ochs, Alex., 8 31 f Oliver, Andrew, g 5 f Ord, Andrew, 8 28 f Ormic, Jas., 10 7 f Orton, Richard, 8 31 f Osborn, John, 4 13 h Outton. John, 9 6 f Paddock, George, 1 16 f Paddock, John, 1 15 f Paddock, Richard, 1 16 f Paddock, Thos., 1 12 f Parker, Benjamin and Thos., 4 17 f Parks, Alex., 1 3 h Pasmore, Walter, g 28 h Paterson, John, 7 6 f Paterson, Mrs. George, 7 7 f Patterson, Peter and Jas., 3 23 h Pattison, George, 9 6 f Pennabaker, Cornelius and Elias, 3 34 f Pennabaker, Sam., 3 3 f Petty, John, 16 6 f Phalon, James and Michael, 4 18 f Philon, Pat and John, 4 19 f Phin, James, 4 1 f Pierce, Henry, 2 5 h Pirie. W,., g 38 f Porter, John, 5 14 f Porter, Robert, 5 16 f Quick, Cornelius, 9 20 h Ramsey, Alex., g 7 f Rame, Wm., and Ranald, Mrs., 1 14 h Ray, Wm., 9 11 f Reay, James. 1 26 f Reid, Alex., 7 33 f Reid, Hugh and Wm., 8 24 f Reeve, James, 4 7 h Ricker, David, g 19 f Roach, Joseph, 7 22 f Roman, Christian, 1 1 h Rossin, Francis, 9 6 h Ross, Wm., 8 31 f Ross, Wm., 1 9 f Ritchie, James, sen. and James jr., 7 23 f Ritchie, Geo., g 28 f Rothamel, Conrad 8 30 f Rothampt, Henry, 1 22 h Rudd, George, 9 3 f Rudd, John, 4 4 h Sautt, James, 4 2 f Sautt, Sampson, 3 6 f Scott, Andrew, g 12 f Scott, James, 10 6 f Scott, Jas., 7 15 f Scott, J.T., 8 30 f Scott, John, g 13 f Scott, Wm., g 10 f Scraggin, Donald 8 31 h Sharpe, Grange & Co., 5 13 f Shultz, Chris., 8 31 f Shultz, Fred, 8 31 f Shultz, Jacob, 10 7 f Simpson, Wm., 9 36 f Smeil, Frederich, 1 2 f Smith, Alex. And John, 7 22 f, 2 22 f Smith, Chas., and Jos., 7 21 f Smith, George, 3 22 f Smith Jas., 10 18 h Smith, John and James, 2 25 f Smith, John, 7 19 f Smith, John, 11 17 h Smith, John, 10 38 h Smith, Neil, 10 34 f Smith, Wm., 8 21 f Snyder, Wm., 10 3 f Sorby, Walter, 4 8 f Sprehan, Martin, 3 12 f Stahl, Andrew, 7 30 f Stahl, Daniel, g 29 f Stahl, Solomon, 7 31 h Stater, Daniel, 8 11 h Steigle, Stephenson, Wm., 4 15 f Stevenson, Robt., and Jas., 9 13 h Stewart, Arch., and Duncan, 9 17 f Stewart, Andrew, 1 28 f Stewart, Wm., and Angus, 2 22 f, 1 23 f Stewart, Donald, g 20 f Stewart, Stewart, Hugh, 10 25 h Stewart, Hugh, 1 25 h Stewart, Hugh, 1 25 h Stewart, Jas., 2 12 h Stewart, John, 2 11 h Stewart, John, 1 25 f Stewart, Peter, 3 19 f Stewart, Wm., 8 31 h Stiffler, Mrs. Casper, 7 1 f Stiffler, Lewis, 8 5 f Stiffler, Henry, 7 6 f Stine, David, 7 31 f Stirton, David, 4 5 f Stone, F.E., 9 6 f Stone, F.W., 7 1 f Strachan, Wm., 4 15 f Stratton, Wm., 1 29 f Stremple, George, 8 31 f Strome, David, 4 5 f Sutton, James, 4 20 f Swartzinberger, Conrad, 7 7 f Swartenburger, John, 9 14 f Tavener, James and Wm., 9 24 f Taylor, Saml. and Robt., 2 8 f Thompson, Arch., 1 20 f Thomson, Henry, 8 6 h Thompson, John, 7 2 f Thompson, John, 1 10 f Thompson, John 1 23 f Thompson, Wm., 4 11 f Thomson, Jas., 8 33 h Thomson, John, 4 10 f Toban, Rico, 4 12 f Todd, Peter, William and Mary, 8 16 f Tolten, Wm., 9 7 f Tynan, Peter, 4 19 f Tyrrell, Edward, 7 31 f Veitch, George, 7 6 h Vivian, David, 7 22 h Waraley, Robt., 9 6 h Watson, Alex., 9 31 f Watson, Hugh, 9 32 f Watson, Peter, 1 22 h Watson, Robt., 8 37 f Watson, William, 9 7 f Watt, David, 10 15 h Weir, Adam and John, 7 13 f Weiner, John, 9 30 h Welsh, Michael, 8 6 f Welsh, Pat, 4 20 f Welsh, Simeon, 8 6 f Wier, Alex., 2 8 f Wilkinson, Alex., 2 19 h Wilkinson, John, 2 19 f Wilkinson, Neil, 2 14 f Winyard, Jas., 10 7 f Wise, Geo., 7 31 h Witmer, Elias 3 2 f Wittzer, Geo., 7 5 f Woods, Francis, g 1 f Woods, Mrs. John, 7 14 f Young, Adam and Andrew, 3 7 f Yule, Alex., 8 34 h ◄ End of file ► |